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(Lu-Shi the Happy Elf Princess)

Lu-Shi played with the twins Leta and Meta. The three young girls were tossing a cloth ball back and forth. The twin cat girls were identical in almost every way. The only real difference is Meta had a freckle on the right and Leta had one on the left. Over the last two days the three had become good friends and she was grateful for them as the young girls kept the shadows at bay. Even now she had one reaching up from her mind from this morning. She had sat in bed this morning and felt it rise up. It whispered that HE had left her alone. She was alone in the world without someone to protect her. She had to shake her head to push it back. {they aren’t your real friends as they aren’t real.} go away, she thought at it.. I’m Lu-Shi not that person anymore. That person doesn’t exist. She tossed the ball to Meta who giggled as she caught it and passed it to Leta before it flew back to her. She missed it and ran after it giggling. Yanor was sitting in a rocking chair knitting a blanket and looking over at them smiling in a way that just spoke of happiness. This world was nice. {Not real} there was a knock at the door and all the women looked at the door as it opened showing HIM. He was tall and stronger than the darkness and she felt it retreat when he was around. Her papa looked like something out of a cheesy romance novel, but had a kind soft smile. He looked down at her and gave her that warm smile.

“Hey, Lu-Shi did you have a good day?” He asked. She looked out the window.

“The sun is still up. Do I have to go?” She asked. She was happy and wanted to keep playing. Inside  she was hoping he would join them. She knew the shadow would go away after that.

“Sadly no. I am on a quest and need your help.” {quest he is going to leave me} she frowned up at him. The shadow clawed slightly higher.

“What quest?” She asked, fear filling her heart. {alone again.}

“I have a friend who is going to join the city, but he is scared and needs a brave elf to help him.” He said with his warm smile. She gave him a huge smile as she nodded. He held out his huge arms as he leaned over to pick her up. The moment she was in his arms, the shadow ran to the deepest part of her mind. He turned to Yanor. “Are you willing to welcome this person too?” Yanor put down the blanket and folded her arms.

“Fool man, what are you on about?” The older elf who Lu-Shi was convinced was royalty asked.

“I have a friend I plan to bring into town. He has been living under a bridge.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“The poor fellow. I can be there. I know Herris was going on about something, but wasn’t sure what that was about.” He nodded. “I can try.” She said with a sigh, but Lu-Shi could see the worry in the red headed elf’s eyes.

“That is all I can ask.” He said as he turned to the door and said over his shoulder. “Meta, Leta. We will see you in the tavern for dinner tonight.” Both kittens cheered at that as he left the building. Lu-Shi just waved at them over his huge shoulder, happy to have met such nice people. The shadow kept quiet and stayed down. The late afternoon light beamed down on them as they walked out of town. “I think we should get some straw hats.” He said to her after a while.

“Like farmers?” She asked. He gave a booming laugh and she smiled feeling his laugh rock her small body.

“Lu-Shi I am a farmer.” He pointed out and she giggled in response.

“Silly papa.” She scolded. He was her papa. That is right. This is right. The shadow clung to her moment of doubt and moved slightly higher.

“So tell me about your day.” She told him about playing with the twins and how Yanor had started making a blanket to make nap time more fun. He listened as they walked and then he told her about his day. Ugly bugs didn’t seem that fun and she was happy he took care of them {remember the roach trying to crawl into your nose and mouth} she shuddered and tried to push the shadow down. Go away shadow I am not her anymore. I AM LU-SHI. Lu-Shi the happy elf princess. She hugged his neck and felt the shadow crawl back down. It was still there, waiting in her mind. She looked to see where they were going and saw a large bridge. As they approached she watched in horror as a huge blue hand as big as she was reach out and grab the lip of the bridge. Three more joined it and a blue four armed monster came out. Her heart began to beat rapidly as she looked up into those huge black eyes. They made the evil tusked face look like an evil mask. She wanted to scream, but her papa seemed calm as he sat on the rail of the bridge. The evil face looked down at her and showed sharp yellowing teeth and tusks.

