First Hunt
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Hello and welcome back to another chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

I don’t own Zootopia, please support the official release.

WARNING: Graphic descriptions of blood and gore.

The Bears POV

It woke with a start and looked over the landscape it found itself in, wondering just how it got here. It raised its nose to the air and a plethora of different smells assaulted it’s nose. There was a lot of different animal sents directly to the east of where it was at, and The Bear was hungry.

Rising from its resting position, it started to make its way to where it could smell all the different sents clustered together. It didn’t take it long, not even twenty minutes with its new found speed that it seemed to have. It came upon a clearing in the trees and saw a field littered with a multitude of different plants, not to dissimilar the ones it saw back home.

Looking all around, it saw a few dozen bunny’s out in the field doing some work or playing in it. Any other time it would have already left to go hunt something more worthy of its time, but for some reason it didn’t do it this time. Instead, it laid low and waited for the right time to strike, maybe one of the little ones would be easier to cathch than the adults.

But more than anything, it was cautious of these bunny’s. They reminded him of the humans from back home and with their sticks that make a loud noise and hurt like hell when hit by them. These bunny’s reminded him of that.

It waited for hours as the bunny’s went and go, and on some occasions it almost sprung its trap, but it waited. Something told it that it’s patience would be rewarded. And it was correct.

Breaking off from the rest, a little bunny made its way over near him. Not directly to him, but just to the left a little bit.

It lowered itself even further and prepared itself to pounce on the little bunny, it just needed the right moment to strike. And it was rewarded yet again for its patience.

An adult bunny, the father of the rest if it had to guess, called out to the little one in front of it. It didn’t know what it said, but he got the gist of it. His own mother called out in the same tone whenever he or his brother strayed to far from her.

The little one turned towards her father, ears straight up as it listened to him. She was just about to make her first step back when he finally struck.

Leaping from the clearing, he swiped his paw down on the little bunny. Originally, it was going to go for a kill shot, but it changed its mind last second for some reason. Though he did hold back, his paw still broke the little bunny’s leg if her screams were anything to go by.

At that, all hell broke loose as dozens of voices sounded out in surprise and fear. The father immediately called for his children to get back to their burrow if it had to guess. Enough of them ran towards it as he alone stood his ground, staring in wide eyed horror as he stared at The Bear.

He came up with an idea, something he would have never thought of before came to mind for some reason now. Letting out a low and powerful grunt, it stopped all the bunny’s in their tracks as they all turned towards him, complete horror on their faces all the while staring at him.

The bunny he swiped with his paw was still screaming in pain and agony as she tried to crawl her way back to her kin, but she would never make it. Walking up to the little bunny, he lowered his jaws and gently clamped them around her, not even drawing blood.

She was still screaming in complete distress as he lifted her, something salty even made its way on his tongue as he done so. Looking over the clearing of bunny’s, all their eyes were on him even though they wanted nothing more than to turn away. But for some reason, they just couldn’t.

The Bear stared directly at the father and the newly arrived mother. He’s never done this before, but for some reason he wants them to watch as he does this.

He let the little bunny get out one last scream to her parents before he clamped his jaws shut, silencing her screams forever.

They all screamed.

Keeping eye contact all the while, he chewed just a little bit, even letting a paw of hers fall out of his mouth, just to edge them even further.

The little thing tasted alright, not the best, not the worst. If given the opportunity, he would eat one again but he wasn’t going to actively hunt them again, it wasn’t really worth the effort. He did smell other sents some other places in the forest, maybe they’ll be worth his time.

Judy’s POV

“So, what should we do now Nick.” I asked as I laid my stuff down on a table in the apartment that me and him were living in.

“Want to go get some grub? There’s this new place I’ve been dying to take you to for a little bit now.” He siad, also placing his stuff down on the same table.

I flopped down on the couch in the apartment and reached for the TV remote as I responded, “Sounds good to me, I haven’t had anything since lunch.”

I turned on the TV and switched to the news to see if anything was happening. There wasn’t, thankfully, as that would usually involve me having to do some kind of work that would definitely be headache inducing. Just the same moose and snow leopard going over some pretty trivial stuff, nothing of note whatsoever.

Nick sat down beside me and pulled me in closer with his arm thrown over my shoulder. I snuggled in and switched the channel once more, this time to a deck enough looking movie that seems to have just started. A nice way to spend some time before heading out on a little date.

