14 – A fight for Survival
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As I predicted, three days passed before the people under the Obelisk began running out of food and water. Now they were left with two decisions. Go back into the IKEA and scavenge for food, a relatively safe option to be sure, but I doubt they would take it due to fear of the portal closing or it turning to night.

They should really get a clock, their time-tracking skills need some work if they can't even guestimate the amount of time they have left in the day before 'Closing Time' as they called it. Though to be fair, I guess they don't really have any tell-tale signs of time other than sparse appliances across the IKEA.

They also now have more people around the Portal but always remain guard for when I begin shifting to the night cycle in my dungeon, where everyone armed themselves and stepped back from the portal.

In the past two nights, I had my Guardian reveal itself, protecting them from the wave of Staff that come pouring through the portal every night, I am afraid that if I didn't they'd all probably be dead by now, or they'd have fled farther into my Dungeon and into my Biomes.

I've also managed to get the help of the System, what most don't understand, is that the System is alive, and for quite a significant number of Dungeons, it acts as our Patron, in exchange for a few things.

For example, the System is a lot like a plant. It seeks to grow and will use whatever resources it can acquire to further that objective, even going as far as to create Symbiotic Relationships with those it feels can help promote its goal.

Of course, the System also acts as a sort of patron to those who assist in expanding and strengthening it, with rewards such as energy, schematics, and more for Dungeons, levels, items, and skills for the Integrated, entities that join the System.

What I essentially did, was convince the System to implement this 'Quest' system in my Dungeon so that more would be enticed to integrate into the system. At the cost of me being the one to supply the rewards and energy that the Integrated calls 'EXP.'

I would gladly pay the price, as a Dungeon, I was more than capable of producing the rewards and 'EXP' that the Integrated would want.

However, I will not activate the Quest System yet, as I wanted a full week to have passed for those who Integrated, and that's how I wanted the System to do.

This meant those that became Integrated sooner, would reap the benefits of the Quest System first, and for every other integrated, they would have to wait a week from the time they became integrated before they gain access to the Quest System.

It was the fifth day since they arrived in my dungeon, meaning the few that integrated on the first day, would gain access to the Quest System in two days.

But for now, I focused on the important figures of the Humans as they came together and began discussing what to do.


Gathering around in a circle, Clair, Jay, Dr. Bright, Jake, Vernon, and Sarah.

Hovering above each of their heads, were a few lines of words, words that I could easily see and read.

[Clair Higgins - Aspiring Leader Level 1 - Human (Female)]

[Jay Barnes - Aspiring Warrior Level 3 - Human  (Male)]

[Jack Bright - Aspiring Mage Level 3 - Human (Male)]

[Jake Cobbet - Aspiring Guard Level 2 - Human (Male)]

[Vernon Wilkinson - Aspiring Chef Level 6 - Human (Male)]

[Sarah Carter - Quartermaster Level 5 - Human (Female)]

They were progressing smoothly, but a couple of them were not progressing as fast as the Profession classes, such as the Quartermaster and Aspiring Chef classes Vernon Wilkinson and Sarah Carter had.

"We are almost out of food," Sarah grimly informed the others. 

They all looked between one another, but Clair was the first to speak.

"Then we need to form a group to go forage or hunt for food."

"Are you serious? We have no idea what's hiding in those bubbles," Jake commented, as everyone was briefed about the four strange biomes that seemed to be in some sort of 'bubbles' that surrounded the grassy planes around them.

They had only two real options, traverse through these 'bubbles' in search of food, or return to the IKEA and potentially become trapped again.

So, of course, they chose the most dangerous option, though they did not know that, and gathered six men to form a group that would enter these...bubbles.

Leading this group was, of course, Jay, and joining him was Bright, while the rest were men who could fight, and run if need to.

And with hardly any preparation, they set off towards the Jungle.

I, of course, watched them the whole way, as they walked through the grass planes, then through the security checkpoint, and past the perimeter.

From there it was only a matter of time before they stopped just shy of the Jungle's 'bubble.'


"Are we seriously going to walk into the creepy ass Jungle?" One of the men behind Jay and Bright asked, concerned.

"Yep!" Bright excitedly shouted, not even turning around before stepping forward and into the thick Jungle.

Stepping into the Jungle, everyone watched as Bright froze and shivered.

"You alright Bright?" Jay asked, concerned.

"Yeah, It's just that it is a lot warmer in here, like 20 degrees warmer and a lot more humid..." Bright answered.

I observed them crossing over the atmospheric bubble surrounding the Jungle biome. The Jungle's temperature was set at 80 F, and the humidity only made that worse for the Humans, however, for all the life in the Jungle, it was perfect. Flora and Fauna thrived within the dense jungle. It was arguably the best place for them to find food, but also one of the most dangerous as well, though it was still their best option.

The Jungle was home to a myriad of creatures, from venomous snakes and creatures to Dire Bears, Pteranodons, Thylacoleos, Velociraptors, Dodos, and even Otters.

The Jungle was designed to house the most life, which meant that there was plenty of food and water, more than what the Humans would ever need as I constantly replenished what was consumed.

However, they would have to be wary of danger coming from every direction, the ground, the sky, the trees, everywhere.

I watched as they carefully navigated the Jungle, I made sure to direct anything that would slaughter them away but left the animals and creatures that they would still struggle to fight, such as a pack of Velociraptors they would soon stumble upon.

[Velociraptor Level 8 - Male]

[Velociraptor Level 5 - Male]

[Velociraptor Level 2 - Female]

[Velociraptor Level 4 - Male]

Seeing the raptors, the group of Humans tensed and clenched their weapons tight.

With what sounded like a mix of bark and hiss, the Raptors charged forward, with the strongest charging forward while the other raptors flanked the humans.

Though the Humans outnumbered the raptors, the raptors were still far stronger and faster.

The raptors now surrounded the humans who had their backs together, with their makeshift machetes and spears.

The Raptors seemed to taunt the humans, as they acted like they would charge forward to bite, only to pull back.

The Raptors were far more cunning than one would expect from an animal, as they waited for one of the humans to take the bait and overextend themselves.

Dr. Bright, seemingly having enough of that, cast a Mana bolt, which directly hit the face of one of the raptors.

The bolt accurately slammed into the face of one of the high-leveled Raptors, the bolt popped like a water balloon, and the mana washed over the Raptor's face, burning it 

Meanwhile, with the strongest raptor reeling back from the pain, the Humans charged forward and attacked the other Raptors.

Seeing its pack members die, the scarred Raptor chose to flee, and ran off into the Jungle, faster than any of the Humans could hope to catch up.

Humming to myself, I could already see a new story being put into place. That scarred raptor would come back, and it would come back with a Vengence.

Keeping note of that particular raptor, I focused back on the Humans.

They were breathing heavily, I could hear, no, feel their hearts beat fast, faster as adrenaline coursed through their body.

It was strange but oddly interesting. Being able to see into their bodies, hear and watch as their hearts beat, the Dungeon side of me could already see countless ways I could change and improve their biology. 

Looking at them, I wondered how their biology would change with each level they received, would their bones become stronger? Denser? Would their muscles become more compact and durable? Would their very DNA change with time as the energy they call 'EXP' changes their body? 

Now that I thought about it, this was controlled Evolution, and I wondered, what else does the System do for the Integrated?