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"Did anything happened to my uncle? Did you silent up that prostitute?" Kang Hajin asked his assistant.

"Sorry sir. After we finished burning all aphrodisiac incense, Sir Kang Dowon suddenly went missing and in the morning he went to his office like nothing happened. The incense might not have any effect him. Our people are currently laying low since he seems like he was searching for our tail and there is also another force seemingly helping him."

  - Bam!

The vase was thrown to the wall and broken apart. The assistant shuddered despite it wasn't the first time such thing happened.

"Even an adult bull went into heat after smelling that aphrodisiac and you said my uncle wasn't affected?! Do you think I'm stupid?"

"I'm telling the truth Sir. We try to detect him but none of the camera showed where he was. We even wait until morning and some of our men had already surrounded his car early own but he never showed up ever again after he went to the toilet."

"What about his car?"

"His car was sent for a routine service and he used another car, the one that was produced by DoK under their current new line. That car couldn't be tampered with since it connected with a program inside the driver's phone. If we tempered with it or if something broken, the program would notify the driver almost immediately."

"Tsk, such a hassle. Is there no answer about our cooperation request with DoK?"

Even as Kang Dowon's only nephew, Kang Hajin knew he couldn't use their family relationship when it came to work.

"No, we're obviously rejected since DoK decided to cooperate with a new tech company that was on the rise currently, XB Universal Tech."

"That company again?! Didn't they already have cooperation with the government? Now they even want to eat our pie? Did you know who the guy XB sent?"


Inside a file was a complete information of a young man that was sent to DoK as XB Universal's representative.

"This man is suspected to be interested in man? How do you know that?"

"A waiter in KD Bar said that he always suspected this man is gay and he was proven true when he saw this man slept with a man just few nights ago."

The data stated that the man as: A promiscuous gay.

A slight sneer formed on Kang Hajin's face while he still staring on the photo of the young man.

"Well I think I needed to visit my uncle after a long time. Maybe I can see this guy too. Prepare the driver and I will be down in ten minutes."

"Yes sir."

At the same moment, Choi Hye Sung frowned when he realized someone was currently on purpose trying to bait the poisonous snake out of its den.

"Master, is it necessary to let Kang Hajin get your information? We already have Kang Dowon on our side."

"Don't you think it's weird that Kang Dowon could get into an accident that caused him to be in coma and became crippled like in the plot?" Ha Jinwoo asked instead of answering Choi Hye Sung's question.

After he had been with Kang Dowon for only a few days, he already realized how many bodyguards Kang Dowon had. Every time before he drive, his car would be tested and examined.

Bodyguards would follow him anywhere he went. They just wouldn't be too near or too conspicuous around him.

Ordinary people might not sensed them but not Ha Jinwoo who had his own bodyguards.

Due to that, his bodyguards almost have a fight with Kang Dowon's bodyguards on the first day he went to DoK since he forgot to tell Kang Dowon about his bodyguard.

Why does he have a group of bodyguards? Well because he just feel like it.

Even his brother, Ha Jungwoo have his own group of bodyguards despite him living basically in the school ground and rarely went out.

The bodyguards around Ha Jisoo were even more stricter.

'Better safe than sorry. He didn't know what the plot halo would do to make Ha Jungwoo met Kang Hajin. That Kang Hajin wasn't a nice man thus Ha Jisoo might also got affected. I might even died if the plot halo is too thick.'

Choi Hye Sung knew even though his master host sometimes likes to play tricks but he never looked down on anyone.

"Are you saying Kang Hajin might have a hand in that accident?"

"It's not entirely impossible if you think about it on the perspective of who will benefit the most if Kang Dowon die. Obviously not his competitors or enemies. They just lost one enemy and competitor but Kang Hajin obviously gain more than that."

Kang Dowon never had a wife or even a lover in the plot so of course no child. Thus the only beneficiary if he died was his one and only blood related family member, the big walking red flag Kang Hajin.

Even if Kang Dowon never made a will about his inheritance, Kang Hajin could get it as the only family member left. The shareholders might probably also had been influenced during Kang Dowon being in a coma.

Taking a company from someone else, Ha Jinwoo had done the exact same thing in one of the thousand worlds he went to. It's not that hard if you have the ability and especially if the target never felt suspicious with you.

