Chapter 34 – Natto Cars
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In the middle of our walk home, there was a sudden moment of tranquillity. We both, in simultaneous form, stopped making small talk. Then I realised we were only near the end of the 2nd week of our second year. A few things have indeed happened, perhaps. One could say it was more eventful than one would expect. But, at last, some peace was reached.

Honestly, I’m not even sure what happened. A small rush of euphoria hit me as if I drank a stronger-than-average coffee. Noticeable, but certainly not that impactful. Still, I felt a kind of peace. As if me and I are the same. It’s hard to explain. I'll be candid, that simile is the best thing you'll get out of me in this nirvana.

Nishi-chan is likely gone. And, you know what? That’s fine. I might have been quick to accept it, but she was already outside my league and that last discussion we had was more than enough to entertain those fantasies. Her life is way better spent with the rich and glamorous. I’m fine in Takabata. A simple life is really all I ever wanted.

Maybe that’s why I feel content? I don’t know when this moment will go. I know it’s fleeting. I also don’t know how Sayako is feeling, but it really was a nice encompassing hug. Takabata. Never would I have ever thought of complimenting this part of town. Well, it’s my home I suppose.

Am I going to return to my complaining, moody inner self? Yes. I’m not even going to say ‘maybe’ or ‘possibly’. I’ll just be absolute. I know I’ll go back to that. But, for now, everything is fine. As the gentle rays embraced me in its holy light, the traffic was surprisingly low, and someone I genuinely appreciated in my life was with me. Just finally acceptance of how life is.

My phone went off. Reality struck, once again! It’s funny how it happens. Let’s see here… Aha! A text on the Culture Club LINE group. Let’s read it here. It’s from Aya-senpai.

‘Hi everyone! The school accepted my application! 🎉🎉 It’s an official club yay! We’ll also be having a new member and assistant-to-advisor lol. I'm sure some of u guys can read but Kikuchi Minoru-san is in this group chat too. Minetaka-sensei’s the one who will help out but I don’t think he’ll join the group. He’ll show up a few Fridays. But above all that we’re an official club 🥳🥳🥳I plan on telling U guys something on Friday after school, which is our allocated time slot! Be on the lookout!❤️’

Classic Aya-senpai text. I think I'm able to read it now? If you ask me, I'm a bit sad there’s no emoticons, even though using them is old-fashioned, even to me.

“Honzo, Minoru’s joining us? Do you have any idea how he joined?” A bewildered Sayako asked.

I responded. “Yeah. I do know, actually. I’m the one who suggested it to him and sensei.” 

She looked at me with a sharp look. Then she did the stereotypical, hand-on-chin, thinking-type gesture. And next, she spoke.

“You know what Honzo, you really want the Culture Club to succeed, don’t you? You were really enthusiastic about joining it, despite a few complaints.”

“I guess.”

She was half-true. I don’t think I complained that much about it, but that’s the ‘true’ part. I was never enthusiastic about the Culture Club. But, I might as well see it until the end of my high school life. Wait? Am I getting happy over school activities?

Sayako next moved on to a different topic. Perhaps a bit abruptly.

“I hate Natto.” She said, with a rather too quick tone. As if she wanted to say that all this time.

As for me? I was taken aback by how sudden a conversation change that was. If you don’t like talking about a certain topic, I suppose it’s just quick to say something else. Clearly, Sayako was the master of socializing.

I spoke anyway, in a much softer tone than Sayako. “I agree. It’s literally a slimy mess. The smell is putrid too.”

“Putrid?” Asked Sayako. “Well, if you mean it smells bad, then yeah, I wholeheartedly agree. It disturbs me that people eat that.” She continued on.

“Yeah. Putrid means rotting. Although, I mean it smells bad. Some people can’t smell it. I guess we were the unlucky ones.”

“Unlucky ones? It tastes terrible too! Don’t tell me you don’t like natto because of the smell? I hate it because of everything!”

Oh dear. What a random topic to get into a dispute over. It’s also strange, considering that we share the same opinion. Is she gatekeeping hating natto? Also, why are we talking about natto?

“In general, I don’t like foods made from fermentation. I don’t mind the taste of natto.”

“So you’re one of those people who can eat dried natto, but not normal natto. Not like me. I am a true hater of natto.”

What the? I don’t even know what to say. I wish I could change the conversation.

 “Saya-chan. You’re right. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who could say that much about something they hate in such a short time.

