Ch 11 Helena’s debt
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After Eliza got back to her room she was thinking that she might be a bit to nice to Helena for her to accept it, considering that they are good friends but do not know very much about each other. Because this was something that she could not do anything about in one night any way she went to sleep.

In the morning Eliza had made breakfast before Helena even came out of her room, Eliza started debating what to tell Helena about herself. Thinking about it she would not change the things about her subs and cultivation. When Eliza started to think of more things she thought about her eye, after leaving the temple her eye could only see a few energy flows.

After looking her eye up in the library, it stated that the foxkin has three bloodline abilities, one being the eye. The first awakening of bloodline abilities are always stronger and could do reality-bending things sometimes. It seems that everyone can awaken their bloodline with hard work, there is also a chance that you naturally awaken one, which is limited to one.

Before she could ponder further Helena came into the room after they both were seated Eliza thought it was better to start talking.

“Helena, you’re a good friend to me, you also think that over me right?”

“Yes, but I have a question how did you know my affinity and type?”

“My eye awakened that is how.”

“You know it is pretty weird how you are close to oblivious to the world but also knowledgeable in random subjects.”

“I have lived in the forest for some time without contact.”

“But that does not explain why you are so generous to me.”

“I won’t lose out on it, I get experience for brewing, the production cost is paid.”

“Then why do you want to run a shop?”

“Does the guild buy anything other than potions? And it more enjoyable to run a shop.”

“But this is too valuable to just receive or hand over.”

“Well let’s do this, one guild point is worth $20 it costs 17.300 that is ~350.000, then 100.000 for being my ‘guardian’, 50.000 for being my guide, 22.500 for the house, 27.500 for being my escort and shop clerk. That totals to 200.000 so 150.000 can be considered your debt you can work off to pay by being a shop clerk.”

Helena kept silent, Eliza decided to just give her time alone and went to the workshop to make more potions. Because it would take a few weeks anyway to buy it, Eliza thought in that time Helena would have “worked it off” anyway. Besides Helena did more than she would have thought to Eliza this was more like one big repayment.

After being done with the amount of potions she would make today she started cultivating. Eliza thought it was a to only craft things during the day while there are more than enough on stock. So she would make what was previous day sold and a daily amount she would later sell to the guild.

Because of this, her cultivation went up faster, after a few hours she managed to break through, and she decided to train her magic rather than to cultivate. Cringing about the fact that she only has one light spell.