Chapter 3 Your Evil Laugh Needs Work.
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Two days later I was sleeping in my bed or rather sitting at a table with crayons, colored papers and small toys. I was going to meet with Lu-Shi to help test out moving in the system. The room was brightly colored, and it looked like a normal play room with bright poorly drawn animals on the walls. Following the plan I had come up with, I grabbed a blank page and a few crayons and started drawing. We couldn’t walk around yet, but even being able to move my head and arms was amazing. Hell’s gate I could even feel and smell the crayon in my hand. She popped in and was sitting in a chair next to me. I glanced over and went back to drawing. She reached out and started scribbling a rough picture of a bunny. “Morning Lu-Shi.” she just nodded and focused on her paper. I drew a tic-tac-toe board and put an x in the corner then slid it over to her before going back to doodle. She looked over and pulled it in, drawing an o in the center and pushed it back to me. I drew another x and pushed it back smiling. She smiled and enjoyed our silent game. She won the first game and I made a new board. 

An hour passed as we played. She didn’t talk, but I didn’t expect her to, I also didn’t expect her to win every freaking game. That one had a crazy mind. This was a long road and I knew I’d have to work to gain her trust. The hospital had screwed me up and I didn’t want to think as to what might have been done to her. After a few games I put the crayons away and started folding paper making a little frog. Putting it between us I pressed down on its back making it hop to her. She giggled and picked it up. School was never fun for me and as we always had paper I learned to make animals to pass the time. My teachers were not happy about that, but couldn’t do anything so long as I got my work done. I smiled watching her as she made it hop away from us. I folded another and unfolded it, handing it to her. “I’ll refold it after you give him a makeover.” she giggled and started drawing. I made a few other origami animals while she was distracted. She handed it back and started playing with the other animals. We played like this for about an hour before time was over. I smiled down at her as the bell was sounding. “It was nice playing with you. I hope we can do this again.”

“I’d like that Mr. Ed word.” I woke up and helped Emma and Travis do reports for the rest of the day. Not going to lie, it was a fun visit.

I still sleep normally, but now I was taking a nap during the day. Kinda nice when you look at it, also every time I take a nap I get to play. We can now walk around the room and other toys have been added. Lu-Shi loves running and never seems to get tired. It's kinda cute watching her run around. Don’t look at me like that. I look at her more as a daughter. Sorry dudes, I like women my own age. I used to have a dream about starting a family, the whole wife and kids thing, but being locked in, you don’t get to get out and date. I did try to date before things changed, but my luck in love is about the same as my luck in life. It warmed my heart a little seeing her smile, laugh and play. I actually feel like a real person when I'm here. Life as a vegi-man is as much fun as it sounds. Emma started giving me odd looks when she thinks I’m not paying attention. No clue what that is about. Lu-Shi and I still watch movies together, but it was on a TV in the room instead of the theater. I swear to the gods I’ve seen every one of those happy elf princess movies. They are starting to grow on me. Hell help me if I become a Bronie. Travis and some of the others would join us at times, but Emma never seemed to be willing to do so. Was she afraid of the system she was working on?

One day Popcorn Dude came in to talk to me after everyone had left. “Evening Popcorn Dude. What can I do for you?” I asked. He smiled down at me

“Mr. Edwards, Steven. We are almost ready to begin Phase 3. Do you know what we are working on?” He asked and I could see the worry on his face.

“No clue. It seems to do a fair bit of insanely cool crap though.” I replied.

“When I was young I used to play online games and read fantasy books. I would dream of what it would be like to live in those worlds. Not just to play them, but to actually live in them. This whole operation is just to let me and others play a game. I know it's a bit sad.” He said, looking at the ground.

“Bull, just bull. This is amazing and the applications for this tech can be used for unlimited. Hell’s gate, even just being able to watch a movie in thirty minutes is amazing. I could go on, but we made lists about this.”

“I didn’t think of that. I’m going to have to talk to some people about those lists. This is off topic though. I wanted to ask you a few things first. What do you think of me? Am I doing right by you and Lu-Shi?”

“I know you can’t see a change in my face, but I’m scowling at you.” His face fell at my words. “Sir, you took her and I from a living hell and gave us a voice, let us move, and let us be human again. You are a saint.” he smiled weakly at me.

