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"Hello brother, I'm at home but why do I feel like the house had been unoccupied for quiet a long time. Did you not come home at all?" Ha Jungwoo called his older brother after waiting for him for the whole night.

*(starting from this point, Leo would be referred as Ha Jinwoo.)

Ha Jinwoo who just woke up from sleep was confused when he picked up the call because he only slept for three hours everyday for the past month in order to quickly build and expand the new company.

He only came to his sense when he saw the contact number on the screen.

"Oh Jungwoo, are you home right now? *Hyung*1Hyung : how male addressed their older brother/ older male friends is sleeping in the office since I have to work overtime a lot this month. Have you eaten yet?" He quickly said with a hint of care towards his younger sibling like the original Ha Jinwoo.


Ha Jinwoo didn't sound awkward at all since he already mastered the art of acting as someone else especially when he had fully inherited the original's memory.

"Sigh, hyung it's already lunch time and I've just eaten. You should take care of yourself and not work too hard. I can find a part time job if your salary isn't enough."

"No it's ok. The company is actually doing a large scale project so I might be busy for a while. You don't need to worry about anything and just focus on your upcoming entrance exam this year. Promise me that you will go to college."

Ha Jungwoo felt pain in his heart when he heard what his brother was saying. He was sad when he remembered how his brother had to sacrifice his future just because he had to be the breadwinner of their family after their mother was hospitalized.

He always felt he was useless.

"Jungwoo, are you ok? No need to think too much. I'm fine and if you have any problem, please inform me quickly. My colleague said that his sister hired a tutor for his niece who is also taking the entrance exam this year. Do you need a tutor?"

Ha Jungwoo woke up from his deep thought and quickly responded, "No it's ok. Don't waste your money. I'm fine. Can you tell me where you're working. I cooked extra lunch since I thought you might come back. I plan to go to the hospital to visit mom and I can drop the lunch box at your place."

"Oh wait. Let me check."

Ha Jungwoo could hear his brother put down the phone and walked away, talking to someone before he took the phone again.

"I forgot the office address. I sent you the location link later. Tell me if you're already close by and I will wait in the lobby."

Usually Ha Jinwoo would say that his workplace was far from home or he was working outside so Ha Jungwoo never thought that his brother would really gave him the address of his workplace.

"Oh ok. I WhatsApp you later."

While Ha Jungwoo was preparing the lunch box, Ha Jinwoo on the other hand sat lazily on the couch with his shirt not fully buttoned and messy hair like a bird nest.

"Why not you go take a bath first?" Choi Hye Sung suggested.

Ha Jinwoo had been cooped up in their new office since a month ago, finishing all the new programs and planning for their new company.

He was basically working non stop everyday and if it was any other humans, they might have already collapsed due to exhaustion and stress.

The other former cartel members who were not caught by police were currently overseas, undergoing strict military training for two months in order to make them qualified as bodyguards for celebrities.

Choi Hye Sung had tasked his other subordinates to recruit former soldiers as bodyguards for VIP customers like wealthy businessmen and politicians.

Their company main product were not actually those people but technology. As individuals that have travelled across multiple worlds, what type of business is more profitable than creating a more advanced technology and sell it at high prices.

The two of them were busy every single day but everything was worth it when their company managed to sell their computer security programs to the military. It was an advanced fire wall comparable to the technology in the 23nd century thus even the best hacker in this 22nd century setting world couldn't do anything to it let alone in the 21st century.

The money was invested in various sectors and used for new recruitments.

Ha Jinwoo touched his messy hair and decided to take a bath because knowing Ha Jungwoo's soft hearted personality, he might become more worried if he saw how messy and unorganized his brother looked like.

Half an hour later, Ha Jungwoo arrived in front of a tall glass building in the middle of the new industrial sector of their city.

His friend said that all the buildings in that sector was expensive due to their designs and strategic location.

