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Bliss teleported back to his cavern and slumped down into his makeshift couch, panting breathlessly.


“Why do I have to be so unlucky?!" Bliss muttered.


Originally, he had thought the commander was the only monster among the army that he had to fear. But that girl was a demon in her own right. Just the memory of being on the receiving end of her attack brought him cold sweats.


The only good thing was that apart from running into the captain so early, it was a complete success.


Bliss conjured back his crystal ball and watched as the army’s base scurried to increase their security and check for the full extent of the damages.


Bliss was well aware of the effect panic and sleep deprivation could have on the human body. He knew some might say one night without sleep wasn’t much, but they had no idea of the psychological toll shell shock could cause.


Even if the soldiers were allowed to sleep, how could they, with the fear that a dungeon boss would come and kill them in their sleep at any time?


Bliss wanted them to be in a constant state of panic and despair, never knowing when the next body would turn up.


The very thought of closing their eyes should bring the fear of never opening them again. 


To add insult to injury he needed to paint the illusion that not even the strongest among them stood much of a chance either. This was why he took the captain's attack head on.


In reality all he did was teleport away and back to the same place to give the illusion of withstanding her attack effortlessly. 


But in reality if that attack had ever touched him, he would be as good as dead. 


Finally he had surprised her with an attack that was supposed to kill her on spot but that was a failure. 


Bliss had attacked with his self assurance skill with the highest level of power he could muster and even then she tanked the attack and brushed it off like it was just a light shove. 


If Bliss’s attack at the highest level only made him slightly better then how would he fare when he ran out of Skill Points. Would he ever even see her attacks coming? 


Regardless of this, he had still managed to paint the picture of superiority and sowed the seed of doubt and despair within the soldiers.  All of this was a major part of his plan to destroy the soldiers psychologically first, before killing them one by one. 


With a dejected smile, Bliss opened his status screen once again.


[Do you wish to use your stored souls to escape the dungeon?]



Bliss tried to select yes but he was met with another notification. 




[As the Dungeon Boss your Dungeon is under attack! You cannot abandon it now.


You must kill at least fifty percent of the invading forces before you may leave!]


[Progress 20%]


“So nothing has changed…”


Bliss clicked his tongue in disappointment. 


Not to be one to dwell on the negatives Bliss moved over to the next interface on his system and a series of messages popped up. 


[Do you wish to use the stored dungeon energy to upgrade a creature]



An evil smile covered Bliss’s face as he chose yes in his mind. 


“They might have caught me off guard last time, but let’s see how they do when they are the ones being hunted”




The morning had just broken and the commander had just left from his tent with a cup of tea in hand and stretched to enjoy the morning air. 


His nice long deep breath was broken when he saw the exhausted look on his guards faces. The bags under their eyes were very prominent. 


But the commander was a little confused, after all they had a thorough relieving system in place and each soldier would only spend an hour or two doing guard duty. His wonder was broken when he saw his captain to the side with a disheartened expression. 


“Commander! I have a report”


She ran forward performing a hasty salute. 


“Why are you here so early? Isn't the form up not due until the next hour at least?”


The captain clicked her tongue not wanting to admit her failures. She clenched her fist before continuing. 


“There was an intruder last night, Sir!”


The commander nodded in understanding hearing this news. It was normal for a camp in the middle of a dungeon to be attacked. They were surrounded by enemies after all. 


“Did you find out who or what it was? 


Did you apprehend them?”


Cassandra paused before continuing, 


“Based on reports and eyewitnesses… It was the new Dungeon Boss… Sir.”


The Commander’s eyes widened in shock as he heard the revelations. His mind was firing off connecting dot after dot. But what he heard next surprised him even more.


“... We… I wasn’t able to apprehend him.”


Once again the Commander was taken aback. 


It had to be noted that Cassandra was among the more skilled warriors and a few levels higher than the average soldier. Between her skills and raw power she was a demon on the battlefield. 


For her to fail to catch an enemy meant that he might be on or above her level. This forced the commander to reevaluate his idea of the Dungeon Boss’s strength. 


“What are our losses?”


Once again Cassandra clenched her fist and looked down feeling dejected, 


“... Our losses are now at around thirty with a few injured… and a quarter of the camp was destroyed in our little scuffle...Sir.”


The Commander spat his tea out in surprise. 


One Boss had managed to invade their camp and killed at least twelve soldiers  before being chased away?!


Clearly this Dungeon Boss was no ordinary creature. The commander really had to wonder how strong the boss was to be this brave. Surely if he met it in battle he would not underestimate it after this. 


The commander looked at Cassandra with her downturned expression and shook his head.


“This is truly a disgrace on our household’s name… Don’t let it happen again. 


Gather the men, we move to the next target in an hour!”