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"Boss, are you going to the club house tonight?" His personal assistant asked after the meeting ended.

Once a month, Kang Dowon would go to a private bar he owned and rest inside a private room built especially for him. No one knew about the room except his assistant and the bar manager.

He would drink until he passed out. That was the only way for him to sleep without getting any nightmare and today was the last day of this month, which meant he would go to the bar.

"Yes, I will go alone as usual so you can go home early," Kang Dowon replied before dismissing the male personal assistant.

However, something unexpected happened and he was unknowingly drugged.


Kang Dowon immediately opened his eyes the moment he came to his sense and woke up.

Once he opened his eyes, he could feel the splitting headache and grunt a little before he realized he wasn't alone.

There was another person holding him on the King size bed with maroon bed sheet and comforter.

He turned his head and saw a good looking sleeping face in front of him, half naked. The abdominal muscle and slightly tanned skin, looked enchanting especially under the dim lighting of the room.

However there were also scars all over the body, some looked like scars from sharp things and some looked suspiciously like gunshot scars. Fortunately there wasn't any tattoo on the body or else Kang Dowon might thought the man was a gangster that had kidnapped him.

Both of them were laying on the bed and from a glance Kang Dowon knew they were not in a hotel. He felt grateful that he was still wearing pants despite also being half naked.

'Wait, this is not my pants!'

Then he looked at the man lying beside him and saw numerous red marks with various shapes and there were even fresh bite marks on the man's body, especially around the chest area and his shoulders.

Fragments of memories started to appear inside his mind and Kang Dowon felt like he wanted to slap himself.

"Help me. I will pay you no matter how much do you want."

Remembering what he said, Kang Dowon felt like he had done something terrible.

'Did I force myself on him?'

He didn't remember much what happened but he knew someone had managed to drug him despite him being cautious as always.

Looking at the traces of love bite and teeth mark on the sturdy chest, Kang Dowon traced his hands onto them gently while continue observing the man's reaction who looked slightly younger than himself.

No reaction at all. It seems he was really deeply asleep. He also looked somewhat exhausted making Kang Dowon felt even more guilty.

Kang Dowon tried to find his phone and he found it on the table not far from the bed. It was still early 5 o'clock in the morning.

He remembered he was drinking alone and he went to the toilet around 11.30pm and after that his memory was blurry.

It was only a few hours had passed but those who drugged him must had left after they didn't find him anywhere.

He glanced towards the sleeping man before he decided to call someone that he knew would take care of the aftermath.

"Hello, sorry for disturbing you this early in the morning. I need you to investigate someone. Yes, his name is-"

Kang Dowon looked at the black colored wallet beside the phone that he recognized to be the currently popular iKiwi smartphone.

He took and opened the wallet, searching for any ID or license he could use.

"The name is Ha Jinwoo, 26 years old, address....And send a driver to fetch me and examined the car I used yesterday."

Hanging up the phone, he started to properly wore his clothes and took Jinwoo's phone before unlocking it using Jinwoo's fingerprint.

'This guy sure is careless. He's sleeping like a corpse.'

Kang Dowon couldn't help but felt like he had taken advantage on a naive and unsuspecting young man that almost a decade younger than him.

After he had done what he wanted to do, he properly covered Jinwoo with the blanket.

"You said you will come to me right? I will wait and when you come, I will give my payment and take responsibility," he caressed the soft smooth silver grey hair before he went out of the room.

It was silent inside the room for a few hours until the sound of phone ringing caught the still sleeping Ha Jinwoo off guard.


"Yo master, where are you? Don't tell me you went to find any man you can bang and sleep with him for the whole night," Choi Hye Sung's said mischievously.

".......What do you want?"

"I already signed the cooperation contract with the luxury cars manufacturer DoK and they want our best researcher to go to their company while they also send their best guy to ours."

"So you want me to go?"

"Master, you're the best brain in our company and it is weird for me to go so of course I want you to go."


Not hearing any reply, Choi Hye Sung continue talking, "DoK was created by Kang Dowon. You know what I meant even without me saying more, don't you?"

If they could cooperate with Kang Dowon, it would be easy to suppress the red flag male lead Kang Hajin. At the same time, they could also help Kang Dowon if he suddenly got involved in an accident.

It was an opportunity to get close to one of the cannon fodder that wasn't supposed to die.

"Ok I go. Send a driver to fetch me."

"Ok good luck master."

The more he listened to Choi Hye Sung's voice, the more he felt annoyed for some reason. Especially when the man he had spent the night with was no where to be seen.

"I will really search for him when the mission is finished." Unfortunately he didn't even know the other person's name.

At the same moment, Kang Dowon just arrived in his office room. He already changed into a new set of clothing.

"Good morning boss. Here is the information you asked."

His assistant was a former government intelligent officer thus searching for a normal civilian's basic information wasn't that hard for him especially when he already knew the most important information about that person: name and age.

Kang Dowon looked through the information file before he stopped and asked, "When is XB going to send their guy here?"

"He is scheduled to arrive in an hour. Is there a problem boss?"

"Ha Jinwoo is their COO and also their head researcher. Inform XB to send him here instead of any other guy."

Before the assistant managed to reply, there was a sudden knocking sound coming from outside the office room.

"Boss, a man from XB had just arrived thus I bring him here as per your order," the secretary said from outside the door.

"Oh he has arrived," Kang Dowon felt disappointed. If he had known earlier that man was someone working with the company he cooperated with, he would have put a request for him to come here instead of sending his underlings.


The door was opened from the outside and two men were standing there before one of them entered the office room.

Kang Dowon was stunned when he saw the young man standing in front of him. He immediately closed the file in his hand and put it inside a drawer before locking it. He suddenly felt stupid and he didn't know what he should say.