Feeling a bit nervous, Ha Jungwoo entered the building and waited at the lobby. Not even five minutes passed, a beautiful female staff greeted him.

"Are you Ha Jungwoo? Chief Ha asked me to take you upstairs if he didn't come down when you arrived. There was a sudden meeting because one of the investor suddenly arrived earlier than the scheduled time."

'Chief Ha? Is that my brother?'

Despite feeling confused, Ha Jungwoo just followed the female staff into the elevator and he was guided into an office that seemed to belong to an important employee in the company.

He didn't dare to roam around and recklessly touched anything but just stared around the area until the same female staff came back, bringing a plate of freshly cut melon fruit and a glass of ice tea.

"Please enjoy the snack and just call me with this buzzer if you need anything. Chief Ha is still in a meeting and it is unknown when that meeting is going to finish," the female staff said politely.

"Is Chief Ha mean Ha Jinwoo?" Ha Jungwoo asked.

"Yes Chief Ha's full name is Ha Jinwoo," she answered without any change in her expression.

"Oh," that was the only respond he could utter at the moment.

Seeing that he had no other request, the female staff left him alone.

'My brother didn't even finished high school so how can he became a Chief in this company?'

Feeling curious Ha Jungwoo went to the working desk and saw a three people pictures which he recognized as his family pictures that they took before Ha Jisoo's accident.

Everything was perfect at that time.

Ha Jungwoo looked at the table that full with papers dribbled with things and symbols that he didn't understand.

There was also a black worn out backpack under the table where his brother usually use to put his change of clothes.

The office didn't have much decoration thus not long after that Ha Jungwoo already sat back down on the sofa with nothing to do.

- Clack

Suddenly the office door was opened and a tall figure walked inside, followed by several men and women.

"Just settle and finished everything I said in the meeting. I will finalized everything and take your time in order to avoid any mistakes but that doesn't mean you can dilly dally your work. Mr Lee, give me the report on that project you currently managed in two days. You guys can go."

Ha Jinwoo dismissed all the employees that followed him into his office after he gave them all the necessary documents they needed.

"Jungwoo, I'm sorry if I make you wait. You can just leave the lunch and go out to play with your friends or visit mom," Ha Jinwoo said before he sat opposite of his brother.

Ha jungwoo remained silent before he opened his mouth, "Brother tell me, what kind of company is this? Are they illegal company?" How can they put someone like you as a Chief.

However, Ha Jungwoo didn't say the last sentence since he didn't want to hurt his brother's feeling.

"When I worked at a computer store, I learn how to do coding and create software and computer program. Thus me and my friend Hye Sung decided to create our own business. Hey Sung is a rich guy so all the capital was from him and I only needed to use my brain."

Ha Jinwoo knew he had to somehow show his ability in order to make Ha Jungwoo believed his story.

"This is what I made for the past month. We are currently working with the military and a few of the government department office like the Homeland Security."

Ha Jinwoo explained what his job is one by one and the more he talked the more astonished Ha Jungwoo felt.

'My brother is actually a genius!'

He felt like his brother's misfortune of having to drop out from school was a blessing in disguise. If not, how could he knew he was actually a computer genius.

"I might be busy for a few more months but I will visit you at school and observed your progress from time to time. So you don't need to worry about me," Ha Jinwoo said reassuringly.

He wasn't a heartless man and when he saw how naive and soft hearted Ha Jungwoo was, the more he felt he couldn't let Kang Hajin even see a glimpse of his younger brother.

"Don't worry brother. I got the top ten rank in my batch during the the last trial exam. I will study hard and enroll into a good university so I can work with my brother."

"Good, good. Let me accompany you to the hospital after I finished eating this lunch you bring for me."

The two siblings continue chatting until they reached the government hospital where Ha Jisoo had been hospitalized.

"I already put mother in a first class ward after I got a bonus last month. So you can even sleep there if you want to," Ha Jinwoo informed.

The first class ward looked more like a hotel suite where one family member could sleep on the extra bed provided inside the room.

