A Good Day.
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Hello and welcome to another chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

I don’t own Zootopia, please support the official release.

David’s POV

I got on my computer as soon as I saw the news. This shit was fucking insane. A legit cannibalism was just aired on the TV and it was already making waves all throughout Zootopia.

There were already cries for the ZPD to hunt the Grizzly Bear who did this, fundraisers for the victims family, Anti-Predator groups calling for swift and inhumane justice on not just the Grizzly, but Predators as a whole. The whole nine yards.

But that wasn’t what got my attention, even the Anti-Pred messages. I was focused on something else entirely.

Hurriedly I typed in the channel I was looking for, The Wilder Family. They are a Wildebeest family of three that does blogs and posts about their adventures wherever they go. From what I’ve seen over the years of watching them, they seemed like good people, giving to the poor and things like that.

A few days ago, they posted a video about going out to Bunny Burrow for a camping trip and would be live streaming the whole thing for their viewers to communicate with them. Considering where that murder took place, I think I was justified in my worries about them. What if that son of a bitch got to them? Just thinking of that made my blood ice cold.

I clicked on their channel and went to their live stream where a few thousand people were watching them set up their equipment and generally having a good time. I ignored all that however as I went to make a donation so that they could hear about the impending threat, but when I tried, my face instantly turned pale. They had it turned off.

It was then that I remember that they said that for the streams during their camping trip, they would turn off all donations so as to not be disturbed, because for some reason, the site they stream on would always make a noise when someone donated unless they turned it off. It was a complaint from many people who used it, but they were ignored. Now, it may very well cost them their lives.

I glanced at the chat and saw that they were going absolutely wild as well trying to alert them, but it was all in vain. They were too focused on making their tents.

Minutes went by as the stream count soon raised to over ten thousand, a flood of messages pouring in. I’m sure some of them even tried contacting them, but they had a policy they set up for themselves where the only technology they would bring with them was their streaming equipment and nothing else.

“To enjoy the sights instead of our phones.” Was a quote the patriarch of the family was always fond of saying, and now it may cost them. Because, in the woodline, the Grizzly Bear was right there, completely naked with blood still on its maw. The chat was going absolutely wild.

I watched as it hunkered down, and with a leap, rushed from the brush right into the campsite.

The Bear ran right into the daughter, Anna, and sent her flying, right in front of the camera. Her screams reached through the audio and it was obvious why; her right leg was broken.

It didn’t stop however as The Bear ran straight to Lee, and opening its jaw, bit right into his exposed neck and began shaking him like a rag doll, the horrified screams on Lily, the mom of the family, to stop went unheard.

It began openly eating Lee while he was still alive, using its massive claws to disembowel him. Lilly ran up to The Bear and began punching it with reckless abandon, hysteria clear in her voice.

But it didn’t care, it just continued eating for a while, Lee’s lower half and all internal organs below the brain had been eaten, until it stopped suddenly. And stared at the still down and wailing Anna.

Lily seemed to understand what was about to happen and began to run as fast as she could to her daughter, but with a casual bump, she was sent flying a few feet away, clearly dazed.

The Bear approached slowly, malicious intent clear in its eyes, as Anna’s screaming somehow increased in volume.

She just about made it out of camera sight, but in a cruel twist, almost as if The Bear planned it, it stepped on the already broken leg, preventing Anna from escaping and only increasing her howls of pain.

Slowly reaching down to the leg that wasn’t beneath its paws, The Grizzly opened its jaw and caught the leg in its mouth. With a whimper of mercy from her that was unheard, The Bear’s jaws clamped shut, completely tearing the foot off. Anna’s screams only increased.

At that moment, Lily finally came to and she reacted like anyone else would to seeing their child being eaten in front of them. She screamed, the loudest one I ever heard.

She lowered her head, horns first, and charged, intent on skewering the fucker on them. But that, of course, didn't happen.

When she made contact with The Bear, instead of being gored, it was Lily who was hurt as her horns broke upon contact with its hide, and with a snap, her neck was broken, landing right next to her howling daughter. If that wasn’t enough, she landed just right to where her face was visible to the camera, and from the frantic movement of her eyes, she didn’t die from the impact.

She, along with the now twenty thousand of us, watched in horror as Anna was slowly devoured whole for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes.

It was finally done with its meal when it ate the final horn of Anna, Lily’s eyes having glossed over a minute ago. A mercy, I’m sure, as if she somehow lived through this, something tells me she wouldn’t want to.

The Bear turned towards the camera, still fresh blood dripping from its lips. Walking over, it lowered itself till its face was clear, and then opened its maw once more and let out a terrifying roar, almost as if to claim that we were next, and with a final huff, it left the scene with three dead bodies, one of whom would never be recovered.

I looked at the view counter one more time. Fifty thousand is what it read. And promptly, I passed out, my dreams full of nightmares of that Bear.

The Bear’s POV

It walked away from its prey with satisfaction at what it had done and a full belly to top it off, though it suspected that it would need more food soon.

Raising its nose, it got the distinct smell of fish not too far away, and considering it was covered in blood at the moment, some water would be good anyway.

It walked through the woods without a care in the world, its spirits quite high at the moment.

Arriving at the lake, it soon started washing itself off and caught some fish that it was familiar with, unlike its last meal.

About an hour after it arrived, it noticed that it was starting to get dark. Deciding to wrap it up for the night, it was just about to go look for a place to rest when it noticed something.

The skyline was beautiful at this time of day.

He remembered back home that he would sometimes sit down and watch the skyline whenever he had a chance to. Those were always fun times.

Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt, he decided to sit back down and just enjoy the scenery, just like he did with his sister when they were cubs.

After all, it was a beautiful sky and it wasn’t going to watch itself.

Well... that took longer than expected. Only five months, nothing big.

Going to be honest, I didn't really know how I wanted to go about this story, so I kinda dropped it and I just now regained my interest in it and writing itself. To say I've had writers block is an understatement, but hopefully I can fix it. 

If you have any suggestions, then let me know, I would like to hear them and they might just happen.

But that's all I got for you for now, so until next time, and have an amazing day!