“I bought you and her like cattle and used you as lab rats in my wild idea just to make a game. It doesn’t sit well with me at times.” He said, his eyes not reaching my own.

“As I can’t do the action, I’ll just say it. I’m putting my hand on your shoulder. You gave us back our lives. That should show the man you really are.” he nodded at me.

“We are coming to an end and now I have to ask you what you want to do with the rest of your life?”

“If this game is going to let us live, why not just let us live out our lives there?” He froze looking at me. He just sat there stunned.

“You’d like to spend the rest of your life trapped in a game?”

“We are all trapped Sir. We wake, go to work, go home and repeat. Also even if it was a game, I’d rather be in a game where I can move as opposed to living like this. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?” he nodded slowly and stood. “Kidding I don’t have shoes.” he smiled slightly, but still looked worried.

“I’m going to have to talk to some people about all this. You have given me far more to think about and to do.”

“Sure, but if you do put us in the game, can you let me be in a place where I can let Lu-Shi grow up to be happy and healthy?” I said with an inward wince. What would he think about my request?

“You’ve become her papa, haven’t you?” He smirked as he looked down at me.

“Smile and shrug.” Martan laughed as he got up.

“Thank you Steven. I needed this talk. I’m going to send someone over to talk to you in the morning. We need to get everything set if we are going to make this happen.”

“Rest well Sir.” Martan walked out, he clearly had a lot on his mind. I couldn’t sleep so  I turned on a show to watch. A short while later I got a call for Lu-Shi

“Are you awake?” she asked timidly

“I take it you can’t sleep either?” I sighed

“No Grandpa came to see Lu-Shi.”

“He came to see me too. Said we might be able to live in a fantasy world. You might actually be able to become Lu-Shi, the happy elf princess.” she let out the sweetest girly giggle and my heart melted a little.

“Can I play with you there?” She asked nervously.

“What makes you think I wouldn’t be there?”

“That makes Lu-Shi happy.”

“That would make me happy too, Kiddo.” She ended the call and I went back to my show. My head was spinning and it took a lot longer to get to sleep than normal.

The next morning a nicely dressed man came in. He wore an expensive suit that would have cost most people a year’s pay. He seemed to be in good shape with a touch of gray in his styled hair. “I’m here to meet with Mr. Edwards. My name is David Crag” he turned to Travis. “Is that you?”

“Nope,” I said with a smile in my voice. He seemed startled and looked up at the speaker. He pointed at Emma. “Wrong.” He looked around the room passing over me on the bed. “Too far, go back.” He looked back at me on the bed. “Bingo we have a winner.” I said laughing at my joke.

“You are Mr. Edwards?” his face seemed surprised and a bit disturbed.

“Yeppers. The man under the covers is the same one coming over the speakers. What can I do for you?” I asked, laughing at his befuddled posture.

“You are talking to me. The man on the bed not moving is talking through a computer?” The gears were turning and I just inwardly smiled.

“I take it no one talked to you first.” he sat by the bed looking around.

“Someone gave me a file, but I didn’t have time to read it. All I really know is I have someone to talk to about signing an employment contract.”

“Who the hell would hire someone who was sold as medical waste?” he started blinking as Travis started snickering. Emma was trying not to laugh openly.

“Could you two please give us the room?” Mr. Crag asked, frowning at them. Both left without an issue and he looked down at the bed once we were alone. “Perhaps you should start at the beginning.”

“When a man and a woman love each other very much...” I started laughing and he smiled. I told him everything. The accident, being locked in, being sold, and living here. His face went from shocked to outraged and by the end he was openly crying. Really man don’t cry over me it’s a bit uncomfortable. “worse things do happen to people you know.” he dried his eyes and blew his nose.

“Still that is harsh. No one should have to deal with that. How are you still sane?” He asked.

“Who says I am? We are all crazy and I use humor as a coping mechanism. Now who wants to hire me?” he straightened up and patted my shoulder.

“Yes to business. Mr. Martin asked me to offer you a job working as a long term alpha and beta tester, but given everything, it sounds like I have to bring you back to life first.” he smiled at the idea. “I can still offer you the job. He wants to pay you a living wage and everything needed to keep you alive and healthy as you help us with everything.”

