Chapter 18 – A War Is Near
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The days go by and Ron keeps repeating the usual process. He sells repair services, steals some parts of the broken objects and gives them to the gnome. This included learning some simple spells from Molly.

As these days went by, Ron began to earn good money, enough to buy as much material as he needed to focus on the potions book he had discovered in the Diagon Alley bookstore.

Ron's main goal these days was to increase his budget.

Even if the repair service was working, it wasn't enough for Ron to earn a name in the community. He needed something bigger, enough to raise his status.

Ron Weasley already had a big name, but he didn't have a good status. Having a big name with a middling reputation didn't sit well with someone like him.

[ Saturday - The Toca ]

"Are you going to work today?"

Molly asked worriedly to the boys who were still having breakfast.

"No. Ron gave us a day off."

George replied, stuffing a whole loaf of bread into his mouth.

"A break? But today is Saturday."

Arthur said nonconformist, while having a cup of coffee.

"But don't people work on the weekend?"

Ginny asked curiously.

"Well, some do."

Arthur answered.

"So are you staying home today, Daddy?"

Ginny asked. She looked excited about the idea.

"Well, er… Well…"

Arthur was a little taken aback by Ginny's question.

"Dad has some important tasks to attend to at the Ministry today, so I'm going to need to work too."

Arthur completed, answering wryly.

Ginny's bright, hopeful little eyes started to look sad, breaking Molly's heart.

"Oh, it'll be alright, darling. We can play with dolls later. What do you think?"

Molly asked, trying to welcome little Ginny.

"But I wanted to play with Dad."

Ginny said, her eyes filled with tears.

Molly looked at Arthur, irritated that her husband only worked.

Arthur curled up in his chair and went back to drinking coffee, hiding behind the newspaper he was reading.

Ginny got up from her chair and went to her room, despondent.

"Boys, I have an assignment for you today. Go there and cheer up your sister."

Molly said, glaring at Arthur angrily, but he was still hiding behind the newspaper.

Arthur was a good father, but he always had to work on the weekends, which ended up lessening time with his family.

Molly understood that he needed to work to support the house, but at the same time, she didn't understand why he couldn't just spend a few weekends at home with them.

"All good."

Fred and George responded quickly.

"What? Oh, I can't today. I need to sort some things out."

Ron replied, not caring too much.

"What things?"

Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.


Ron answered shortly.

"You are just a child. You can't have things that are so important that you can't spend Saturday with your sister. You already start to seem like your father. I don't even want to imagine when you get to be his age."

Molly said, frustration in her voice.

Ron needed to find the gnome to deliver the parts he had collected in the previous days, and he still needed to go to the ingredients shop to buy some of the items to start making the potions.

"Come on, Ron. It will be fun. I can help you later with whatever you need."

Percy said with a gentle smile on his face.

That would be good for Ron, as he caused a lot of trouble the last time he went to the spice shop with his twin brothers. Ron's face was already scarred by the vendor, but as Percy was known to be more responsible than most, he could probably buy the ingredients Ron needed without difficulty.


Ron replied, finishing his cup of bitter coffee.

The brothers got up and went towards Ginny's room, looking for the little girl.

When she reached the bedroom door, Ginny was sitting up in bed, dangling her feet dejectedly, as she ran her hand over the coverlet, feeling the softness of it.

"We come?"

Percy asked, knocking gently on the door which was already open.

Ginny just nodded in agreement, but she still had the same sad expression on her face.

The brothers entered, dispersing each one in a corner of the room. Ron leaned against the table in front of Ginny's bed, while Percy sat next to the little girl on the bed.

"I wanted to play with Dad, but he's going out to work."

Ginny said in frustration, resting her head on Percy's shoulder.

"I understand, but you know Dad has to work. He loves us very much and wants to give us the best he can."

Percy replied, putting his arm around Ginny's back, bringing her into a comfortable hug.

"But I miss him here with us. I don't mind being poor."

