Chapter 1 – I’m Not Dead?
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People who believe in God say that you will be judged in life and be sent to heaven and hell.

I firmly believe I would get sent down to hell but frankly if I did meet God or the angels or Buddha or whatever, I would say that I had no regrets for every one of my decisions; heck I would have gone and said I didn't beat that man enough because he didn't die that day.

But no, right now I'm in a void. Not even the dark void of black emptiness but just a void. There's no color here if people believe that. Sometimes it's black or white or like an aurora borealis of colors. In my theory that I just thought up I think this is just the last of my brain's consciousness before it finally stops working.

If anything, this feels more like the very edge of the universe, where the stars have dimmed to nothingness and only tiny dust particles and an aura of radiation remain.

For the afterlife this feels worse than hell. I don't have any experience with hell but in the popular form of hell at least I could see my fellow sinners, an actual scenery and stimulation in the form of excruciating pain.

But here, nothing. Absolute nothing.

All I can do is think, think of my life over and over and over again.

Despite my tremendous wealth I was born not poor but still poor, not homeless and destitute but someone born from two people whom people call my parents that were on paper doing fine financially but were people that never knew the concept of saving, constantly spending money on frivolous things but leaving me with not even scraps but crumbs.

My best friend, the one who let me stay at his place for long periods of time and somebody I used to consider as a brother but betrayed me at the end...

...with the love of my life. She was the perfect woman, born to a rich but loving family and was herself very charitable and selfless. I met her in middle school and then in college.

Along with my secretary and my protege, all of them betrayed me and so, I made sure all of them have a miserable existence before they themselves.

Except for her, I funded the best doctors and surgeons to make sure she's back to normal again.

If there is one thing I regret it is leaving my children behind, although their already adult and independent it's very tragic that I still have to leave them.


Let's just forget about them. That's right, now it's time to forget about them as I am already dead and every single one of them, except my wife, would be scared shitless as they try to escape from the people who are loyal to me.

Locking an forgetting them in my mind....


Anyways, I'm tired of thinking. Thinking about my life is making me sad so I'm looking around to distract me a bit.

Looking around though I still see nothing.

One thing to say about this scenery though is that even if I can see white in here, there's no light.

....until now, that is.

"What is this..." 

Even if I have no feeling that I have a mouth now I wanted to still mutter something, as everything is turning white.

From this void I suddenly see a white and shining light that was streaking horizontally all over, slowly getting wider and wider until everything is a shining and bright light.

 It took a little bit of white before everything turned dark again, but this time, I can feel it.

A body.

Earlier I felt like a cloud of mist with no senses but my sight, and now I feel like I'm have a body again.  

And then slowly, I open my eyes.

How am I alive? I wonder in bewilderment.

Unlike the death medications that you see in movies, I made mine to be as quick and painless as possible. It came in two stages, I first swallowed pills that would wait within my body and the second set of pills would activate them immediately, causing me to immediately be unconscious and then death would come to me while sleeping.

They told me that it was impossible to save my life even after decades of medical technology being developed...or maybe it was because of those same medical advancements that they managed to find a way to make a way to kill someone as painless as possible.

My grand plan was perfect, except for this fatal fork in the road and now I have to face the consequences of my actions in this life. Lifetime sentence or maybe even execution? I wondered.

At this point I could only sigh.


When I did though,


I realized there was something very wrong?

My voice, it was different.

Laughing gas?

But I immediately dismissed it as it would have been too strange and also my voice is sounds baritone, but for the opposite gender.

I tried getting up as best I can but it was impossible.

My body is too weak.

Although I may have committed suicide my body was very much healthy when I did so, even if I woke up in a coma I could still move. But this...

There's one thing that is unexplainable, my body feels smaller.

"What happened to me?"

A feminine voice, a small body and then, I moved my head.


Extremely thin, silky, and most perplexing of all a light purple silvery hair color.

What is this?

I'm fully wide awake now and before anything else, my surroundings is definitely not a hospital. 

There's no medical equipment here at all, no IV drips, no heart monitors beeping and no sterile and bland materials anywhere.

If I were to describe it it's like I'm inside of a fairy tale room. The decorations are very, well, fantastical in design. Unless they moved my body to an old hospital in Europe this isn't a place where a patient would be resting at.

So where the hell am I?

As I was wondering what the hell is happening, the strangest thing yet happened.

Yes, not the surroundings, my voice and my body, this.

"—ᚻᛖᛚᛚᚩ ᛘᚱ. ᚳᛁᛘ."

What the fuck did I just say?

Hey, it's me. First chapter of boy, it's been a really long time since I've written a story lol so I apologize if it's been a bit rough but yeah from my last notes. I guess I'll explain what made me wrote this instead of rewriting Black Witch again, I guess this was the story that fleshed out more. The main gimmick let's just say about this story is that I want the MC who got isekai'd to be  extraordinary in his past life, in most other stories of this nature it is typically either a very relatable/boring past life or a tragic past life. I wanted a story where the MC's first life is instrumental as to who he is, if someone with the wealth of Elon or Bill Gates gets isekai'd and the kind of mentally that kind of person will be in their second lol. But yeah, I hope you guys find this story as enjoyable as Black Witch ^^ arigatou! :) :D :P