Chapter 3 – Stayin’ Alive
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I feel hot sticky blood wet my shirt.  One piece of dumpster metal hit me in the shoulder.  Except for that, I remain unharmed.  More importantly, thanks to releasing some of that creative energy, my headache subsided. 

I am not a natural healer.  That's uncommon.  Apparently, many trial participants instinctively remove their wounds, one way or the other.  

To me, blood has never been anything special.  Hence, during the initial experiments, it took me a while to produce satisfactory results.

After carefully removing the splinter, I consider the situation.  Is there anything fun I could do with this blood?

I remember the girl who changed her blood into sparkly gems.  Afterward, they removed her from the general participant pool of the trial.  Now that I am free to experience the outside world, I can imagine what happened to her.

However, considering my present abilities, I do not think I need to worry about the same happening to me.

Bountiful treasures are sure to attract thieves! 

 Since it is my own blood, all I need is a thought.  Instantly, the sticky warmth of blood is replaced by the cold sharpness of stone.


Rubies, red jaspers, and other gems clatter on the stone pavement.  Soon a small mound of assorted gems rests at my feet. 

That's more than enough.  Choosing a boring but simple method, I watch as the wounded tissue regrows and is sealed with layers of fresh skin.  There's still a risk of infection, but I expect dealing with that will be within the capabilities of my enhanced immune system. 

I drop my bag next to the mound of red gems and call out to the last living fella.  He is currently cowering on the ground. 

"Hello there, would you mind putting those in my bag?"

The fella does not even acknowledge my question.  Instead, he keeps staring at the scorched, smoking mess that once served as a dumpster.

Yet he looks fine.  Except for a few nasty scratches, he escaped the explosion unscathed. 

I sigh, leave the bag on the ground and walk up to him.

"Hello.  I require your attention..." 

Luckily, the fella finally takes notice.  He opens his mouth as if to reply, so I wait, but no words follow the gesture.

Should I just kill him?  But then I will likely never find out where they wanted to take me.  Unless this deserted street was the final destination... 

While I was contemplating the issue, the fella finally managed to utter a reply(?):


Another sigh escapes me.  I am in no way related to devils or demons.  Biologically, I am completely human.  Granted, they slightly modified my genome to enable my brain to withstand the drugs and enhance, but those changes are not responsible for my abilities. 

In fact, my genome changes every time my body changes.  Thanks to this trial, genome research advanced by leaps and bounds.

Anyhow, I am not the devil.

"Don't you want to live?" I ask tentatively. 

"Live?" the fella replies hopefully.

I know what you are thinking, am I actually going to let him live?  Probably not, lest I get scolded again.  Given my last conversation with Pablo, prudence seems advisable.

"It is simple, follow my instructions or die.

"If you waste my time, it will be a very painful death."

"I-if I... f-follow your instructions... I will live?" 

"Perhaps.  It will certainly be less painful," I explain patiently.

"Will you comply?"

The fella nods frantically.

I give him a once-over:

Although he is not as big as his dead companions, his stature is still impressively large.  While his skin is only a light tan, his eyes and hair are dark-brown.  Did he cut it himself?  It's clear that he cares little about his appearance.

"Pick up the gems over there and put them in the bag, " I order him. 

His first attempt of getting to his feat is a miserable failure, but he quickly manages to scramble over to the bag.  As I watch him carefully place the stones in the black bag, I ask, 

"What was your plan?" 


He halts and carefully observes my face.  Is he attempting to gauge my emotional state?  I smile.

His face pales several shades.

"We take tourists to Angelo's cousin-in-law's place and get them drunk."

He visibly gulps and stares at me as if asking for confirmation.


"Then we take their watches, credit cards, and anything else of value."

How boring.  I let my discontent show on my face and frowned.

"After they wake up, José, that's Angelo's cousin-in-law, calls the police when they cannot pay their tab.

"Usually, their families send money, but sometimes we are unlucky and they choose jail."

"That's all?" 

"Yes, that's all, I swear." 

I wonder if visiting that José's place would be worthwhile.  Probably not.

Finally, the fella places the last stone in my bag, a red jasper.

"Recommend me an interesting place."

"In- interesting?"

"I followed you because I thought you would take me somewhere worthwhile.

"Having heard your plan, I am very disappointed.

"Can you make up for it?" 

"The Kan Plaza is great.  And tomorrow, you could visit the Museo del Sh-shan..."

When my expression turns more and more serious, he falls silent.  

This is my natural expression.  After I was told it looked too severe, I made sure to pay attention.  Nonetheless, to this day I feel more comfortable like this.

"Last chance."


"P-please, I do not know what interests you, b-but..!

"If you explain, I can definitely, definitely be helpful!  I grew up here.  Whatever you want, I can find it for you.  Please!" 

He's more desperate than I thought.

"I am interested in meeting special people."

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