Chapter 11 : Nightly chats & Baths
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-Name : Bobby Aikawa (Current)

-Age : 23 (Current)

-Type : N/A

-Stat : 

  • Strength         : 7
  • Agility             : 9
  • Endurance     : 6
  • Intelligence   : 3
  • Perception     : 5
  • Luck                : 4

-Skills :  

  • Melee Master (All Basic/Several Special Blades & Blunts)
  • Firearms (Small Guns)
  • Explosives (Homemade, standard)
  • Martial Arts (Brawler, Kung Fu, Ninjutsu)

-Traits : 

  • Simple Minded
  • Thoughtful
  • Chivalrous Pervert
  • Scarred 
  • One eyed
  • Chronic Pain
  • Loving
  • Fearful
  • Wary
  • Kinslayer 
  • Intimate Healer (Unique)
  • Revenant Killer (Unique)

-Bio : [Currently Compiling - Progress = 4%]

"Huh, pretty nice physical stats though...." Shino muttered with interest.

The brunette is currently relaxing in a bathtub surrounded by soap bubbles, rubber ducks, and fragrant scent of peach as she read the recorded data of a certain Bobby Aikawa she got using her skill 'Insight'.

Suffice to say, it doesn't seem like he came from a normal world like her she suspected. She suspected he could be someone with a dangerous profession like a soldier or an assassin when she read the [Kinslayer] since said trait means he had a high amount of body counts by his hands. However the [Revenant Killer] speak differently.

"Revenant Killer...." she willed the system to show her the description.

[Having slayed undeads and monsters by the thousands, the body of the slayer have become in-tuned with a slayer's intuition that is developed over time when dealing with the unknown. Instinct and wit guide their hands to plunder their vision, movement, then finally delivering a killing blow when the opportunity present itself, use any means as well as tools. Observe and Retreat when its needed, and come back another day, armed with more knowledge in their arsenals to face the odds from the inhuman adversaries].

"Huh....." Shino huffed with an astonished look.

"I don't get it....." she tilted her head and popped a bubble. 

She would wait until the Bob's Bio finish to get a better grasp of who is and where he really came from later.

She closed her system HUD and got out of the tub, finishing up her bath. Now wearing a towel, she made her way to the fridge for a cool after bath drink, on the way she saw her roommate already fell asleep in their bed messily. Her laptop still on, several electronic gadgets strewn all over her bed, headphones still on resting on her neck and her gray hair in a bun.

She knew he of course, Sakura Ninomiya.

A gifted genius hacker thanks to her unique trait, [Technomancer]. Allowing her to literally take control any tech and networks at will as well even converting them to Mana if needed, even adding Mana to said technology so to boost their performance into an incredible degree at the cost of damaging them to the point of being irreparable and risking exhausting herself depending on how much Mana she uses.

A simple geeky girl who is just really into her hobby. And one of the scariest.

Because after being betrayed, framed, and nearly killed does that to a person sometimes. Sakura is a deeply traumatized person, at a young age she had to go through many things a young child shouldn't, the result is her completely shutting herself off and locking away her emotions, immersing herself with the technologies around her.

It's also thanks to Nova Roberts the one she is attending to, that she didn't completely isolate herself from the world. But besides Nova, Sakura wouldn't confide with anyone else.

Until she met Keith that is.

A few days from now, an incident where the underworld organization known as Abyss will unleash two summoned elder type monsters into the Academy Grounds. Every main casts would be pre-occupied by the monsters, one of the creature would sneak off and hunted Sakura when she was exhausted using her powers to manage the security systems and turrets to help fend them off.

Keith happened to have just finished fighting some monsters nearby and was on the way to help others, but manages to hear her cry of fear. Barely able to fend the monster off, just as it was about to lunge at her, Keith sliced it in half mid air. From there, she became attached to him as he was very genuine with his concern for her as a person. To an extremely obsessive degree.... where she would bite her nails and even breaking miscellanous object whenever she sees Keith conversing with others, drowning in envy and jealousy, wanting only HERSELF to be showered with affection.

Until it reached a breaking point when witnessed Keith getting a kiss from Nova....

