Volume 1 Chapter 3 – Lady of Nazarick (18+)
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Buku’s eyes shot open as she heard a knock on her door. Sitting up, she groaned and shouted from her bed. 

“I said not to let anyone in!” 

“It’s me, Buku. We should talk.” The voice of Momonga carried through the door, reaching Buku’s ears as she sighed and leaned against the wall. 

Reluctantly, the naked dark elf woman put a light, pale white dress on, and nodded. “Yeah, okay, you can come in.” She replied, a note of anxiety in her voice.

Momonga pushed the door open, his large, skeletal figure blocking the entryway for a moment before he shut the door behind him, sitting down in one of the chairs facing the bed. Buku for her part chose to remain in bed, her gaze shifting between Momonga, the door, and the wall in front of her, almost as if she was trying to decide whether she wanted to lash out at him in anger, shout at the poor maid who was left to guard the door, or just continue to sulk to herself.

“Buku… No, Akari… I know this is probably… shocking for you, but…” Momonga began, but the other woman cut him off with a shake of her head. 

“Momo, it’s okay. I’m… not blaming you for this. But how am I supposed to feel about this? I just got dragged into YGGDRASIL completely by surprise, only to find out I can’t log out. I’m stuck here! And all of the NPCs are being weird too, and then there’s those weird skill things, and–”

Momonga slides his chair closer to her and spoke gently. “Hey. Buku. Take a breath, okay? I’m not sure what’s happening either, but, I know that panicking isn’t going to solve anything.”

The woman looked up at him, staring into his hollow eyes for a moment, before smirking and chuckling to herself. “Heh… Heheheh… How do you do it?” She asks, and before he can ask what she meant, she clarified for him. “I mean, how do you act so cool?

Momonga was speechless for a moment. Did he really seem all that impressive to her? He didn’t think he was doing anything special. But if that’s what she thought, he figured there was no reason not to go along with it.

“Ah, you know, it just comes naturally.” He replied with a low chuckle. “So, is it okay if we talk about our current situation? I’d like to compare notes, if possible.” The overlord offered, sitting back once again and getting to his feet.

Buku nodded and sat up as well. “Yeah, that’s fine. Meet you in the conference room in five. Just let me get changed. Well, unless you wanna watch~!” She gave him a flirtatious wink.

Momonga chuckled, noting that the fact that she was back to her old antics once more was probably a pretty good sign. “That’s quite alright. I’ll see you there.” He replied, quickly taking his leave as he shut the door behind him.

Buku watched him go and sighed, as she slowly began undoing her dress straps. “Well… Y’know, I wasn’t kidding…” She mumbled to herself with a disappointed expression. It’s true that she could finally pursue him for real now without being a burdon, but she had forgotten how much effort it would take to get through to him even then. “That idiot, Suzuki…”


 Momonga looked up as he saw Buku appear in the room with a flash of light, now clad in a shining dark red gown that accentuated her curves without being overly skimpy. She sat down beside Momonga and turned to look at him. “So? Tell me what’s happening.” 

“First, I’d like to hear things from your perspective. What were you doing before you came here…?” Momonga asked, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

“Well, I was… drinking. With Itsuki. Then everything went fuzzy… I thought I passed out… and I was here.” She blinks, before suddenly realizing. “Wait a minute! Where the hell is that birdbrain!?”

Momonga shook his head. “As far as I’m aware, he’s not appeared yet. Don’t worry though, I’m sure he’ll show up soon.”

“Have you tried the message spell?” Buku asks, furrowing her brow, but Momonga simply nodded. 

“It was the first thing I tried. Unfortunately, our Message spells have been replaced with this [Fartalk] skill, and while it is better in many ways, it has some restrictions that Message did not. One of which appears to be that you cannot get in touch with someone you have not met before yourself.”

Buku blinked, falling silent for a moment, before slowly nodding. “Yeah. Okay, we’ll find him.” She grins, leaning on the table. “Your turn, Momo. What’s up with this? And why do I have these skills?”

Momonga heaved his shoulders in a heavy sigh. “I do not know much but I’ll tell you what I’ve gathered so far. It appears that somehow, Nazarick and everyone within it, including you, have been transported to some new gamelike world. I am unsure if we’re in a new game or not, and even though evidence suggests we’re in reality right now, the existence of these skills suggests otherwise. Though I suppose there would be one way to find out for sure.” He replied.

