Chapter 35: Laying The Foundation
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As Solar Wind exited hyperspace I began directing it towards Ossus.

Reaching the planet I descended into the atmosphere and landed my ship.

On one of the many landing platforms Ossus now sported.

Thanks to yours truly.

Over the past nine years I've used the money I've made from my writing activities to completely revamp the planet in several areas.

Not only did I pay for the Great Jedi Library to be reconstructed.

But I also paid for the construction of a Jedi temple here on Ossus.

In addition to that I've also had several more facilities constructed. From living quarters to a communications hub, to several defensive turrets that can deal with aerial assaults if necessary. Since I will not have this place completely and utterly defenseless.

I and the of the coalition have decided to use Ossus as our base of operations for when we split from the main order after all.

As the door to Solar Wind opened up I stepped outside.

Immediately greeted by Orro and several Ysanna as I did so.

Who have come a long way in the past nine years.

After I brought the rest of the coalition to Ossus and introduced them to the Ysanna people both groups took an instant interest in each other.

Since then the bond between us Jedi and the people of this planet has only grown deeper.

In no small part due to the fact we have been teaching the Ysanna about the galaxy at large.

Since they were cut off from it for so long.

A task which actually hasn't been that difficult.

I don't know of the Ysanna are simply fast learners, if their force-sensitive nature is playing or role, or if its a combination of both but they have advanced their knowledge greatly in this short period of time.

They can now operate most modern technology with ease and even speak Galactic Basic.

Its astounding to be honest.

"Jedi Zobek, welcome back to Ossus." Orro greeted me.

"Glad to be back Orro. Have the others arrived?" I asked.

"Yes, most of them." He replied.

I nodded at his words. "Thank you."

Getting a short reply in return I bid Orro and his people farewell.

I then made my way to the Great Jedi Library.

Entering I started to make my way to a conference room where a very important meeting was going to take place.

Along the way I spotted Ood Bnar.

A literal living legend amongst the Jedi Order.

A man who has intracite knowledge of both the light and dark side aspects of the Force. As well as someone who was alive during the Great Hyperspace War and Great Sith War.

To be honest I completely forgot he was on Ossus. 

Until about four years after we jedi started regularly visiting the planet he awakened from his centuries long slumber.

To say that was a shock was an understatement.

Especially for the Ysanna who worshipped Ood as a magic tree.

It completely turned a part of their culture on its head.

But luckily the matter was resolved without too many issues.

We modern Jedi also convinced Ood Bnar to join our cause.

Which was easy considering how sad he was at the state of the current Jedi order.

Now the old Neti master serves as chief librarian for the Great Jedi temple.

"Master Bnar good day to you." I spoke to him.

"Ah, good day to you as well young Zobek." He responded.

After exchanging greetings we continued on our respective ways.

I eventually reached the conference room I was looking for.

Once I did so I pushed the doors opened and entered it.

As they closed behind me I took a seat at the circular table in the middle of the room.

Giving greetings to all those who had already arrived ahead of me.

Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, Qui-Gon Jiinn, and Tahl.

Yes Tahl.

She's alive unlike in the original timeline.

I didn't even do anything regarding her situation.

In fact I'm ashamed to admit I forgot about her death until I heard about the events that took place on New Apsolon back in 41 BBY.

After living in this universe for so many years my memories from my past life have faded in certain areas.

That's why I didn't make any preparations to prevent Tahls' death.

Though it looks the butterfly effect worked its magic somehow.

She's alive and kicking and since then she and Qui-Gon Jinn have not been subtle about acknowledging their love for each other.

Good for them.

As time passed others arrived in the conference room.

Marcellus, Axton, Komari, etc.

While a select few attended the meeting via hologram like Kit Fisto and Adi along with her former padawan learner Siri Tachi.

Who she took on as apprentice just like in the original timeline.

Eventually everyone arrived.

"Now that we're all here let's get this meeting started." I said.

"What is it you wish to discuss young Zobek?" Dooku asked me.

Since I am the one who called this meeting after all.

"Today I have called you all here to lay the foundation for what our Jedi order will look like. I think its about time we do. Since I feel our time within the main order has almost reached its end." I explained.

"What specifics do you wish to discuss?" Kit asked me.

"Well for starters we need to establish a public relations division within our order." I said. "One that will handle explaining exactly what the Force is to the common citizen. As well as explaining the history of the Jedi and even some history regarding the Sith in terms the general populace can understand." I explained.

I got a bunch of strange looks after I did so.

"Now hold on everyone. I understand why you might be uncomfortable with this but it's better for us in the long run. The average citizen barely knows anything about us jedi. Most of what they do know usually comes from rumors and second-hand accounts. At least that's what I've seen on my travels through the galaxy over the years."

