Storm 04
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Storm King

Chapter 4

By- BigToFu


Anthony Grey

A rough wet tongue dragged its way across my face as we rolled around on the floor of the command room.


"Who's a good boy, who's a good boy," I said in my totally not baby voice as I rubbed down mahh boy behind the ears and under the chin.


"Woof, woof!"



"Yes! You are! Yes! You are!" I replied all too happily, the excitement and child inside evaporating my hunger and mental fatigue of the last twenty-four hours.


My joy couldn't be crushed even as Tsunade cleared her throat behind me, trying to grab my attention. I was far too giddy, and by the time I had turned around to look at her, she was very unamused, to say the least.


Sigh, "So this is what you have been doing?" Tsunade questioned me as she came closer to Arcanine and myself were both still rolling around on the command room floor.


With a chuckle, I finally untangled myself and sat up on my knees. Even lying down, Arcanine was massive and dwarfed me by a lot. Standing, Arcanine was easily over six feet tall, and from head to tail, he was one hundred and ninety-two inches long. Mahh boy, was well over the size of your modern-day Toyota Camry. Turning, I smiled at Tsunade even as I gave Arcanine a belly rub, "Unlocked your genetic knowledge yet?


Tsunade gave me a raised brow, turned, and then walked up the wall while still looking at me with a dull expression. "It wasn't all that hard, and it helped with the clean-up some."


I chuckled at that, "Alright then, come give mahh boy a check-up." I said before getting off my knees and standing up. When I did, Arcanine also stood with me, and damn, was he a big boy. I was already six feet three inches, and he was looking me right in the eyes.


Tsunade lightly hopped down from the wall before approaching Arcanine and getting a lick for her efforts. I created two tesseracts while she gave him a check-up since the prototype worked so spectacularly.


Mahh boy was smart and clearly better than the rest as he offered one paw and then the other. This time, creating a better tesseract than my first one only took a few minutes. Tsunade got one, and I fused the other with my gauntlets; the prototype went into storage for just-in-case situations.


"He's all good," Tsunade replied as she gave mahh boy a scratch underneath his chinny chin chin. "You do good work."


I smiled at her as I held out the tesseract for her to take, "Thanks." I replied smoothly before shifting us both into the hospital lobby with the tesseract. We were fifty feet over the command room because I ensured portal tech was the only way in or out. Mahh boy instantly crouched for the attack, flames licking at his jaws as he looked around with narrow eyes. I gave his side a few pats to settle him down.




Tsunade gave me a raised brow "Was that necessary?" She questioned because I did have teleportation locations set up for use into and out of the command room.


"I had to give them a check," I replied smoothly as I looked around the place. The lobby had cleaned up nicely but I could see where a few things needed fixing here and there. I was here now and didn't have to craft everything from scratch anymore to get the job done. Tinkers would spit blood in envy if only they knew what I was capable of now.


I no longer had conventional tinker limits, and once I got the chance to create a time lock room and/or necklace. I would no longer be bound by the conventions of time itself. Anyway, the control and command room was protected by twenty feet of proto-adamantium along with reinforced rebar made of the same, with vibranium mixed into the cement. I wasn't about the life of being raided and I wanted a secure bunker to defend from. The command center even had its own air recycling systems and replicators for food and bathroom facilities.


Even the power plant system was protected in how it connected with the hospital as the main power ran up the building and branched off at each floor. The junction boxes were located in a janitor's room and only the head electrician and security would have access. The same was done for the servers because fuck getting hacked or allowing just anyone access. There would be no cutting the power or data lines of my hospital.


Hell, I even ran a line under the bay to connect to the ferry station on this side of the bay, even though it wasn't connected. I would rather prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


My first action was to swap out the aluminum and steel mix that made up the hospital's sliding doors and replaced them with something a lot stronger, and I do mean a lot. Titanium-A was from the Halo universe, and it was not only space worthy, it was also what their starships were made out of.


I was going to use proto-adamantium for the main supports, but Titanium-A was perfect for the outer face of the hospital. Arcanine walked at a lazy pace beside me as I walked the entire 1st floor of the hospital fixing, replacing, or cleaning up all that I could scan. This all worked because of the scanner tractor-beam combo I was running. I could get a scan of the material, like laminate flooring, then change it to marble flooring.


The outside windows got a massive upgrade and I had to stop for a quick 30 while I puzzled out the solution before just applying it to the whole building. You see, I felt that even though I had a fusion reactor in the basement, that it just might not be enough somewhere along the lines. So while I was swapping out the windows for triple-paned windows, I got a mad idea. Well, that mad idea took me down a rabbit hole of discovery.


