Chapter 110 “The Ambush.”
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Chapter 110

“The Ambush.”


There was a great difference in attack power and coordination between the knights of the kingdom of Balsac and Bhallys.

While the latter had an organized system of defense and attack that gave them excellent results, the former seemed to have fear tattooed in their eyes, seeing that unlike the other kingdom, the first casualties were among the soldiers serving the king. However, the knights serving the duke, accustomed to fighting monsters and unexpected invasions, responded immediately, organizing their numbers and protecting together with the knights of the allied kingdom the carriage where the duke and the prince were riding. Helping to keep the front of the caravan safe.

The Bhallys mages attacked with fire and ice without mercy, destroying monster after monster as they took turns drinking mana potions to maintain the strength of their attacks.

But despite the large number of knights surrounding the carriages, several monsters managed to penetrate through their defenses and attack the last ones.

“Protect the saint!” shouted the Duke of Brincy to his men as he stepped down from the carriage, standing right in front of the door while he unsheathed his sword, ready to eliminate anyone who approached the prince of the kingdom of Bhallys.

The prince immediately perked up, and called Ans from the opposite window, one of the elite knights his older sister had lent him to ensure the success of this mission.

The slender assassin, trained as a knight and dressed in black, approached the prince, who, not wanting to be overheard by the duke on the other side of the carriage, whispered.

“Take two others with you and make sure you bring me the saint in good condition. She is the only reason my father agreed to help this insignificant kingdom full of stinking weaklings," he muttered and hurried to hide the discomfort he felt for his new allies.

Ans nodded her head. And though her loyalty was not to Prince Dantel but to the crown princess, she would pretend to obey the prince until his orders got in the way of the princess’s plan. Or until he himself showed signs of betraying her, in which case she as well as the rest of the elite knights of the order of the black rose who had come on the princess’s orders would see to it that he was disposed of.

Blood dripped from Kalysto’s ice daggers.

Her chest rose and fell in rhythm with her agitated breathing as she stared at the body of the monster she had just slain. Unlike the rest of the monsters she had fought while inside the human realm, the skin of these creatures was much tougher and more resilient.

Just as it had been when she was in the Elven kingdom.

Only this time, she couldn’t see the huge portal through which these things had come out.

I need more strength! She thought, and where the hell is that portal? However, no matter how hard she looked for it, she couldn’t find it.

Horses whinnied as their riders charged at the monsters. Several more experienced warriors left their horses behind to take on the hundred or so beasts more freely as beasts made their way through the trees surrounding the rudimentary dirt road along which the carriages had been advancing.

It would be a matter of luck if I got out of here and could get the boys out alive. Because while she could simply pull the home-stone out of her inventory and return to fairy territory where she would be safe, they could not.

But the thousands of monsters that were attacking them, even without a portal, were not the real problem.

One of the problems, or at least the most pressing, was that according to the book ‘The Fall of the Hero’ which she had finally finished reading just as the sun was rising, she had less than a year and a half before the entire population on the continent would be completely wiped out.

And just as had happened in the book, a tower full of monsters sprouted on top of a small mountain within Balsac’s territory.

But according to the book, that was supposed to happen six months after the arrival of the heroes in this world.

Why did it appear five months earlier? She wondered, as she glanced sideways at the tower in the distance. What was it that changed?

“On guard!” shouted one of the knights standing near her as an ogre about ten feet tall ran towards them, his head covered with a helmet, a small imitation armor protected his broad chest and a huge axe lay in his hands.

And as the young Balsac knight’s hands trembled, Kalysto looked the ogre up and down before whispering:

“Perfect shot! Multiple targets! Telekinesis! Ice stakes!” Three magic circles formed in front of her and from each of them came an ice stake about half a meter long. One of them buried itself in her enemy’s stomach, another in his groin and the last one in his throat. “Let’s see, how do you survive that?” She murmured with a smile on her lips, while the surrounding knights moved away from her slyly.

[You’ve gained 3,000 experience points!]

“Why the hell are these things so hard to kill?” Rita growled several meters behind her, while the fire mage and Koden tried to cut off the head of the small orc that had slipped through the defenses and which Kalytso had frozen from the shoulders down so that they could gain some experience and level up without taking any risk.

“Just burn his head off and that’s it!” Kalytso shouted. Rita nodded her head and did as her companion had told her. Almost immediately, a smile broke out on her face.

