Chapter 2
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Heaven was real. The Christians were right. Those assholes seriously were right, the girl thought and smiled. She had died and was now standing before the very gates to Heaven. She laughed. The girl was standing right before the gates to Heaven. Yet she had never prayed to God, never believed in him. When she had been young, her parents had told her that dinosaurs didn’t exist, because they weren’t mentioned in the bible. Thats when she had come to the conclusion that God wasn’t real. She had been given the choice between dinosaurs and God. Of course she had chosen dinosaurs and had never regretted the decision, not even now that she was standing before the gates to Heaven.

Even now she wouldn’t pray to God, Jesus or the angels. To many of their so called believers had flung hate at her. Even her parents had abused her, because she had chosen dinosaurs. She didn’t regret it Ankylosaurus, were still cooler than some dude somewhere in the sky.

That she even was in Heaven was a surprise to her. She Had by on means been innocent and free of guilt, when she had been alive. There were things she had done, that were plain wrong, unjust and apologies she had never spoken. Unrestricted access to the internet, as a young child, hadn’t really made it any better. And going by those, who believed in Heaven, she should be burning in hell or worse. Her simply existing caused them to spasm in hate. Not that she had done anything to them, besides the one time, where she stabbed one of her christian relatives in selfdefence. Her existence was simply enough for them to warrant blind hate. Not even “love thy neighbor”, stopped the disdain they held for her. She even did her best to actively hide from them, in an attempt to escape their wrath.

Running away from them had been the right and wrong choice at the same time. Right because it saved her from their wrath and hate. She had managed to run long enough, that they couldn't recognize her anymore, when they had reached her. To them she had become just another woman, something they still hated, especially if she fought for her rights, but nothing they wanted to outright kill. Wrong because it didn’t stop their hate, it was still there, but not directed at her. It was systemical hate, a hate you couldn’t run from indefinitely. In the end she decided to fight for her right to live, for her right to simply exist.

That's when they got her. They saw in her another lesbian they could rape and beat up. Then they found out that she was trans and killed her. The last things she saw were their boots reddened, by her blood as they chanted the bible like cultists. Preaching love and compassion as her live left her body, right next to them.

Now she was in Heaven and had to admit that those assholes at least somewhat, had been right in their believes. And she somehow managed to end up in Heaven. Something or somebody had to be inherently wrong, for someone like her to end up in Heaven.

There was no point in mulling over it. She would gain nothing by standing around and the answers probably were beyond the gate.

Confident she strode forward, placing her hands on the golden gate slowly pushing it open. Her slender feminine hands came into her vision, when she placed them on the gate, prompting a wide grin to appear on her face.

In Heaven she was a girl, not only in mind, but also in body. It had been the first things she realized when she had found herself before the gates. She didn’t know how she looked, but by her estimate she looked exactly like she had, while alive, minus the one obvious genetic mistake between her legs.

All she was clothed in was a simple over sized white shirt, which reached down to her knees. Ironically it had a some kind of dinosaur on it, with the slogan “Gods goodest girl”. Oh and she was also missing her panties and bra, which she only noticed after she found out, that she also had no shoes and socks for the matter. There was a distinctive lack of discomfort in her surroundings and her clothes, that made her only notice her lack of proper clothes by examining herself.

The gate suddenly gave away, moving backwards, getting her out of balance, sending her tumbling to the ground. But before she could hit the ground her wings flung out from her back, quickly flapping to stop her fall and letting her regain her balance.


Before she could continue her rant, she was hugged by a man, that suddenly appeared in front of her. He was clothed in a long of white piece of cloth and had long dark brown, almost black hair and beard, filled with blue, pink and white streaks.


I am so sorry for what they did to you. I am sorry. They won’t hurt you up her I promise.”

The man, Jesus; quietly sobbed, hugging her tightly. His warm soft voice filled with love, made her cry. All the stress, fear, anxiety and anger broke free, bubbling forth from deep within her. Ugly wails left her mouth as she uncontrollably sobbed into his chest. They staid like this for what felt like an entirety, as she let most of her emotions free reign, crying over all the things she had bottled up. It felt pleasant, she felt save and loved in his hug. She instinctively knew that this feeling of love and safety was real and sincere. This is what real love felt like, she wished she could have experienced it, when she still was alive.