Ginny responded in frustration, but caused both George and Fred to laugh heartily at her outburst.

"You're not alone, Ginny. Look how many people there are here to play with you. We can play whatever you want."

Percy said, hugging Ginny tightly, trying to get her to cheer up.

"That's right. But no dolls!"

George said, crossing his arms.

"But I want to play with dolls!"

Ginny said sullenly.

"No dolls. Dolls are too boring, Ginny!"

Fred crossed his arms sulkily beside George.

Percy glared at the brothers, scolding them.

"Come on. Let's get some dolls and let's go out in the backyard."

Percy ordered, heading towards Ginny's toy chest.

[ Garden - The Burrow ]

"First, you have to name your little girl. Each one has to choose a name."

Ginny said, teaching the brothers how to play with dolls.

"Mine's name will be Marta".

Percy said with a gentle smile.

"Mine's name is going to be ElizaBurp."

George said laughing.


Fred asked, laughing.


George responded by laughing, causing Fred to start laughing.

"HAHAHA! Mine will then be PeneloPoop!"

Fred said, laughing.


George yelled along with laughter.


Fred stopped laughing, not getting the joke.


George screamed.


Fred started crying with laughter.

"You can't name your little girls like that!"

Ginny said good.

"Why not? This daughter is mine."

George said, taunting Ginny.

"If you're upset, just don't name YOUR baby girl MadSnot!"

Fred said, crossing his arms, causing Ginny to almost growl at them.

"And you, Ron? What will your little girl's name be?"

Percy asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Ron was quiet for a few seconds, staring at the little doll's face. He felt his heart clench for a moment, but he didn't let it show.


Ron answered softly. That was the name of the younger sister he had. Some painful memories came back to his mind.

"Right! Each has their own little daughter. Now you need to put them like this on your lap and give them the bottle, understand?"

Ginny said, placing the doll on her lap face up and bringing the bottle to the doll's mouth.

"I think my little girl is broken."

Fred said, trying to stick the bottle in the doll's mouth, but it wouldn't open her mouth.

"It's because it's a doll, Fred. She doesn't really open her mouth!"

Ginny said mockingly at her brother.

"Yeah, Fred! Come on, use that brain in that small head of yours."

George joked, smacking Fred on the head.

"Now that she has had the milk, we need to change their diapers."

Ginny said, placing the doll gently on the grass to change her clothes.

Automatically, the four threw the dolls to the floor and sat down.

"NOT LIKE THIS! You cannot throw your little girls to the ground."

Ginny yelled angrily.

"You are horrible parents!"

She continued.

Ron held the doll upside down, trying to figure out how he was going to get the onesie onto the doll, while the others were trying to fit the diapers onto the dolls.

"I did it!"

Ron said loud and proud, holding up the crooked onesie-clad doll. He seemed to get more excited about the game with each passing minute. He was starting to loosen up.


The three brothers were impressed.

"Did you put the diaper on?"

Ginny interrupted, looking seriously at Ron.

"Oh, the diaper! Right."

Ron said in realization, remembering the main thing. He made a hearty laugh.

In the middle of changing diapers, Ron grabbed the arm of the doll he was wearing and ended up accidentally hitting Fred's doll in the face.

"Pay attention!"

Fred said, taking his doll's arm and hitting Ron's doll in the head.

"It was an accident."

Ron says, taking his doll's arm and smacking Fred's doll hard on the head.

"Stop it, you little bugger!"

Fred took the doll's arm and hit Ron's doll's head harder.

Ron took his doll in his hands and smacked Fred's doll hard on the head.

"Would you guys stop?"

Ginny screamed angrily.

Then, George threw his doll towards Fred's face.

Fred grabbed his doll by the foot and threw it towards George.


George yelled, holding his doll over his head like a gorilla.

"What are you doing? You can't do this to your little girls! Let them go!"

Ginny started screaming in annoyance, seeing the brothers running across the yard.


Fred hid behind a rock, placing only the doll on top and moving the arms around it.


