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(Dr. Emma Winters)

Emma watched that cat woman kiss him again and run off. The bitch was trying to steal her man. She felt a seething rage and jealousy filling her. He was hers. She knew he loved her and she loved him. She could see it in his brain scans and now this other woman was trying to take him from her. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right. She thought about asking Travis to delete her, but that would be like killing her and she knew Steven would see it that way too. That only left one option. Emma would have to risk things to keep him. He was her love and she would risk it all for love like in her chick flicks. She called Travis saying a prayer as it rang.

“Hey girl, what’s up?” He sounded cheerful and that seemed to eat at her. She knew he didn’t know, but it still hurt that he wasn’t upset too.

“I need to go into the game. Can you help me?” there was a long pause. “You there?” She asked, her heart threatening to break and jump out of her chest at the same time.

“Yeah.” he sighed and she knew he was rubbing his eyes. “You know what you are asking right?” She took her own deep breath and wiped away the tears she hadn’t noticed were making their way down her face. She had woken up this morning to see him waking up next to that sneaky cat woman. She was stuck out here in the real world and could only spend an hour here and there when the system was down. It was like some perverted long distance relationship.

“Yes. Travis, I’m worried I may be losing Steven.” She said, her voice cracking. He gave a nervous chuckle before swallowing. “Can you help me?” Her heart felt heavy. He could reject her, turn her in, get her fired. She was taking a huge risk and knew it, but she needed Steven.

“You still have the system in your work area? I can make sure it is open to the game. This is a huge risk and you could lose your job over this.” He pleaded.

“What is my job worth if I lose him?” She heard but didn’t feel the confidence in her own voice. “Travis, we are even for Gabe, but you owe me for Jeffery.” She said playing her last card.

“If you are playing THAT card. This will make us even and I wish you luck.” He hung up and she could hear the anger in his voice. She got dressed and headed in doing her best to avoid anyone. She set an alarm for the time she would need and tried to act normal, but she knew she was acting weird. She tried not to cry or break down as she watched his scans. He was torn and she knew it. She had read his mind for long enough and knew him better than he knew himself. Her day was spent checking on him and waiting, her mind wondering on the times they had spent together. Once he had dinner and was heading home, she made her move and took the headset to a closet, locking the door behind her and lay down on the floor. The headset on, she tried to relax as she used her coat as a pillow and closed her eyes and was soon drifting back and to be with him.


She was standing before the mirror, the goddess behind her upset and arms crossed and a frown on her face. “For the last time this won’t work.” She scoffed at Emma as she shook her head.

Her mother used to say go risk it for a biscuit and that is what she was doing. The goddess huffed and went to the door holding it open. Emma stepped out and was standing in front of his house. She took a deep breath and opened the door and she nearly screamed when she saw Lu-Shi standing there with her hands on her hips, a disappointed look in her eyes. That look broke Emma. Emma covered up, but that was pointless in the extreme. She had altered her body to cartoonish proportions. It looked like someone had glued beach balls over her chest and ass. Her waist was the same size as her wrist had been and her neck was as thick as her finger. Her eyes and lips were far too large and her hands and feet looked like they belonged to children. She had goofy long cat ears on her head and the two long tails behind her looked like they’d get in the way if she walked wrong. She was dressed in the thinnest lingerie that left nothing to the imagination and felt the wind on her skin. The younger woman just stood there shaking her head. It hurt her deeply as she knew Lu-Shi

“You look silly, that won't work on Papa.” She said moving closer. Emma frowned and tried to hide her blush with outrage. Lu-Shi just sighed and waved Emma in. The much taller, older woman followed, not sure what else to do. The small elf was right and she should listen to her, but she felt so lost. Lu-Shi reached out and offered her hand, pulling Emma to her room. She had seen the room on video and knew it was stuffed with dolls, toys and her large feather bed. Once they passed through the doorway, Emma was shocked to find she was back in the Goddess’s room. They both sat Emma on the bed and rubbed her arms. “Look you like papa?” Lu-shi pointed out as Emma started crying. It felt like an intervention and to make things worse, she needed it.

“I love him.” She sobbed through those ridiculously oversized lips. Lu-Shi turned to the goddess and tried to hide her face. It was a mixture of amusement and disgust.

“Sirona, can you fix her so we don’t laugh and hurt her feelings more?” Lu-Shi asked. The goddess nodded and waved her hand. Suddenly Emma was back to her normal self, she was dressed in plain linen clothes. “I know you like papa and I bet he likes you too.” Lu-Shi said, petting her leg. “I see the smile he gets when he talks to you.” Emma wiped her eyes and looked down at the small girl. She wanted to see Lu-Shi as more, but couldn’t say anything through the lump in her throat.