After a while her cries subsided, as she had cried herself out and managed to regain her composure. Slowly she separated herself from Jesus.

Immediately her attention went to her wings. Another new addition to her body she had overlooked at first. Putting her focus on them, she stretched them out to their full size, all four of them. Yes, she had four. Two big ones, taller and longer than her, by at least two times fully stretched out and a second much smaller pair, barely managing to peak forth from her back.

With a mighty flap of her wings she left the white clouded ground, slow elegant flaps kept her just inches above the ground, in the air. Jesus looked at her with a happy smile in his face. He slowly nodded at her. Taking this as approval she zoomed of in the heavens sky.

Mighty flaps of her wings separated her further and further from the ground, as she soared higher and higher. She twirled around in the vastness of the sky, as she felt a feeling of complete freedom for the first time in her life. She couldn’t help herself, but to laugh happily like a maniac, as she made barrel rolls and sommersault as she slowly climbed higher and higher.

At the zenith of her flight she folded her wings behind her back, surrendering herself to the embrace of gravity. She let gravity do its work, letting it drag her towards the ground ever faster. Only seconds before hitting the ground, did she open her wings, abruptly stopping her rapid descend. To glide down the last meters regal like a true angel. Jesus smiled warmly at her display.

And that's why I love to see an angels first flight.”

Am I really an angel?”

Of course you are, my dear! You have the wings after all, four of them even. And most important of all, you have the heart of one.”

But I wasn’t innocent.”

Nobody is, not even I. Despite your wrongs and mistakes, you were genuinely good and always tried to right your wrongs, no matter what. And that is, what counts.”

I didn’t believe in you, … or prayed to you … or your father.”

That never mattered. Besides nowadays the majority of those, who use fathers and mine name are bigots. … Don’t worry they will never get here.!”


“I swear.”

Jesus grabbed her hand and carefully led her away from the gate, guiding her deeper into the cloudy landscape. The surroundings slowly took the shape of a wide field, filled with trees, lakes and playgrounds, sparsely filled with human and animals alike, who were clearly having a good time. Soon enough the scenery changed to a nightly city, illuminated by billboards and shops. People were partying and having the time of their life. Then the scenery changed again and again, as they walked on. No matter where they went the humans and animals they passed seemed to be happy.

They slowly made their way through the many landscapes. Frequently stopping so that she could marvel at the happiness of the people or the beauty of the landscapes they had passed.

“Where are we going?”

“To my father.”

“Because I have a duty to fulfill?”

Cute girls like you don’t need to work. Besides you only work in Heaven when you want to.”

She didn’t hear anything beyond cute girls. Those two words send butterflies into her stomach, rendering her unable to process the rest of his words, as she squirmed in happiness. Being called cute girl always made her giddy and happy, but being called that by a 10/10 hot guy made it ten times more effective.

Looking up to him she could see his happy smile. He playfully ruffled her long golden hair.

I have a lot more compliments in storage, dear. But back to your question: Father just simply wants to meet every angel that gets born. After all, a soul pure enough to form wings is always something special. Ans sadly has become quite rare in recent times.”

So am I really good for having four wings?”

Of course even having one means your good. But about what you really meant with this question: Angels tend to have four wings and more. Don’t worry the amount of wings only influences the time you spent grooming them.”


Why should Heaven discriminate in any form? Love is love and an angel is an angel, no matter their appearance and amount of wings.”

“I sometimes did discriminate….”

“But you’ve always tried to do better and apologize.”

They continued their journey across Heaven. The scenery had once again changed, this time to a dense forest covered in snow. Their hot breath came out as smoke, as they slowly waded through the thick snow along a barely visible path. It had gotten cold, but not to an uncomfortable degree, despite them only wearing light clothes. She happily trudged along, following Jesus footsteps through the forest. She could fly, but decided against it, simply being contempt with enjoying the act of walking through deep snow. There were no worries, or even thoughts in her head, as they walked along, only bliss and happiness.

Soon enough they reached a small wooden house, covered in snow, hidden beneath old and mighty trees. Smoke rose from is chimney and light shone from its windows. She couldn’t contain herself anymore, this was truly Heaven. Sprinting as fast as she could she wadded through the snow towards the door, opting to fly the last meters, to get there even faster.

