Chapter 12 : Something brewing in the calmness
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sorry for the really long inactivity, i had a bit of an accident twice on the way to work last week, the second incident bumped my head a tad too hard even tho i wore a helmet. Im feeling a bit better now, but the updates might still take a while, head still hurty and i need to take it easy while checking up with the doc several times. Sorry again, and stay safe on the road everyone.


"Abyss...?" Bob said under his breath, and stopped his movement in the middle of dressing up.

'Yeah, their the dark organization of this world....' Shino told him through Mental Conversation.

'...........Is there any member hiding amongst  the students or attendants...?' he asked her while reaching into his magic bag, and pulled out a small dagger, staring into the cold steel reflection as he unsheath it partially.

'Don't bother trying to eliminate them, they have contingencies in case someone caught on and picked them off...' Shino warned Bob, after seeing and reading his Traits.


A trait earned through killing fellow humans.... many, many humans. 

Shino would try shake to off the usually unsettling disturbing facts about others but now she felt like it was the norm for some if not most individuals, herself included to have some darkness in themselves, whether it was intentional or not.

'Oh im not gonna kill them' Bob replied with an oddly casual tone.


'.........torture...?' the brunette felt a bit unsettled now.

'No no, no torture...... doubt i could give a lasting damage anyway, they might have dope themselves with something most likely, given the crazy fantasy crap existing in this world' he explained to her while playing with the knife before putting it back into the magical storage bag.

'Im gonna stalk them' Bob declared, taking out a pair of binoculars from the same magic bag.

'Woah........ that sounded kimoi af bro, moreso if it's out of context' Shino bluntly told him.

'Okay now that's ironic coming from someone who was shamelessly discussing about masturbation preferences the other day' Bob rebuttal her.

'Im a very curious girl, Bob' she countered him.

'and shameless' he added.

'.....So are you!' she fired back at him.

The pink headed man just finished dressing up in his uniform and looked at the mirror with a grin.

'I never said i wasn't now did i...?' he said to her.

'and so do i!' Shino replied one last time before cutting off the link.

"Heh!" Bob chuckled with joy, feeling genuinely happy that he found her. Which fueled his motivation to find a way to stick closer with her so that he could watch over her better.

Then again, she seemed to be able to hold her own if not better than he is holding up, especially when she has a System to help her. He decided to stay on the sidelines for now, the time to act will present itself and until then he would better prepare himself while observing the situation around him.

"Im going ahead, Em!" Bob let his roommate Emil know of him departing first.

"Okay, Bob!" the gentle male replied while fixing his own tie.

For some odd reason Bob could feel someone's eyes were on him as he made his way around the vast academy corridors. His instincts telling him that it might not have come from a normal being, he refrained from reaching into his bag and risk showing whatever it is that is watching of the fact he knows its presence. Unlike a revenant or variants of the undead back in his original world, he can't just pinpoint them and throw either a flashbang or silver knife at it.

"Bobby" Keith greeted him the moment he got out of his dorm room, but the teen also noticed his attendant's wariness from how he is glancing often around him. "Is it the twins....?" he asked while maintaining a normal expression.

"No....." Bob rubbed the back of his neck, "this one doesn't feel......too human somehow...." he whispered. Causing Keith's eyes to slightly widen in surprise.

"A monster...? inside the academy...??" Keith began to scan their surroundings using Aura to enhance his senses discreetly. As if to fuel his anxiety, he felt it but he couldn't even roughly find the source.

"It's no use, Keith......" Bob said in a relaxed tone, noticing the slight glow and change of color in his eyes. "Save your energy, for now we'll just have to be wary of it, lest we risk causing some unnecessary problems by reacting too recklessly against it" he informed the teen.

The latter is still impressed to this day at Bob's ability of keeping his composure despite his tendency to be very paranoid and scared, which is understandable as he lacks both Mana and Aura. 

"Alright, but if it starts going violent to you and others, i will step in to stop it..." Keith replied, agreeing to Bob's suggestion. 

Bob nodded and reached into his bag, taking out a big piece of chocolate bar and handed it to Keith, confusing him. "....You can't always carry your sword with you, right? so keep this knife handy..." he whispered and winked at him.

Keith noticed a folded knife just behind the candy bar, he nodded slightly and acted casually, "oh neat, something to snack on in class!" he accepted and pocketed it.

"If you get caught with it, you're on your own though....." Bob looked to the side in a humorous manner.

"Aren't you my attendant...? what's with the lack of dedication....." Keith did a mock gasp.

Soon after the small exchange, the two went to class. Bob sat with Keith in class, while discreetly scanning the surroundings of the class room in hopes of at least pin pointing his stalker. He felt a slight shiver when he saw Amy walking in and sitting a good distance away from them, across the huge classroom thankfully.

Shino stealthily winked at him, Bobby gave her a thumbs up while making sure Amy wasn't looking. As more students along with their attendants pour in he would observe them with little to no confirmation as none matched the menacing gaze he felt when some of them glanced at his way. The lack of even the slightest clue made him nervous, but he kept reminding himself to not buckle under pressure, lest he put himself along with Keith in an unfavorable disadvantage.


Amy has been stealing glances at Bob, and honestly speaking, she is livid. Livid at the sight of him NOT being at her side, NOT attending to HER needs..... 

She hated it, gone were the days of Bob's shenanigan's that brightened up the manor. He isn't like the others, he genuinely listens and tries to help if he can, she missed his intentional bad jokes and humorous quips he would crack no matter the situation. It started with fondness, never in her life she would expect that feeling to blossom into something so big and painful. 

First it was an uncomfortable feeling whenever she sees him being to close to others, especially girls.

Then, the slight anxiety of not seeing him or being too far away from her side.

The urge to kiss his cheek, neck, and face all over to mark him as her's.

And the ravenous urge to pounce on him so that she could mark him further, permanently making his entire being belong to her.

She decided to hold it all back, fearing that it might scare him or would make him outright hate her. But she realized it was a mistake not to give in to her urges, a big mistake she would regret so much. 


Bob sleeping so soundly like a baby, turning occasionally in his sleep. His sleepwear being nothing more than just a simple brief underwear, a thin blanket the only thing covering his near naked body.

Unknown to the sleeping pink head, Amy sat on the right side edge of his bed. Her eyes dilating, her breathing being out of rhythm, her right hand unconsciously gripping the edge of his blanket.

It took her entire being to fight off her carnal intent to have her way with him right there on the spot. His peaceful sleeping face not helping her case at all. Then images of herself and Bobby embracing each other began to fill her mind.

She jerked up and immediately left as quietly as she can. Going straight to the training room while gritting her teeth, and trained for nearly a whole day until she was exhausted from taking out her frustration by punching off all of the sparring robots.

-End of Flashback-

Amy made a promise to herself, to mark Bob, and mark him good she will.


"This is getting really, really scary....." Bob muttered to himself under his breath. He had observe almost if not, everyone that had enter the classroom and still no luck. Now that it seems like all the seats were occupied, he could only assume the culprit is more skillful than he originally assumed, making them even more dangerous.

As he was despairing once again in his thought about how to deal with it, however. 

The classroom opened.

"Welcome and Good Morning, younglings!" sung the individual that just arrived.

"Oh, the teacher's here" someone in the sea of students and attendants commented.

Bob still heavy with the gloom took a glance at the teacher, and the moment he saw her.

Their eyes were locked together the next second.

"Huh.....isn't that......" he locked eyes with the robed woman.

With an eerily calm face, she smiled at him.

And he felt it.