“Let me stop you there.” his face fell. “What would I need money for?” he sat there blinking for a few minutes. “What would I spend it on? Can I set it up to donate?” he nodded slowly not sure what to make of it.

“I don’t see why not. So normally I’d have you sign, but I guess we could do a digital signature.” he pulled out his phone and started recording. “Mr. Steven Francis Edwards,” No, not my middle name. “Do you consent to work for DVCAT Inc as an alpha and beta tester?”

“I do. That is if you can bring me back to life.” I gave my best evil laugh and he chuckled before getting up. “Dude, your evil laugh needs work.”

“Mr. Edwards, it has been a pleasure. I do have to ask something though. Are you happy?”

“More than you could ever know. From hell to heaven,” He smiled down at me and left letting Emma and Travis back in.

“What did he want?” Emma asked.

“Bad news I’m afraid. I have to tone down my flirting as you can now take me to HR.”

“Who says you have to stop?” she said, smiling at me with a slight blush on her cheeks. I would have to test those waters later.

“What does this mean?” Travis asked

“I’ve been hired to work as a beta tester.” Both began cheering and Emma hugged me. How did she always smell so nice?

“Gratz man.” he said, holding my hand up for a high five.

“Does this mean you know about Phase 3?”

“Yep and I expect to get your best Dr. Frankenstein voice when we get a visit from him again, Travis.” He gave a truly evil laugh. Dude had some skill on that one.

“ITS ALIVE! ITS ALIVVVVE” he shouted and we all burst into laughter.

“That’s enough boys. We have work to do.” Emma said with a smirk. They moved back to their work stations and the day went back to normal.

(Dr Florence Rose)

Dr. Rose sat at her desk looking over the paperwork for her two wards, they had long ago stopped being test subjects in her mind and became her charges. Steven and Lu-Shi were being brought back to life so to speak, at least in a legal mindset. She smiled, picturing Steven making some joke and Lu-Shi needing to be muted several times due to high pitched outbursts. She had come to see those two as friends and she was going to be sad at not being able to visit them weekly. They would be taken care of and happy for a long time, living a life few could ever hope to dream. The thought of living in a game never crossed her mind, but had an air of logic behind it. She had spent a few nights lying in bed picturing what it must be like to live locked in, as she was sure some of the other staff had done. She shuddered when she thought about having to get up to pee and being unable to move, like living full time in a night terror state. Her thoughts drifted and she had to shake her head to focus on the paperwork again. This page was about the readout of Steven playing with Lu-Shi. Her endorphins spiked as she played and his only slightly raised every time she smiled or laughed. More to the point both seemed to be forming a tight bond. It warmed her heart knowing the two had found joy after so much. She was drifting again and needed a drink. Her dad would be upset if he knew how much she was drinking these days. Even thinking that she needed one was a sign of an issue. 

You can want a drink, but needing a drink is a problem. She had been drinking a lot more since taking this job and would have to work to fix that. It’s okay to drink from time to time so long as it doesn’t become a need or at least that’s what her father would say. “Florence Rose. You need a vacation. Your head is all over the place.” she scolded herself. She wondered if she could use one of the new helmets and visit a beach somewhere, maybe with a cool drink and a hot cabana boy. She chuckled at that and would have to look into the program department as she was sure some of those people already had something like that set up. Given the hours they had been working from day one to get things this far and the sudden spike in productivity from the test after Phase 2, she knew they had to be doing something. She sent off a quick email to Oscar.

Subject: I need a break,

From: Dr. Florence Rose

To: Oscar Wilds

Oscar I know your team is working a lot lately, but I was wondering if I could use one of the headsets for a few hours on a personal project of my own. I know this is a tad unprofessional, but I feel that it is warranted. Please get back to me and feel free to tell me no if it is impractical.

Have a good day,

Dr. Florence Rose.

She sat back in her chair and closed her eyes. She hated asking for help and that is what this felt like. Her phone started ringing and she sat up. She had dozed off for what looked like a few minutes. She punched the button without looking at the caller.

“Florence this is Oscar, how are you holding up?”

