Plan Stop Demons (18)
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Plan stop demons

At the castle, in Jay's room

Salem-<mouth wide open at looking jay's room> Wow! jay your room is literally as big as our whole apartment.

Jay-thank you Salem.

Will-It's not as big as the rooms in our castle. It's one-third of the rooms in our castle.

Lily-How do you guys walk to one corner of the room to another? If this was my room, I would keep a chariot inside to walk inside it.

Salem-My master,<sighs> She doesn't know royalty.

Lily-I prefer a small room instead of a big one.

Rose-Me too.

Levi-<listens to rose's comment and then says> Me three.

Salem-you too ? <looks at levi> 

Levi-of...of course.

<All looks at him with questionable eyes>


Jay-ok now, let's discuss the plan.

All sit on the couches on Jay's room

<Jay, Lily, and Will sits on the middle couch and rose on the left one person couch and Levi on Right one person couch and Salem sits on the laps of lily.>

Salem-so, let's start the discussion of plan.....stop the demon.

Lily-you impressed me Salem.

Salem-I am impressive.

Lily-No, I was impressed because you don't spit out any stupid name.

Salem-<laughs sarcastically> really?


Jay-ok, now let's finally discuss the plan.

Will-so, listen to me

Jay-wait, listen to you?

Rose-( It's not going stop soon, I should've brought popcorn)


Will-yes, plan.

Jay-you are to make a plan?


Jay-I am going to tell the plan.

Will-what makes to think so?

Lily-<snaps her finger and both of their mouths dissapears> ok now does anyone of you all have a plan? If yes then let's discuss it.

Rose-Do you know where she is going to attack you?

Lily-no, she only thinks to kill me tomorrow she doesn't decide the place till now. She is going to kill me, yes?


Lily-So, what if I take an off tomorrow and go somewhere else, then she will follow me there to kill me and after we decide on the spot to kill her or will take her to hell. Any Questions?

Jay-<raises his hand>

Lily-<snapes her fingers again and both of their mouth comeback>

Jay-decide on the spot????

Lily-yes, If she attacks me then I have to attack her. Duh.

Jay-what if she is stronger than you?

Lily-Is it possible will?

Will-Well, she is indeed not stronger than you but has more experience in fighting.

All looks at Levi

Rose-Levi, do you have any suggestions on lily's plan?

Levi-<spaced out>

Rose- Levi!


Rose-what were you thinking?

Levi- What if we use a binding spell?

All-<silent and looking at Levi with their mouths wide open>

Levi-did I say something wrong?

Jay-my Bro! intelligent! bravo!

Will-wow! I never thought of that. Amazing Levi!

Rose-I am proud of you. Bravo!

Salem-you did a great job for humanity.

Lily-I would marry you if you weren't rose's boyfriend.

Rose-hey! he is not my boyfriend.

Lily-ok ok rose, I know you are shy but there is no need to be shy.

Jay-I am very happy rose have such an intelligent boyfriend.

Rose-he is not...


Levi-(rose's boyfriend)<smiles>

End of chapter-18