Prologue – The End
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"Mr. Kim! Please get out of your premises and peacefully turn yourself in!" 

A voice coming from a loudspeaker shouted once again and I could not care less. But there was something that did made me flinch.


My daughter shouted from the helicopter.

"Please dad! This madness needs to stop!"

She pleaded tearfully, I could feel her voice just cracking without me even looking at her I could just feel it, I almost want to go and jump to her—

But alas, her last sight of me would be me falling to my death, I do not want that to happen.

Anyways, what am I doing right now?

Just readying to kill myself of course.

I look around and the set up is perfect, I'm up here atop my 99th floor skyscraper, the windows all shut black with the only light coming from my television. On my left is me holding my instant death pills and on my right is me moving around my mouse, making one final check on my laptop before 'it' all gets uploaded.

I would like to explain what got me to this point but—

"Mr. Kim, the world's richest man alive, after domestic abuse charges have been pressed against him—"



Oops. I hit the  TV screen too hard with the mouse and now there's a crack in it.

Ahem. Anyways~

"—Has decided to lock himself up in his residence and after threatening to release sensitive information of many people the Korean, Japanese, and American forces have intervened and is now surrounding the building where Mr. Kim—'

"Alright enough of your narratives. It's time for my side of the story."

I was really nervous there for a sec when I threw my mouse that I'd had broken the TV, as it's the only way I could interact with the world one more time.

"Hey everyone!" 

With a simple press on my phone I had taken over the channel where that lady was speaking nonsense about me earlier.

Even if you freeze my shares and formally kicked me out of the company, I still have a backdoor access to your live channel you know? I thought to myself.

Every single network channel and livestreaming platform that I have stakes in quickly changed into my recording.

"First off, everyone is forgetting that it was my wife who cheated on me that I did what I did. Of course I regret it now but I ain't some monster that would do such a thing."

"Secondly, it was from you, you fucking scumbag. You were my best friend, I fucking trusted you and that's what you did? I know you are trying to seek asylum in the US and applying for Witness Protection but my buddies right now are telling me your real location as I speak. That stupid mask and glasses body double of yours you kept parading in the media isn't gonna work on me."

"Thirdly and fourthly. My secretary and my protege whom I almost treated as my own son, the one that ratted me out and the bastard who organized kicking me out of my own company. I'm honestly impressed you guys were able to do it so quickly and efficiently. I also have you guys in my hit list."

"And finally, every investor and billionaire quote-on-quote friends that are cheering with champagne at my downfall, just so you know my files containing your skeletons are at 98% as well. Especially from those in the middle east enjoy getting your head hung down from your porches."


I quickly took every pill in my hand and gulped it all down in one go.

"For everyone watching, just so you know that the end of my life isn't the end, rather it's only the beginning. As for my two children....I already secured your inheritance, no government or entities can touch it so you don't have to worry about that. Once again, sorry for leaving the two of you behind."

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes once more.

"Take care of your mother okay? The media isn't telling this but I brought over the best doctors and plastic surgeons to treat her...and she has a portion of my inheritance too, cough!"

I turn off my recording and the news reporter immediately starts shouting again.

"Breaking news! We just heard that Mr. Park from —— Industries has been stabbed!"

"A-another breaking news! The plane containing several investors from Mr. Kim's conglomerate has been held hostage!"

I gave a heavy faith smirk

I can feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier as the drugs and poison start spreading through my body.

I look over and see the files at 99%.

As I know that those tech giants would have definitely crash their own cloud and file sharing servers to stop these files from spreading I made sure to invest in my own tech companies to make sure that doesn't happen.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Mr. Kim! We have you surrounded!"

It's the military, it seems that they are using battering rams to break through this room.


I can't even laugh anymore as my body couldn't even move properly now.

Within my powers all I can do now is grab my ear pieces and listen to some of my favorite music and then—


I never regretted any of my choices, even now but...

I grabbed a photo of me and her, with both of us holding our kids by the shoulders on their graduation day.

I remember this day vividly. I looked particularly hectic in this photo because I decided not meeting an important investor to go to my kid's graduation. I promised to myself to not become and absent father. 

Hopefully I achieved that goal for them before I go.

...I guess this I regret.


The door crashed and several of what it seems like special forces have com out of the dust clouds with their red laser sights surrounding my room.

And in the midst of them all one man in a dapper suit came out of the dust.

My son.

With the last of my will on this world I turned my head to see that yes.




I looked at my son one more time, gave a big smirk on my face. Before closing my eyes for one last time. Never to be opened ever again.

"I won." 

I said my last words before my life flashed in my head.

I overcame the odds of a man that came from a apathetic and destitute family to become the richest, to then falling to this state but with the people fanatically loyal to me crossing the boundaries to commit heinous acts in my name. I shall have profound influence in this world even after my death.

I won. There's nothing that those bastards could do about it.

Hey, it's been a while. That's definitely a massive understatement it's not been a while it's a long time but I returned I guess. Honestly my absence from here has been so long that I'm now a changed person from the last time I wrote here. For one I'm at legal age now, secondly a lot of my tastes has changed, I read more Korean manhwas more than manga now so that has more of an influence in this story then from Overlord back then. But yeah this is a remake of my previous story. Not Black Witch unfortunately I decided to stop writing that iteration of that story. Not cancelling it but I decided to go and remake it someday. This story is the one that has massively expanded in my head and therefore I wanted to tell first. This notes here is just me announcing my return and don't want it to be too long so I'll stop here. For the people that decided to still write comments even after all this time. Thank you, sincerely thank you. Arigatou guys :)