CHAPTER 12 Like cats and dogs.
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(Steven Edwards)

I woke the next morning and was slightly upset to see that the other side of the bed was empty. Emma or Lupa had gone in the night and left me feeling a little lonely. I was still a little worked up by how she acted and looked. Sexy as hell didn’t even cover it. She had gone from sexy librarian to bad ass warrior wolf woman and had the attitude to match. I went to get my morning message and noticed something else in its place.



Crap baskets, that can’t be good. I got up and dressed expecting the shit storm coming my way. When I ran out of things to do, I took a deep breath and headed outside. Stepping out into the dawn light, I looked around. There was Martan standing in my field looking out at the rising sun. A shovel in hand and a large straw hat on his head. He waved back at me without looking and I walked over to him. I gave him a weak smile and tried not to freak out. Would he lecture me about flirting with Emma and Kara? “Hey Popcorn dude, what’s up?” He chuckled and looked over his shoulder at me with an honest smile on his face. 

“You are a weird one. First things first though. You are not in trouble at all and we are keeping this place going.” I let out a breath I didn’t know I had been holding. “I wanted to let you know that what happened last night brought a few things to our attention and for that we are grateful.”

“Would you rather have this talk at the rockers?” I asked hoping this could be a more peaceful meeting and less like a visit to the principal's office.

“No. I don’t have that long. I wanted to tell you that we are backing off on watching you. Things are running smoothly and I don’t see anything changing. I have added a one way block on your bedroom so you can hear out, but no one can hear in and I’m adding a new goddess just to watch over couples in rooms. Things like that could be easily abused by people. Brigid is the Irish goddess of spring and fertility seems fitting to let her have the job of watching over folks and seeing they play nice.” I just nodded feeling a little shell-shocked. “Also because you have been playing nice with everyone, I’ve done this.” He snapped his fingers and an arrow popped into life on the ground. “Follow that to something good. I’ve also had the boys add an upgrade you can buy to lower the mob spawns. It will cost a little, but as you said, you're not a fighter.”  He gave me a playful wink before he took off his hat and looked over the field. “Nice place you have here. I hope my life in here is just as pleasant.” He turned to me and forced his hat over my head and eyes. When I pulled the hat up, he was gone. Dude had pulled a batman on me. What the hell. I sighed, smiled and started laughing as I got my day started. The twins came to visit and when all three were happy I followed the arrow, careful to keep the house in view. The arrow led me behind the rabbit house and into the woods. After a few short yards, I found a small pile of stones. A screen lit in my view and I smiled.


Popcorn Dude keeps on giving. I thought with a smile. I had nearly ten gold already, but it was something to work for. Hey, every good anime has a hot spring episode. It helps move the plot. I sent a message to Emma before returning to watch over the girls.


Last night was wonderful. The day I was abducted was the best day of my life. I still remember you driving the ambulance as Travis danced over me. I think I would have had more fun watching you dance over me though. I know anything I could say would be meaningless so I’ll just spend the day thinking of you and let my brain scans show the feelings I can’t say yet. I hope everything is going okay and I’m looking forward to the next time you can sneak in. Even if I can be only in your dreams, you’ll be in my heart.

See you soon,


(Dr. Emma Winters/Lupa)

She had seen his message, but had to work to get everything set up. Her system was set up at her apartment. She would need a new day job, but had enough time and money to work on that. She had received several messages from Steven and badly wanted to reply, but letting him sweat would be okay for now. It would mean a lot more when she showed up in person. It was a little cruel, but she felt like being a little cruel right now. The sun was about to set and she made sure everything was locked up and ready. Her kittens seemed needy and a little nervous, but so was she. She took a shower and let her hair dry while she watched a movie. She thought rewatching The Notebook seemed fitting before she logged in properly for the first time. The only thing that they requested was that she didn’t drink as drinking would prevent her from logging in properly. Thinking it was the right call as she had come to lean on drinking a lot since taking on this job. She almost went for her evening beer, but stopped when she remembered that she wouldn’t be able to see him if she drank.

Turning off the lights, she moved to her bed, the two cats taking their places under her arms. She put on the helmet and closed her eyes as soft music started playing. It was relaxing and she felt herself drifting.

She woke in his house, but it was empty. Checking the time, she knew he was at the inn having dinner. Looking around she rolled around his bed for a while, taking in his scent. He smelled so good and she didn’t pick up the cat this time. Once she had her fill, she made her way to the town, her admin privileges let her see where he was and she walked through the town feeling far more confident than she felt. Tossing open the doors she saw him and the cat sitting at the table. The bitch narrowed her eyes at her and she smiled back. Steven looked so cute with how flustered he was. She walked slowly to the table and sneered down. “You must be the cat.” She said looking into Kara’s green eyes. The cat woman didn’t back down and even lifted her chin.

