Chapter 11
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Storm King

Storm 11

By: BigTofu

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Topic: A New Thread

In: Boards ► Brockton Bay

Chilldrizzle (Original Poster)

Posted On Jan 1st 2011:

I don't want to be that guy but has anyone noticed all of the new Cape's in the Bay lately are just super hotties? Because I have, images included!








(Showing page 1 of 2)

►BadSamurai (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Dude, is that an honest to god bunny girl?!

►Char (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Look at the savage grin on her face as she kicked the side of that truck in. I don't know if I want to be scared or aroused. Look at those hips and thighs.


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

I think it's called being scaroused.


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Put me down for scaroused also, please.

►Bruce Lao

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Hey, who's that cute hunky beefcake of a guy in the image. Is he also a cape?


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

I know right, look at his cute bubble butt.

►Laser_Dream (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Forget his cute behind; check those abs out; want to run my hands down his chest.


►Point_Me_2_The_Sky (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Ohh my, thats a hot hot hottie! Wait... I think I have seen him before!

►Laser_Dream (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:



Also, where were you? I've been calling?

End of Page. 1

(Showing page 2 of 2)

►Point_Me_2_The_Sky (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Got in trouble and had my phone taken away.

►Laser_Dream (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Well, you have it now, call me and give me the deets.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know) (Wiki Warrior) (Not a tinker)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Alright guys, from asking around a bit, I have some names to go with the faces.

The one that looks like a case 53 with the bunny powers is called Mirko [ Image] The Asian one in the blue is named Chun Li, not sure what powers she has. { Image } The other one is called Kuviera and she has some sort of terrakinetic powers. [Video] She's also currently working with the Dock Workers Association and cleaning up the beach.

Also, the guy's name is Dante Sparda, [ Image ]

Not sure if they are doing the whole New Wave thing, but I would be on the side of caution until told otherwise.


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Wait, they're down at the docks right now?

End of Page. 1, 2

Topic: A New Thread

In: Boards ► Brockton Bay

Answer Key (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)

Posted On Jan 1st 2011:

Hey, has anyone noticed that the old hospital has been active again for the last few months? I've even seen a case 53 working the front desk along with some cool flying jet thing.

There is a no-picture policy inside of the place, but I did take a picture of the cool jets flying off.




(Showing page 1 of 1)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Dude, i seen those the other day, came out of the sky like Legend and took away some rich guy in a wreck.



You think those things are bio-tinker creatures?


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Dude, they just came in and took that person away? What about the others?

►Char (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Look at it bulldoze right through that wreckage!


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

So what, we just have armed people running around now with Bio-tinker creatures or some nonsense?


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Looks like it man, but at least they stuck around and helped a few people. Check out the dude with the robo arm.

[ Video ]


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

OMG, who's giving out tinker tech cybrog arms now, who are these people.

►Iblis (Not a tinker)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Does anyone have the power-to-weight ratio because that arm glowed blue before he just picked it up one-handed and moved it over?

Thats gotta be some crazy tinker tech right?


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

I don't know, but I would rather learn where I can get myself one of those bio-tinker-tech pets.


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Hey, check this out, some dude was down by the boardwalk with a massive orange dog at least three times the size of a lion.



Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Dude, that's one big doggO. You think he rides it?


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Look at him, he's so FLUFFY! He has to be the goodest boy every!


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Check this out, someone got footage of him running across the bay.


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Yeah, I saw that and still can't even believe

End of Page. 1…2…3…4…5

Anthony Grey

Storm King

Ignoring Glynda and Chun Li's little byplay, I returned to work as I pulled the ingredients for water breathing. I didn't even say anything when the sound of whip meeting flesh sounded out from the video call. Honestly, I was still surprised when Glynda had given Carol "THAT" collar because I did not see that coming. Doesn't mean I wasn't going to enjoy the fruits of her labor though, since what was hers was mines and what's mines will always be mines.

While I hummed a little tune, I created a potion of water breathing, a potion of weight carry, and a potion of stamina restoration. Since I already had everything planned out, it didn't really take me that long to finish up all of the potions. This time though, I had other things planned for my time, so I just completed them, scanned them into the replicators, and then turned my attention back to Chun Li as she finished her call with Glynda.

Leaning back in my seat, I watched as Chun Li sent me a cocky smirk even as she placed her leg back in my lap. Her leg went back and forth along the top of my thigh as I cleaned up my work space, and the moment I had everything moved to the side. My arm snapped out, catching Chun Li's leg by the calf, I gave her leg a tug even as I forced my seat to shift.