"Really? But I didn't bring any clothes."

"You can come again tomorrow and accompany mom since I'm quite busy."

"Don't worry hyung. I will take care of mom."

Ha Jinwoo felt pleased with the obedient little brother he had.

When the two of them when inside the elevator, they quickly attracted others attention due to their good looks.

"Are they both celebrities?"

"I think the younger one looked more like an idol trainee."

Even though both Ha Jinwoo and Ha Jungwoo didn't seem to mind people talking about them, when listening to their words, Ha Jinwoo thought, 'Should I let my little brother be an actor? Nah, there's too many possibilities for him to meet that scumbag so better not.'

Ha Jungwoo on the other hand was happy and in a good mood. He didn't even bother to hear what those ladies were talking about.

In a blink of an eye, a year past and the IT industry was thrown into a whirlwind. A company called XB Universal Tech. launched the most advanced AI programming, after just one month of beta testing, it caught fire around the world.

XB Universal accumulated rapid wealth, it was even listed on the NASDAQ on the same year, becoming the IT industry's full potential *dark horse2 a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds.


Because the AI programming technology was too high-end, no one could reverse engineer it so far. It was unknown how many IT giants wanted to steal away the computer genius hidden behind XB Universal, but no one could even find out who that genius was.

It was said the company also made the same AI chip to help increased the medical field technology in order to help the doctors doing operations and attending to severe emergency cases more efficiently.

This would help reduce the risk of fail operations which could result to death.

Due to the obvious benefit, WHO (World Health Organization) decided to cooperate with XB Universal Tech., the company business soared high in the stock market but no one knew who was the brain behind the giant corporation since the he never appear in public eyes.

Fortunately the founder and CEO of XB Universal would sometime appeared in the news or magazines from time to time.

"As you can see, it's not only capable of completing all the task given, it can also make decision based on the best possibility depending on each situation. For example......"

Choi Hye Sung as the representative and also the leader of the AI research project was currently presenting their newest product in front of investors and future clients.

Despite his young age, his demeanor and eloquent speech, the people inside the showcase room didn't dare to look down on him and focused on every details he was saying.

Even though it was Ha Jinwoo who created the AI in the first place, Choi Hye Sung knew Ha Jinwoo wasn't someone who likes to go out and meet people much. He prefer to work behind the scene and let someone else spread his work.

Currently Choi Hye Sung became one of the youngest rich business man in M country thus the investors were confident with him.

"What if the program is to be used for an auto pilot car?" A man wearing a spectacle suddenly asked.

He was a representative from a luxury car manufacturing company, DoK.

It was a well-known information in the industry that DoK had already launched their newest line of luxury car with auto pilot mode. But the function was limited and the auto pilot couldn't be activated other than on well structured highway road.

The auto pilot mode also couldn't help if the driver suddenly involved in an accident.

Thus it was obvious why they came to XB Universal. They wanted to see if the AI could solve their auto pilot weaknesses and made it better.

Choi Hye Sung thought for a while before answering, "Our AI also have an auto sensory and auto emergency mode. For example if it detected it's master suddenly collapsed or have an erratic and abnormal heart beat, it would immediately called the emergency number and sent emergency signal to the urgency contact we set on our phone. Incorporating the AI into the auto pilot mode that can help in car accident, we might be able to produce such program if we have enough data."

DoK representative was satisfied with Choi Hye Sung's answer since his own Boss, the founder of DoK was the one who asked him to come to the showcase. Looking at Choi Hye Sung's demeanor, even if they couldn't solve the auto pilot mode on DoK latest cars, they could still improved it a bit.

"Proceed with the cooperation and asked XB to send their best technician and researcher to us."

DoK representative wasn't shocked when he heard the voice through the earpiece he was currently wearing. Throughout the showcase, his Boss had been listening to everything that he could hear thus listening to his order, the representative immediately went to discuss with Choi Hye Sung after the showcase ended.