“How.” She started sobbing again, feeling like a small child. “How do I keep from losing him?” Emma felt a hand on her knee and another on her shoulder as she wept into her hands.

“Papa likes you for you, not what you were trying to be.” Lu-Shi said and Emma could hear how earnest Lu-Shi was being. Emma kept sobbing as she listened. She knew that the young girl was right.

“I thought,” she sniffed. “I thought all men liked puffed up women like that.” She felt a pat on her knee and tried to look, but couldn’t see much through her tears. Somehow this felt like a rejection even though she hadn’t even seen him yet.

“Is papa like normal men?” Lu-Shi said with a slight chuckle in her voice. Emma just shook her head. He wasn’t normal and that was one of the many things she loved about him. “Some men may like that, but Papa is weird. He likes a person inside and out.” She felt a cloth held to her face and grabbed it blowing her nose and using a clean spot to dry her eyes. Even though she wasn’t wearing mascara, she still moved it careful not to smudge her makeup. She took a deep sobbing breath and looked into Lu-Shi’s eyes. She needed this small woman right now and it felt like the little elf was older as she spoke to Emma.

“Why are you helping me?” Emma asked not sure what she was hoping for. Lu-Shi shrugged and smiled.

“I think Papa should be happy. Hurting you would upset him. That and the goddess has been letting me watch cartoons with the twins and I owe her.” Lu-Shi said putting her hands on her hips. 

“That was our secret. You weren’t supposed to tell anyone.” The goddess gave an outraged cry as she blushed.

“Yeah, yeah. You know you like them too.” Lu-Shi said, waving her hand in dismissal.

“That is not the point, little one.” The two women bickering made Emma smile and start to laugh. She needed this laugh, but needed friends more. She looked at the mirror and sighed.

“What do I do about that?” She asked as she pointed at the offending reflecting pool. The goddess clapped her hands and smiled brightly.

“I have a wonderful idea. Lulu you work on her outfit. I’m going to help Emma with her appearance.”  The goddess said beaming. She pushed Emma over to the mirror while a smaller one popped in front of Lu-Shi. Emma just looked at herself and wanted to cry again. The goddess snapped, drawing her eye. “Now, now none of that. You know why I fought you on the way you did things last time?” Emma just shook her head as she looked into the goddess eyes. “It wasn’t you. You can look however you like so long as it is you on the inside. Being yourself is one thing I think should be a rule here.” She said, turning Emma to look back in the mirror.

“But how will I know if he likes the real me?” She felt like crying all over again. Sirona just clapped and smiled at Emma.

“I have an idea for this too. Do you trust me?” Emma just puffed out her lower lip trying not to cry and nodded. The goddess sat back on her bed and snapped. The lights dimmed slightly and the room was filled with music. It was some trashy pop song from back when Emma was a child. If her memory was right this was… she was a little girl dancing in front of a mirror just like this one to She Wolf by Shakira. She would dance for hours feeling free and happy her mother would look in on her and smile. Sometimes she would join Emma and this was one song her mother liked to dance with Emma. She smiled at the memory, looked at the reflection and started to bob her head. Her hips swayed as she started to dance a little to the music. The goddess was dancing on the bed as Lu-Shi was bobbing her head with a huge smile on her face. A flick of the goddess’ hand and two large wolf-like ears popped from Emma’s head. She flicked them and moved her hand down letting her hair turn a lovely long silver. She was feeling the music shape her and help her. A tail soon joined it and started to sway to the music as the tempo picked up.

She was openly dancing now, feeling the rhythm fill her as the song went on. She started spinning altering things as she went playing with sliders and feeling happy for once. The beat was in her soul and she moved this way and that, not thinking too hard on what she saw, but more on how everything felt. The goddess joined her and the two danced in the mirror. She felt like she had real friends. This was the fun she needed. Just before the song ended she spun and Lu-Shi flicked something at her. She faced the mirror as the song ended and looked in shock at the woman who looked back at her. It was her, but it wasn't her. Her eyes were now an icy blue that almost seemed to glow with an inner light and her hair was long and silver, a bit wild, almost flowing into a long broom-like tail that moved behind her. Long wolf ears moved this way and that, listening to the women beside her as they gushed over her new look. She looked at long claw-like black nails on her fingers and toes. “Can I change these to red?” Emma asked and Lu-Shi touched them, changing them to the right shade of red Emma wanted. How had she known?