“You must be the dog.” She replied. Lupa gave her a feral grin and as she licked her lips.

“Wolf, but I get the feeling you know that.” Lupa said as she leaned over the table. Steven tried to reply, but she waved at him. “This is between us, for now.” She was locked on her foe and wouldn’t let the other woman get away.

“Agreed. Us.” Kara said standing. She barely came to Lupa’s middle and she wasn’t sure how the cat would measure up to her now.

“Come on now, we can be friends.” Steven pleaded, but both Kara and Lupa turned to him and scowled.

“No. This is between us.” Lupa said and Kara nodded.

“Outside?” Kara asked as she looked into Lupa’s eyes. This was a fight between women over the man they loved. Lupa nodded and waved at the door. Steven tried to protest, but both women shot him an evil look and he backed off. She hated treating him like that, but she needed to put this cat in her place. He was hers and she would fight to keep her place.

Kara led Lupa to a field on the outskirts of town. She stopped and turned. If they had pistols, Lupa thought it would be fitting for a western showdown. Lupa gave a savage smile at the cat. “Well, little kitty, what do we do now?”

“Rules. No face or sensitive parts. No weapons.” Lupa put her hand on her hip every part of her showed she meant business and Lupa wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Winner takes all?” Lupa asked. Kara shook her head and smiled.

“Winner takes first.” Lupa frowned, not sure what she meant, but didn’t care. She would win and that is all that mattered. She flexed her claws. “Ready?” The cat asked. Lupa nodded and suddenly Kara ran forward with all she had flying over the ground between them. Lupa spun aiming one of her powerful arms to where Kara’s head had been a moment ago. The smaller woman had ducked and spun, landing a hit on Lupa’s side. She looked up in shock when Lupa just smiled before swinging down with her other fist. Kara had to jump back and brought her arms up as Lupa charged, landing a hard blow into her blocking arms. The smaller woman went flying back to land on her feet and started running forward. Her eyes went wide when she saw the wolf had charged after the hit. Suddenly before the cat’s eyes was a grinning face and a raised fist. Kara leapt into the air landing on the fist that had just passed under her and kicked out. Much to her surprise Lupa blocked it with her other hand and started to spin. Kara jumped over Lupa’s head landing two strong kicks on the top of her head as she passed, but the other woman didn’t seem even phased by the blows. Kara crouched on all fours and ran at Lupa, low and fast. Lupa just leaned back expecting the blow that would come from below, but Kara just ran up her body and flew into the air over her head. She kept running when she hit the ground, leapt in to the trees. Lupa followed as fast as she could. The smaller woman was playing with her, but she didn’t care. Kara couldn’t land a blow so let her expend energy until she was tired. Then Lupa would land the final blow and end this.

“I won’t lose to you.” Lupa growled as she ran. Kara bounced off trees making it seem like her attacks were coming from all directions. Lupa took every blow and kept coming. Both were running out of steam and on the edge of fainting, but neither was willing to give up. If Kara was a scooter then Lupa was a tank. Lupa could take every hit, but Kara had speed and agility on her side. Kara turned panting hard to face the other woman. Lupa was sweating and breathing heavily as she held up shaking fists. “Try me.” Kara let out a low growl and leaped into the trees running up as high as she could, back down the other side gaining speed as she went until she was a blur to Lupa’s eyes. She braced as the other woman was suddenly in front of her. Kara struck out with a closed fist and hit Lupa in the stomach with every ounce of strength she had. Lupa grunted as she stumbled back. Lupa moved, but managed to stay upright. With a smile of triumph, she smiled looking down at the smaller spent woman. Kara looked up, horror and fear full on her face as she gasped for breath. Lupa’s eyes rolled as she raised her fist and fell back breathing hard and grunting in pain. Kara fell beside her and tried to catch her breath. Lupa started crying. “I won’t lose him. I can’t lose to you.” Lupa said as she cried in pain and loss. Once more she thought she had lost him. This was her new life here and she had it all planned out. Kara raised a shaking fist to tap Lupa’s chin.

“You… lost.” She panted. “I’m… first.” The small cat woman said, joy in her voice. Lupa groaned and rolled over to look at Kara.

“What does that even mean? First?” Lupa growled at her. 

“First wife.” Kara just blinked.