Buku tilts her head. “Oh? And that would be, what?”

He paused for a moment, then looked away, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “An 18+ action.”

There were a lot of reasons why VRRPGs didn’t allow for 18+ actions. Often times any player attempting such an action would find themselves booted from the server with an administrator warning. No matter how advanced it may be, a hypothetical YGGDRASIL II still would have this restriction. It would have to, or else the developers could end up in a lot of legal trouble. Consequently, if an 18+ action were to be performed without any kind of system warning occurring, it would be enough to count as definitive proof that they were no longer in any kind of game world. 

However, in order to check if such an action was allowed, they would have to actually perform such an action.

In spite of this quite apparent hurdle, Buku did not seem nearly as hesitant about it as Momonga did. On the contrary, she was pretty quick to stand up and walk over. “Well? Then what are you waiting for?”

Momonga blinked and looked over at her, the red flames in his eye sockets flickering for a moment as he attempted to process what she was saying. No, perhaps he understood and was simply refusing to accept the obvious. “I’m… sorry? I’m not sure I catch your meaning.”

Buku shook her head and groaned, before suddenly throwing a leg over him and sitting down comfortably on Momonga’s lap, grinning smugly as she puffed her chest out confidently. “Go ahead. Touch it. That should be enough, right?”

Momonga stared at her, his emotional suppression firing off over and over like a machine gun as it struggled to keep his flustered feelings nonexistent. Only after about a minute or two of silence, he cleared his nonexistent throat and spoke up again. “Well, probably… But, Chagama, are you sure about this?” he asks anxiously.

“Ugh! Yes, I’m sure, you big dummy! Touch them! Feel them! Grope them! And also, stop calling me Chagama! You can just call me Buku, y’know!” She rolled her eyes, watching him with an amused, yet exasperated expression.

Momonga gulped, and slowly nodded. “This is just for testing, okay?” he warned her.

“Yeah-huh.” she nodded nonchalantly, almost as if she was expressing disbelief.

But Momonga wasn’t paying attention. He slowly… nervously… moved his hand toward Buku’s chest. ‘It is definitely… bigger than… Akari’s…’ he briefly thought to himself, remembering that his friend was actually on the flat side back on Earth, but then he suddenly shook the thought out of his head. ‘No! What am I thinking? I shouldn’t be staring!’

With that mental note, he finally committed to it and pressed his hand against her breast, rubbing her voluptuous tit fervently through her dress.

Buku yelped in surprise, her eyes widening as she let out a lewd moan, one that she quickly muffled by covering her mouth and slapping Momonga on the head. “W-What are you doing!?!?”

Momonga quickly yanked his hand away. “Hey! I’m doing what you said!”

“You didn’t do it properly! You were too rough!!” She hisses, before quickly climbing off his lap and putting some distance between them.

“I–! S-Sorry!” Momonga frantically apologized, but Buku merely huffed and looked away. “Well, you confirmed it, is that all?”

Momonga sighed and nodded. “Yes, I suppose so. I’ll be going outside for a bit.” He tells her, but Buku was already gone. It seemed that she was no longer interested, and she teleported away the second he finished speaking.

Appearing in her room once again, she sighed and slumped down against her bed, burying her face in her hands. “What… the hell is my problem…?” She mumbled to herself.

“Um… Lady Bukubukuchagama? Is something wrong?” 

She raised her head and glanced up, seeing a blonde maid standing in the corner of the room. She sighed and shook her head. “It’s… fine. And please, just Buku is fine.”

“As you wish, Lady Buku.” The maid bowed politely and said nothing more. A moment of silence passed between them, as Buku turned away and stared off into the wall.

“Hey… how do you get the person you like to recognize your feelings?” She asked suddenly, looking back over at the maid.

The maid stiffened for a moment, pausing as she realized she didn’t have a good answer to that question.

“My Lady, is there… someone you’re interested in?” She asks, tilting her head. “Whoever it may be, I’m sure if they can’t appreciate how great you are—“

“It’s Momonga,” Buku admitted, interrupting the maid as she looked away. “Look, you won’t tell anyone right?” She asks, suddenly feeling the need to let her feelings out. And once she did, they didn’t stop pouring out. “I just… I’ve always liked him. I always have, since we met. But the thing is, I knew I wasn’t good for him. I was weak… and dying. But now I’m not, so now… I want him for myself! But… I feel like he doesn’t even know. Or I don’t.” She buried her face in her arms once more.