One of the materials that I had scanned into my tesseract was transparisteel from star wars. It was another hull construction material which was basically clear metal. Now, normally that wouldn't be any sort of issue, but I figure if they could make metal that could allow photons right through it. Then why couldn't I add PV cells to the freaking things and use that as a way to generate more power.


Then I had to create a dimensional power bank in the command room because I wanted something capable of taking more than 20% of the power the sun could produce. A little bit of digging and research later had my power collection sitting around 73%, which would have been great if it didn't generate so much freaking heat. Yeah, it turns out that collecting all of that solar power generated a lot of heat. Arcanine had absolutely no problem with this as he rubbed his massive frame against the first transparisteel solar panel I had created.


No way I was going to slide something like this under the rug, so I swapped out all the other windows of the hospital with the transparisteel solar variant. Then I added a new water cooling system that ran around the panels where the grooves and holders of the window panes were located. I didn't need all that power now, but I might later on, so I might as well collect it for a rainy day.


A few times, the PRT had sent someone out to knock on the barrier surrounding the hospital, but they were all ignored as I worked through the day. I had gotten a call from Quinn while I worked on the back half of the hospital, but that was only an update on the situation at my house. The police had taken all of the bodies away, but they didn't want me to leave the city or the state soon since that was part of the protocol.


I, of course, replied that I wouldn't because not only would that be foolish, but I also had things to keep me busy. Plus, I knew the Empire was going to retaliate for me killing Hookwolf, and I wanted them to come.


Night had fallen by the time I had gotten done fixing up the 1st floor, cleaning the parking garage, and redoing all of the windows of the hospital. By the time I dragged my bone-tired body back to the apartments, Tsunade was curled up on the couch with a book in hand while Arcanine was snoozing at her feet. The enchanted transparisteel solar panel window wasn't even showing the bay. Instead, Tsunade had it shifted to a sunset somewhere that I couldn't tell the location just from a glance.


I couldn't even say anything, she did, after all, call me home earlier as the sun was going down, so this was only my fault. With a snort, I walked past them both and found my food already waiting in the replicator for me, kept perfectly heated by the stasis field. Not going to lie; I did forget to fix up my home with all that I was dealing with during the day. I still had safe houses that would need fixing, but those could wait for later.




I was just happy Tsunade was here to put a lady's touch on the place because if I was alone. I would just eat my food while I sat my ass down on the bare marble floor. Two bites was all it took before Arcanine was awake and giving me sad puppy dog eyes. Rolling my own eyes at the big baby, I pulled up my omni-tool and sent a command to the replicator. With a ding, a massive meaty cow leg was produced. With a little application of telekinesis, I brought it over and rested it on a plate for Arcanine.


He wasted no time in digging in; Tsunade gave a 'tsk', which was the clue to realize that she had also fed the big guy. Once I had finished eating, I went and took a shower so I could go to bed clean. After I had gotten clean, I joined Tsunade on the couch and relaxed with a sigh. There was just so much on my mind right now.


I needed transportation, but I also didn't just want a motorcycle. The issue with being able to create anything was, again, my imagination. Since I could create anything the moment I focused on one thing, I knew how to make it and the parts that went into its creation, and when I traveled down that rabbit hole, I suddenly found myself thinking up how I would create a transformer that did it all. Car mode, truck mode, big bot form, and human form because why would I not want to stick my dick into it.


Then my mind traveled down the route of AI and how to create an 'All-Spark' that would bring any machine to life by giving them that extra little secret sauce of self-actualization, it was just so much. And the kicker was that children were 100% possible, and they would also be born a hybrid also capable of having their own children. Just what I needed, something to have Saint all up in arms against me.


With a sigh, I pushed those thoughts aside; I'll build Cortana first with a proper body so she can watch over the network. All that was a tomorrow issue though because right now. I actually had an idea that wasn't a mad one.


A thought brought my tesseract to hover before me as I projected a hologram and went to work building an Air-trek. I would bring Air Gear into this world and love every moment of it. And other than riding on Arcanines back, I could run with him too.


After creating a standard set of air-treks, I built the storm regalia and a few others before Tsunade ran her hand along the underside of my jaw. Now, let's be honest, that was a perfect signal that it was time to end the night.