“He only gets one.” Lupa said in confusion and outrage. This woman had stolen her man twice and now was spouting nonsense.

“You are human in the other world?” Kara asked. Lupa just nodded. “Humans have that weird thing where they only mate with one person?” Lupa just nodded again, not fully understanding. “Here you are Beastkin. We often fight over males as they are rare.” Lupa’s eyes went wide as Kara’s words set in.

“That is just not done… that’s not right.” Lupa tried to protest. Kara just nodded at her.

“I won so I get to be first. You are second. I approve of you.” Kara said, lifting her chin in pride.

“That’s not right. That isn’t how any of this works. We should be fighting over who gets him all to ourselves.” Kara looked horrified at her words.

“Foolish. We would fight to the death and that would upset him. I love him and don’t want to see him hurt.” Lupa’s eyes went wide realizing what was going on.

“You mean your father had more than one wife and they had to approve of the others?” Lupa asked. This was all too wild, too much. Then it hit her. This was a game with mostly male developers. Of course they would make herrams a thing. 

“No. The wives pick the others. We have to keep our men safe. Strong pride, strong family.” Kara seemed to have recovered, but didn’t want to move. Lupa had the same mindset. Why had she left the pain at the normal level? She would have to fix that when she logged out.

“How does that even work? You look alright, but I don’t swing that way.” Lupa said, trying to argue things. How had she gotten herself in this? Why was she even entertaining this idea? The smaller woman laughed.

“No. we take turns. You will be gone for days at a time. He is mine then. You come back, he is yours. Simple?” Lupa just nodded her shocked, her jaw hanging open. Would it really be cheating if the other woman wasn’t even real?  She shook her head thinking it over. If Kara was there, Lu-Shi and Steven wouldn’t be alone. This little kitten was making way too much since.“Lupa, wolf, I accept you as a part of our pack, pride and family. I am first so you can't argue with me. I make the rules.” The smaller woman said pride filling her small frame. Lupa just started laughing, grabbing her gut.

“Still hurts, but Kara, kitty, I appreciate that. I accept your offer and you into my life.” She held up a fist that the smaller woman bumped with her own. This might be wrong. This might blow up in her face, but she knew that Kara was a good woman and would help him be happy. She loved Steven and so did Kara. She knew that and smiled feeling like she had gained a true friend. Maybe one day the three of them could watch a movie together. She could show Kara some of the movies she loved. Maybe they could force Steven to watch more chick flicks. She should be pissed, but despite the pain she was happy. Kara stood and reached out a hand to help the other women up. Before she could react, Kara wrapped her into a hug. She was shocked and a little annoyed, but the small woman felt nice. She found herself hugging back and felt really happy for the first time in a long time. Somehow the cat had made her feel at home and a part of the family.

(Steven Edwards)

I was on my third glass and jumping every time the door opened. They had been gone for too long and might both have died or one killed the other. It wasn’t right for them to fight like that. It wasn’t what I wanted out of this world. I loved them both with all of my heart and didn’t want to see either come to harm. I wished we could all be friends. Even my girls were starting to worry about everything as they looked around. At some point the twins had become a part of my family and I didn’t want them to go away or lose their big sister. The door opened once more and the women walked in. Both looked like they had been through hell. Covered in sweat, dirt and Lupa was holding her stomach, but I didn’t care. I stood and rushed to them pulling both into a hug. They were both safe and alive. I never wanted them to fight and now both seemed to have settled things. I didn’t care what they had worked out or who was going to do what, all that mattered is they were back and alive. Both giggled and kissed my chin at the same time. I took this stoically and in stride. By that I mean I stood there stunned. “Sit down Steven. Have you been drinking.” Lupa said as she guided me back to my seat. The children giggled at us. Those three were just too cute.

“Papa has been worried and drank too much. He couldn’t eat either. What did you work out?” Lu-Shi asked Lupa. Her green eyes were just too large and cute. Maybe I could spike her hair and make her look like a super saiyan. My vision swam as I between Lupa and Kara. She was right. I had a lot to drink. I should eat something.

“Turns out we were fighting over who was going to be first.” The twins brightened up and turned to Kara who stood proudly at the table, her hands on her hips as her long tail waved behind her.

“I am first.” She beamed and Lupa laughed. I just looked confused. What the hell did that mean? I gulped, my mind going over the ideas that her statement would mean. Was it really okay to say that in front of children? I moved to stop her, but Lupa put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me before winking. I might be a little red from the wine, but now My face burned hot enough to cook on. What the hell? I screamed in my head.

“What does that mean?” I asked, finally gaining my voice. Lupa put a finger on her chin in mock thinking.