 Her bare feet looked a bit longer and it was easier for her to walk on the ball of her foot almost like she was wearing heels. She didn’t like heels before, but this felt more natural and would make her ass look amazing. Before she felt embarrassed in a thin bit of nothing she was wearing. Now she looked from the almost yoga pants like leggings that started just above her ankle and came almost to her belly button. She put her hands in the pocket of a long sleeveless hoodie that showed off impressive arms. As she flexed her arms over her head she saw the edge of a six pack on her stomach, just under the hoodie. She had put on at least twenty pounds of muscle. She felt something deep inside her click and felt something new and wild awaken. She had always been on the thin side, but now she felt like a real predator. The wolf woman that looked back at her gave off something that she had been lacking most of her life. She spoke of inner power and confidence that she never had before. She was sexy and seemed to sing of wild energy. Emma looked at Lu-Shi and kissed her forehead before she turned to the goddess who smiled at her openly “Who are you?” The goddess asked with a knowing grin. Emma gave a feral grin as she looked back at the mirror.

“You can call me Lupa.” The woman who had been Emma said. Now she felt like Lupa and knew this is the woman she always wanted to be.

“I already picked your class and you know what it is.” It was obvious. She was a warrior. She could almost see the glinting silver armor blinding her enemies in the sun as she tore through them with her swords. She gave an evil feral grin and turned to the door heading to her prey. Lu-Shi turned to her and smiled as Lupa went to leave the room.

“Go risk it for a biscuit.” Lu-Shi said, slapping Lupa’s ass. Lupa frowned a bit puzzled at the little elf.

“Where did you hear that?” Lupa asked the young girl who just shrugged and smiled.

“I think you said it before you came in the door.” Lu-Shi replied. Lupa just nodded and turned to the doorway. She stepped through and listened as the two women started to argue behind her.

“Now off to bed with you.” The goddess said.

“But I wanted to watch.” Lu-Shi demanded.

“No that’s creepy.” And Lupa had to laugh as she pictured the goddess waving her hands.

“Well can I at least watch some cartoons?” Lu-Shi asked.

“You can watch one and then it’s off to bed.” The goddess bartered.

“Five.” Lu-Shi replied and Lupa could hear the plea in her voice.

“Two and we can watch them with the kittens.” The goddess countered.

“Deal.” Lu-Shi said and Lupa could hear the pleased look in the elf’s voice. Lupa chuckled and walked down the hall as the door closed behind her. She was a bit scared but built in confidence as she walked to his door. She took a deep breath and knocked not sure what was about to happen.

“Lu-Shi, it's bed time. We can play in the morning.” He called and she could hear the annoyance in his voice. She cleared her throat and called through the door. Her heart was beating so fast.

“It’s not Lu-Shi. Can I come in?” She heard him get up and run to the door. He opened it and she pushed in not giving him a chance to reject her. “Hi Steven. I want to cuddle. I’m coming in.” He looked stunned and she had to smile at the cute blush on his face. She was almost the same height he was. Only a few inches shorter and she liked it like that.

“Emma is that you?” He asked, his mouth hanging open.  She let her hips sway a little and looked back at him. She inwardly hoped she wouldn’t do something silly or fall right now. She felt so cool and sexy and didn’t want anything to spoil it.

“It’s Lupa here. Please remember that. Now are you coming to bed or not?” She lifted the covers and jumped in. She pumped her mental fist knowing she had pulled it off and looked sexy as hell. Now she just needed him to join her. God it smelled like him. She could almost smell the cat from last night, but didn’t want to think of that woman right now. This was crazy and she had to fight not to freak out or make a fool of herself. She heard him move to the bed and her tail started to wag. No tail don’t betray me. She thought horrorfind. She would have to learn to control that. He chuckled when he saw it move and she felt like a real fool.

“Well Lupa, it looks like you are happy to see me.” He slid in behind her and she felt his large arms wrap around her. It was the dream feeling she had been hoping for. She knew they had been watched on their dates, but this time she felt like she was really with him. “I hope you understand that sex is off the table for now?” He said unknowingly pulling that stress off her. She wanted him, but wasn’t sure if the time was right. Why was he just too perfect?