Dockside Hospital

Cerberus Medical Institute

Anthony Grey

Waking up with a yawn, I sat up and smiled as the panels slowly shifted with the daylight streaming in. My bed companion muttered something as she rolled over, the blankets shifting enough for me to see far more than just her creamy leg. I raised a brow as she gave me the full moon with her glorious cheeks.


Turning away, I got out of bed while ignoring my stiffy, I had far more important things to do than to plant my flagpole between those cheeks again. Well, that doesn't mean I would turn her down when she got in during my shower. A quick ten minute rinse turned into an hour of fun and I had no problems with that because I was a proud hypocrite.


I ran a hand over Arcanines fur as I ate breakfast as the goodest fire dogo enjoyed his own breakfast. Tsunade sat like a princess and enjoyed her own morning fruit with a smile on her lips.


She looked at me and raised a brow, "So what are the plans for today?"


At that, I stopped and thought about it for a moment. "I want to get Extremists up and running along with Cortana before I call the General with the Super Soldier Serum."


Tsunade stopped thinking and then pointed her fork at me, a melon slice on the end. "Is this the General that's at odds with the PRT? You used the Retcon device to back you against their organization."


A low rumble of a chuckle left my chest at that, "Yea, with the hospital being up within the next twenty four hours I don't see why I can't deliver on my end of things since I decided to so blatantly insert myself into his life."


Tsunade ate the melon and thought about things, "We should build another of those devices, we need nurses and a lot of hands to get this place up and running properly."


I nodded at her, "Respectable and dependable doctors too. I don't mind them using the advanced tech to assist with their jobs but straight up power healing should only be for rapid response trauma cases and a few other things." I said, stopped, and then added some more. "I want us to be the medical capital of the United States but I don't want everyone to be dependent on powers to heal like they abuse Panacea over at those other hospitals."


"Well, you do have a few names slated under healer and I would like to meet this Sakura and Hinata that you added to the genetic banks." Tsunade spoke with a thoughtful pose. "Will you be bringing them to life today?"


I grimaced at that, "I want to space out new people of that level since they would be massive game changers. After Cortana and the General, I have a Dock Master planned, a Pokémon Professor and we need that business mogul to run that side of things for us. If you want the extra hands, I can bring Sakura to life right after Cortana?" I questioned and watched as Tsunade thought things over.


"Will she have any combat capabilities?" Tsunade questioned.


I snorted, "Yeah, she'll be a lot more than a pretty face and a perky behind.


"Then okay, I'll continue to clear up the other floors of the hospital and make sure we have a medical wing available in case the General wants things done today." Tsunade spoke with a firm nod.


In return, I gave her a smile, "Thanks." Honestly, I would have liked for Tsunade to take up this task but she didn't have the extra little spice and umph that I had which Mad Doctor provided me. Plus, the only way I know for her to be able to do the same thing as myself would be to provide some element X…..


Shit, I stared into my mind's eyes as it was fully available to me, and the crafter urged me on to just take it, use it, build with it. Those thoughts had to be shaken from my head as the insane power trip almost went to my head. No, I couldn't bring that into being, not right now. Element X was a chunk of creation and also the solution to entropy, the only way I could use it was to either up my thinker protections or kill Zion now.


I picked up my mug of mint tea and took a sip, that same sip helped melt my worries away. I would finish my breakfast now and worry about the work to come later.


Things rapidly progressed from there, and before I knew it, I was in my lab staring at a vial of one of Tony's most insane inventions now my own invention. It was two things from both of his most insane moments, and I could freely admit that I just couldn't help myself. Once I started to craft nanotech, I just went full hog, and now I had a tank of bleeding edge endo sym-nanites and a vial of extremist.


I could already see how I would have it meld with my gauntlets before melding with my flesh and bones. I had to make a few modifications since I didn't want to go around shooting repulsor blasts and that damn chest beam was beyond stupid. The gyroscopic jets were something I could get behind and with most of the armor being stored in parts of my body and the wristband, I didn't have to worry about ever being secure.


While I was creating this I had gotten lucky because Tony had been able to get symbiotic parts to craft his armor and for me, Mad Doctor provided all of the necessary knowledge which I used the tesseract to produce with quickness. While I worked on my own version of the armor, I also made sure to include both an exoskeleton of the HulkBuster made with proto-adamantium along with one the size of a Titan Mecha armor. Eventually, I would have to punch an Endbringer in the face so I might as well prepare for the occasion when it happens later.


The real prize of my morning's work was the damn Extremist serum, not the virus that was still acclimating to the genetic sample I had added. When I started this thing, there were just far too many to pick from, so I kept things simple. I just combined Tony's and Arno's versions of Extremist to make my own. From what I could see on the hologram, everything was going peachy, and I had a few things to look forward to.