“Um… Lady Buku, I confess I’m not great with matters of romance… but perhaps Lady Shalltear or Lady Albedo might know better?” The maid offered nervously. 

“Hmmm… is that so? I suppose they probably do get around…” she mumbled thoughtfully, before sitting back against the bed. “Still… I would rather catch his interest on my own…”

“In that case, I am always happy to help, my lady. And I will not tell a soul what we spoke of here.” The maid replied with an elegant bow.

Buku nodded and stood up. “Thank you. Tell me your name again?” She asked, glancing over her shoulder at the maid as she sat down on top of the bed, crossing her legs.

“Cixous, my lady.” The maid bowed her head with a soft smile.

“Thank you, Cixous. If it’s okay with you, I’d like you to be my personal attendant.” Buku replied, turning to watch her reaction.

Cixous was stunned, but she quickly bowed her head in an eager display of gratitude. “Yes, my lady! I would love to! If you ever need me for anything, please don’t be afraid to call upon me! Nothing would make me happier!” She shouted devoutly, looking up at her superior.

Buku smirked to herself and nodded. “Then, please draw up a bath for me. I’d like to get some rest.” 

Perhaps this wasn’t all bad. Buku could get used to playing the part of the supreme ruler, if that was what she was expected to be. And if she was going to have her every need attended to by the servants of Nazarick, well… she could certainly get used to that.


Momonga examined the sword he held in his hands. Raising the blade, be pointed it toward the mirror, before clutching the hilt with both hands. Momonga lifted the sword above his head… and dropped it, letting it clatter on the floor.

‘As I thought, it seems I still can’t use weapons outside my class. I wonder if there’s a way to compensate for that.’ Momonga thought to himself, as he watched the Pleiades maid that had been assigned to him for the day pick up the sword and hand it back to him.

 “Thank you, Narberal,” He muttered, taking the sword again and holding it up, staring at the weapon thoughtfully. “Hmmm… if that doesn’t work, maybe…”

With a thought, he would summon a set of obsidian black plate armor over his body, a bright red cape flowing down his back. Holding the sword aloft, he chuckled to himself. It now felt much easier to weild, like it was an extension of his arm. With a swing, he felt the air rushing past the metal.

“So armor and weapons summoned through magic are fine.” He noted aloud, turning back to Narberal and handing the sword back to her. “Narberal, I wish to explore outside the tomb.”

She took the weapon, hanging it back up on the wall before bowing. “As you wish, my lord. I will prepare a guard…”

“No, I wish to go out alone.” The overlord waved her off.

“My Lord, I must protest. If you are attacked while alone, us servants cannot be your shield.” She pleaded with him.

“Don’t worry about it. I won’t go far. However, I would like to be alone.” He replied.

“As you wish…” the maid bowed and stepped back, watching as Momonga teleported away, appearing at the entrance to the Tomb of Nazarick.

“Hahhh… finally, some fresh air…” Momonga sighed, shaking his head. “They really won’t give me a minute of peace…”

Momonga turned and began walking toward the exit, glancing up as he saw a stunning night sky above him. It truly was like nothing he’d seen in his life. He had never even seen the stars before, with how polluted the atmosphere of Earth was. This… truly was something incredible.

The undead pulled out a small metal necklace. He could not cast spells while he was in this armor, however, he was able to use items. This particular item was a necklace that could be imbued with a low-level spell, in this case the spell [fly]. Putting it over his head, his armored body glowed a shade of blue for a moment, before he felt his feet lift off the ground.

The air rushed through the slit in Momonga’s vizor as he quickly flew up into the air, far above the clouds. Lifting his helmet off, he tossed it away and stared up into the sky as it dissolved into magic dust beside him.

“This is…” he whispered, taking in the incredible beauty and vastness of the entire world.

“Lord Momonga? What are you doing up here alone?” He suddenly heard a vaguely familiar voice from behind him.

Momonga turned around in the direction the voice came from to see an amphibious-looking humanoid in an orange pinstripe suit with enormous bat wings hovering behind him.

“Demiurge. I needed a breath of fresh air. And, I suppose I got caught up in admiring the beauty of this world.” Momonga chuckled turning back around in the air to gaze out at the horizon.

