Chapter 7 : Giant Meteor
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The loud blare of sirens echoes through the arena, and a voice over the loudspeaker announces: 

--- ATTENTION: ALL CITIZENS OF CITY Z MUST EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. THREAT LEVEL 'Dragon',  A Giant Meteor heading to city Z all resident in nearby city reccomend to evacuate ---

Panic ensues as the crowd scrambles to find safety. The contestants, heroes, and audience members all rush to evacuate the area. Amid the chaos, the remaining contestants, including Hiro, realize that the Giant Meteor poses an imminent threat of mass destruction to the entire city.

In the midst of the evacuation, the heroes spring into action. Butcher, Sea Gal, and Turtle Man rush to assist in guiding citizens to safety, using their unique abilities to create pathways and protect people from harm, while the judges already evacuated riding a chopper, Black Leg wanji also help the citizen to evacuate he carry each woman one by one in his arm then walks trough air while throwing each man outside the arena.

The munchies, Toro and Tora, detect the pending danger and runs towards Hiro, he get surprised as the munchies modify their body into a large frog like creature their tail holds the cart, as they waiting for hiro to ride, hiro jumps to his cart and then the munchies started to run.

While hiro riding his cart, he reminiscing the joyous memories he had with his customers. The faces of people happily savoring his food gave him a sense of calm even in this dire moment, He knew there was no way to escape the meteor's descent and decided to stop his munchies and savor their final moment. 

As the people around him panicking, he felt a warm sensation at his feet and looked down to see Toro and Tora wagging their tails back to their normal form. Their presence brought a sense of happiness, and Hiro decided to cook one final meal for them.  he prepared his cooking equipment and ingredients then start cooking.

As Hiro cooked, the aroma of his food filled the air, and then something miraculous happened. The people around him, who were previously panicking, felt a sudden calmness wash over them as they watched him. For a moment, the impending disaster seemed distant, and they peacefully accepted their fate, finding comfort in the ordinary act of sharing a meal together. 

With grace and composure, Hiro served each meal as usual. People gathered with their loved ones, cherishing moments of joy and togetherness amidst the uncertainty. Hiro himself looked at the meteor, closed his eyes, and imagined it as a giant meatball, a small glimmer of hope in the face of impending destruction.

However, that glimmer of hope turned into astonishment as he noticed a shiny figure flying towards the meteor. A bald-headed man, reflecting sunlight, appeared before the meteor.

 The man delivered a powerful punch that caused the meteor to explode, saving the city from imminent devastation. People looked up in awe as the meteor debris fell from the sky.

One of the debri started heading towards them, then a creature suddenly appear and destroy the debri.


The debri shuttered to pieces, as insecta scale, fixing his tie while wearing a suit. 

-- Are you okay? food cart boy --

-- Insecta-Scale! You saved us! Thank you! --

Hiro's voice wavered with gratitude and relief, Insecta-Scale smile and continue walking. 

The debris from the meteor totally destroyed the City-Z, the devastation was overwhelming. The once vibrant city was now reduced to ruins, a stark reminder of the disaster that had nearly brought about its annihilation. Hiro couldn't help but wonder about the bald man who had flown earlier, shattering the meteor. He knew that such a powerful hero deserved admiration and recognition for his selfless act.

Among the rubble and chaos, Hiro noticed the devastation experienced by many people who had lost their homes and belongings. The gravity of the situation had not fully sunk in for some, and Hiro couldn't help but feel grateful that his run-down apartment was still standing.

Amidst the devastation, he spotted Butcher, Turtle Man, and Sea Gal, along with other heroes and police officers, guiding thousands of homeless people to evacuation centers. The heroes' dedication and compassion shone through as they worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of the citizens in the aftermath of the catastrophe.

As hiro continue walking he hear a commotion not far away, he finally saw the man who destroy the meteor, the crowd gathered and surrounds him, blaming him for destroying the city, then a hero Tank top black hole ( Class B || Rank 81) approach the man showing hostility, hiro decided not to approach and continue walking, Hiro understood that sometimes, the situation might not be as simple as it seemed. He chose not to intervene in the commotion, focusing instead on the positive impact he could make through his food.

As the night fell, Hiro felt a deep sense of responsibility to help those in need. He took his food cart to nearby shelters, providing food for the homeless and displaced. The aroma of his dishes filled the air, and slowly but surely, people started to gather around, finding solace and comfort in the warm meals Hiro served.

Heroes and citizens alike came together at his food cart, sharing stories, laughter, and tears. It became a small oasis of hope and unity amidst the chaos. Hiro's simple act of providing food had brought people together, fostering a sense of community and support during these dark times.

He notice some familiar faces in the crowd including Insecta-Scale, as insect scale walk toward his cart, hiro notice his ID in his breast pocket, revealing that he was now a member of "EcoGuard,"

EcoGuard was renowned for its efforts in safeguarding the environment from various threats, including pollution, deforestation, and illegal wildlife trafficking. Its members were passionate advocates for nature conservation and had a deep understanding of the delicate balance between humanity and the natural world.

Hiro's smile widened as he saw the EcoGuard emblem on Insecta-Scale's ID. He felt a sense of pride and admiration for him, knowing that Insecta-Scale had found his purpose in the organization dedicated to protecting the environment. Their shared values of making a positive impact on the world had brought them closer, and Hiro was grateful for the chance to contribute in his own way through his food cart.

As Hiro and Insecta-Scale exchanged glances, there was a silent understanding between them. They both knew that their paths had crossed for a reason – to bring hope and support to those in need, whether it was protecting the environment or nourishing people's bodies and souls with food.

In the days that followed, as the city began its slow process of rebuilding, Hiro's food cart became a symbol of resilience and hope. It not only provided sustenance but also became a gathering place for people to find comfort and strength in each other's company.

As Hiro continued to cook and serve, he knew that his journey as a chef had taken on a new purpose. His culinary skills were no longer just about satisfying hunger but also about bringing people together, uplifting their spirits, and showing that even in the darkest of times, there was still room for compassion, kindness, and unity. City Z may have been devastated, but its people were not broken. And with each meal he served, Hiro played a part in rebuilding not just the physical city but also the sense of community and hope that would carry them forward into a brighter future.

Meanwhile the atmosphere in the Hero Association Headquarters was tense as the six shadowy figures engaged in their secret meeting, discussing the escalating monster crisis in City Z

First shadow --  the appearance of monster in city Z doubled year by year - -

Second shadow --- Not only doubled, Monster starting to become more powerful even a group of class A and B were struggling to contain single monsters, indicating the severity of the threat. ---

Third shadow --- how about the chef? He's showing promising skills in taming a demon level creature ---

Fourth shadow --- he already declined the previous offer and it seems like he is not interested to be a hero, It appeared that recruiting him through traditional means might not be possible. ---

Fifth shadow --- What if we create a new underground organization and recruit individuals with unique skills, such as the food cart chef, to tame monsters for us ---

Sixth shadow --- I agree, we can call it MonsterKeeper Guild, It would be a discreet but essential faction, working behind the scenes to protect the cities and for the benefits of hero association ---

As the meeting concluded, the shadowy figures agreed to set their plan in motion. They would discreetly recruit skilled individuals with unique abilities to join the ranks of the MonsterKeeper Guild. Their main goal was to ensure the safety the cities and to keep a huge amount of monster under Control as a formidable asset, while simultaneously enhancing the hero association's standing among the public....