My enhanced condition would provide me with superhuman everything, regenerative healing, add in some technological interfacing because control over computers and the network was such a Tony thing to do. And that thought jarred me a bit, and I had to make sure that the serum wouldn't screw with my mind. Luckily, I remembered Tony's little god-complex trip and found the little nugget of code that would temper my subjective reasoning skills.


Arno Stark's version of the serum was slated to make me physically immortal, but I didn't really believe it because immortality was subjective, to be honest. I could be immortal and still get my ass erased from reality by the higher powers so it was only just a good back up if anything. When I had finished, I found Arcanine laid out on my laboratory floor and I can't lie and say that I didn't feel bad for my goodest boy. Feeling that it was time to either nut up or shut up, I grabbed the vial off the stand and went bottoms up.


I then dipped my hand into the tub of endo-sym nano sludge and willed it to merge with my body. As I walked away from my lab table, the liquid metal flowed after me and I could only smile as I saw the reflections of the action. The tingle feeling that spread through my body as I gave a whistle pullin the attention of the goodest boy was wholly ignored. With an excited chuff, Arcanine got up and followed along as I went for the service elevator. As we went up to the first floor, a few of the perks of my extremis kicked in. Between one blink and the next, I started to see radio waves and the signals that traveled all round the world unseen to the naked eye.


Smiling at the latest upgrade, I ran my hand through Arcanines neck fur then followed him out as the service elevator dinged at our arrival. Leading him to the front of the building, I swapped out my boots for my air treks, and then brought out the collar and secured it around his neck. Once we were both ready and properly equipped, I kicked off with a leg and followed it with smooth motions of the other all while Arcanine lightly trotted beside me.


Between one motion and the next, we were outside of the shields that guarded the hospital.


"Come on buddy, let's go grab lunch,"I called with a smile on my lips as I did an enhanced kick off from my spot. I sent a metal image into my endo-sym armor to construct a mask. Again, I could see it from the rapid reflections as liquid metal crawled over my skin to form a badass oni mask.


Then the HUD came alive and synced with my omni-tool to provide all of the data I could ever need. Quickly, I had to dismiss a lot of it but just keep a simple map and speed because I was easily clocking 50 MPH at the moment and I was loving every second of it.






Arcanine was still just looking like he was enjoying an easy trott by my side and that fired up my competitive spirit. All I could say was MAXIMUM EFFORT!


"Woof! Woof!" Arcanine barked as I sped up, a big smile on his muzzle.


Arcanine followed as I turned down main and got onto the highway and that was when we really poured on the speed. Two power enhanced kicks of my legs pushed me well past 80 MPH and easily approaching 100 MPH as cars blurred by.


Arcanine started to easily pull ahead, but I wasn't one for losing. A little bump hop and me cruising along an air pocket as the storm regalia activated. Already my newfound super strength was translating into super speed which helped a lot, but it was the dynamic vision that had come in the clutch.


The speedometer within my helm flashed by 120 MPH and screamed into and well over 212 MPH as Arcanine and I dashed down the highway. My new and improved vision allowed me to glide between and over cars as they switched lanes and did the general stupidity of the everyday driver on the road. When the U-bend came around, Arcanine didn't even blink as we both jumped over and raced across the bay.


Mahh boy flew across the water, his paws flashing with fire on each step, the heat pocket he created worked as a platform for his paws. Then he thought that he had me as he sped up as the approaching boardwalk came into our view. We were both pushing well over 340 MPH now and even then, I knew that Arcanine still hadn't shown everything he was capable of.


Arcanine took off with a burst of speed and I took that as my own cue that cheating was perfectly okay, because the next thing I did was grab the air. Crafter activated for me during the transition and instantly, I knew how to form the perfect funnel cloud to ride on.





Yes, if the crafter can create anything, that stands to mean it can also help craft air corridors and a lot of other things.


Between one heartbeat and the next, I was at the boardwalk, and I had to admit that hindsight was 2020. The reason being that if I didn't have any shields, the sonic boom from us both breaking the sound barrier would have screwed up everyone's day. Throwing my hands up in triumph, I turned around and found Arcanine right there at my side with a big goofy grin on his muzzle.


Okay, so it was a tie then, I couldn't be mad at that face.