“That’s right, Honzo!”

Then she looked like a puppy? What? Am I meant to pet her now? I might, actually. If this continues, I think the intrusive thoughts might finally win. No, I can’t. I just cannot. I will win against myself.

I did win.

“Do you want to drive when you’re older?” Said Sayako, with her eyes looking towards a nice sports car. That seems uncharacteristic of her.

“Yes, I do.”

Sayako then responded to me.

“That’s nice. What car do you want to drive?”

What a loaded question to ask? I don’t actually know if I’m being honest. My favourite foreign cars tend to be the ones from Germany. I might even sell my ability to walk just to drive! Although, if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to drive a car, since that insinuates my legs don’t work. 

I’ll just say it.

“I want a BMW. A 5-Series to be exact.” I said with a rather proud voice, for some reason.

“You want a 5-Series? Fair enough, Honzo. I’d like a Honda Civic R.”

What a taste. Is she a motor otaku? Petrolhead? Damn. I would actually like that car, but I’m a bit of a sucker for German engineering. Yes, I am totally aware that it’s just branding. If I’m being honest, any car would honestly do. Point A to Point B.

Suddenly, we spoke about driving cars. I don’t know how that conversation stuck, but I suppose it’s fun when you’re discussing something you both actually have an interest in. I like cars, but not to a big degree. 

Well, eventually, that conversation was going to have to be put down. Standing in front of me was the infamous Takabata junction. Except, it’s not infamous or really notable for anything, I just connected it from the last time we took Takabata to go to where Minoru-san lived. Maybe I should drop the -san? Nah. I’ll drop it when he explicitly tells me to, even though these are just my mental thoughts. My inner self is a respectful young man, right me?

“Honzo, maybe you should come round mine sometime?” Did she just invite me to her house? 

Personally, I’m too lazy to go to town, let alone go to where Sayako lives. She literally lives on the other side of Nagoya. Our school had that touch, that people from literally Kurumamichi or wherever she lives are going to Nakagawa. You can check out the Wikipedia page on Nakagawa ward. It’s barren of actual information. All of it is just place names and where the buildings are located. The only interesting fact is that we’re named after a canal, I think?

Also, yeah, I’m trying to avoid the implications of this invite. I don’t really want to think about it. I will reject it in the softest way possible and try to use my limited social skills to its maximum potential. That way, I don’t have to be mean to Saya-chan. Although knowing how my days have been, it’s more than likely I’ll accidentally accept. Here goes nothing.

I spoke in a pseudo-confident tone. Maybe it fooled her?

“That sounds nice. I don’t know if I can do that any time soon, but we’ll see I suppose.”

“You want to come, now? I live in Higashi-ward. Specifically near Kurumamichi Station.”

Wow. The skies were a beautiful blue. Tinges of deep blue reflected like they were indigo dye. The busy roads were bountiful evidence that life was moving at a pace, waiting for no one. As car after car kept driving past, the smell of diesel all over, mixed with the beauty in front of me. Sayako. The green trees alongside the avenue really added to the feeling of overwhelmingness.

This is the first time I have ever been directly invited to a girl’s house. But even more to my surprise, I actually remembered where she lived correctly. I think she said this like last year in her introduction to me and Yusuke when we were talking in the corridors.

I have to reject her directly. There’s no point trying to prolong it. I could’ve avoided it, since I had already walked past the turn to my house. Maybe she took that as an ‘I want to hang out?’ since she knows where I live?

Here we go. I spoke in a much softer tone, but I still tried to make it casual. I don’t know if it will be received well.

“Sorry, Sayako. Honestly, the next time you invite me, I’ll go to your house. I just can’t today. I genuinely don’t feel well.” 

I suddenly felt the need to kneel, so that’s what I did. Sayako, probably a bit embarrassed seeing me do that, went pink as the leaves on the floor. She kept gesturing at me to stop it, so I just went up.

“It’s okay, Honzo-kun. Just let me know when you ever want to hang out.” She smiled.

Suddenly, she hugged me from the front. I really felt everything, and it made me feel… emotions that are just simply so hard to explain in words. I will say I was definitely bashful. 

“See ya Honzo-kun!” She said in a cheery manner, but I felt like she was hiding something. I don’t know.

“You too, Saya-chan.” At least I have to act cool in this situation, no? I wish I could see her reaction since all I could see was her back.

With a few short strides, past the local temple, I made it home.