Chapter 3 : Failed Successfully
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This has to be one of the worst case scenario for Bobby. 

The whole time they were discussing the rest of Keith's enrollment plans, Bob sat down thinking a thousand things per second, his anxiety getting worse and that same dread is rising again. Mustering up as much as courage as he could, the raised his hand, catching eveyone's attention. 

"Something you want to add, Aikawa?" Kiana casually asked, with Keith and Phoenix's also turn their attention to him.

"Are you sure im suited to accompany Keith.....? like, really certain, Boss....?" he sheepishly asked while rubbing his neck, he pressed onwards and pushed aside that slight feeling of hesitation. "I don't have Aura nor Mana to be of any help at all in an emergency....." he told them, but he was startled when they gave him skeptical looks. 

"Now that's a lot of BS...." Keith called him out.

"This subordinate of mine is full of shit it seems" Kiana chimed in with an annoyed expression.

"He doesn't realize it seems...." Phoenix sighed deeply with a disappointed look. 

Bob somehow felt both offended and scared, looked at the screen reluctantly only for his heart drop at the footages being shown to him.

It's a compilation of his escapades for the past 6 months showing several incidents that he had experienced both willingly AND unwillingly go through from the day he was taken in up to now.

When he keeps going back and forth evacuating all the staffs until exhaustion during an emergency fire happening from a malfunction caused by a disguised saboteur.

The time he used a fishing rod to lead a Frenzied Wolf Familiar most likely from a rival family's Summoner during a botched summoning attempt so that it won't from everyone nearby while waiting for Keith and others to come.

The night an assassin was sent to kill Phoenix who was fatigued from overworking herself and have used up her a large amount of Mana to prepare a massive banquet party for Keith's birthday, Bob fought off the assailant using only a spatula and trash can lid long enough for Kiana and Instructor Coal arrived to help.

And many more notable deeds he did so on and so forth.

"......Well now im paranoid...." Bob joked wearing a nervous smile while scratching his cheek, averting his eyes from their scrutinizing stares. He was then smacked on the head Kiana.

"You're going with the kid or....." she clench her fist to emphasize her point before suddenly wearing a devious smirk. "Or, i'll strip you bare and send you back to the Valiant girls all tied up with pretty ribbons!" she deviously told him.

Bob fell to his knees while hugging himself as if he was a distressed girl, "y-you're a demon....!!" he accused with a scared tone, shaking in fear at the thought of Amelia and Amy.

Keith and Phoenix deadpanned at his antics, yet they remind themselves that this is the man that helped and saved them from fatal incidents. 

"You're going and that's final! even if you meet the Valiant girls again Keith is now strong enough to go toe to toe with them anyway!" she proudly patted her adopted son's shoulder. 

The rest of the time, they were all discussing about what to prepare and also the politics of the academy. As well as looking out for the possible notable figures that would be attending the prestigious campus as they could be possible allies or even foes, Bob is also told to watch out for the Valiant siblings since they would also be attending most likely but fortunately for him and Keith they wouldn't be foolish enough to cause problems while in Academy grounds, but still need to be wary of whatever machinations they are planning.

Bobby would have continued fighting on to not go, but alas.....he knows how stubborn Kiana could be once she set something in mind. He had to find out the scary way too, as she was the who trained him in combat first before Mr. Coal took over because he would be worn down because of the intensity, as well as the fact that he didn't an ounce of Aura to enhance his body. He is still grateful to be taught by a normal instructor instead of a scary powerful one to this day.

"And finally, i have something for Keith, as for Bobby" Kiana snapped her fingers, Phoenix suddenly lifted Bob from his chair and casually walked out of the office, leaving Kiana with Keith for their own business.

The two went in the room just next to the office, Phoenix unlocking the door then going in with the still floating and confused Bob. The room was pitch black in darkness, she turned on the lights by clapping then snapping her fingers causing Bob to fall on his bum on the ground, he looked around the room and was marveled by the various amounts of weapons displayed. Then suddenly, he notices something tossed onto his direction from his peripheral vision, what he caught was a simple looking black leather sling bag.

"A bag....?" Bob looked at it then inspected it, even opening it to see the content only to see it is currently empty. Suddenly, he heard a noise and looked at Phoenix, in her hand was a bo staff. She took a stance and performed a stabbing motion towards him.

"Jenny...!?" he exclaimed in shock at her action, he looked away and put his arms up while closing his eyes, but strangely he didn't feel the incoming impact at all. He hesitantly opened his eyes and slowly looked at his body, and to his surprise, the end of the staff went inside the bag. "Huh....?" he tried looking from many different angles and began to finally put the pieces together of the bag's significance before looking up at Phoenix, "is this a.....uh...?" he suddenly halted his speech.

Phoenix's usual stoic and professional expression was replaced by an embarrassed face, ".......Bobby, don' me that when im at work....!" she shakily said while also fluidly pulling back the staff, twirling it and then pointing at Bob's face.

Realizing his mistake he raised his arms "whoa whoa im sorry....! you just suddenly attacked me with the stick so it came out in a pani-..." he frantically explained.

"Shut up...!" she demanded, before regaining her composure and fixing her glasses. ".....That bag is a medium grade dimensional storage item" she informed him, using her professional tone once again, she then tossed the staff to him.

Bob slightly widened his eyes in surprise then looked at the bag while catching the weapon, he stood up and immediately attempted to insert the long staff in the bag. It went in without a problem, the edges of his lips began to slowly rise on each end.

"....Awesome" he said under his breath with excitement dripping in his tone. Phoenix looked at the excited man and smiled slightly.

"You may take some or even all the weapons here to put in the bag" she told him, causing to do a double take.

"All of those...!?" he pointed towards the many weapons, ".....why though..?? and is it even okay...?" he looked back and forth rapidly from her and the weapons.

Phoenix nodded, "you will need all the arsenals you can get to at least have a better chance and advantage in case of an unforeseen ambush or even during an emergency" she said while taking out a small palm sized black box-like object from her pocket and handed it to him. 

"This is....." Bob recognizes the item, it is the 'Homeward Talisman'.

"Should the situation get dire please use it to escape, it has been set back to this estate" Phoenix informed him and took off her glasses, walking closer to him and rested her head on his broad chest. "I still owe you for saving my life after all, mean a lot not just to me, but also to Keith and Ms., please if things get too hairy then...." she hugged him tightly.

Bob was caught off-guard by that action, but he reciprocated back "yeah, of course im gonna run, and its not like im picking fights often either right?" he assured.

Phoenix nodded and separated from him, then she balled her fist before suddenly  hitting him on the gut, "and.....never, EVER call me Jenny when im working...!" she lowly growled at him before putting on her glasses back and returning to her secretary assistant mode. 

She then dusted herself, fixed her posture and glasses, "let us return back to Ms. Kiana's office shall we?" she said while ignoring the kneeling Bob before walking out ahead.

"....Coming...!" he weakly coughed out while trying to stand back up by leaning on the wall and still clutching his stomach.

'How did it end up like this.....!? i thought i perfectly made sure not to stand out too much.....!' he lamented in his thoughts, before suddenly remembering the footages of what he did.

