Chapter 94 – Elf Prince
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Far above Ozryn, in the infinite space of the universe, a colossal spaceship crossed the distant stars in the direction of the planet Ostrion.

The ship's sides were adorned with shiny panels, shimmering in the sunlight, while lines of light crisscrossed along its hull, creating a visual symphony of dazzling lights. Transparent sections and glass domes revealed the activity taking place inside, allowing glimpses of rows of seats, crowded walkways, and flickering display screens.

Powerful thrusters were scattered across the surface of the ship, ready to be activated to propel this gigantic structure into the depths of space. Antennas and radomes stretched out strategically, testifying to the complexity of the onboard communication and sensing systems.

At the top of the ship, a central dome housed the command deck, overlooking the entire structure. On board was a delegation of elves busying themselves with their task.

In the command deck of the spaceship, a team of elves were busy analyzing the data that scrolled on their holographic screens. Their slender fingers danced nimbly over the control interfaces as they carefully studied the information presented to them. Their appearance was one of grace and delicacy, with their delicate features, pointed ears, and luminous faces.

Each of the elves, dressed in fitted outfits of shimmering colors, was focused on their task, exchanging quick and precise remarks with each other.

In the middle of the room, seated on a raised seat, was the elven Prince who had met the president of the Aegis Alliance a few months earlier.

He stood tall, his slender figure imbued with unparalleled grace. His sparkling blue eyes shone like sapphires. His silvery gray hair fell in undulating cascades around his noble face. Each strand seemed to shimmer with a mystical glow reminiscent of moonbeams weaving through the branches of an enchanted forest. His hair harmoniously framed his fine and delicate features, highlighting his pointed ears, symbols of his elven heritage.

The elven Prince's skin was diaphanously pale, like the glow of the moon itself. It was of irreproachable sweetness and perfection, evoking eternal youth and heavenly purity. His bearing was accentuated by a graceful and noble posture, testifying to his royal status.

Dressed in an elegant and sophisticated outfit adorned with delicate patterns and silver embroidery, the elf prince seemed to be a living reflection of the beauty and majesty of his race. His presence inspired respect and admiration, reminding all who passed him of the greatness and power of the elves.

His piercing gaze, devoid of apparent emotion, was fixed on the planet approaching outside the panoramic windows.

As the elven spaceship approached the planet, scanners detected an anomaly emanating from Ozryn. The control screens lit up, displaying a series of data.

"Your Highness. A spatial disturbance has been detected on the surface of the planet Ostrion," informed one of the elves analyzing the data from the holographic screens.

"Show it on the main screen," the Prince said in a calm and monotonous voice.

"Yes, your Highness!"

On the main command deck screen, a holographic representation of the planet Ostrion appeared. A specific area was highlighted, showing a city under siege by crystal beasts from multiple Rifts.

What was even scarier on the holographic depiction was a horde of crystal beasts located 500 kilometers from the city that was rapidly closing in on it. At their current speed, within two hours, the city would come under another attack.

"Looks like humans don't know how to defend their cities," the elf prince said with a slight smirk on his face.

"Should we bring them assistance?" one of the elves asked.

Suddenly, the door to the command deck opened, and light footsteps were heard, drawing the attention of all the elves inside as a young woman walked through the door.

Her beauty was far beyond measure. Her silver hair reached her waist. Her hair hadn't been combed or tied in any way, it just flowed over her shoulders and down her back, hiding slightly her short elf ears and releasing a soft and delicate sheen. Her eyes, of pure gold, seemed to contain an entire world, both captivating and profound, like abysses in which one would gladly get lost, even if they had to remain there forever.

Her skin, immaculately white, was of unparalleled smoothness, devoid of the slightest imperfection, while her delicate features and her elegant body, which seemed to have been shaped with divine delicacy, were perfectly proportioned, evoking a transcendent grace that eclipsed the moon and stars of the universe, which seemed to veil themselves as if they feared that their brilliance would diminish her elegance.

Every look on her was swallowed by her beauty, making the surrounding world disappear, leaving only this celestial face, more illusory than a dream. Her presence made all the most beautiful colors and words seem pale and insignificant.

She was dressed in a black outfit enhanced with a light silver breastplate. Pieces of silver armor delicately protected her arms, while a white cape hung from her waist, reaching down to her feet, accompanying black pants and matching boots. Silver shin guards were attached above her boots, extending to her knees. Her clothing style was both refined and practical, enhancing her figure without hindering her freedom of movement.

A double-edged sword with a sharp blade was firmly attached to her belt. The hilt of the sword looked like a delicate silver crosse adorned with golden orbs on each side. The blade was finely etched with text in the Elvish language.

It only took an instant for her appearance to eclipse the presence of the elf Prince. Every elf in the room, regardless of gender, seemed to be in a daze, unable to take their eyes off her.

