26. Giant Spider Boss Battle!
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From the depths of its nonexistent lungs came a guttural cry.


< “It begins with hunger.” >


< [Tangled Reins] >


The ethereal strings that hoisted the ten-legged beast twirled as its legs closed together forming a spear. Then, when the strings could twist no more all legs were thrown out like the blades of a saw.

“Oh shit. Rock Bugs! RUN! DON’T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE WINDMILL ATTACK!” Hatchling Red foresaw what was about to happen, and as the Rock Bugs began to scatter around the arena, the Still Unloving began to spin like a giant circular blade.

“Rockie Grey! Keep our healing thing away from it! Everyone else – Don’t let it touch any of the Still Unborn!”

It was fast despite its lesser luster AGI stat. The blades shredded through the obsidian like a wet knife through clay, sending debris flying everywhere as it threw itself recklessly straight for Hatchling Red.

“If you’re free then start hitting that giant harpoon in the middle of the field! It’s our ticket to teaching this bastard a lesson for dealing with Hatchling Red!”

She moved perpendicular to the attack. Dodging it was easy but the problem was how was she supposed to get an attack in? The blade in hand glowed as she passed by the backs of her multi-legged companions, smacking her blade on their backs to drum up her bloodlust.

My mana is also in a bad spot. It’ll take more than half an hour to bring it back. So I only have one shot. Not that I’ll need it now.

Her crimson eyes locked onto the strands that held the beast as it slowly rolled itself clockwise to follow her.

It’s the same deal. The strands have to be its weakness. I just need a better good opening to figure out the best approach.

Red had an ideal path straight to its strings. However, just as she hopped onto the back of a Rock Bug to propel herself forward, an ominous premonition caused her to freeze in place.

Something irking me still. It’s like it’s extending its neck out for me on purpose.

Her instincts told her to go for it, but there was an underlaying motion in her gut that screamed at her to resist.

… Could it be a trap?

Suddenly, one of the Rocks Bugs approached her weapon. It managed to get a single headbutt in.

However –

“Rock… Bug…? You… – ROCK BUUUUUUG!”


< [Sentimental Retraction] >


< “In the same instant that we reveal our unconditional love is the moment hunger causes the same loving hand to retract.” >


//////// < ALERT > ////////


< A Bonded soul has been killed >



Rock Bug

LEVEL : 5 ORIGIN : Insect

HP : 0

ATT : 75 MAG ATT : 0

AGI : 5



< Bonded >

< Rock Bug | Lvl 5 | 22x >


– The crimson innards of the Rock Bug came splattering out from its shell like a ruptured pomegranate. Despite the Rock Bug being her prey, and despite it being nothing of significance to her…

Why… do I feel… like something’s twisting inside of me…?

Red’s eyes trembled at the sight, and from it aroused brambles that strangled her heart.


< [Tangled Reins] >


“Agate… AGAAAAATE! What am hearing!? Why can I hear something speak when it’s about to attack!?”


< These are the Skills of the Still Unloving >


< Corrupted and entities of a similar nature will propagate their thoughts and Skills as one nears them >


< However, this can only be heard by those that can hear what others cannot >


“So why can I hear them!? Because of an Ability!?”


< No. It’s because you used to fall into the same category >


“Why… WHY hasn’t that part of me changed at all!?”

Red’s speed put her at an advantage. Her mistake was to send a Rock Bug with 5 AGI into the territory of monster with more than five times its Stat. Not to mention that it was able to instantly kill her Rock Bug.

That means my Rock Bugs doesn’t have an ounce of MAG DEF!? Neither do I. It must’ve been shredded to die that quickly. Dammit… How dare you…


< “To you my beloved. To you my kin. To the pale Nests. And to you, O Hunger.” >


It followed her in a clockwise direction again, carving the ground away as Red bolted ahead. When she finally had enough space between her and the colossal, spinning blades – she threw herself straight into the ethereal strings.


A brilliant trail of red followed the tip of her blade as she struck the chords.

“E-Even now… You’re telling me that 350 ATT is still too weak!?”

It did zero damage to the Still Unloving. Red was able to get out of the danger zone right as it retracted itself back to the center of the molten yet frozen arena.


< [Sentimental Retraction] >


“Tch! I need… I need my weapon! That thing isn’t going to give me a single opening! And…”

Why should I care if my Rock Bugs die. I can use them as fodder. But what is this feeling welling up inside of me?


< [Penetrating Instinct] >


< “This unending lament… Can it be buried by quaffing them down?” >


Another Rock Bug was impaled by one of those legs. They were then flung across the room with enough force to bring it down to its last slivers of HP. Hatchling Red tried to devise a plan as the entity began to stab at the Rock Bugs.

But only those that had a Still Unborn on their backs were attacked.