[You’ve gained 700 experience points!]

“Yes, one less! And I finally went up to level thirteen!” The fire mage celebrated.

“Hey, that’s not fair! That’s cheating!” Koden interrupted her. “And that counts as a draw. I helped too!”

“And you expect me to always kill a monster with a sword when I’m a mage?” Rita refuted him as Oscar, along with three soldiers from the allied kingdom, fought an orc.

While the fourth of them joined the fight, the rest of the heroes remained inside the carriage.

“Enough you two, and pay attention! Get ready for the next round!” -Kalysto shouted as she saw that the space left by the other knights and the ogre gave way to a pack of twenty-one Dackets. ”Inspect!”

[Name: N/A

Race: Dacket

Level: 17

HP: 17.000/17.000

MP: 100/100


The level of most of the dark gray-furred wolves in that pack ranged from level fifteen to seventeen, but one of them, the one who came behind and watched everything with a glint of cunning in his eyes, was level twenty-five.

“Everyone, stand back and stay out of the way! Ice creation!” Conjured Kalysto as she kicked the ground and the pack ran towards them. A path of ice formed on the ground and froze the paws, back and tails of twenty of them. Leaving their necks and heads free to be cut off. Koden, Rita, you know what to do! -Kalysto immediately set about decapitating all the Dackets near her, planning to leave only about four on the periphery so the boys could take advantage and level up.

[You’ve gained 2,000 experience points!] x5

But as soon as the leader of the pack saw that the others couldn’t escape the ice trap Kalysto had set for them, he jumped on it. Preventing her from killing the rest.

The Dacket lunged with its jaws open, ready to bite her arm, but Kalysto avoided her attack and made a slash against its back.

The Dacket jumped backwards, putting distance between them, and Kalysto clicked her tongue when she saw that the wound she had caused him was not deep. And taking advantage of the distance the Dacket had put between them, she decapitated another member of the pack.

[You’ve gained 4,000 experience points!]

The alpha, furious at her audacity, jumped on her head.

Kalysto barely had time to blink when the wolf was already on top of her, knocking her to the ground. With no room to move her elongated daggers, she had to drop them on her own body as the wolf raised one of its paws with its claws extended and threw it against her face. Kalytso kneed him in the abdomen and the sharp claws passed mere millimeters from her face as soon as the wolf lost its balance and fell on its side.

“Water blades! Ice blades!” She conjured, launching her attacks at her enemy’s eyes. “Ice arrows!” she added, throwing them at his neck.

Two notification windows, one blue and one violet, appeared to her left, announcing the death of another monster at the hands of Koden or Rita.

[You have gained 1,000 experience points!]

Despite his wounds, the wolf rose from the ground and as he jumped back against her, Edward’s shout was heard in the distance.

“Kalysto, watch out!” shouted the young man, throwing himself between the pack of wolf bodies with his sword in hand.

“Don’t come any closer!” Kalysto shouted as she evaded another bite from the energetic animal and retrieved her fallen daggers before leaping backwards.

But her warning came too late and the unwary young man’s piercing scream echoed in her ears as soon as one of the wolves whose head was not frozen bit his arm when Edward passed too close.

And though a small part of her wanted to help him and scold him for his stupidity, she didn’t take her gaze off the wolf in front of her, which was not long in lunging at her neck again with its muzzle wide open

Kalysto threw one of her daggers at his open mouth.

“Perfect shot, multiple targets, ice stakes!” she conjured, throwing two stakes against its neck and another against its head, right between the middle of its eyes.

The Dacket fell to the ground as his blood bathed the earth.

Kalysto watched him for a second, making sure that the beast was not strong enough to continue fighting and then looked in Edward’s direction, watching Oscar and Koden help him up from the ground.

“Oscar, could you take Edward to where the saint is so she can heal him?” The tall brunet nodded as Kalysto pulled a health potion from her inventory and threw it in his direction. “This will help him heal a bit while you get to where the saint is” once she was sure he would be alright, as she saw Koden struggling against the semi-frozen dacket that had bitten his friend, Kalysto raised her other dagger and buried it against the alpha’s heart.

[You’ve gained 8,000 experience points!]

[You’ve leveled up to level 25!]

“Time to steal experience and allocate points."


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