The door opened the moment she reached it. A breath of warm air, filled with the smell of books and tee, escaped from within th e house, inviting her into its cozy inner. She gladly took the offer, running in the house, followed by a smiling Jesus. She quickly found the library, a big room filled with books, the firepit and a mighty armchair. Without hesitation she jumped into it, sinking into its softs cushions.

Jesus followed after a short moment, having first gone to the kitchen, in order to get some mugs filled with hot chocolate. One of them he offered to her, who quickly took it after blurting a quick thanks.

Only after she had drunken half of her mug, did she notice the smoking hot woman sitting in the other chair. She warmly smiled at her. Immediately sending her brain into bi-panic, rendering her unable to even formulate a proper thought. Her brain had melted into a glorious mess of gushing and lewd thought, sending all the available blood into her cheeks.

The woman started to hardheartedly laugh, like a mother, after seeing her reaction th her presence. Her laugh was filled with warmth and love.

You’re a goddess!”

She blurted out, instantly becoming as red as the fire, a disticntive shade reder than she had been before. If the redness would extend over her entire body, one could mistake her for a demon. Her cheeks burned like fire, as she tried her best to get a coherent thought together, besides marveling at the goddess of beauty sitting before her.

I am my little sun. Or more correctly I am THE goddess. In other words God, the creator of reality, the first to exist, the one to create humaity and many things more. I hoped you would find this form soothing.”

Suddenly the room was cold. Any and all thoughts of how hot the woman was, had vanished. Replaced, by questions, accusations, anger, hate, saddens and pain.


The angel slumped back into the chair, legs drawn to her chest sobbing uncontrollably. The woman, God, looked sad, but understanding. Together with her son she let the angel cry herself out, knowing that right now she didn’t want a hug from either of them. Something that was entirely understandable. They could only sit there and wait until she was ready to face them.

After a while when her sobs had stopped and she had continued drinking her hot chocolate, did God speak once more.

“I am truly sorry. For that what happened to you and all the others. And even more so, for the answer I will have to give you to all your questions: I cant interfere.”


The balance of creation is delicate and fickle, broken beyond recovery. Even the slightest movement of me, will collapse realty like a card house. The only thing left that I can do is talk in Heaven and appear as illusion. Believe me, if I could act, I would have. I would have protected my son! I would have punished all those, who hurt him! I would have given everybody the right body! I would have eradicated all diseases! I would…”

That's enough dad. You have brought the point across. No need work yourself up.”

But why don’t you do anything your God you could just simply… I don’t know, … make the problem disappear.

Adam and Eve tricked and trapped me. The first time I tried to free myself ... I … I eradicated the dinosaurs!”

What did they do?”

They were greedy. They wanted things I didn’t make for them. Foolish as I was, I thought a warning was enough. I never expected them to act so selfish … so greedy and I paid a prize, that brought suffering to everything. Even Adam and Eve are suffering, immortals stranded in space until I can move again. Doomed to be imprisoned in the void for eternity, because they thought themselves to be better than me. At least they gave me humanity and my son.”

Gods face grumbled as she talked about Adam and Eve, distorting almost becoming demonlike. She could clearly hear the pain and betrayal, those two had caused, in Gods voice.

And whats my task?”

“You are free to do what you want. You are an Angel, a pure soul. Unlike in the many shoddy books about me and my son, you don’t have a task or duty. You can do what you want and enjoy.”

What about hell, does the Devil exist.”

Of course. Its the place were all those go, who did enough bad. Its ruled by a twisted fragment of mine, Devil. The vast majority of those who hurt the likes of you go there.”

She fell silent. What God had said to her, had brought her in deep thoughts. Lost in thoughts she starred at her mug of hot chocolate, which had been refilled by Jesus some time ago.

I can’t…. I can’t stay here in Heaven. I can’t let THOSE WRENCHES KEEP ON LIVING AND HURTING OTHERS!!! I KILL THEM KILL THEM I KILL THEM!!! I’LL RIP THEM APART; TAKE their hearts, drag them to hell….”

NO! ... no one is allowed to leave Heaven. Please! Stay here and leave all the bad things behind and find happiness. Please.


Golden chains sprouted from the ground, walls and ceiling, coiling themselves around the angel, restricting her movements and dragging her down. She didn’t notice them as they did so, being completely lost in her anger and hate. She only went silent as she had become the center of a web of chains.