“Let me try to put this into words you’ll understand. Both.” She said with a sweet smile as her brush-like tail wagged. Kara started laughing before adding

“Both is good.” I just blinked, pointed at Kara and then to Lupa. Both women nodded. Oh crap baskets. That would make five women in the house. I may need to get a male dog so I wasn’t the only swinging branch in the house. Wait a minute. That means I didn’t have to break it off with either woman. This means I could have them both? {YES YOU FREAKING GOD OF A MAN!} I screamed in my head. Outwardly I sat there with a goofy look on my face.

“What’s with the both thing?” I asked, trying to distract myself so I didn’t drool openly.

“You say that a lot.” Lupa said as she sat at the table on my right.

“I do not?” I argued. I felt a hand on my left arm and looked into Kara’s green eyes.

“You do. Both, both is good.”She said the last part mocking my voice. It sounded cute as hell coming out of her. She was good at mocking me, had she done it before? “I think it is something from your old world, but I have no clue.” Gods this game is going to be very popular for lonely guys. I just gave a goofy grin and sat back. “Besides we need strong women if we are to protect our helpless man.” Kara said with a proud smile as she sat on my left.

“You ladies make it sound like I’m a helpless puppy or something.” I said with a mock frown. Lupa smiled and laughed at me.

“Not a puppy, more like a rabbit.” Lupa said, laying her head on my shoulder. It sent a thrill up my spine. I turned and looked at both laughing women. Even the little girls were laughing openly at me. I turned to Kara who poked my nose.

“A cute little tasty rabbit.” She let her eyes flutter and I lost it laughing hard with them. Hey if I am going to be the butt of a joke, might as well join in. We had a meal as a large happy family and it warmed my soul to have so many wonderful people around me. Near the end of the night Maggie got up on the counter and addressed the room.

“Okay, wager’s over. Who had Kara?” She said, waving her long white wings. Pop raised his hand and roared in triumph. Tina looked mad for some reason and everyone was laughing.

“Maggie what is this about?” I asked. She smiled and gave a sheepish shrug

“We all put bets on who would get you. I had money on Herris.” She said as her feathers puffed up. It was almost like she was blushing, but her dark face didn’t show it. I just cocked my head at her with a look of horror on my face. I mean really, {I am not a bronie.} I shouted in my  head.

“Really her?” I asked, shaking my head. The food was helping to clear my mind and the day was fully setting into my mind.

“Hey, Yanor had money on Heinz.” Maggie said, giving out her laughing twitter. I just laughed and shook my head. “Pop you get the pot. Sorry Tina.” She said turning to the happily dancing drunken goat man. You know I had a lot of good friends here.

“Who did she bet on?” I asked. Tina just stood and shouted.

“Doesn’t matter. don’t ask.” She turned and ran out of the room, her face beat red and her hooves clapped angrily out of the inn. Lupa shook her head and rested her hand over mine.

“I feel a bit offended that no one bet on me.” She said in mock outrage.

“Oh Herris did. She said it would be someone else, hoping they’d take him with them. She claims that she hates you, but I know she has a big heart. Well she does have two of them so who knows.”Maggie said laughing

“So glad I could be the town’s entertainment.” I said with a huge grin.

“Every town needs a fool and we are happy you are our fool.” Pop said, taking Maggie’s hand. Lupa turned to Kara.

“You are fast as hell, what are your stats?” Lupa asked. Kara made a strange hand motion and a screen popped up, she turned it to Lupa and who whistled. “Nice here are mine.” She made the same motion and I blinked looking between them.

“What are you ladies doing?” I asked. Lupa looked at me stunned.

“You don’t know how to look at your stats?” I shook my head. “Steven, do you know how to open the menu?” I shook my head again and she blinked at me. It was like I had said I didn’t know how to open a bottle. “How did you manage to get this far without opening the menu?” She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. “Did you read the manual?” She asked and it was clear she feared the answer. 

“What the hell there is a manual?” I asked as I looked around the room, hoping it would pop into life. She turned to Kara and gave her a worried smile.

“You are so right. He needs us more than I thought.” She said,  Kara just nodded and leaned on my arm.

“Rabbits need to be looked after.” My cat said with a smile. I just laughed, not really feeling like getting into it now. Reading things like that is a problem for future Steven.


I know the haram thing is a little bit of a cop out, but he needs both and both need him. How would you handle things in his shoes. The moment he realized that Kara loved him, he was honest with her and Emma. All that being said. The next chapter will be the start of the third act. Hold on to your butts. lol