“I believe this world exists for the supreme beings to adorn themselves in its riches.” The demon replied, lowering his head.

“Then perhaps, one day, everything will belong to us,” Momonga replied with a light chuckle, his gaze completely lost in the view. “Ahh, what am I saying? It would be the height of arrogance to say something like that when we don’t know anything about the strength of the people in this world,” He muttered to himself, shaking his head before staring up at the sky.

“Still, taking over the world might be nice.” 

Demiurge did a double-take when he heard that. Did his master’s ambitions truly reach such heights? He stared at Momonga’s unchanging skull, trying to make out any sort of expression that could clue him in to what his master might be thinking. Of course, he came up empty. There was absolutely no way a mere guardian could even begin to understand the mind of a Supreme Being.

Suddenly Momonga heard a voice in his head. {Hey Momo, am I using this fartalk thingy correctly?} came the feminine voice of Buku in his mind, causing the undead to jolt himself free of his thoughts.

{Yeah. It seems like it. What did you need?} Momonga replied telepathically, raising a finger to the location his earlobe would be habitually, though this action seemed completely unnecessary as he could communicate perfectly fine without doing so.

{Oh, can you meet me in my room? I just… wanted to say something in person.} She replied, and even through just her mental thoughts, Momonga was able to get the sense that she was somewhat anxious about whatever it was she wanted to tell him. 

{Yes, I’ll be there in a minute.} He decided it was best to not delay the meeting any longer than necessary and so turned to Demiurge. “I’ll be meeting with Buku for a moment. Don’t worry about me, continue what you were doing before.” 

Demiurge bowed in the air elegantly, as if he was on solid ground. “Understood.”

With that, Momonga teleported to just outside Buku’s quarters once again. Silently praying that he wouldn’t do anything to make her fly off the handle again. Cautiously, Momonga knocked on his friend’s door.

Immediately the door swung open, Buku standing there in a sparkling purple nightgown, with one of the Homunculi maids standing off in the corner. “Hey, Momo! Welcome in!” She struck a cheerful smile that absolutely did not match her earlier disposition, and pulled him into her room by the arm, shutting the door behind him.

“Okay, okay, I’m here now. What did you want to talk about?” he asked, as she sat down on the edge of her bed.

“Cixous, please get us something to drink. Preferably something alcohol.” Buku glanced at the maid, who quickly bowed and left as per her master’s order.

Momonga shot Buku a sideways glance. “You… certainly seem to be adjusting well.”

Buku grinned and nodded as she laid back on the mattress. “Yep. I’ve been doing some thinking. And it’s probably best to just go along with it. Also…” She looked up at him, eyes suddenly going serious. “I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. That… wasn’t fair of me to treat you that way.”

Momonga watched her for a moment, trying to gauge her expression, before eventually deciding that she was being seriously genuine. “I accept your apology, then. Don’t worry about it. This is a stressful situation for both of us after all.”

“By the way…” Buku tilted her head and frowned. “Are you gonna drink in that armor, or…?”

Momonga paused, not getting it for a minute, before he soon realized what she was asking. “Oh! This?” He looks down at the dark plate armor he was wearing. “Yeah, hold on.” He raised his hand and with a slight glow, the armor would disappear, leaving him in his usual purple gown once again. “How’s that?”

Buku chuckled. “Hey, look! We’re matching!” She teased, sitting Indian-style on the mattress and looking up at him. “So, I figured it would be best if we spent some time together, right? What should we do tonight?”

Momonga stared at her blankly. She seemed… different, and he wasn’t quite able to figure out what was going on with her. “Um… yeah, I guess…”

Buku frowned, shaking her head in exasperation. “Come on Momo! Don’t give me that blank look! It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve drank together!” She playfully punched his shoulder, before nodding towards one of the chairs sitting across from the bed where she sat. “Sit down. Let’s get on with it!”

Momonga sighed and sat down, shaking his head as the maid returned with a tray of glasses and two bottles of sake. “My Lady, My Lord, here you are. Shall I give you both some space?” she asked, setting the drinks down on the bedside table and stepping back.