As the elves were drawn into a state of fascination by the young woman's presence, the elf Prince, noticing their distraction, took a deep breath and cleared his throat lightly. A faint wave of crystal essence rippled through the room, touching each elf, bringing them back to reality.

Suddenly, the elves shook their heads and blinked, coming to their senses. Their eyes were now filled with disgust as they looked away, once again focusing on the screens in front of them. Not daring to meet her gaze again.

Meanwhile, the golden eyes of the young woman carefully examined the main screen, which displayed the imminent destruction of the besieged city. Her expression was one of deep compassion.

"We must help them," Her voice, like a heavenly melody filled with divine purity, enveloped every syllable with a bewitching sweetness, caressing the ears and penetrating the soul of those who listened. Elves began to shudder on the spot as they used their crystal essence to calm their mind.

The elven Prince looked at her without emotion. He approached her, extending one of his hands to her silver hair. However, the young woman took a step back, deftly shifting her body and preventing him from touching her.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands, Vaelin," Her golden eyes seemed to be filled with disgust and intent to kill as she stared at that hand that had almost touched her hair.

"You hurt me, Elseria. Am I not even allowed to touch my little sister's hair?"

Elseria didn't answer and stared back at the main screen. Vaelin lost interest and returned to his seat.

"Head to Ostrion. Let the humans manage it alone," he ordered.

"You're not going to help them?!" Elsaria's voice was agitated.

She could see the whole situation of the city through the main screen as well as an estimation of the cultivation level of each being that appears on it. If they didn't help the humans, the city would fall when the horde of beasts outside reached them. And even that red dot that seemed to stop the advance of two gold rank rifts alone with ease couldn't cope with the horde of beasts that had seven existences on a higher level than him.

"Why should I help humans?"

"We have signed an alliance! Helping them would greatly benefit the Elves!"

"What benefit? They have only three True Gods among their race, and the cultivation of two of them comes from the sacrifice of their lifespan. They have only one True God and two rotting walking corpses trying to survive. Even if they have hidden some of their strength, they are still no match for our race."

"Their technology is advanced and could help our race improve."

"Merely utilizing the spaceship they've provided for traversing their territory doesn't imply a desire to adopt their technology and thus lose our origins."

"They can help us unite all the elven kingdoms!"

"And whose fault is it if we are divided?" said the Prince with a cold glow in his eyes.

Elseria kept quiet, biting her lips at her brother’s harsh words.

"I don't even understand why our father decided to accept this alliance. But since you care so much about improving our relationships with them, you can go help those humans on your own. After all, you could captivate them with your beauty. Marrying one of them might even bring us some resources, and we’ll get rid of an abomination like you," the sharp words slipped from his mouth, carrying a touch of contempt and cruelty towards his sister.

Elseria tightened her hands, but she did not answer her brother’s words. Her eyes, still fixed on the main screen, were resolved.

"I'll take one of the warships and go help them."

"No. If you want to go help them, I authorize you to take an orbital shuttle, but you will have neither weapons nor soldiers."

Elseria left the command deck, her light, determined footsteps echoing in the silence. Ignoring the shocked looks and muffled whispers of the elves present, she headed for the spaceship hangar at the other end of the colossal spaceship.

"Your Highness, shouldn't we help Elseria?" one of the elves asked, using no honorific to refer to her.

"Leave her alone. If she dies there, it will only cleanse our kingdom of this abomination that taints the royal family."

"Yes, your Highness."

Seconds later, Elseria arrived at the hangar with the help of a teleportation formation array. The hangar was large and bustling with activity, with ships of various sizes lined up in perfect rows. Elves were milling around the shuttles and fighters, making final preparations in case their departure was necessary.

Elseria headed for a stark white orbital shuttle adorned with elegant gold and silver engravings. The orbital shuttle was specially designated for the movements of numerous troops and reconnaissance missions on new planets, being able to transport up to 5000 soldiers thanks to the inscriptions formation on it, which compressed the internal space of the orbital shuttle.

She boarded the shuttle and settled into the pilot's seat. Her delicate hands gracefully brushed the controls, familiar with their function.

The hangar doors slowly opened, revealing the infinite space in front of her. The stars glittered in the darkness, and the planet Ostrion was visible a few kilometers away. Elseria activated the shuttle’s thrusters and headed toward the planet’s surface.

During the travel, she carefully observed the information about the crystal beasts and the situation of the city displayed on the shuttle’s control screen. She analyzed every detail, looking for clues on how best to intervene and protect the inhabitants.

Prince Vaelin watched the orbital shuttle enter the atmosphere with a cold face, not saying a word.

Illustrations (For Vaelin, I'm not sure which one I prefer, I kinda like the first image, but he a bit too young in it I think. For Elseria, it's complicated, the first image is somehow close to what I think she would look, the second, it's how her equipment look like.):

Vaelin :

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Image 2 :



Image 3 :




Elseria :

Image 1 :



Image 2 :