Ron yelled, hurling tiny diapers at Fred. He was completely immersed in it. Nobody cares about maturity when there's a war going on.


Fred started screaming and running in despair, with the doll hanging around his neck.

Ginny started to shake with anger that her brothers were spoiling her game. Before her eyes could fill with tears, Percy scooped Ginny up, placing her on his back.


Percy yelled at Ginny, running with her on his back after Ron.

Ginny started laughing at Percy's clumsy jumps as he tried to run after Ron, which made her jump on his back as if he were a horse.

Ron started to run at Percy's pace, while trying to hit Fred's head with diapers.


It was then that in the middle of the chase, George appeared in the middle of the bushes with an evil laugh.

The three brothers stopped running, curious about what George had prepared.

Then they could see balls of wet clay in George's hands, and behind him, two buckets full of wet clay.


George yelled, hurling mud at the brothers.

The three brothers started running in despair trying to defend themselves, while George looked like a killing machine throwing balls of clay nonstop towards all of them.

"I have a plan!"

Percy whispered to Ron, who was hiding behind a rock, while Percy and Ginny were behind a tree.

"You and Fred need to distract him. I'll get him from behind!"

Percy said, looking at Ginny who had a wicked look on her face.

Ron nodded in agreement.

Then, Ron ran towards Fred and kicked the bowl he was hiding in, revealing where Fred was.


Ron shouted, getting the attention of George, who started shooting towards Fred.


Fred got up, running after Ron and trying to avoid George.


George continued to laugh sterically as he hurled clay balls non-stop.

Percy started to run towards George, who didn't even notice his presence.

"We need to stop George!"

Ron pulled Fred behind the junkyard in the backyard. It was an old and small wooden house, it had only one room and was used to store tools and random objects.

Then, the two looked at the clothesline, where there was a white and clean sheet extended. They looked at each other with a sly expression and quickly grabbed the sheet.


George yelled with an evil laugh as he held two balls of clay and looked around.

"1… 2… 3… now!"

Fred and Ron said in a whisper.


They started screaming desperately towards George while holding the white sheet taut, trying to stop George from hitting anyone with the clay balls.

Then, George started throwing several balls at high speed towards the two brothers, who were holding the barrier tightly.

In the same instant, Percy jumped on George's back, knocking him to the ground, but before they could declare that they had won the war, a ball of clay was milling towards George without them noticing.


Then, the ball of clay hit Fred's forehead, causing him to fall dramatically to the ground.


Percy yelled, grabbing Fred's hand, who was feigning pain on the floor.

"Ugh… I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tell Mum…. That I love her."

Fred said, placing a hand on his forehead, then turning his head to the side with his tongue out.

"We need to have a dignified funeral for them!"

Ginny said, running to get some flowers from the garden.

Ginny, Percy and Ron then held a symbolic funeral for brothers Fred and George.

They placed the (technically dead) bodies of the brothers in the middle of the yard, and filled it with flowers around where they lay. Ron took a stone from the ground and placed it behind the two, pretending it was a tombstone.

Ginny had all the dolls sitting on the floor, holding hands, as if they were praying.

"We are gathered here today to pay our respects and prayers to the Weasley brothers, who were killed in an epic battle of clay pellets. Where a brother was corrupted by the evil power of baby feces while the other gave his life to save our reign and end the corrupted brother's curse. Please, a moment of silence for our…"

Percy spoke.

"Legendary and incredible."

George coughed out the words, interrupting Percy.

"Our legendary and not-so-great Weasley brothers."

Percy completed, while Ginny hugged Ron pretending to cry, who stroked her head.

At the end of that day, Ron felt something strange in his chest. It had been so many years since he had let out his childishness, and it brought up happy memories from his past life. Brightening up his little sister's day and even play-wrestling with his brothers… Maybe it was the realization of a dream he didn't even know he had.

He finally started to feel like he had a family.


[ Toru's notes ]

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