Buku nodded. “Yes, please. We will call for you if we need you!” She flashed the maid a charming smile, causing her to suddenly go a bit pink in the cheeks and offer a flustered bow. “Y-Yes, My Lady! I will wait for you outside then!” She hurriedly affirmed, before quickly stepping outside and slamming the door behind her a bit too hard, causing the impactful sound to echo throughout the room for a minute, and left Momonga and Buku in the awkward silence that followed.

Buku paused for a moment, as if waiting for Momonga to say something, before picking up one of the bottles of sake and pouring him a glass. “Well? Are you gonna change or what?” She chuckled, attempting to break the tension.

Momonga’s expression was unreadable, and after a moment he spoke up. “Um… I don’t exactly have the skill you do, you know…” he pointed out. “Do you… want me to get a doppelganger ring…?” He asked, a note of confusion in his voice.

A silence passed between them, before Momonga simply shrugged and pulled a small ring out of the void storage space that was now his inventory. He then put it on one of his fingers and took only a moment to mentally choose an appearance before his form began to shimmer and change. After a brief moment, the shimmering light disappeared, and Momonga looked like a much larger, much more muscular, and attractive version of Suzuki Satoru. “So? How’s that?”

Buku didn’t answer. Considering that Momonga’s clothing hadn’t changed, his once fairly unassuming dark purple gown now betrayed his bare, muscular chest, and the tanned woman was completely taken by it. A soft shade of pink crept up her cheeks as she slowly nodded. “Th-that’s good!” She squeaked, before clearing her throat and speaking, mentally scolding herself for losing her composure momentarily. “I mean, yeah, that’s fine. How about a drink then?” She asked, pushing the glass towards him.

Momonga nodded, taking the glass with a smirk and downing it in one gulp. “Mmm, hey, this stuff is pretty good.” he chuckled, glancing over at her. 

Buku smirked and downed her own glass, nodding as she scooted herself over to him. “Yeah, it is. Nazarick’s alcohol really is the best, isn’t it?” she giggled playfully.

Momonga raised an eyebrow as he looked back at her. “Well, I can’t say I’ve had enough to compare. Are you getting drunk already?” he asked, noticing how she was beginning to get a bit tipsy after just quickly downing her one glass.

Buku laughed and shook her head, pouring herself another glass and downing that as well. “Nooooo! I’m not! You’ve been drinking with me before, y’know! I think I beat you, right?” she grinned, poking his chest playfully.

Momonga sighed. “Buku, you have a new body now, remember? You probably aren’t used to it. Though, shouldn’t you be immune…?” He mumbled to himself, staring hard at her. He already knew, but just to confirm, he used his [Appraisal] Skill on her. Sure enough, there it was, in that massive list of skills, just like him. [Poison nullification], clear as day. And yet… Somehow she was acting like this anyways?

He suddenly noticed her pouting face from behind the wall of text, her cheeks puffed out and her eyebrows furrowed in a scowl. “Are you Appraising me!? Stopp ittt!! That’s private!!” She huffed.

“Huh!? How did you know!?!?” he asked, panicking. Did everyone know when they were being appraised?

She frowned, thinking hard as she stared at the bedsheets. “Uhhhh… I dunnoooo… It just felt like you were peeping on me. And I got a weird chill…” She mumbled, shrugging, before turning back to Momonga. “Sooo? I drank my third already! Are you gonna keep uppp or whattt?” she smirked.

Momonga gave her a deadpan stare. “Buku… stop it. We both know you’re not really drunk.”

She paused for a moment before suddenly groaning as she rolled her eyes. “Fine, it was worth a try. Momonga, there’s something else I want to talk to you about.”

He blinked, watching her carefully. “...Yes…? What is it?”

She took a breath and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him towards her so they were inches away from each other’s faces. “Momonga…” She paused, taking a deep breath. “I want to know if you like me.”

Momonga shook his head in disbelief. “What? Of course, I do–!”

“Momo,” She interrupted, “I meant, I want to know if you are romantically interested in me.”

Momonga fell silent. How was he supposed to respond to that? It was true, he had always had a vague interest in her, but he had never really taken the time to think about how he felt about her in depth. After a moment, he opened his mouth to answer, only to have it stopped by Buku’s finger.

“Don’t answer.” She whispered. “It’s unfair of me to ask that. So… I’ll show you.”

With that, Momonga’s eyes went wide as he watched the woman undo the straps on her dressing gown, letting it fall to the mattress in a heap to reveal her large, plump breasts. Momonga quickly looked away.