Kang Dowon didn't seem to feel any suspicions towards Kang Hajin since he had seen Kang Hajin growing up in front of him. Despite not being close, he regarded Kang Hajin as a genuine family member.

"Oh, I never thought you will go this route," Choi Hye Sung replied.

He knew all too well about Ha Jinwoo's way of thinking. He must be thinking on how to show Kang Dowon about Kang Hajin's real face.

Knock knock

"Sir Ha, boss asked me to remind you that he can't eat lunch with you today as he had to meet his nephew, Director Kang," Kang Dowon's secretary said.

"Oh ok," Does he really need to inform me? It's just a lunch.

"Boss said he will bring you to a special place for dinner as compensation."

Choi Hye Sung glanced towards Ha Jinwoo and raised both his eyebrows seemingly amused on what he just heard

"Ok," Ha Jinwoo said calmly.

"It seems I'm not invited so I go back to the company first," Choi Hye Sung said, hinting that he didn't want to get involve with the Kang family at all.

If Ha Jinwoo wanted to play with a snake, let him play alone.

"As long as he didn't meet Ha Jungwoo, I don't really care what happened to him but as the saying goes, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer."

".....Well who's your friend? Kang Dowon? Why do I feel something wrong with the two of you."

"There isn't any disadvantage if I become Kang Dowon's friend."

"Ok sure~"

Ha Jinwoo could hear a blatant distrust in Choi Hye Sung's tone but he didn't care.

Choi Hye Sung left the office after he went and greeted Kang Dowon just for formality and left with a few important files.





"How are you uncle? It's been a long time since we last eat together," Kang Hajin greeted as soon as he saw Kang Dowon arrived inside the private room.

However, he was slightly disappointed when Kang Dowon arrived alone. From the intel that he got, Kang Dowon had been eating lunch and dinner with the man sent by XB Universal almost everyday.

"Hn, it's rare for you to invite me for no reason," Kang Dowon said after taking his seat

He was currently felt slightly irritated that he couldn't eat lunch with Ha Jinwoo but at the same time he couldn't just reject his nephew for a man he only known for a week.

"Haha, I just felt like it's been awhile since we met and I heard you started a cooperation project with XB Universal. That company had been the talk in the industry nowadays so what do you think about them," Kang Hajin tried to inquire any useful knowledge without arousing Kang Dowon's suspicion.

"They are good. All the ideas and capability are well above others in the same industry."

"I see. I thought I can see the guy XB sent you but maybe next time."

Hearing Kang Hajin mentioning Ha Jinwoo, Kang Dowon felt slightly uneasy for some reason, "That guy wouldn't even eat once he started working so it's hard to see him outside of the company during the day."

"Well, he still young so it's normal to work that hard."

Sensing that Kang Hajin still wanted to inquire about Ha Jinwoo, Kang Dowon decided to change the topic, "What about your relationship and Mujin? Both of you have known each other since childhood and will soon be married."

Hearing his fiancé's name, Kang Hajin felt slightly displeased but it didn't show on his face,"Mujin and I are fine. We don't really have time to meet each other since he also busy in college."

"Maybe you can try visit him if you have time or just schedule a lunch or dinner from time to time. It only took around an hour or two."

"Yes, I will uncle," Kang Hajin could only swallow his dissatisfaction.

Both him and Kim Mujin knew they were not suitable for each other and prefer to not meet at all. The only reason why they were engaged was because Kang Dowon didn't like Kim Mujin's sister and vice versa.

The Kang and Kim grandparents had once made a verbal agreement to unite the two family through marriage.

The first candidate was actually Kang Hajin's father but he immediately married his lover at the time before the two family could decided anything. Thus Kim family's only daughter went overseas and married a foreigner. 

Kim Mujin's father also decided to marry a lady from another affluent family since the Kang family's daughter decided to not get marry and wanted to pursue her career.

The next candidate obviously were Kang Dowon and Kim Mujin's sister, Kim Mina but Kang Dowon rejected and Kim Mina was also a finicky lady thus they obviously couldn't even stand each other.

Plus the Kim family also couldn't bear to let their only princess to married a rigid, cold man like Kang Dowon.