About halfway through the movie, my phone started to ring.

“I’ll go get it.” Nick offered and got up. Unintentionally, it also made my head fall down on the couch as I was using his head as a pillow. That got a small chuckle from him.

“Hey, carrots, it’s your mom.” No sooner did he say that, our police radios went off.

“This is dispatch to all available units, we have a… 3-3-3 reported at Bunny Burrow, requesting that all available make their way over there immediately.”

To say my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach was a vast understatement, I couldn’t even describe what I am feeling at the moment.

I knew this day would come sometime in my career, but I was hoping that it never would.

“Judy… is that…” Nick’s voice was shallow and was shaking, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing as well.

“Give me the phone, Nick.” My voice came out harder than it wanted to, but I was panicking and borderline hysterical as the worst possible outcomes kept coming to mind.

Nick, for his part, didn’t take it the wrong it seems as he immediately handed the phone over to me. Hoping against the worst, I hesitantly answered the phone.


“JUDY, it’s- oh my god- *sobs*-, oh, Abby, no. *sobs*.”

My heart stopped and I could already feel the tears start to well up in my eyes. Even though it wasn’t on speaker, I knew Nick heard it because of the way horror also spread on his face. Trying, and failing, to right myself, I spoke up.

“Mom-mom what’s wrong, what happened to Abby?!" Abby is one of my sisters I was closer with, with her basically all but following me around when we were younger. I still remember when she said that she was determined to be the second bunny to become a police officer.

“It-the bear, it, it, it,- oh my god. *sobs*”

At that moment, the TV randomly switched channels and what I saw somehow made my heart sink even further. It was security cam footage from the farm, more specifically the night hollower area. It was mandated that after that fiasco with Bellwether going crazy and making Predators go savage, that all farming of night hollower were to be heavily monitored just in case a situation like that rose again.

I didn’t even hear anything anymore, my focus was 100% on the TV. There, I saw Abby frolicking through the fields, getting particularly close to the tree line. Seeing that, Dad called out to her to come back. Her ears perked up and just as she was about to make the first step, it happened.

Out from the clearing, an absolute monster of a Grizzly Bear sprung from the clearing, completely buck-naked and swiped down at Abby. I watched as it retraced its claws at the last moment for some reason and I heard the snap of Abby’s leg as it hit.

She screamed in pain as the rest of my family screamed along with her in abject horror and fear. Dad immediately called for everyone to get back to the house and thankfully no one argued against him.

At that moment I saw Mom walk up beside him and watched as she started openly bawling her eyes out. I couldn’t hear due to the distance she was from the camera, but I could just barely make it out.

At that moment, it let out a low and powerful grunt, stopping everyone in their tracks and sending shivers of fear down my spine. That was a chuff that demanded respect and fear.

The Bear walked up to Abby who was trying her best to crawl away from it, actively screaming in pain and horror all the while.

The Bear lowered its head down and gently picked up Abby in its jaws. It rose its head and stared at Mom and Dad. Abby was screaming for help, from Mom, from Dad, to literally anything. But what got me most was that she screamed out my name to help her.

My world went into slow motion as The Bear clamped its jaws shut. I heard every broken bone, every torn muscle and even the squishy sound of her organs being minced up. I watched as the animal ate my sister whole, only leaving a single paw left that fell to the ground below. That was all that remained of my sister.

The Bear turned its head and its gaze locked onto the camera. I couldn’t help but shiver as I looked into its soulless black eyes. They didn’t hold a tinge of regret at what it just did. In fact, it looked pleased with itself. I saw that son of a bitch smirk at the camera and then walk off like nothing happened.

The security cam footage was cut off and the movie we were watching came back on. I looked over towards Nick and saw that he was actively throwing up whatever was left of lunch a few hours ago, a look of disgust and horror spread on his face.

Reality finally caught back up to me and I did the only I could do.

I fainted right in the spot.

Well, that took way longer than I thought, but here we are. I hope you enjoyed it!

Yeah, this story is going to be dark and bloody, so if you don't like that, I would probably turn away.

If you have any suggestions or questions you would liked asked, please ask away, I'm all for it.

So, until next time, and have an absolutely amazing day!