Ha Jinwoo on the other hand felt like he wanted to bury his head somewhere. The man he had taken advantage of last night was actually the male lead's rich uncle, Kang Dowon.

'Damn, is this world always this small?'

The assistant sensed the two men awkwardness thus he decided to step up, "Ehem, welcome to DoK Enterprise Chief Ha Jinwoo. We really glad you come here yourself since this cooperation is really important to us. My boss will brief you about the project himself. Do you want tea or coffee?"

"Please give me ice milk tea," Ha Jinwoo managed to utter a reply before he watched the assistant exited the room, leaving the two men alone.

"Have a seat," Kang Dowon said calmly despite feeling his heartbeats were abnormally fast.

"Thank you."



'What should you do if you suddenly met your one night stand at work and he was the boss? Need help online!'

Sensing that he had to say something Ha Jinwoo spoke first, "Nice to meet you, CEO Kang Dowon."

However the moment he finished talking, he felt like an idiot. 'What kind of 'nice to meet you' after what you did?! Ha Jinwoo you stupid beast. He must have remembered what happened last night.'

"Hn, nice to meet you too. It seems you really come to find me like you said," Kang Dowon replied.

Ha Jinwoo didn't understand what his words meant nor was he sure what Kang Dowon currently felt due to the lack of expression on his face.

'I must have spouted a bunch of nonsense last night.'

He was also tipsy and muddleheaded and just slightly better than Kang Dowon thus he wasn't really remember what he had said.

"Oh, I just felt like it's better for me to come myself since this project is quiet important. I never expected to meet you here," Ha Jinwoo didn't really know what else to say.

Kang Dowon didn't suspect Ha Jinwoo to purposely trying to get close to him since based on the data he got, Ha Jinwoo was a workaholic. He rarely went out and yesterday was one of the few rare days he would go out to random luxury bars to indulge himself.

Thus the perpetrator who drugged him and Ha Jinwoo wouldn't have any connection. Even though Ha Jinwoo came from an ordinary background, he wasn't too desperate that could be hired by someone to somehow trap him into an insidious scheme.

His guts was telling him that the man in front of him could be trusted.

"I will return your cloth later."

"No it's ok. Take your time."

"Ok so do you perhaps want to have lunch and dinner together?"

Ha Jinwoo was caught off guard with Kang Dowon's question, 'Brother, shouldn't you get mad or interrogate me or something? Didn't the plot said that Kang Dowon was always suspicious with new people he met and that was why he never suspected Kang Hajin to harm him since Kang Hajin was someone who he saw growing up.'

"Oh, I prefer to eat lunch and dinner in the office since it takes time to go out and find a restaurant to eat every time."

At this exact moment, the assistant entered the office once again, after serving both men their drinks, he immediately went out.

"I will tell my assistant later and you can eat with me at my private lounge. There is also a simple bedroom if you want to take a nap or spend the night in the office."

Thinking that Kang Dowon might be a person that separate between personal and work life, Ha Jinwoo didn't felt anything was weird and just nodded his head.

The rest of the day was spent with the two of them looking through the development of the project, coming up with new data and ideas.

The more Ha Jinwoo looked at the data, the more he felt Kang Dowon wasn't supposed to die. The idea and technology were far ahead than other competitors thus it wasn't weird if DoK could become so well-known and sought after despite their ridiculously expensive price.

The only reason why Kang Hajin could become successful and managed to fight with Ha Jungwoo's real family was because he got everything that Kang Dowon owned after Kang Dowon died.

'Isn't this just giving food on a silver platter to the male lead. Kang Hajin was sure a lucky guy even if compared to the protagonist Ha Jungwoo.'

"It's already 8pm. You don't eat your dinner yet so let's end today's work."

Ha Jinwoo woke up from his thought when he heard Kang Dowon's voice who was sitting opposite of him.

Stacks of papers were scattered across the table with two laptops showing complex data and many strings of codes and numbers.

"My assistant already ordered our dinner. Are you ok with Chinese food?"

"I'm not a picky eater so I'm fine with anything."

"Ok and since you came with a driver this morning, I will send you home."

"No its ok."

"I will also take you to work tomorrow."

"No, no need for...."

"Tomorrow we will try western food for lunch and dinner."

As if he didn't hear what Ha Jinwoo said, Kang Dowon continued deciding everything without giving any chance for Ha Jinwoo to reject or deny anything.

The only thing Ha Jinwoo could do was accepted everything and just nodded his head.

When they arrived in front of Ha Jinwoo's apartment complex, Ha Jinwoo already confirmed that Kang Dowon must have had investigated about him since he didn't ask for his address at all.


"Thank you for the ride and goodnight Sir Kang," Ha Jinwoo didn't feel that it was inappropriate that someone do an investigation on him especially after what he did.

If it was him, he might already butchered the other person but he felt like Kang Dowon treated him fairly well.

'Maybe because he knew I was talented and didn't want my talent to go to waste. Such a fine man, I will try pursuing him after the mission ended.'

"Hn, I will pick you up tomorrow morning."


'Does he want to monitor me? Not that I will do anything to harm him but whatever.'

The two separated for the night.

Arriving in his villa, Kang Dowon immediately called his psychiatrist.

"Hello Mr Kang. It's been awhile. Do you have a problem?"

"Hn. Is there any book you can recommend to me on how to pursue someone?"

"......Err pardon me?? Can you say that again?"

The psychiatrist knew his patient have problem to fall asleep and a trauma from his childhood resulted from his stepmother's abuse.

But why did he feel that his patient asked a weird question in the middle of the night?

The next few days, despite their busy schedule, Ha Jinwoo saw Kang Dowon would always spend some time to read books.

'Tsk, such a good male lead material. Why did the author have to use that red flag Kang Hajin. The author must have a few screws lose in his head.'