Then it came down to Kang Hajin who was well known as a bisexual while Kim Mujin was only attracted to man. The two of them seemingly match each other from the outside.

The sunny and playful Kim Mujin and the mature but polite Kang Hajin.

Since everyone thought Kang Dowon was straight, it was finally decided Kang Hajin was the one who got engaged to Kim Mujin.

Both Kang Hajin and Kim Mujin tacitly agree on breaking up the engagement when Kim Mujin found his brother back into the family. If that brother was found, they would try to placate the Kim grandfather to not go through with the two family marriage.

They still can cooperate without a marriage ties. But old people they were as stubborn as a bull.

However, Kang Hajin thought that it might take too long and he needed a man that could be the reason for him to break his engagement with Kim Mujin faster.

"Ehem, uncle what I want to say next might be over the line a little bit but there was a rumor that the man XB Universal sent was actually a homosexual that slept around a lot so I think you need to make sure he won't suddenly messed up his work and affect you," Kang Hajin said.

Even if he couldn't meet Ha Jinwoo, he could still sow discord between Kang Dowon and Ha Jinwoo. Then he would come and comfort him after he was pressured by Kang Dowon.

Kang Dowon was a man that priorities his work above anything else thus his impression on Ha Jinwoo must had decreased a lot. As a man with clean history, he might felt repulsed with someone promiscuous.

"Oh," that's the only respond Kang Dowon could utter.

At the end they finished the seemingly long lunch and parted ways. However, the moment Kang Dowon arrived at his company, what his personal assistant told him made him to be in a bad mood.

"Chief Ha went out after he got a phone call. He didn't say anything and since there is nothing urgent, I also didn't ask."

Kang Dowon looked at his watch and it was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon which meant the person calling Ha Jinwoo just be someone important that could make him leave anytime.

"Report to me where and who Ha Jinwoo meet," Kang Dowon ordered his guards.

He didn't even care if Ha Jinwoo's guards knew about it and reported to Ha Jinwoo.

At the same time, Ha Jinwoo was currently waiting outside an examination room with Ha Jungwoo who he just picked up from the school. The entrance exam would start next week but because it was about their mother, Ha Jinwoo felt like he still needed to inform Ha Jungwoo no matter what.

Ha Jisoo suddenly fall into coma and the doctor was currently baffled since her condition had always been good.


"Are you Mrs Ha's family members?" The middle aged doctor asked.

"Yes, we're her children. Is there anything wrong with mother?" Ha Jinwoo replied.

"It seems like there was another tumor in her brain and your mother might need a surgery. Unlike the previous tumor, this tumor's location isn't risky and can be treated through a surgery. It just that we don't have the surgeon for that but we can recommend you to a brain surgeon overseas and schedule a check up....."

Listening to the doctor's explanation, Ha Jungwoo became even more worried and he glanced towards his brother who still looked calm.

"Ok arranged everything doctor."

After the doctor went away, Ha Jungwoo immediately asked his brother, "Hyung, will the insurance cover for the operation? What about the hospital fee, consultation fee, exams and other medicines fee? Where will you get that much money?"

'Why do you think I'm still living in a tiny family apartment after the company progress so well? Of course it because I already knew I needed those money for this. It's not easy to make money you know.'

"Money is not the problem. The surgery will be schedule a month after your entrance exam so please focus on that and later you can accompany mother overseas since I can't really leave my job for too long."

Sensing that Ha Jinwoo was confident and telling the truth, Ha Jungwoo could only nodded his head.

"Other than that, did you like your personal tutor?"

"Yes, he also thought me etiquette during our break time so the lesson was fun and not boring."

The personal tutor was actually from a fallen noble family that had been working as an English tutor and also a model. He likes traveling thus he chose jobs that wouldn't hinder his hobby.

Ha Jinwoo paid him tons of money in order to be Ha Jungwoo's tutor.

Since Ha Jungwoo would eventually met his real family, Ha Jinwoo felt like he needed to make sure Ha Jungwoo wouldn't be compare too badly with the fake young master.

"Then it's good. Tell me if you have any problems."

"Nope no problem. I'm already a big man so even if I have problem, I won't trouble my brother."

"Ok, ok my little brother sure has grown up."

While the two brother became calmer, another man was brewing his own vinegar while looking at the photo sent by his bodyguards.