Overcome with pure jealousy and hate, she snapped and her start of darkness began by killing Nova. She would then go on to gather data and blackmail Keith to take her as his attendant, making his situation even worse as he was also involved with the other yandere girls. Shuddering at the thought of what happens to the original Protagonist, Shino rushed to put on some clothes when she felt the chills just from remembering it. Sitting down on her bed, she laid down and thought about Bob again.

For the first time in what felt like a long time. She met another like her, suddenly spirited away from their world on to a another, full of scary powerful characters...

Then she remembered the new skill she had recently taken.

[Mental Conversation]



Meanwhile, a gloomy Bob was taking a shower. 

Sitting down while the showerhead is spraying him down with water.

".......I remember now....." he said under his breath. Feeling troubled when he saw Amy again, but is grateful as he felt lucky to have gotten away at least, along with Keith.

'Hey, Bob' a voice suddenly called him.

"Huh!?" The pink head got up in a panic, looking around the public bath area.

'Bobby...?' he heard it again.

"....Who's there....!?" Bob frantically reached for his towel and a bottle of body soap, "......i have a body soap that really stings the eyes, im warning you..!!" he aimed the bottle with the cap open in front of him.

'It's me' the voice told him.

".....And i have a towel! i can whip you real bad! don't try me...!!" he warned them with a shaky tone.

'Calm down! it's me, Shino' the voice replied.

"...I can mess you u-!!....huh...?" Bob stopped when he heard the name. "S-Shino?! what the hell is going on....!" he responded while still looking around.

'Chill man, im just talking to you telepathically' she casually told him.

Bob relaxed a bit when she told him that and sighed in relief before frowning "......Let me guess, it's one of your skill from your System huh?" he guessed.

'Hehe, sorry, did i call you at a bad time...?' she sheepishly said.

"Damn right you did, you called me......" Bob then had a thought, " called me, at a bath time" he added.


'....Did you......did you just......did you make a fucking pun...!?' she replied.

"I had to......the timing was just too good....." Bob reasoned.

Shino in her bed facepalmed at his bad pun. 

'You don't have to really talk by the way, you can talk to me using your mind...' she informed him.

"Using my in mentally....? hmm...." he thought for a bit.

'Like this....' he mentally said without verbally speaking.

'Yeah, like that!' Shino excitedly replied, hearing him much clearer now.

'i guess you could say..... im literally speaking my mind huh?' Bob thought with a smug smile.

'Oh my God.....stop!' Shino groaned at his bad joke, to which he relishes.

'........What are you doing right now?' she asked him after a short pause.

'Bathing' Bob replied while applying shampoo on his hair.

'....Ooh, you weren't jacking it or anything....?' She bluntly asked him, causing the big male to suddenly drop his soap.

'Really....? did you just asked me that.....?!' Bob incredulously questions her.

'Yes, yes i did, transmigrating through several worlds and going through many shit does that to a person' Shino reasoned.

' i don't think so......' Bob pinched the bridge of his nose, ' i won't do it when you mention it like that' he frowned.

'Uh......sorry for ruining the mood for you.....?' she replied with an unsure and insincere tone.

'Maybe next time i should ask you the same question' he told her jokingly.

'I just did a while ago after a nice bath' Shino responded with no hesitation.

'You....! you did....! okay, now that's just not fair....!' He was in disbelief and genuinely felt it was unfair.

'You can jerk it now, well..... unless your into doing it while speaking on the phone......... or telepathically' Shino said without a hint of embarassment.

'I decline...... i prefer privacy for myself' he retorted with a fed up tone.

'Fapping preference aside....' Shino changed the topic, but that doesn't stop Bob raising his brows at that. 'I want to ask about your previous world, before you got transmigrated here....' her tone changed into a serious and thoughtful one.

'My world....?' Bob paused for a bit.

'Yeah, if you don't mind telling me.....' though honestly Shino was hoping he would tell her more.

'I don't really mind, life was simple for me back there......' Bob told her while applying soap to his body before continuing, '....part time job, hangouts with the boys and girls, some training.....' he splashed himself. '......And the occasional revenant hunt at night' he finished. 

'Revenant hunting......?' Shino repeated, and from there she had her confirmation.

Bob didn't come from the same world like her's.