“Oh, Oscar. Sorry I dozed off. I take it you got my Email?” He chuckled

“Yep and I wanted to call you and see if we can load you up something nice. What did you have in mind?” she smiled softly. She had known him from school and even back then he was the type to look out for others and work hard. He was always to the point and a bit of a stressed mess, but something in his voice had changed. He seemed happy and okay with the long hours and workload.

“Maybe a beach?”

“So you want program three?” she sat blinking for a moment.

“What other programs do you have?” He gave a deep belly laugh

“Florence, so far we have six to choose from. One is free floating in a spaceship over earth. Don’t judge us, we know we are all nerds down here. Two is a movie theater that we can load any movie in. I know we are just reusing that one from the tests, but it's still nice to have and we even added popcorn. Three is a beach in the tropics. Four is a driving simulator in the country. Five is a deep old growth forest you can walk through. And six is a lake you can fish in. That one is for me.”

“I’d like number three and five please, but three first. You really don’t have an issue with me asking for this?” another deep laugh from him made her smile.

“Florence you got me this job and I know it kicks our tails each and every day. I was expecting you to reach out after the first test. You saw our numbers spike and know we are grinding things hard here, but this crap works. Some of us have taken to having a quick nap during our lunch break just to unwind or a thirty minute break away after work. Tell you what, I’ll send Tony over to show you how to use it and how to look through the programs. Sadly we can only load one at a time on a drive that has to be hooked up to the system, but we can just swap the drives.”

“Thank you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, Oscar. Thank you”

“Florence I will be joining you on that beach one of these days and sharing a drink with you. Side note, you have to be sober when you go in as alcohol does affect the sleep portion of the brain. Drinking in the game is no issue though.” she smiled

“Oscar, I will hold you to that drink. Thank you again and you and your team keep up the great work.”

“Good night Florence and you enjoy that beach.” she hung up and laid her head back in the chair. She needed this. Why had it taken her so long to work up the nerve?


(Steven Edwards)

A few more days passed and we met with doctors, techs and Mr. Crag visited me often to talk over the logistics of a long term coma? I guess you could call it a coma. It took time to get everything worked out and I needed a program to go to sleep at night now. The wonder of just saying lights out and going to sleep is amazing. Hell’s gate you try getting to sleep facing a chance when you could leave a bed and walk around as a normal person. They even had a dream lab built so I could actually work on some things and catch up on some of the reading of long term trauma. Emma was even able to put a computer in my lab and I was able to go online to watch or read things. Before the accident I was studying psychology. 

Sadly no porn, but I can still dream. I think it was because there were people watching me and let's face it, no one wants to see that. Even though I knew it was a dream, it still felt good just to relax in my own work space and even have a cup of tea in the morning. Also somehow they made a door between my workspace and a child’s playroom for Lu-Shi. She would often knock before asking me to come play with her. It was kinda cute. Like a small child asking her dad to leave his work just to play tea cups with her. 

After what felt like far too long the day had finally come. A host of doctors and techs came in and looked over me. Emma and Travis seemed to be afraid and sad as they watched me being prepped.

“We are going to miss you dude.” Travis said with a downcast look on his face. Emma just looked away and wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“What do you mean, man?” I replied,

“You are going away. We wont get to see you again.”

“Bull. Look dude, I’m sure there is some type of mail system in place, all good games have them and you two will be joining me when you have the time.” Travis just blinked and Emma looked at me shocked.

“Yeah, but you’ll be in the game full time and can’t leave.” he said sadly

“What so you never go to visit a friend at their house?” Emma’s mouth fell open. “you guys are mad wizards, but a bit dumb at times. This isn’t goodbye. This is me going to live a life you two will always be a part of. Yes you have lives here, but now it's my turn to live. It’s my turn to show off and be a cool guy for once. When you get the chance, come say hi. Also don’t be afraid to drop a line and let me know how things are going.” They both came to my body and held my hands, each one taking a side.

“Why is it the fool is the level headed one here? Are you sure we didn’t screw with his brain?” Emma asked with a slight tear in her eye. I wish I could give her a reassuring smile, but all I did was look blankly out.