“I heard you tell the cat that. I just wanted fair treatment. She got to cuddle you, I wanted the same.” She felt his breath on the back of her neck and turned over facing him. His strong happy eyes looked right into her now striking blue ones. “She also got a kiss. I want one too.” She demanded feeling like a child asking for chocolate milk for dinner. Leaning up and kissing him softly at first, it quickly built between them and she had to break the kiss to avoid taking things too far. She placed her head under his chin and felt him kiss the top of her head. He began to stroke her back and she felt tingles run up her spine. He was warm and smelled like one of those horrible body washes that some guys liked to steep in. On him though it smelled like cologne that mixed with his natural scent.

“What brought this on?” he asked as he held her.

“I like you and I know you like me. I know you like her too, but I need to fight for my place.” She said looking up into his eyes. He chuckled and she delighted in the movement of his chest.

“And why did you pick that look?” He asked as his hand moved to the small of her back, nearly touching her tail that started to wag wildly.

“Actually the goddess and Lu-Shi picked this. I picked something silly that wasn’t me. This is me now.” She felt him kiss her head again and hummed in joy.

“It suits you. Reminds me of you running around the office or the way you’d dance sometimes.” He said with his contagious laugh. She looked up at him and frowned

“I never danced.” She said in outrage. She was careful as she was always embarrassed if anyone saw her dancing.

“You did. You’d put headphones in and dance on the days Travis was gone. You thought I was asleep or couldn’t see you. Most people forget that my real body isn’t furniture.” He said as he smiled at her. She frowned and poked him with one of her new claws.

“Not fair. You weren’t supposed to see that.” She huffed. He was being mean in his adorable way. It almost felt like the days when they were working on the system, but somehow much more. She was falling even deeper for him.

“Why not. It was cute.” He said as his fingers moved through the fur on her tail. She felt a strong tingle run up her spine and moaned softly. He pulled away and she delighted in the blush that made his face burn.

“You know I can’t live in the real world and can only live here. Are you sure you are okay with that?” He said and she could see the worry in his eyes.

“If I can only be with the man of my dreams in my sleep, than I will lament any time I am awake and away from you.” She said, feeling her own face burn.

“That has to be a line from one of your cheesy movies.” He said as he squeezed her. She laughed and hid her face in his chest.

“Shut it and go to sleep.” She replied, her voice muffled by his bare chest. He chuckled again and went back to stroking her hair. It didn’t take long for the two of them to doze off. Once he was asleep she faded from the dream world and back into the real one.

(Dr. Emma Winters)

She woke with a small alarm going off next to her ear. Sitting up, she heard her phone ring. The caller ID said it was Dr. Rose. She took a breath and answered it.

“Dr. Winters, now that you are awake can you report to my office.” Dr. Rose said, her voice cold and emotionless. Crap that was quick. Her heart heavy, she walked to Rose’s office holding the headset. No point in lying or denying anything. She had been caught red handed and would need to pay the price. The door was open and she walked in taking a seat across from Dr. Rose. The older woman did not look happy. She turned a screen to show Martan frowning out. Both were here to make her pay. This is where she loses her job and everything she had worked so hard for.

“I hope you realize that there is a price for your indiscretion?” He asked. She bowed her head and looked at the ground, not sure what to say.

“I’m not going to say it was a mistake or that I even regret what I did.” She said calmly. She felt the spark of her wolf avatar poking through. “I did what I felt was right. I am ready to pay the price for my actions.” Martan just nodded, but Dr. Rose crossed her arms, a disappointed look on her face.

“I’m sorry Emma, but you’re fired.” Dr. Rose said coldly. She felt it in her gut and the tears came back. She had lost everything in the end anyway. She stood and tried not to cry again, but failed as the room blurred. She walked to the door but Martan stopped her before her hand had touched the knob. 

“Where are you going?” He asked with an amused tone in his voice. She turned to him and the tears started to fall from her cheeks messing up her makeup.

“You said I was fired, I was going to collect my things.” Emma said not willing to fight. She had risked it and would face this with honor even if she really wanted to grovel and beg. 

“Rose, do you believe this girl? Walking out before I can even offer her a job.” He said with a smile crossing his elderly face. Emma looked back confused and crying, not sure what he was talking about. “You are fired from doing what you were. To be honest, being able to see into someone’s mind that you are in a relationship with is a little unfair. We have known about you and Steven for a long time and knew it would come to this. So Rose and I hatched this plan. This part was Rose’s idea. That being said, we need Alpha testers. You feel up to it, Lupa?” Dr. Rose looked embarrassed as Emma just looked between them.


I thought it was nice to pair these two chapters together. Kara is the other half of the coin form Lupa. How far would you go for someone you love? I let them walk away, as letting them do so shows how much I care. What are your thoughts??