“Buku! W-W-W-What are you doing!?!?” He squeaked in embarrassment, it seemed with the doppelganger ring on his emotional suppression was no longer working as it usually did, and so his flustered emotions quickly boiled over.

“Momonga, this much is fine, isn’t it?” Buku asked, crawling toward him and cupping his cheek. She caressed Momonga’s face softly with her hand and leaned forward. “Let’s just… enjoy tonight, okay?” She whispered.

“Buku… I don’t know if I’m ready to commit…” he started, but the dark-elven woman shook her head.

“Don’t commit. Let’s enjoy this one moment.” She whispered to him, having interrupted his protest once again.

Momonga sighed and stared at her as he inched his hand around her waist. “Buku… you won’t regret this if things don’t work out between us?” He asked anxiously. It was clear the part of him that was Suzuki Satoru was still afraid of getting intimate with a woman, especially if that woman was Akari, someone he had actually liked and admired, and his body was still tense. 

Buku chuckled and kissed his nose softly. “Momo, just relax and let me take the lead.” She whispered. She then grabbed Momonga by the shoulders and pulled him onto the mattress, before she leaned down and kissed him softly. “You’re the lord of Nazarick, right? You’ll have a harem one day. And maybe I will too. But right now, we can be each other’s first.”

Momonga went a little red at that and looked away. “Ahh… if you… say so…” he mumbled. Frankly, he didn’t have much interest in a harem. He would much rather find a woman who was devoted to him, and return that devotion in equal. Buku was definitely still someone he could consider for that sort of relationship, but it wasn’t going to become anything like that with just this one moment together. They needed time. 

With that in mind, Momonga resigned to simply nodding and letting Buku take the lead. “Okay… but… it is my first time…” he admitted, glancing away.

Buku grinned as she straddled Momonga’s waist with her wide hips. “Aw. Cute~! Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle~!” She whispered seductively and began to undo the lower part of his gown to expose his crotch area.

Momonga blushed and looked away as Buku exposed his dick to the open air. His long meat stick trembled in anticipation even as Momonga himself felt anxious about this experience.

Buku smirked once more as she began rubbing his tip. “Momo, you should show this guy some more action… it’s very big and looks delicious.” She whispered before she leaned down and began to lick his shaft. “Mmmm… I was right, it is delicious~!” She giggled.

Momonga didn’t respond. He was already moaning and gasping in a low voice at the sensation of her wet tongue. However, his lack of response seemed to frustrate Buku a little, so she lifted her head up and began rubbing his towering shaft between her large breasts.

Momonga hummed softly as he tried to maintain his composure as his excitement began to shoot through the roof. He had always been vaguely interested in Akari, but back when she was a human she had been pretty lacking in the chest department. In fact, back then her body wasn’t really particularly “erotic” in the usual sense of the word. She had had tiny breasts bordering on completely flat, a boxy frame with a decent amount of chubbiness around her waist, and a small ass with fairly thin thighs, and a noticeable thigh gap, even when she wore a skirt. She wasn’t unattractive by any stretch of the imagination, of course, but she also wasn’t the type that men would be falling over themselves for. Momonga had fallen for her charming personality more than her looks.

But now it was way different. Her face shape was the same as in her past life, interestingly, but her body was far from it. She now had an extremely curvy figure, with a plump ass, and thick, muscular thighs. She had wide hips and a thin waist toned with an ever so slight bit of muscle definition. But of course, the breasts she was currently using to smother his dick were what excited him the most. They were large, plump, ripe, and juicy. Exactly the type he liked. But even her gloriously bountiful chest didn’t engulf his dick in its entirety. His tip was still poking out of the top near her collarbone.

He felt his dick begin to throb from the excitement as it let out a small bit of precum. Buku noticed immediately and leaned down to slobber over his exposed tip, moistening it up as she continued rubbing it between her breasts.

Momonga gasped, squirting out straight into Buku’s eager mouth as he groaned, the torrent of sticky white liquid overflowing out of her mouth and dribbling down her chin. The lewd sight served to only turn him on further.

Buku swallowed her prize and smirked as she glanced down at his dick, rubbing his tip again softly. “Oh~? Looks like you’re still ready for more action~!” She teased. “Lucky for you I can deliver~!” With that, she sat up, her legs straddling him as her lower entrance hovered above his aloft meat sword.