“You two are my best friends. Like hell I’m going to just ditch you the moment I get in there.” I said softly. One of the nurses came up to me pushing Travis aside.

“Mr. Edwards, are you ready to start?” She was a stuffy older woman who seemed to delight in pushing her weight around. I inwardly took a deep breath.

“Yes. See you two soon. Emma, can you hold my hand until I’m out?” she wiped her eyes and nodded. The nurse pushed a needle into my arm and i felt the coldness slip into my system and up to my brain. Everything just seemed softer and somehow deeper than any of the other tests. I just fell back into my own mind and body. The darkness of it all seemed to hold me close like a blanket as I slipped away. Like that my old life just stopped and my new one would start soon.

(Dr. Emma Winters)

Emma held his hand. Somehow it felt like he was dying even though she knew the truth. She watched his eyes close and the brain scan slow. He was out and in deep. Everyone in the room aside from Emma and Travis began to move, as Steven was lifted to gurney before being moved into the long term wing that his been built for this reason. He would just be there, looked after each day and fully plugged into the system. She just stood there watching him go, stunned and a bit heartbroken. Long after everyone was gone, Emma and Travis just looked at the door. A light started blinking on the console. Travis walked over and pushed it almost on autopilot. “Hay guys, why do you look like that?” Steven’s voice came over the speaker. “Not even an hour and you miss me. I feel touched.” Both looked at the screen with shocked expressions. “Look before you try to ask dumb questions unless you already have, then I’m sorry. This is a recording. No Travis I’m not going to guess how many fingers you are holding up.” Travis started laughing, a hand behind his back and Emma gave a sad smile. 

“You two got this. Keep kicking ass and meet me when you can. Travis I left you a few movies you don’t own yet. Dr. Rose helped me order some Gamera movies for you. How the hell you never learned of that kaiju? I have no real idea. Emma you have an amazing heart and I know it will be rough to smile without me harassing you every day, but I know you can make it. Also I was able to get you something nice too. Dr. Rose, that is your cue." The door opened and a much more relaxed and healthier looking Dr. Rose walked in holding a box. She held a bag of DVDs out to Travis who took them stunned and a small box out to Emma. She smiled at both of them. “See you soon guys. Edwards out, now how do I end this recording. This one… no not that one. Crap should have read the instructions first. Here it." The sound cut off and the room was filled with some soft music. Travis started laughing. Emma tried to stay stoic, but her hand shook as she held the box.

“Crap man, really that song?” Emma looked over at him, tears openly beginning to fall from her eyes.

“What is it?”

“It's the final song from the first Godzilla movie. It was the last movie we all watched together.”

“I remember, you two wouldn’t shut up about the history of that lizard thing.” she looked at the box and took a deep breath. One shaking hand opened it up to see a chain with a small gold mushroom. Someone had painted the top of it green with white spots. Just below the cap were two small eyes looking up at her. It was silly and sweet just like Steven. Inside was a note. Someone, Dr. Rose, if Emma had to guess, had written it.

Emma, you helped give me a life and something to look forward to. I’m giving you one back. Now no one can tell you to get a life as you have an extra.

See you soon,


She started openly balling like a little girl. Dr. Rose led her to the bed to sit down. It was still warm from where he had lay for all those months. Her voice was calm and soft. “You two did an amazing job and don’t think for one moment that we are going to kick you out of the program. Emma you are still needed to watch his status to see if any issues pop up and Travis I have a request from Mr. Wilds in programming. They need a mad scientist to quote code the hell out this game. End quote. If you two need time I do understand. You do have vacation time saved up and can use the whole month if you need.” Emma shook her head and looked up. Her eyes were red but filled with a new light.

“How the hell are we going to join him if we just sit around crying?”

“Right, right.” Travis wiped his eyes and turned to Dr. Rose. “We got work to do if we ever hope to catch up to him.” Dr. Rose smiled and turned away from them.

“Emma, dear. You can visit him in the ward if you like. We are calling that wing the Caer Ibormeith wing. The Celtic goddess of dreams and prophecy. It seems fitting.”