"What'cha gonna do big guy?" Chun Li questioned as she looked down on me from her seat.

Taking that for the challenge that it was, I stood up between her legs, leaned forward and captured her lips with my own. Her pouty lips were attacked by my own as my tongue went to furiously conquer her mouth as I brought forth my dominance over her. Chun Li's arms went up along my back, her nails diggin in deep as she clung onto me, her breaths hitching as her back arched from lust.

Nipples poked me in the chest as Chun Li let out a little moan, then that moan turned into a squeak as I pulled my arms outwards. The pants she was wearing was torn to shreds in one motion to reveal that she was wearing a little red thong. I didn't notice this until I had finally let her up for some air, but by then. Chun Li's eyes were glazed with red dusting at her cheeks. Her chest was flushed, and I could already smell the arousal in the air.

While Chun Li was still a little out of it as her chest moved up and down as she breathed hard, I took my seat again before wrapping my arms around her legs from the underside.

Well, too bad for her…

Shifting to get comfortable as if I was about to dig into my meal at the dinner table, I gave the thong a little nip. Then yanked and twisted with my head shredding the garment, this snapped her out of that little daze, but it was already too late; I was already eating.

Her body shuddered as my tongue ran over her puckered rose bud wiggled around a bit then traveled upwards across her lower lips. My attacks were swift and fierce as I trapped her clit between my lips and gave it the one-two treatment with my tongue. Chun Li's breathing picked up, her body shuddered and her legs flew out of my hands, snapping shut around my head before I had her secured properly.

My neck made a very audible snapping sound….

It was a good thing my extremist nanites were on the right side of crazy overpowered because I didn't even notice that my spine snapping. The orgasm hit her hard, and her legs were trying to squeeze the life out of me and I had a slip second to think about that. With the many upgrades that had gone into her body, Chun Li could pop my head like it was a watermelon, but she wasn't the only one with upgrades.

My shoulders went up, which worked to also push Chun Li up off my desk while she was still in the throes of her orgasim. This caused her to straighten out a bit which allowed me to capitalize on the little gap she gave me between her legs. I shifted from attacking her clit to going deep diving with my tongue attacking her G spot, and the scream that ripped out of her throat threatened to deafen me, but I only had a few seconds to act.

Taking the chance, I pulled her legs back open, then pushed her knees up toward the side of her head. To do that, I had to stand up, and when I did, I felt that I was a little too dressed for the occasion so a mental command went to my endo sym armor, collapsing it back into my personal subspace. I didn't even care about the meaty "thwack" that sounded out as my rather impressive member came down to show her well-moist lips who was the big boss.

A snap of my fingers had the hologram feature to my workstation activate and it sent a mental command for restraining straps. Those went around her knee's while I had another pair restrain her arms at the wrist against the wall.

"Do..aaahhh…aaahhh, you're…worse…." Chun Li breathed moaned, and shuddered all over my work station as she shook from her orgasm.

The grin on my face as all the reply she got as I slipped right in with a little hip motion, then slammed all the way to the hilt.

Baynetta came walking in with a sway to her hips, ohh my what do we have here? Playful smirk as she strolled over and pressed her self against my back even as I pounded into Chun Li. After a bit, she wanted to do alot more than just watch as her hands came around my hips and cupped my balls.

The message she gave my sack was a thing of legend and it didn't take me long before I felt my calm sea turn into a tsunami ready to blow. All of that was cut short as Baynetta slung a finger around the base of my shaft and gave it a squeeze. This did two things at once, dammed the pressure and kept me from blowing my load while also putting a wild look in my eyes. She had just saved Chun Li from me firing off a blast nice and deep inside of her tisght little cunny.

'Well, doesnt that look like a tasty treat,' Baynetta spoke before a raised leg and spin put her between myself and Chun Li. Then the lollipop that she was sucking on was removed and stuffed inside of Chun Li while I felt Baynetta's hands reach out and gripped me by the ass giving a tug.

It didn't take much to figure out what she wanted and I let her place a kiss on my tip before enveloping me within her warm and moist mouth. Then I was touching the back of her throat, then one swallow followed by a gulp and I was down her throat with no gag reflex to push me out.

"Ohh yeah, just like that." I whispered before things took a turn for the unusual. I could say that I wasn't ready for it, but then again.

One of Baynetta's hand snaked through my legs and got a firm grip on my balls. This sent a shock up my spine as I glared down at the minx even though she gave me a wink. It might have worked better if her lips weren't wrapped around my shaft. Then she gave me a light tug as her head pulled back.