< Observation Level 1 >

< The Still Unloving is resistant to being severed from the strings that dictate its actions >


< Observation Level 2 >

< The Still Unloved will target the Still Unborn relentless for the sake of sating its unending hunger >


Red attempted to attack it directly, slamming her blade against its legs as it came crashing down. Metal rang as her blade bounced back, opening her up for a gash that ran along her back.


HP : 495


“GAAAAAGH! L-Lucky… It didn’t hit me directly or it would’ve been really bad. Shit… Rock Bugs… GET THE STILL UNBORN TO THE HEALING THING!”

Red was still completely functional. It was a miracle that her spine was uninjured largely thanks to her protective coat. A lingering stinging pain nearly took its toll over her as well. This pain was not physical like the deep wound, but magical.

I have barely any counter measures to whatever MAG ATT is. So its ATT and MAG ATT stats are bundled into one. Just my luck… And I can’t retreat now either. The entryway’s blocked by a flow of magma. Tch… Annoying. I hate this kind of prey the most!

The Still Unmoved was a double-edged blade. Her Rock Bugs were able to recover ten before the Still Unloving was able to kill ten of its own, allowing Red to heal back to full HP, meaning her wounds were instantly closed.

But this didn’t mean that she had replenished her blood. She’d be the loser in a war of attrition by the fact that her body functioned like a human, whereas this thing – though it was so fixated on hunger – did not even eat the Rock Bugs or Still Unborn.


< “Predefined strings strangle us.” >


< [Penetrating Instinct] >


The strings that held it in place stretched to allow it to roam along the arena. The Rocks Bugs were of no match, and no matter what Red did, her attacks were utterly futile.

“I just… need one chance!” Red shouted, the brambles in her heart continuing to constrict it.

If only she could get her hands on her weapon, then she could end it all in one strike.

Rockie Grey suddenly brushed its head against her back as if to impart its own courage onto her.

“Yeah. I’m going to go for it. Rockie. Just keep that healing person thing alive! I’m probably going to need it soon! I just need an opening!”


< Bonded >

< Rock Bug | Lvl 5 | 20x >


< [Tangled Reins] >


That opening came to her on a silver platter. It resumed its spinning blade attack, running clockwise as her eyes narrowed sharply.

Follow the bloody trail… I can see it. It’s those strings! If I can cut it – then I can at least disable some of its legs!

[Huntress’ Slash].

Red followed the trail and used what was left of her mana to cut through six strings at once.


Still Unloving | HP: 21,550


400 ATT DEF. This was why it was able to resist her attacks. Her total of over 3,000 damage was enough to completely disable it for the time being as it wildly swung its remaining legs.


< [Penetrating Instinct] >

< [Penetrating Instinct] >

< [Penetrating Instinct] >


Red reached the massive, two-meter-long weapon. It was an otherworldly firearm capable of firing bullets larger than her hands. This weapon, which was buried a quarter of the way into the ground, was her Fairytale’s Bane – a sniper rifle synonymous with her previous name; the Vengeful Red Hooded Assassin.

The ground trembled. It did not come from the weapon but from another source much to her surprise. She didn’t have the time nor the luxury to investigate as she clutched onto its bulky make, attempt to pry it out with all her might.


Rock Bugs swarmed in to help her. Rockie Grey was the first. Their collective headbutts caused the ground to crack as it gradually gave way to the weapon. And with one last heave –


– She tumbled backwards several meters with the weapon in her arms. It practically dragged her along, cutting her body up and pinching her fingers under its immense weight. The object was more than ten kilos, and at its maximum weight could go to over several tons when she was in her peak.

“I got it! I got it! I –!”

Her celebration was short lived.


//////// < CAUTION > ////////


< Still Unloving has killed 10 Still Unborn >


< HP of Still Unloving has replenished >


HP : 25,000


Red’s heart dropped at the sight of this message. The strands that were once severed were replaced with brand new ones. This whole time while she was focused on regaining her weapon, the entity had been slaughtering the endlessly spawning Still Unborn.


< “Why do we hunger if we are allowed to make such precious bonds?” >


< [Lance of Lament] >


Something faster than Red could detect slayed a Rock Bug. All ten legs of the creature stabbed it, killing it instantly as its blood sprayed everywhere.


< Observation Level 3 >

< When the Still Unloving devours 10 Still Unborn, it will use an unavoidable attack >


Red couldn’t afford to be dazed. Being dumbstruck was a quick ticket to death. She armed herself with her weapon and took aim, but she quickly realized that there was a major problem.

“Bullets… Where… how am I supposed to shoot this thing without bullets!?”


She had finally reunited with her strongest weapon.

But it was utterly useless in the time she needed it the most.


< Bonded >

< Rock Bug | Lvl 5 | 18x >


Her blood began to boil.


//////// < CAUTION > ////////


< Your emotional state is rapidly rising >


< (S) Bonds! >

< Now that you have made a friend, your emotional state varies depending on the condition of your Friends. Similarly, your bonded friends will experience the bends of emotion depending on your circumstance >
