Chapter 5 : His One and only
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Never before in Sen's, currently in the body of a mob known as Shino Kimiko's years of Transmigration experience has she would ever meet another one like her.

Similar to her, he is also a possessing a mob character. Yet, unlike her, he doesn't have a System to help him improve his stats, give him missions  as well as providing him with information of the current novel they were in.

What struck her the most, is the fact that he manages to pull through and survive until now without the aid of a System. Another concerning dilemma with him is that he dropped the novel after only 13 chapters, which is understandable since the yandere aspect in this novel is taken to the extreme and it would only get much, much worse in later chapters. 

All while she is thinking like so, Shino is currently is having an internal turmoil herself currently. While she has an abundant knowledge about otaku cultures and decent socializing skills, as well as experiences gained from her many transmigrations from many stories....

She has yet to experience intimacy with the opposite sex beyond being just friends.

Bob taking her hand while kneeling made it seemed like he was proposing to her. Something snapped inside of her, and pulled herself back as well as even using Mana to put distance between them, then held her chest with both hands.

"....Stay away! don't, i repeat Don't take another step, OR even hold my hand like that.....AND especially never call me an angel ever again!" she shakily scolded Bobby.

Bobby's slightly startled expression then turn into a much normal one, he stood up and coughed while crossing his arms, "sorry, i was feeling too happy when i met you, my heart felt at ease yet also excited" he told her honestly, causing her to flinch and blush harder to his confusion.

"C-can you.......not word it like......that please....." she glared at him, though it appears she is having a hard time keeping an eye contact with him.

Then it clicked for Bob, he held his chin while narrowing his eyes at her. She seemed flustered, and judging from how she reacted from certain words he say, also supported by certain gestures, he was on to something he felt for sure.

"Ah, your one of the cute reliable ones that easily flustered huh" he bluntly said while snapping his fingers. 

"Something like that, so please.....go easy on the cute me please....!" she straightened herself and took a deep breath to calm her flustered state.

"So tell-..." Bob wanted to ask but then they heard the faint but still muffled announcement that the ceremony is nearly done.

"We'll talk later, i guess since we have to get back to our attendant duties" she informed before extending her hand to him.

He understood the gesture and shook her hand back, "Bobby Aikawa" he introduced himself.

"Shino Kimiko" she replied, both smiled warmly at each other before separating.

Making their way back, Bobby was felt the very heavy weight of uncertainty, fear and dread of the future after this chance meeting. He felt euphoric, his brain flooding dopamine to the point he had to contain himself from exploding from such sensation, his prayers had been answered. He clenched his fists quietly, Shino was oblivious at Bob's fiery eyes as he looked at her as they were walking back.

He will protect and look after his new beacon of hope no matter what.

"Oh yeah!" she suddenly said out loud while clasping her hands together catching Bob's attention, "im Amy's attendant by the way so...." she smiled sheepishly while scratching her left cheek.

Out of nowhere, a sound similar to glass breaking echoed causing her to be startled as she looked around for the source.

Thus, the dopamine rush was cut short.

"Huh...." she then noticed Bob was gone, only his dark blue bow tie falling on the floor in the last spot he was standing on.

"Whoops......" she sweatdropped while picking up his bow tie.


The second Amy's name was mentioned cause Bob to sprint away so fast he is a blur, one could even mistaken him for an animal. Though his face is stoic, the cold sweat flowing down from his forehead tells otherwise.

'Fuck...! she's with those psychopaths!!' he screamed in his mind while still running along the hallways. "But still....." he gradually slowed down and comes to a full halt once he reached the orientation hall door. "She's genuinely my only hope though...." he muttered under his breath.

"Who??" Keith suddenly chimed in when he was deep in thought, startling the pink headed man. 

"Gah! don't do that!" Bob lightly tapped his shoulder, ".....nothing, just....." he pondered for a moment to contemplate telling Keith about it but decided to keep to himself. His expression turned neutral as he scratched his head, ".....just thinking about the kind of woman i'd like to get it on with" he casually quipped.

Keith bonked him on the head using his sheathed sword while wearing a dead pan expression. "Can you at least have some shame when saying shit like that....!" he retorted.

"Get it on the dance floor with our moves! goodness, the young master is actually quite perverted for coming to such conclusion, hahaha...." Bob added while shaking his head and sarcastically shrugging. Bob grinned mischievously at the flustered protagonist, Keith could only bonk him again before glaring at him switching back to his stoic face after.

But then out of nowhere they felt something off. Just as they were about to glance back, Bob halted and felt his instinct suddenly stopped him from turning fully to see behind him unlike Keith, whose eyes widened but only for a moment before narrowing. Bob noticed Keith's eyes turned fierce.

The young male also glanced at his pink haired attendant, Bobby looked shooked and he understood very well why. 

From a distance, there stood two familiar blonde haired girls from the 2nd floor balcony of the academy. Two pairs of blue orbs watching them, the Valiant twins. 

Keith did not look away, he didn't back down then and that won't change. But, its also thanks to Bobby that helped bolstered his confidence, sometimes he thinks it would go differently if he persevered alone and he most likely be shakened, had it not been for the pink haired rogue helping him recover faster, an act that also puts the man at risk especially for someone without Aura and Mana no less. Not only to him but to everyone else around them, his sister, Ms. Phoenix and even the staffs of the estate he would help regardless of the odds.

Though it seems Bob is oblivious to his influence to those around him, he gives them including Keith, courage. He looked after him and saved him from what could be a painful experience during his captivity, so he would look after Bob in return.

"It's them huh.....?" Bob shakily asked him.

"Yeah" Keith bluntly said without breaking his gaze at them.

Bobby sighed, he took a deep breath to gather some courage to turn and look but he was suddenly stopped by Keith, who placed his hand on his chest.

" don't have to force yourself..." the teen told him in a soft tone.

"It's okay, Keith......eventually im gonna have to look at them in the eyes sooner or later..." Bob nervously smiled as he turned around to face them.

He regretted it, oh he regret looking so much.

Amy's gaze felt like a cold sharp knife that is being aimed at his neck, Amelia wore a sinister smile. Their blue eyes made him felt a very cold chill going down his spine, he struggled to swallow the lump on his throat the longer he stared at them.

Until he saw Shino, who looked uncomfortable and awkward just beside Amy.

Suddenly, Bob's stare hardened and his expression turned just as fierce if not more fierce than Keith's, the Valiant twins were quite stunned by it.

Keith was also surprised, as this is the first time he saw Bob's fighting face, and needless to say he was very impressed.

'She's my one and only hope if i want to survive in this scary fucking world.......damn straight i would fight tooth and nail for that!' he roared in his thoughts.