“You can not pass me until you answer these questions three.” It said to her mocking the old children’s story. Would she be a sacrificial lamb or goat in this case? She hid in Edward’s neck. {He is going to give you to this thing like she did.} The shadow screamed at her. “What is your name?” It asked. Tears came to her unsure what was going to happen. It was scary and not something she wanted in this new place.

“She may be a little shy, but her name is Lu-Shi” That's right, I am Lu-Shi. She thought agreeing with HIS words. She turned to look up at the monster. Her voice was small and full of fear.

“What is your name?” She asked unsure if she would upset it or not. The monster beamed at her as it spoke slowly.

“My name is Heinz. What is your favorite color?” Her heart began to slow as this was just like episode seventeen from season two. He just looked scary like the goblin Teefs. Teefs looked scary but was nice too. He stayed Lanca’s friend for five more seasons. If this was like the show, she knew what to do. She felt the shadow losing its grip on her mind.

“Pink, I like pink. What is yours?” She asked, feeling more confident as they spoke.

“I like green.” He said as he beamed down at her. She started to see how kind his face really was. He just looked like a monster, but was really kind.

“What is your favorite flower?” The shadow left and was forced deep down inside and she could tell it would be sometime before it would try to come back up. She breathed a slight sigh as she loosened her grip around her Papa’s neck

“I like the little yellow ones.” She said staring to like this big blue man.

“Euryops pectinatus are small and pretty like an elf I hope will be my friend. I like Inators. They are small, rare white ones with green spots.” She giggled and beamed up at him. She jumped down and struck a heroic pose with her hands on her hips.

“I am here to chew bubblegum and make friends and I’m all out of bubblegum.” She said proudly. Papa laughed and Heinz joined in. His booming laugh made her feel truly happy.




She beamed up at her friend, the scary troll who smiled down at her. Papa just sat down and laughed at her. She started laughing and held her hands up at the huge friendly monster.

“Hey, I have a good idea. Why don’t we make flower crowns for the both of you.” Her Papa said, slapping his hand together. He always had great ideas because he was a great man. She thought nodding to herself. Heinz picked her up and placed her behind his large head and turned to her papa.

“Thank you my friend. That sounds like an amazing idea.” Heinz said as he lead them to a field full of wildflowers. Lu-Shi giggled and cheered as they walked. It was so amazing being up so high and it was like she was flying. She held onto his hair that was actually soft and well taken care of. He smelled of wildflowers and growing things. Her papa was amazing finding her a friend like him. The field was beautiful and looked like a waving rainbow in the evening sun. So many colors and types of flowers waved at them. Heinz put her down as gently as an elevator, even his huge hands were soft warm. She wondered what a hug from a four armed man like that would feel like. He walked into the flowers and lay down on his back. He used his upper set of arms to reach out and pick flowers. The other set started weaving them together. She walked up and started combing his hair with her fingers. He stiffened at first but soon calmed down and let out a low rumbling hum as he worked. Her papa just chuckled and lay down in the flowers beside them. It was peaceful and relaxing. Soon she saw one large clawed hand hold a crown out to her.

“Heinz can you show me how to make one some day.” She asked feeling like she was in a wonderful dream. He nodded, a large smile on his face and started on a second CROWN.

“I’d like that Lu-Shi. Can we pick flowers on that day too?” He asked in his big rumbling voice. She hugged his huge head and smiled.

“I’d love that.” his huge chest moved in a deep laugh. “Can I bring the twins with me?” Lu-Shi asked.

“Twins?” He looked up to see her, a slight worried look on his face. He was scared of people. Somehow that made this huge monster sweeter.

“My other friends. They are Kara’s sisters.” Lu-Shi said as she hugged her big friend. 

“Who is Kara?” He asked still worried.

“She is a cute dark haired catgirl. The only hunter in the village.” Her papa relied as he lay back, his hands under his head.