(Gabriela Perez)

She sat in her living room watching TV or at least just looking at it. She had lost her job at the hospital four months ago. They had told her to leave because she was too old. She was only sixty seven and could work all those young brainless kids under the table. She gave them forty years and now she was too old to find work anywhere. It was just wrong. Her grandson is now working two jobs just to keep things going and even with that they were going under. They didn’t even have enough money for food this week. She knew he would sneak out tomorrow morning and sell plasma again. She hated that they had to live this way. The show she had been barely watching went to commercial break and she struggled to get up. It had become so hard to move lately. It was time to get the mail and if there was another bill or god forbid a late notice... This time of day had become a trail the good lord was putting on her. 

She passed a picture of her beloved Lewis who had passed away six years ago. The picture was from the day they were married. He was laughing in the picture just after he had suddenly kissed her cheek. She smiled and blushed, making the moment beautiful. The memory gave her a deep sadness as she touched his face. Even after all these years she still missed him. She slowly made her way to the door, dread and sadness in her heart. Just before opening it she saw a shadow and heard the ding of the doorbell. Her heart began to race. She called out trying not to sound scared. “Who is it?”

“Mrs. Perez, my name is David Crag. I was hoping to talk to you today.” she rolled her eyes thinking in this day and age, door to door salesmen weren’t a thing any more.

“Talk about what?” she asked a little annoyed.

“I assure you, this is a matter you’d rather not shouted through the door.” He sounded like a lawyer and that could only mean bad news. Best to pull the band aid off. She sighed heavily and opened the door. Mr. Crag was smiling at her. A well dressed young man with a well dressed woman behind him. She saw two nice new cars in her driveway. Inwardly she growled at the indignity of it. Her car had broken down last month and had been impounded and these strangers couldn’t even carpool.

“What do you want?” her anger began to boil at everything.

“May we come in. I assure you it’s good news.” the way he smiled when he said that seemed strange

“If it’s about the good lord, I already know him.” This brought a genuine laugh from him. It actually made her smile. “If it is bad news I swear I will hit you with a chancla.”

“If you aren’t smiling by the time I am ready to leave I will hand it to you myself.” she gave a slight giggle shaking her head as she opened the door. At the very least this broke her sour mood. Her grandson came out as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.

“Gran, what’s going on?” he tried and failed to hold back a yawn.

“These people want to talk to me, for some reason.” seeing him so tired and pale brought back the reminder that he was fighting hard just to keep them alive. He was a good boy, but was working too hard. She wished he had stayed asleep.

“You must be Elmer?” Mr. Crag held his hand out. Her grandson took it and gave it a firm shake. Lewis taught him that a good handshake showed everyone that you were a good man. She could almost hear him from the years back

“Elmer strong hand means a strong man. Good man, good shake. Remember that, boy.” This made her smile, getting lost in the memory. She missed him every day and was looking forward to the day she could join him.

“I think both of you may want to sit down for this meeting.” Mr. Crag said, smiling at them. She led everyone to the kitchen as her living room wasn’t really clean. It wasn’t dirty, but she wouldn’t feel right putting guests in that dark dusty room. Only down side was the kitchen which only had three chairs. Mr. Crag held out his chair for her when they got there. It was getting rare to see manors like this in this day and age. It made her feel better about him. Elmer stood behind her, his hand on her shoulder. He was so protective of her even after her daughter had left him on the doorstep and ran away. Where had she gone wrong with her daughter? She shook her head and came back to the moment. “Will you please check your bank account?” She frowned and pulled out her phone. It was a strange way to start things. She wasn’t sure where all this was going.

“Not sure what you are on about.” she held it away from them and began to log into the app just as Elmer had taught her. Her eyes landed on the amount and she froze. She had expected to see twelve dollars and a handful of pennies. It was still there, but there were other numbers in front of it. She just sat blinking. Ten years of pay sat on the bright screen looking up at her. Elmer couldn’t take the silence and tilted the phone up so he could see. His face twisted into a look of fury as he raised his hands ready to fight these people.

“What are you trying to do? Use us? Is this hush money? Blood money? What you are planning, we don’t want it.” Mr. Crag just sat calmly and looked up at Elmer with kind eyes.

“Young man. This is a gift and a gift only. I just wanted to show you this so you’ll understand the rest better.”

“It’s too much. Who would be giving us this much?”Gabriela asked, her mind struggling to keep up.