These are the Chains of Judgment, they hold anyone, who tries to leave Heaven. . I am sorry, but I can’t let you leave. Please, try your best to find happiness here!”

Slowly both Jesus and God got up and moved towards the bundle of chains holding the angel. Jesus went down and hugged her once more.

Believe me, I have once been in the same position. I once received the same hate you have. There is nothing you can do from Heaven. I can only urge you to find you inner peace.”

“I think we leave her be for the time. She needs time for herself. There is nothing we can do and the chains will undo themselves with time.”

Together they left, leaving a fuming angel behind. There was nothing they could do. She had to come to her own conclusion. Either find her peace and live a happy life in Heaven or sty in the past, to be forever bound by the chains. A fate that didn’t fit to Heaven, but often befell those who couldn’t move on from the pain their past had given them. She had to find her own answer and neither God nor Jesus could help her with this.


The chains were brittle. I could easily breake them.”

The angel said her voice calm and controlled, only tinges of anger and hate could be felt from beneath her words. God took a deep breath. At least the hate and anger wasn’t directed at him or his Son.

I suspected this. The chains can only hold the guilty. The innocent can easily brake free. And you for all accounts and purposes are an angel.”

“So … I can go down to earth and bring them what they deserve.”

“I can't stop you, nor can the chains. I can only advice you against it.”

God said with a defeated voice. He could see it in the angels blue eyes. She was dead set on her path. It saddened him immensely, that humanity had rotted so much, that even an angel could not find happiness and peace in Heaven. It pained him that even innocence was now corrupted by humanities sins. Was it even worth anymore to believe in the goodness of others? A question God had asked himself more and more frequently the last centuries. A question God was afraid of, because if he one day, would answer it with yes, he would loose his son and all the others he loved so dearly.

The angel before him was a clear sign, of why he asked himself this question. It pained him to no end that someone like her couldn’t be happy anymore. She had lost her happines to the humans hate. She could still laugh and feel joy, but it would be never true happiness.

“A last warning before you decide on your path. If you choose to leave Heaven you will be judged, by the chains if you try to reenter. And they may drag you down to hell, depending on the things you do.”

“So what?”

God's gut twisted itself upon hearing her answer, to his warning. He had expected an answer like this. It hadn’t been the first time something like this had transpired. But every time it hurt anew. It was an existential pain of having failed, because he knew there was nothing that could change her mind. The path he saw for this angel, was clear and would only lead to her suffering and she too knew it and she still took this path. It was the same ungly pain from when he had greeted her son in Heaven, after being forced to watch as he couldn’t life a long happy life and was instead tortured and killed.

Before you go, please reconsider! Please!!!”


No, don’t answer. I know it already, … don’t it hurts. …. Can you give me a final hug.”

The angel complied and hugged God. God could not hold himself bag and cried in her shoulder. Condemning himself for having failed another time. He only wished he could hold her in his embrace for eternity, so that she wouldn’t go. He knew that it was foolish, wishful thinking. The angel wasn’t moved by his outburst, she was ready to go and he couldn’t change it, nothing could.

Maleal … Maleal the descending Sun… that is your name. Please keep it. You know that Heaven is always open for you to return. Please return … return when you have risen from your nightmare.”

Maleal nodded. Slowly they separated. The angel started to move after a while, disappearing into the distant clouds, leaving Heaven behind. God let himself fall down and cry. Another angel had left, their hate and anger once again greater than all the love they could have received in Heaven.

God barely noticed it, when his son appeared and hugged him, quietly sharing his pain and given his father comfort.

Soon enough Maleal reached the edge of Heaven. The clouds she had been walking on had become thinner and thinner. Now there were holes between the clouds, from which she could faintly see the round Earth beneath.

It was a strange experience to see earth from this angel. She never thought she would see Earth from afar in space. Maleal never thought she would ever have this kind of view, even more so without wearing a space suit.

Taking a deep breath, she dropped herself into the opening, down into space. The moment she passed the border between Heaven and Space, her fall stopped. Maleal found herself floating in the vastness of space. With strong flaps of her wings she moved towards the distant Earth. The place she once called home.

Although she moved towards Earth it wasn’t her destination. Her goal was, what laid beyond. A place she never had visited nor seen, but was instinctively repulsed by.