“I think I may have seen her, but never talked to her.” Heinz said in a deep tone rumbling through his chest. A slight wind started up and made the flowers wave around them. He handed a crown to her papa and started working on his own. She put the crown on her own head and went back to brushing his hair. The sun started to make its slow way down as he finished his own crown and just lay it as a ring over his nose. She giggled and tossed her own crown, hooking it like a ring toss. He chuckled and sat up pulling both off.

“Looks like it might be getting close to time.” Her papa said. Heinz looked worried and picked her up to her place back on his shoulders as he stood. Her papa brushed off his own pants as he stood. “Come on you two lets go make more friends.” They walked up the road to the town each step seemed to make Heinz more nervous.

“It will be okay. I’ll protect you.” She said petting his big blue head. Once the town was in sight a slight tremor seemed to run through the oversized monster. He was really scared. “I’m here.” She whispered in his pointed ear. The tremor seemed to slow but was still there. He slowed and seemed to hide behind her papa. They saw a group of the townsfolk standing in a row blocking the road. Heinz actually went down on to his lower arms walking like a gorilla and trying to hide behind papa. He started to shake with fear a low mew of terror. “Can you tell me about your favorite flower?” She asked hoping to calm her friend. He nodded before taking a deep breath. 

“An Inator only grows in the right soil under the right trees. I have a cousin who is an inventor. He has the same first name as me but calls himself Shmirtz or something like that. He uses them in his creations and even names them after these flowers. When we were younger, I would take them to him, but this world is scary and I don’t like fighting.” He said, his black eyes focused on the people. She hugged his head and combed his hair.

“I don’t like fighting either.” She said as he reached up a hand and patted her back. She grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. “Trust Papa. He’s good at making friends.” Heinz just nodded as the townsfolk gasped and raised brooms and wooden clubs at the sight of the large blue man. He curled up and placed a hand on her papa’s shoulder as he hid behind him.

“Relax folks, you are scaring our new friend.” Her papa said. Yanor looked on in horror before looking up at Lu-Shi sitting on Heinz’s shoulders.

“Lu-Shi get down. That is a monster. It will kill you.” The foolish red headed elf shouted. Lu-Shi shook her head and stood on his shoulders striking her heroic pose again.

“This is my friend. He is no monster.” Yonor looked mortified as she looked at the Lu-Shi. Suddenly two small figures ran from the group and up to her papa. It was her friends, the twins.

“Hey Lulu, is this your pet?” Meta asked

“No. he is my friend and he made me a crown of flowers.” Lu-Shi said as some of the townsfolk started crying in fear of what they thought was going to happen. They were idiots ans should trust Papa.

“Can he make us one too?” Leta asked.

“Yea I want one too.” Meta demand suddenly an old human woman came out and walked up to her papa and looked right into Heinz’s eyes.

“Hello there. Those are some lovely flower crowns. What are they made of?” She asked sweetly. Heinz peaked out from behind her papa and gave a slight mew of fear. She looked like an old grandmother in an oversized green dress and a wide brown belt. A tall witches hat gave her another foot of height. She had to be a good witch.

“It's mostly made of Euryops pectinatus as she said she likes them.” he replied, pointing up at Lu-Shi. 

“Oh my. You even know the proper name of them. Can I know your name?” She asked, moving slightly closer. He nodded and moved slightly from behind her papa.

“Heinz and yours?” He asked, not sure it was safe.

“I’m Lusinda the alchemist. My house is big and needs a good friend. Will you be my friend?” His eyes went wide as he reached out a hand to shake hers. A screen popped up before Lu-Shi and she blinked at it.


She selected no and hugged her friend, as the old woman turned to the town. “Come on you fools, this is our friend. Let's treat him like one.” The old good witch demanded. Heinz reached out to the kittens and picked them up to Lu-Shi who hugged each other as they walked into town. She looked back to see Yunor scolding her papa who was rubbing his neck and smiling. He still wore the flower crown on his head. She loved her papa and how strong he was. Her papa was strong enough to keep the darkness away and let her be Lu-Shi the happy elf princess. 


I had one reader call this chapter Adorkable and that stuck with me for a long time. I love that word and now try to use it when I can. I hope this version is still Adorkable and gives you guys a smile.