“You showed kindness to a good friend of mine and he and our employer wish to thank you for that kindness.” she just nodded. The other woman was just standing behind him, her hands free and posture turning gears in Gabriela’s mind.

“Young miss, are you an EMT?” the other woman smiled sweetly and looked Gabriela in the eye.

“I like the term medic as it sounds cooler.” Her voice was sweet and kind. She would go far and had the fire inside that would last her through the hard years. “Also Mr. Crag thought it would be a good idea in case of shock or anything else.”

“You don’t need to worry about me. My ticker is fine. Elmer be a deer and get these kind folks a drink of water." Both women smiled at each other feeling a kinship that only medical professionals have. Mr. Crag cleared his throat and reached into his coat. Why he would choose to wear a coat in this heat was anyone’s guess. Elmer turned and walked robotically to the cabinet. He was pulling out four glasses as Mr. Crag pulled out a folder and placed it on the table. He reached in and pulled out a single paper sliding it across the table. Elmer looked over and froze. She looked at it blinking again. Her mind was stunned as she tried to process everything. It was her mortgage statement. She still had several years left and was even late on the last few, but that wasn’t what this said.

“Gran, what is that?” he asked, a bit of fear in his voice. She replied without feeling,

“This is saying the house is paid off.” The sound of breaking glass made her spin around, her training kicking in. He was breathing heavily and leaning on the counter. One of the glasses had fallen and the others were spinning around wildly on the counter top. Hyperventilating, stress induced. She flew from the chair and caught him by the shoulders, guiding him to her chair. She pushed his head down and talked softly to him. “Deep slow breaths. In, hold… out. Again.” her hand went to his neck. His heartbeat was fast, but steady. “Good boy. In and hold. Out.” she could feel his heart rate slow. She began to pet his hair like when he was little. She noticed that the other woman had moved to Mr. Crag’s side, but was smiling at her.

“Ma’am you know your stuff.” she said with a smile.

“Ought to I did it for over forty years. Could you get me the bottle hidden in that cabinet over there and also a glass?” even if this was an emergency one shouldn’t be drinking from the bottle like a common thug. The other woman pulled out her hidden bottle of bourbon and gave her a questioning look. “Did you think it would be tequila because we are Mexican?” she shook her head

“No ma’am I was just surprised there was this much left.”

“I try not to drink too much. it’s bad for your health." She pulled out some ice and filled the glass before handing things over. Gabriela poured two fingers of alcohol on the ice and handed it to her grandson.

“Gran I can’t drink this. I’m not twenty one.” He said looking up at her with doubt and shock in his eyes.

“I won’t tell and think of this as doctor’s orders. Drink it quick and try to keep it down.” He tilted it back and shuttered before gagging. She laughed and felt better as his shoulders relaxed. She poured herself a fair bit more and slammed it back without a twitch.

“Thought you said you didn’t drink?” The younger woman asked.

“Just because I hold back now doesn’t mean I always did.” she gave the younger woman an evil grin. The drink warmed her belly and let her mind focus and remember the paper. “Mr. Crag, who the hell pays off another person’s mortgage?” She asked her voice, showing her doubt. he seemed to relax and smile at her.

“Betty.” he coughed “Sorry Mrs. Perez, As I said this is a gift from someone you helped. You earned this gift for being who you are and that should amount for something.”

“Why did you call me Betty?” her grandson looked at her, his eyes slightly glazed. She may have given him too much.

“Gran, they gave us money and payed off the house. They can call you any name they want for all I care.” she smiled at him. Mr. Crag cleared his throat and looked embarrassed.

“My friend has a strange quark. You may not have told him your name so he probably gave you the name Betty. He has done that with a few other people since he… got better.” He said with a strained smile.

“Who is your friend?” She asked.

“I’m sorry but I can’t say that for legal reasons. I will tell you that he loved the shows you picked for him.” she just had a puzzled look trying to rack her brain on the riddle. Damn, maybe she had made too much for herself. She wasn’t a spring chicken. “Now this is the one thing I need you to sign. He pulled out a green paper and passed it to her. She slid into the remaining seat and looked at it. It looked like a car note. “Please sign here.” He said as he pointed to the owner line.