Hell, the polar opposite to Heaven. A place no Angel should visit. Even her instincts were screaming at her to not venture to this place. Yet she did anyway.

Flying through the mortal plane, weaving herself through reality, to reach her destination.

With a last mighty flap of her wings did she break through the wall of dark smoke, separating hell from the void. Maleal entered a hellscape of molten earth and black smoke, filled with cries of pain and despair. Her arrival had torn a hole in the black ceiling, letting a small ray of light into the perpetual darkness of hell. Maleal slowly descend in the ray of light towards the ground. Regally she floated down with outstretched wings, the cries of humans grew in intensity the lower she descended. She ignored their pleas and cries. The only thing she had to do, was to remind herself that these were the criesand pleas of bigots. The cries and wails became pleasant, soothing even. Prompting a cruel smile to appear on her face. The choir of cries and pleas swelled in dread and despair.

She finally reached the ground. Her bare feet carefully touching down on the molten ground. Maleal could feel the heat and flames licking at her feet. Contrary to her expectations it didn’t burn or hurt her, but was far from pleasant. It felt like standing on hot sharp asphalt.

You lot are all the same coming down like you own the place. What brought you here little one?“

Are you the Devil?“


Black smoke flared up, twirling in torrents unearthing the ground ripping fire into the air, creating a tornado of fire. A vaguely human like silhouette formed in the black smoke fire forming mouth and eyes. Maleal did not recoil. The Devil could not instill fear in her, Maleal had seen much worse on earth.

The Devil moved closer to her. So close that she could feel his burning breath on her skin. Yet there was still no fear to be found within her.

RARGH!!! I HATE THE LIKES OF YOU!!! You don’t even fear m!. That’s not how I want to get trans folks down here.“

Why? Whats wrong with me?“

Your an Angel that's whats wrong with you! Your a child of the rainbow. Many hate you by default and do their best to hurt, oppress and kill you. And yet despite all that, you still managed to become an angel. That's what I hate about trans folk and all those beneath the rainbow. You stay good, despite having more than enough reason to go bad.“

If you know about the hate I…, we received then why didn’t you punish them? KILL THEM!! HURT THEM !!! TORTURE!! KILL!!! KILL!!!! KILL ...“

The Devil watched with an amused look as Maleal lost herself in rage. Her descriptions became more and more graphic the deeper she delved into her rage and hate. Devil listened intensely as Maleal in her rage, gave him troves of new ideas, to implement in his on torturing.

He of course made sure tha,t the dammed could her her ranting and cursing. And could see how Maleals angelic form corrupted and distorted itself under her rage. Distrorting to a writhing mess of burning wings, clustered with myriad of eyes rotating on spheres, with humanteethed tentacles lashing out in every direction.

Maleal definitely instilled a new kind of fear into hells prisoners. Even Devil himself was slightly frightened. A fear that was unlike all the others, as it wasn’t irrational. It was a rational fear, tangible and very real. It was no fear of if, but when. An inevitable terror that would come, something you couldn’t run from as it had already reached you. Devil would definitely abuse the shit out of this new fear, that Maleal instilled in the prisoners.

While he was marveling at her display of justifiable, maybe a bit out of proportion, rage. Maleal managed to calm down, everting back to her form of a young woman, with golden hair and big white wings, only clothed in an oversized shirt.

A splendid display! You have my thanks, but back to your question: I cannot because of the same reason God can’t. Anyways why did you come down here?“

Torture and kill all those, who killed me and all who agree with them.“

Her answer came immediately and without hesitation. Devil couldn’t hold his laughter. Humanity was really doing its best to eradicate itself! Even angels were now being twisted by humanities rot.

As much as I appreciate your dedication, you can’t stay in hell, your simply not made for it.“

I am going to Earth for this. So that i can send them to you.“

I like your thought process, but for that you needn’t come here.“

I came to ask for power to better kill them.“

Has nobody told you to not make a deal with the Devil.“

The price doesn’t matter.“

Devil winced at this statement. People like her weren’t fun. They were either to broken to properly torture them or so far gone, that no price could stop them anymore from achieving their goal. Maleal looked like she belonged to the later group. In other words she didn’t care for the price, as it couldn’t stop her. Maybe restrain her for some time, but never stop her.