Momonga’s eyes widened as he stared at her moist lower entrance, he watched as Buku brought her hand down and spread her lips open with her fingertips, getting the full, unfiltered view. 

The thought of needing protection briefly crossed Momonga’s mind, but he was in way too deep at this point to voice that concern. Even if he did, it was doubtful that Buku would listen, as she quickly dropped her hips on his towering spear, impaling herself up to the navel as she took the full length of his cock.

Buku immediately gasped at the sudden sensation spreading her out, her body trembling as waves of pleasure washed over her.

“F-Fuck~! Momo~! It’s soo good, Ahh fuck~~!” She moaned out, suddenly losing her composure as his dick buried itself in her depths.

Momonga wasn’t faring much better. With the way her tight walls squeezed his dick like a vise, it was as if she was trying to milk him off the bat… and it was working. The inexperienced man felt himself squirt out a little bit, releasing into Buku’s eager womb before she even started moving her hips.

Buku glanced down as she felt the hot liquid coat her insides, and playfully smirked at him. “Heh… quick shot~” she teased, though the way she was panting and drooling, with her pussy juice dripping down her thighs, made it clear that she wasn’t doing much better. In fact, Buku had also had a little squirt of her own already, but she was able to hide it a bit better.

Slowly, the woman began moving her hips on Momonga’s dick, moaning softly as she felt the rush of pleasure wash over her once more. Even from just the slow movement, both of them felt extreme pleasure, and it quickly became clear that their compatibility was immeasurable. 

“Ahhh… hahhhh… Momo… I’m gonna…” Buku panted, her drool mixing with the remains of his cum on her chin as she rode his dick fervently, her tight walls massaging his shaft with each movement no matter how inconsequential. 

Momonga didn’t respond, merely grunting in response, but that was enough response for Buku. She threw her head back and moaned as she squirted all over his dick, Momonga following suit not moments later as he filled her with his flood of sticky semen.

Buku paused, sitting still as she stared down at him with lustful eyes. “Momo… if we continue… we’re never going to stop.” She whispered, her legs clenching as she felt his hard dick seem to only grow larger inside her.

Momonga nodded slowly. “Yeah… but we’ve got all night.” He whispered back, and offered her a weak smirk.

Buku grins, chuckling to herself as she leaned into his ear and whispered huskily. “You said it.”


Momonga slowly opened his eyes, looking around the room. For a moment, he felt disoriented at the fact that he wasn’t in his apartment, but when he felt the warm body pressed against his chest, the events of the past day all came rushing back to him. That’s right. He had been transported into his game avatar and somehow ended up hooking up with Buku. He sighed as he slowly wrapped an arm around the beautiful dark elf as he remembered the past night. They had done it until they both passed out. Their stamina seemed to be practically limitless when it came to things that happened in bed, though he had exhausted everything last night, fucking with Buku nonstop like rabbits, he was vaguely aware that it was only a few hours later that he felt fully refreshed. Glancing at the pendulum clock by the wall only confirmed this.

Momonga sighed, letting his body relax back into the bed. Even though he had the appearance and traits of a human, Momonga still had his [Exhaustion Nullification] skill which meant he didn’t ever feel physically tired. Even still, he definitely felt mentally exhausted from everything that had happened in the past 24 hours and would have liked to do nothing more than laze around all day. The beautiful woman soundly sleeping on his chest certainly didn’t help his desire to get up, either.

Unfortunately, it seemed today would be just as busy as the last. After only a brief moment, he would hear a firm knock on the door as a gruff voice rang out in the room.

“Lord Momonga, it’s Sebas. I am sorry for disturbing you, but It appears we have an urgent problem.” The butler explained through the door.

Momonga sighed, shifting the sleeping Buku over to allow him to sit up as he rubbed his face tiredly. “Understood. I’ll be out in a minute.” He replied, pulling the Doppelgänger ring off and putting it back into his spatial storage as his form changed into that of his imposing skeletal overlord once more. 

With a sigh of resignation, he stood up, adjusted his gown, and started towards the door. No rest for the wicked, it seemed.

(AN: Thank you for following the story so far! I'd like to remind everyone I have a Discord server where I'll be posting early updates, as well as answering any questions you might have for me. Feel free to drop in here - https://discord.gg/kdbSTVZxnC )