“What the actual hell? A freaking car.” he started to laugh. It was a kind laugh that warmed Gaberila’s heart, reminding her of her husband.

“My employer bought your house and gave you money. I am giving you the car. My friend’s story touched my heart and I have to add to the pot you could say." She took the pen and signed it quickly before he changed his mind. He smiled, pulled out the keys and slid them over. “sadly we can’t set up the insurance for you so you will have to do that some time in the next few months.” she just nodded. Mr. Crag stood and the young woman leaned down and hugged her.

“Did you just check my heart rate with a hug?” Gabriela asked.

“Yes, I can't slip anything past you.” she said with a wink. Mr. Crag turned to the frying pan hanging over the sink and pulled it down handing it to her with a cheeky smile.

“You aren’t smiling so you get to hit me with this. I am a man of my word after all.” She looked puzzled and looked at the pan. It finally hit her.

“Chancla means sandal not frying pan.” She said with a sweet smile.

“I’d take the frying pan. It will hurt less.” Her grandson said, his eyes glazed. Crag laughed as she took the pan from him and set it on the table. She pulled his head down and kissed his forehead.

“Bless you. Bless you.” she was starting to cry as everything started to sink in. He smiled, put the pan away and waved at the young woman to leave. She was beaming and trying not to cry herself. “Tell your employer and friend thank you.”

“I will.” he smiled and left. She looked at her grandson.

“Gran what do we do?” he looked up at her stunned. It was too much for him. Hell too much for them both.

“You are going to quit both jobs tonight and get your ass to bed now. Tomorrow we are going on a trip. I’m going to pay all our bills and in three, no five hours you’ll order us a great dinner using that food app you once told me about.” he reached out and pulled her into a hug. After a little she pushed him to his bed and he stumbled bouncing off one of the walls. He was young and still a light weight. Her mind went back over the past few years trying to think of all the people she had helped. 

She remembered one young man, sitting in a bed, looking at a blank wall. He looked so bored and sad. His chart said he was in there, but just to be left like that wasn’t right. She had made a point to turn on the TV for him just so he had something to watch. Was that the one Mr. Crag was talking about? She wasn’t sure, but she knew she needed more to drink. Today was the best day of her life and she was happy for the frist time in a very long time. She looked down at the bourbon, shrugged and smiled before tipping it up and taking a good gulp from the bottle. She turned on some lights in the living room and pulled back the blinds letting the sun into the room and into her heart. It felt great, the booze felt great, or maybe it just felt like someone actually cared about her and her family for once. “Thank you kind stranger. I owe you more than you will ever know.” She said as she cried.

(Lesa Wolves)

Mr. Crag got into Ms. Wolves’ car. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose before clearing her throat and turning the car on. “I have to ask what did a TV have to do with all that? Not saying they didn’t need it, but I have to know.”

“Ms. Wolves, tonight I want you to lay in bed and don’t move. Not your eyes, nothing. How long can you go like that? I tried myself and made it in forty five minutes before giving up.” she frowned at him

“Not sure I think maybe an hour.” she wasn’t sure where he was going. Maybe some kind of kink?

“Try three years and it not be by your choice.” she just looked stunned

“Three years stuck like that would be a nightmare. You are talking about being locked in, right?” she remembered reading a paper on it. He just nodded looking at the house. She just sat there taking it in.

“Now what would you do if someone turned on a TV for you when they were working? It would be easier if they just ignored you, it would cost them nothing just to leave you there, but she would go in and turn on something for my friend to watch.” His face held genuine sympathy as he looked at the house.

“God. Man, god. Now I need a drink. You have to tell me everything.”

“Let’s go, I’ll tell you over dinner, I’m buying. This won’t be a date though.” she gave him a playful frown.

“Shame your kind of cute and I have a thing for rich tall lawyers who have a heart of gold.” he smiled and chuckled at her as they pulled out of the driveway.



How badly did I screw up a Mexican family? I hope I did Betty justice as a Mexican grandma. I will get back to her and Edwardo's story when I have time. Feel free to offer corrections or advice. I'd also welcome joining someone on a game if any of you are gamers. Sorry no first person shooters though.