Chapter 3-Encounter
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In an other dimension that is outside of all there is yet connected to all at the same time, There stood a white and a holy palace the size of Mount Everest, so big it could house a large nation, the highest and the sleeping quarters of god lay Veldanava the great dragon of the beginning, Veldanava who was watching all of creation at once and was sleeping at the same time. Multi-tasking between sleep and observing everything at the same time, only Veldanava could do such a thing.

As he was observing he thought back, After his short work on the demon egg he came back to hasten the progression of life as he didn't want to wait for intelligence and sentient lifeform evolve from cells. The central world was his first creation aside from his white world(Heaven) and the most center in all of his creations which is why Veldanava planned to populate with powerful and immortal spirits bearing flesh, a races of godly beings. To facilitate the upbringing of this race of immortal beings, Veldanava first created a founding being that he named Twilight Valentine to serve as the template and ancestor to them.

There, however, rose a problem. Twilight was too much of a perfect being and genderless who lacked any concept of gender and was incapable of traditional reproduction. To solve this, Twilight used their powerful intellect and created another being he named High human Jahil and others high humans, they had an innate capacity for magic as well as a long lifespan that allowed them to live for up to a thousand years old.

Twilight was happy as he thought he delivered his master's wish, But Veldanava was dissatisfied as he saw the small number of high humans start to fight and quibble over the most insignificant of problems, Due to their conceited nature and violent tendencies they were deemed failures and abandoned by Twilight. So Twilight Valentine wanted to meet his Creator's expectations and worked hard to fulfill them and create the perfect race to populate the universes.

At present, Veldanava woke up from his sleep and obeservation. "What are the demons doing?" Wondered the dragon he focused his all-seeing sight in the demon underworld.

"Hoh" Veldanava's interest was piqued as he watched the interaction of Noir and the nameless lesser demon as he dismissed the other demons doing their usual stuff.

"Will he be okay?, I set up that explosion to keep it from being trapped in the cave when it hatched, so it's my fault, that black demon is peculiar as he toys with his opponents" said Veldanava wanting to interfere if harm comes to his blessed. "No, even if he kills him, he will resurrect as that is the racial skill these demons have, No need to interfere more as i already gave it life" Veldanava looked away from the demon world as he heard the knock from the big door.

"Come in" the door opened smoothly despite it's size as a youthful Seraphim comes in walking with a majestic aura seeping out of him, almost with the same appearance like veldanava's humanoid form.

"My lord, I have something to report" Said feldway in skepticism, he was afraid to have interrupted his God.

"Go on" Veldanava said neither sounding angry nor happy.

"What is it" he asked curiously as it was rare for Seraphim and angels come for him without his instruction as they all had specific duties. 

"My lord, Dino found that something with a murderous Haki is forming in the bowel of the central world, What to do?" asked feldway, waiting for the response of god.

"I see, let's go" said Veldanava as he flew to the location without waiting for feldway.


Primordial demon Noir watched in fascination and confusion, 'What is it doing? There is no way it is hiding, i mean it is a demon, demons never hide even if they are about to die. Aside from Rouge who is very proud, we demons are also proud although less than Rouge' Thought Noir as this his first time a demon ran or hide from him.

Impressed in the burrow the demon made, he came infront of the Barrier "Tell me, How did you cause the explosion that happened in the cave? What magic did you use?" Noir questioned in a threatening tone.




"..Are you ignoring me, Mutt?" Questioned Noir with a frown while firing a weak fireball at the burrow.


".SCREEEEECH..Aaaah...Aah" the lesser demon screamed like the world was ending but still refused to look at the one assaulting him.

The encircled barrier lit up brightly, even though it was a weak fireball it still come from an archdemon primordial, the land became scorched the lesser demon visible with charred wounds nothing covering him.

"Care to answer me now, or shall i do it again?" asked the black demon with a smirk knowing it would die from another basic magic, His terrifying aura encompassing the whole region. Aura is a form of spiritual matter that exerts physical pressure on people and objects. It is naturally released by all living beings without any special actions, but to use it to its fullest extent, training is required which the seven demons excel at.

The lesser demon on the verge of death from the pressure lept out of its embarrassing posture, looking at the black soul and said "I don't know, i really don't know, please" with a stuttering voice, his face terrified.

"Really, there are only seven demons and you who exist, so are you saying that it happened naturally?" Said Noir perplexed thinking he imagined the unknown energy from that explosion, Believing the lesser demon, 'No, I'm a master at magic, there is way i could be wrong. That raw celestial energy, it runs deep in the demon world although thinning, i tried to draw it and manipulate it but it wouldn't listen to me as though it has only one master. Anyway if it didn't come from this lesser demon where did it come from?' Noir thought wanting to know the truth of who or what that energy belonged to.

"Stand up, i believe you, tell me where did you come from?" asked Noir retracting his Aura and barrier magic and freeing the lesser demon.

"I'm a lesser demon and I'm a primordial demon or that is the knowledge from my mind, I don't know anything else" Said the stuttering lesser demon feeling free all of a sudden but still afraid as that was the first time he saw his doom.

"No, you are not, I'm a primordial and I'm not a lesser demon as you claim to, I and the others have never been as weak as you are, never mind that. Pray tell what is your epithet?" asked the black demon quickyly losing interest in the demon.

"Epiphet? I don't know"


