7. Look At All Those Wolves!
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Fighting the wolves head on was not an option at her current level. Fighting just one was risky enough. So, she hugged the towering stalactites, moving from one to another as though the wolves could see her. The glowworms high above illuminated the cavern like a moon, banishing all shadows as she mentally mapped out the area.

But this wasn’t enough. At around halfway into the cavern she realized that she could not progress any further with the number of wolves that patrolled the area. There were dozens, and likely more in the surrounding tunnels.

So how in the world was she supposed to take out even one of them without alerting the others?

Think me, think! How would I hunt down a bunch of wolves if I couldn’t fight them head on?

As she wracked her mind with this question, she briefly took a break in an elevated place to further scout ahead. Somehow, the wolves didn’t make much noise. Even when one brushed its fur against the rock, tripped or sprinted, the other wolves didn’t react.

They ignored it, going about their ways as they lapped on running streams that trickled down the side of major stalactites. It was here where she plucked a sharpened wolf fang from her side and inspected it closely, casting [Appraise Object] through intention alone.


Adolescent Cave Wolf Fang

< It’s a fang collected from a growing Cave Wolf >


Very helpful.

Her sarcastic remark caused veins to appear on her forehead. Suffice to say, Hatchling Red had a particularly short fuse when it came to vague explanation. She was dumb enough and even though she knew this, she’d rather just call herself inexperienced.

In a show of frustration, she hurled the tooth away with a spectacular throw. The tooth shimmered briefly before it struck the ground somewhere in the rocky maze ahead. The wolves immediately howled at the disturbance as several could be seen rushing through towards the sound, whilst others assumed a predatory stance.

But it’s made of wolf too. The teeth aren’t supposed to lure them. Weird, stupid wolves…

However, having the power to lure them in such a way was interesting enough for her to mentally dot down. As a huntress, it was in her blood to take note of the smallest details, as it was usually those that hinted at bigger and more decisive things.

So far, she gathered that their blindness could be exploited, and their necks and underside were substantially weakerother parts of their body. She even tested this as she brushed her hunting knife against the pelt she harvested earlier. The lighter one didn’t even resist the blade, whereas the dark-blue patches required some effort.


Sturdy Cave Wolf Pelt

< Sturdy pelt from a Cave Wolf. Smelly >


Soft Cave Wolf Pelt

< Soft pelt from a Cave Wolf. Soft. But smelly >


Hatchling Red had to wonder just who or what came up with these descriptions. When she asked the all-mighty text prompt in her head, she was greeted with prompt that read:


< Unknown >

< Where all known knowledge resides >


Huuuh? Why explain to me what it does, but not tell me what it is? Are you stupid?

She half expected it to respond but was only met with silence.

She felt lonely all of a sudden as she sat at the top of the spiky pillar, allowing small drips to cascade down her head. A part of her wondered what this prompt was and if it could even converse to her. The voice and ticking she heard earlier reminded her that she was all alone.

I want to see people… Did the wolves eat them all? Unforgivable. Grandma wasn’t enough, huh.

She broodingly went to cross her arms after slipping the pelt into her black skirt’s waistband and went to check her levels again. To her surprise –


(O) Huntress’ Slash [2/10]

(E) Appraise Object [1/10]


– She had gained a few levels in her skills. Perhaps reaching 10 would improve them?

Only one way to find out. I wonder what’s the best way to take them on. I can’t walk close to them because they’ll hear me. Grrrr. Why don’t I just rip their ears off? Can I lure them somewhere and trap them?

Her mind defaulted to traps.

She was able to use tools to terrifying effectiveness since she was a humanoid entity. Even as a Corrupted, the majority of her strength came in the form of small but extremely fast, metal projectiles.

Otherwise known as bullets.

Pondering on this thought and deeply missing her huge gun, she rocked her body left and right, rattling her mind as if trying to dispense a better idea. Traps was certainly the way to go, but her movement was heavily restricted. Even if she tried her hardest to remain silent, the wolves would detect her if she came anywhere near them.

Suddenly, one of the pelts slipped from her waistband.


She swiftly reached down for it but missed it by mere inches, grasping the air. The pelt was not light. It dropped like a brick, tumbling down the pillar as she desperately searched for a method of escape.

These wolves were dexterous enough to climb these pillars, and she scoured the area for the closest one to leap towards.

However, just as she was about to make her escape, she suddenly realized something.

The falling pelt didn’t make any sound at all, as if it had absorbed it. Curious, she peered over the edge and found that it had already fallen to the ground without creating a single sound.

I… can use that! I can upgrade my boots to fuzzy boots! Heh.

Now I can trample on them all the time!

It seemed like her stealthy conundrum had a lucky solution.