"Yes. That is true." Sifo-Dyas spoke.

"Right. So it makes sense for us to tell them who we are and what we stand for. Since if we continue being so secretive it will only hurt us." I explained. "How can we ask people to let us protect them if they don't even know who we are?"

A round of murmurs went around the room before I got nods of confirmation and agreement to start a public relations division.

"Alright, onto the next topic. Let us do away with taking children from their families simply because they are force-sensitive. On that note we should also do away with the age requirement on which one can be trained in the ways of the Force." I spoke.

Now that got some reactions.

"What are you thinking knight Zobek?" Jocasta Nu asked me.

"That is dangerous in many ways." Qui-Gon Jinn spoke.

"Yet the idea has merit." Dooku said.

"Yes." T'ra Saa said.

I said nothing in response. I simply waited until everyone voiced their opinions and calmed down.

Once they did so I began speaking.

"Now then. I understand why this idea is controversial. But I feel it's for the best. If we're already doing away with the policies of teaching jedi to suppress their emotions and forbidding relationships and even marriage then I see no reason we shouldn't do away with those two as well."

"They are very different matters knight Zobek." Qui-Gon spoke. "Left to their own devices an untrained force user can potentially injure themselves or the people around them." He explained.

"In addition, training people to wield the force past a certain age runs the greater risk of them abusing their power and falling to the dark side. " Jocasta Nu added.

"I see your points and they are both vaild." I responded. "But both are addressed by my creation of a public relations division for our order. Who will also explain the dangers of what someone untrained in the force can cause through no fault of their own. Once certain parents of force-sensitive children see this I am confident they will send their child to us for training. And if not that is their choice. We can't force them. Back when the Republic put that law into effect it was just after a time when force-sensitive's were being hunted down and needed to be surrounded by Jedi for their own protection. But that is not true in today's galaxy. It is much different. As such we jedi must be different again as well."

"I agree." Tahl spoke up. "After all I didn't start my own jedi training until I was six standard years and I think I've turned out fine."

"I also agree with knight Zobek. Family is a powerful motivator to stay on the right path." Dooku added.

Which I did not expect from him.

But I am glad for the support.

"While I also agree with your line of thinking my former apprentice there are situations where force-sensitive children should be removed from their environment due to certain circumstances." Sifo-Dyas spoke.

I know exactly what he means by that.

Children who are being abused or those living on the streets with no guardians to look after them.

"I hear what you are saying my former master and we will address those concerns. But those are finer details. Today I want us to simply discuss the big picture and then work our way down." I explained.

Sifo-Dyas nodded at my words.

"Knight Zobek you still haven't addressed the danger of training force-sensitive individuals past a certain age. They are at greater risk of succumbing to the dark side." Jocasta Nu spoke.

"That might be true master Nu. But then everyone has a chance of falling to the dark side. No matter what age, gender, or species they might be. Even those of us in this very meeting have the chance to fall to the dark side." I said. "Though due to the teachings we have received I hope none of us ever do. And that's what it's all about. Instruction and teaching. If we teach the individual the right way then even if they are not a child they still have the potential to become a great jedi."

Luke Skywalker New Jedi Order in Legends proved this.

Which is actually what I am using as a model for the jedi order the coalition and I are creating.

"That is why I want to do away with the policy of age restriction when instructing individuals in becoming jedi. I wonder how many forces users are in the galaxy who missed the chance to become great jedi simply because they were considered too old? Not to mention didn't the jedi of the past trained adult initiates."

"I will need time to consider all this." Jocasta Nu spoke up.

"Of course. I don't expect everything we discuss today to be resolved today. I simply want to put it out in the open." I explained.

Which is true.

But I want my policies to become a reality in the new order we are creating as well.

"A question." Komari spoke up. "What are we going to do about the response from the main order and the Republic once we separate from them? Since they definitely won't stay quiet about it."

I was wondering if someone was going to bring up that question.

Of course I was. But I'm glad someone else did first.

"Well in regards to the Republic I hardly think they will care." I said. "Most simply see the jedi as a religion anyway and infighting in religions happen all the time. Besides, interfering in the Order internal conflict when none of us have broken any Republic laws will set a bad precedent those in power simply can't afford." I explained. "As for the order they are in a similar situation. There is nothing that forbids those within the order from leaving it and if they try to stop us then they will be hypocrites."

"Yes." Dooku agreed.

"Still they might try." Tholme spoke up.

"Yes, they might." I admit.

"Then lets discuss some plans for in case they do." Marcellus said.

Everyone agreed on that.

We then discussed several plans as well as several other topics before adjoining the meeting.

Which ended on an excellent note in my book.

All in a days work.