19. Rockie Grey, the Rock Bug!
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Hatchling Red was the captain of her own ship. It was ship made of Rock Bugs, but a ship regardless. She braved through the molten river, posing with a hand on her hip and a finger that pointed deeper into the cavern.

“This is what it must be like to be a sailor!” She giddily announced. “I wonder if there’s oceans somewhere out there! Blue seas. Seashells. Sea-people. Oh, and to see people too!”

She spoke as if expecting someone or something to miraculously respond. The gushing lava and her echoes were all that replied, much to her disappointment. The bonds between the Rock Bugs were tight enough to keep the lava from seeping through.

Their bodies were oddly cool to the touch, and she found herself placing her hands onto their backs with a mused expression.

“We’re bonded now, huh. I wonder if monsters can level up too. Do you get bigger as you grow? Can you change like me? Evolution-thingy. That’s what it’s called.” Speaking to the Rock Bugs was no different than speaking with the cave walls.

She clicked her tongue as her belly grumbled.

“Ugh… Food again. Tch. Onwards my rocky raft! Towards the other side – WOAH!” She was almost thrown overboard the moment she jumped onto her feet. The Rock Bugs collided with one of the columns, causing them to spin around as they continued their way down the river of lava. “Dammit, do you really want to see me die that badly!?”

Once they reached the other end, Hatchling Red kissed the ground before wiping her tongue along her sleeves. The ground, as it turned out, was both putrid and scorching hot. Her lips were lightly seared as she clutched onto them.

“Onthwardth! (Onward!)” She commanded with a painful lisp. “Weth goth furtherth mnowth! (We go further now!).”


* * *


The caverns were winding and far narrower at this depth. It was still large enough to accommodate all twenty-four of the Rocks Bugs, but she feared that she would soon be alone.


She pondered on the thought.

Yeah right. They’re dispensable. They’re monsters. Bugs too. I’m not afraid of losing them.

There was an air of artificiality with how the caverns twisted. The jagged rocks that ones jutted from the walls were long gone. A smooth, black stone replaced the walls. It was obsidian – dull but it glistened to the stray lava pools they occasionally passed.

Soon, the dullness turned lustrous. Her reflection slowly materialized along every surface as they approached a crimson glow at the far end of the tunnel. It was oddly cool here. No.

Goosebumps formed along her skin.

It was freezing.

“Is this place really natural?” She asked herself in the mirror as she shrugged in response. “Hm. I also didn’t think obsidian was so reflective.”

She stopped for a moment to knock on the walls. When her heels were fully planted, the Rock Bugs began to emit a small chittering sound as they too gazed into their reflections. They were irritated by something unseen. A sudden tremor passed again. This time, she could clearly hear it originating from deeper ahead.

Then, she caught a glimpse of something in the walls.

Amongst the darkness was a single speck of light. It was like the only star in the night sky.

A sole, lonely star. It should not have been anything significant and yet she felt her heart clench.

“[Appraise Object].” She coldly commanded.



< A material that reveals fragments of the unconsciousness >


It was vague. Terribly vague. Her reflection had become that lonely star. She instinctively felt a drive towards it. She reached into the Looking-Glass, only to find out that she could not grasp that glimmer of light.

Suddenly, that light propagated. The walls and ceiling exploded with countless stars, illuminating the dark path forward.

“Weird. So weird. Agate. What just happened?”


< Unknown >


“Great. So this could all be just an elaborate trap. My Rock Bugs! Towards the light!” She called out and at once, the Rock Bugs began to march forward.

All save for one. It remained at the back, staring at itself with what seemed to be confusion. Hatchling Red approached this sole Rock Bug and knocked on its shell.

“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re just realizing how ugly you look. Heh!” The Rock Bug didn’t respond to her taunts. In fact, it just slumped onto its belly as though it had lost the will to move on. “Hey, what’s the matter with you? On your feet! C’mon! Nnnngh! So! HEAVY!”

The Rock Bug did not budge no matter how hard she tried to move it. She tried lifting it from below, then pushing it with her feet, and even tried to shoulder barge it but in the end –

“Ow- Ow, ow, ow… Note to self; don’t charge into a rock.” She squirmed, clasping onto her shoulder before she plopped herself down beside the Rock Bug, her back sliding against its side. “Tch. What the hell is wrong with you? Did you see something you didn’t like?”

It didn’t respond. It just continued staring into its own reflection defeatedly.

“What’s the point in mulling over a reflection? It’s not like bugs have ambitions. All you do is laze around like the bottom feeder you are.” She didn’t know exactly why she was speaking, and not to mention it was hardly motivational.

Not like the Rock Bug can understand me anyway.

“Do you also feel lonely? Tell me about it. I found myself in this weird place all of a sudden. All I remember is the light of a fallen star. I made one wish, and I ended up in a cavern where everything wants to kill me. Except for you guys.”

Hatchling Red looked up at the sparkling constellations, resting her head against the side of the hard, cold shell of her… ‘friend’.

“Listen. It never once crossed my mind to give up. Falling down like you is like dying for me. I can’t tell if you’ve given up or are content with staying here. All I can say is that no matter how many stars this illusion is going to show me – I’d rather leave this place and see the real deal for myself.”

She vented a long sigh and returned to her feet.

“Do what you want. It’s not like I can drag you with me anyway. I’d like it if you did come. So that I can eat you one day of course. Well, whatever.”

Her back remained turned to the Rock Bug. And just as she was about to leave –


< The Rock Bug requests a name >


– A strange prompt appeared before her.

“A name, huh… How about…” She pondered on it for a short while. Not much thought went into it else her two brain cells would have fried.  “… Rockie Grey. Rockie because you’re a rock. And Grey because of your color.”

A small shuffle could be heard from behind. Suddenly, she felt a strange coolness press against the back of her legs before she was swept onto the head of the Rock Bug.

“W-Woah! What’s up now!? Don’t tell me that giving you a name gave you the will to live or something… Well, I can’t say I’m not happy.”

She rode the Rock Bug like it was an oversized spider. It crawled towards the light at the end of the tunnel, its black, beady eyes glistening with an unknown passion.


< The Rock Bug has Successfully been Named >


< Bond level with Rockie Grey has risen >


< Bonded >

< Rock Bug | Lvl: 5 | 23x >


< Fellowship >

< Rockie Grey | Lvl: 5 >


Hatchling Red didn’t notice it at first.

But Rockie Grey was slightly more…

… faster than usual.

“Is it just me or did your shell also get harder?”


< Friends! Has gained a level >


(S) Friends! [7/10]