"Mahh BOY!" I crowed excitedly as I tried to wrap my arms around his neck and found that 'nope' my arms couldn't go all the way. Instead I started to scratch under his chin and also scratching the sweet spots behind his ears. With a chuckle, I looked around for the stairs to get off the beach and what I found didn't impress me to say the least.


It was rather clear that the beach wasn't taken care of by a long shot, I could see garbage all underneath the boardwalk along with weird crap in the sand. Yeah, I wasn't going to deal with this shit right now, but I still couldn't find any stairs. That could mean only one thing, they may have removed them due to how messed up the beach was.


With a grimace at that idea, I shrugged and went to jump upwards and onto the boardwalk only to notice that people were not only watching me but also filming. Huh, I guess I was too caught up in my own world to have noticed, but I really didn't care. So with one last ruffle of Arcanines mane, I jumped upwards and so did the worlds best dago.


Since a few of those watching had brain cells, they scrambled out the way, allowing me to land with Arcanine following right after. I took a quick look around to figure out where I was, finding Samantha's Diner, I took a hard left and did an easy glide over to Fugly Bobs a block and a half over.


Arcanine ignored the gawkers as he followed right alongside me because he was the goodest boy around. Before we arrived at Fugly Bobs, I did a quick pat down and discovered that I did in fact not leave my wallet behind. When Arcanine and I arrived, I found that there were still open outside seats and wasted no time in picking a table and having mahh boy wait for my return. I didn't even have to wait in the line because everyone wanted to see the goodest boy.


With a smile, I stepped to the counter and looked her right in the eye, "Let me get five challengers, just the paddies for the world's goodest boy." I said with a thumb jabbed over my shoulder in his direction. "I'll take two of the double paddie meals and make it them large." The cashier was stunned, but I ignored her as I opened my omni-tool. "Hey Tsunade, I'm out grabbing a bite, got you a double paddie, what you want to drink?"


"Huh, lunch sounds great about now, you know what, I'll take a lemonade if they have any," Tsunade replied and I gave the cashier a raised brow look.


She sputtered for a bit before letting me know that they indeed have lemonade at the fountain drink station. Accepting that, I sent Tsunade my current location and got us our drinks while the food got prepared. Walking back outside, I ignored the small crowd that was gathered as I took a seat and stretched out a bit. The air treks on my feet deactivated as the wings folded back into wheels since I was no longer floating around the place.


While I enjoyed the noon day sun, one of the kids bold as brass walked up to Arcanine and pressed his hands against his leg fur.


"He's so FLUFFY!" Was the kids reaction and all I could do was laugh while Arcanine released a chuff. There was no escape for the kid as he received a lick that covered half his body. That was clearly the straw that broke the camel's back because other little kids instantly appeared and gathered around the goodest boy.


A few of the kids were able to climb their way onto mahh boys back before their parents could even stop them. Lucky for them, Arcanine loved kids so they got to enjoy a fun little ride. Retracting my helmet since I didn't need it at the moment, I ignored the gasps around me as I took a sip of my soda. The chair beside me was pulled out and taken as I slid the lemonade over to Tsunade as she joined me for lunch.


When I turned and gave her a smile, Tsunade had a very judgemental look on her features, ohh well. I guess she figured it out, not like I was some master planner anyway. Before I could say anything the Fugly Bob's waiter came out with the food. Arcanine looked torn between wanting to eat and playing with the kids. What sealed the deal was the blop of sauce the waiter poured over the beef paddies with Arcanine putting the kids down and trotting over for his lunch meal.


Not even caring if they would take the bait or not, I went about eating my lunch.


As I finished my fries, I looked up to discover that someone had taken the bait. Blonde chick mixed in with the crowd, a smirk at the corners of her lips, could only be that little shit Lisa. I was certain of my thinker protections, but when she finally noticed, I had noticed her. The girl got spooked and tried to vanish into the crowd. As I thought about it, I got up thinking that if I took her out now, Coil wouldn't have his favorite pet thinker be a pain in my ass later.


Those plans were interrupted as the crowd parted to allow Assault and Battery through. Well, it looks like Piggy did take the bait after all.


Authors note: Okay, for those wondering, the bait wasn't just for Piggot, it was for the E88 and any other fool that wanted to step up. The plan was to lay down the absolute smackdown instead of pitying the fool.


This is just the start, but there is plenty of both air-gear and Pokemon that I want to play around with. Honestly, the world is going to be saved but that's an after-thought if anything. I have plans for a trauma team like Cyberpunk and for the military to go





"Merica FUCK YEAH!!!


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Beta Reader: LuluViBritania (FF.N, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)