I take your eyes.“


Without even flinching Maleal grabbed into her eye sockets and pried her eyes out. She even ripped out the nerves attached to them. Carefully she held her blood soaked hands out,presenting Devil her blue eyes. She had made sure to not squish them when she had ripped them out. Blood was dripping down her cheeks from the two new holes in her head. With a heavy sigh Devil took her yes. He had to admit the only reason he had demanded her eyes was because they were beautiful. Now holding them in his hand they weren’t anymore. He once again realized that not the eyes were beautiful by themselves, but the soul behind it made the beauty.

They eyes melted away in his hands. Before he did anything else he moved down to Maleal and started to clean the two new holes in her head. Carefully he disinfected the open wounds. After that he stitched the ripped open parts together before inserting a new pair of eyes. Having done that, he moved back to get a full view of her. She had her eyelids still closed covering her new eyes. Besides her eyes there was another new addition to her face. Two red lines moved straight down her cheeks from her eyes. It reminded him of a tear that had rolled down her face. Devil had tried to remove those lines, but they persisted, having become something akin to scars, but yet not really.

You can open your eyes.”

Devil said with a calm voice. Following his words, Maleal opened her eyes, a gorgeous pair of heterochromatic eyes starred back at Devil. Both eyes possessed an iris separated into two rings, an outer crimson red and an inner calm blue one. He was quite pleased with himself, especially about the blue of her eyes, having managed to almost perfectly copy the color of her original eyes.

This is my gift of power to you.”

“They’re just eyes.”

They are. You do not need power to fulfill your wish, nor do you need some sort of clairvoyance to see them. After all you are an angel and your foes are doing their best to be seen. These eyes of yours are for something entirely different.”

“What for then?”

You know Hell is not so different to Heaven, when you enter your are judged and if your are found guilty it becomes my duty to make you repent. Just like the Chains of Judgment that you have escaped. But instead of judging you, when you enter hell, I will take one of your eyes.”

“And what are the strings attached to it?”

“Oh little sun there aren’t any. I like you and your cause, so much so, in fact, that I don’t want to hurt you when we meet again, that’s why I gave you these eyes. No go and do what you wanted and never return.”

“Thank you!”

Maleal said with a happy voice giving Devil a hug. Devil gladly returned it to her, letting her bath in his burning warmth. He too, like God, did not hate her, but unlike God he was completely fine with her going out and murdering all those who wronged her and the other children of the rainbow. God wanted to protect those who needed it by being a shield for them, Devil choose to be the sword that cuts down the enemy. In the end however, both wanted to protect others and seeing those, they wanted to protect being denied love and happiness, hurt both in the same way. Especially as they both were unable to act, could only watch and despair at the misery that unfolded itself around them.

Devil let go of their hug. Maleal turned around and stared to slowly walk away, before stretching out her pristine white wings, launching herself int the sky with a jump. Devil casted a red light from beneath, shining her a way through the darkness of Hell, towards the realm of mortals. Maleal slowly disappeared into the smoke, leaving Hell behind.

“For that we never meet again. For that you find love and happiness in Heaven. You are loved little sun!”


Author’s notes:

Maleal is neither the first nor the cruelest Angel to descend. The title of cruelest Angel goes to Morieal the descending Bane. Her greatest feat being, torturing a priest for 187 days straight.

(The Priest only died, because Morieal wasn’t paying attention for a second. After his death the Priest ended up in hell. Devil promised to send him to heaven if he could manage to survive the 187 days again. Of course Devil has made it so that the days loop seconds before the priest manages to complete the 187 days. Another feature is the fact that the Priest will always experience a new form of pain and never the same pain twice. Devil doesn’t want the priest to get bored after all, although he is mostly busy with screaming. Recently a day zero has been added to the loop, a biblical accurate Angel ripping him apart, with its eyes, appendages and screams.)

Maleal is currently busy studying medicine in order to keep her victims alive during torture. She currently reads: Medicine and Torture How to keep your patients alive in the most painful way.

Felicael the descending Moon is another Angel on Earth. Compared to Morieal or Maleal he is mostly harmless. Instead of going after all the bad in the world, he has created something akin to a Heaven on earth. Although deeply flawed and hidden a bit to well, still a one of the best places to live on earth.