I blinked at the sensation as I bit my lip, then her head came forward and I went back down her throat. Two of her fingers ghosted along the underside of my shaft and I never suspected her of using this to lubricate her fingers until they pressed against my back door. The sudden action sent my eyes wide but I was already in her grasp as she deep throated me from the front. The two digits plundered my back door and pressed into my prostate as the vacuum seal was formed at the front.

There was no lasting long after that, I could feel as the cork popped as my load shot out with enough force to rock my hip. Baynetta's eyes fluttered a bit as she allowed it all to shoot right into her gullet. Then she had the audacity to place her other hand on my on asscheek, take a firm grip, then self fucked her own throat with me as the toy as I continued to cum down her throat.

Maybe I should have felt some type of way about the entire situation, but honestly, it was hot. I even got into things as I grabbed her by the head and really gave her what she wanted. I watched as Bayonetta swallowed once, twice, and thrice time before hearing a ghuck and shop sound. Then my dick was free and in the air, aimed at Chun Li even though I still had a few shots in the barrel. All the while I was painting Chun Li a new shade of cream, Bayonetta licked and suckled from the side of my crown even as she messaged my prostate.

I was drained, but in a good way, so there was no such thing as a complaint leaving my mouth. Bayonetta leaned in, ran her tongue from sack to head, and then gave it a little suckle before turning around. I watched with a chuckle as she licked Chun Li from booty hole to bean before working her way up Chun Li's body.

My hand went out to rest on the table while Bayonetta licked her way across all of Chun Li's curves, and mounds before pulling her lollipop out of Chun Li's sweet spot with a little pop. Bayonetta then did a saucy little twist spin as she got up. Bayonetta sent me a smirk before giving me a smack on the ass, lollipop in the other hand.

Bayonetta shot me a wink along with a finger gun, "I'll be taking my leaver now, ohh creator of mine, and I'll be taking my dearest brother Dante with me."

I paused for half a second, "Do I even want to know?" I question even as I slip back into the depths of Chun Li's warm folds.

Bayonetta struck a pose and gave me a wink - ohh don't be like that, I'm only going to track down nine naughty little children.

My hips slowly worked back and forth as I gave that a thought. My hips came forward hard with a smack, smack, smack sending ripples along Chun Li's thighs and ass. "If you plan to do it in style make sure to have a trauma team on hand for recovery of the area, but for the nine, leave no survivors."

Bayonetta gave an idle wave before she sauntered through the door with her deadly hips. With a shake of my head, I turned back around and proceeded to continue putting Chun Li in her pace before we were promptly interrupted.

Three Hours later….

Relaxing in one of the comfortable chairs inside the waiting room by the helipad. I ran my hand through Arcanine's furry mane while we waited for the arrival of the General and his recommended pilot. Cortana had kept spinning her web into everything for me and from the information copied and shared.

The government was more than happy to back me, but it was only tentatively because I wasn't proven yet. They didn't want to back me while casting the PRT and their bullshit out and I turned out to be a phony. So they were going to give the General more than enough rope to hang the both of us with.

That wasnt the greatest news to hear, but it also wasn't the worst news to date.

It was good since they were more than willing to give me a chance and I thrived on small chances. Any good solider could tell you it was the little glimmer of hope that buttered our bread. Plus, I was American so my audacity levels were through the fucking roof, now all I had to do was kick those traitors in the mouth and get them out of my nation.

There was a beep from my wrist as the notification came in that one of my talon fighters had a portal in over the bay and dropped their cloak to get picked up by the sensors. Arcanine rolled his big fluffy head in my lap to get a clear look, then chuffed as he watched them try and scramble a Vtol over at the PRT oil rig. They were summary called off and told they had no clearance to land on the hospitals helipad.

With a puase, I waited and watched as the mac guns on the roof begain to spool up, the energy build up clear for any outside to see. I raised a brow as those in the control tower pinged the PRT VTOL. The damn bird banked off the Oil-Rigs helipad but we never fired a shot. Hmm, that was a little more aggressive if I was being honest, so I wrote up a note and sent it over to Glynda as I stood with the sound of the doors opening.

I watched as the general came strolling through the double doors a faint smirk on his lips and I could figure out who came the command to ping the VTOL. I knew that the military had issues with the PRT, hell everyone had a hate boner with the PRT. Yet, I didn't think that he would bloody their nose because of that.

Well, I guess that it doesnt matter anyway since I was already on my way to kick the PRT out and get them replaced by people who could actually do the job correctly. Plus, I could just use the Generals influence later to resolve the issue. I'm certain Piggot is throwing an absolute bitch fit right now but I wasn't the one that has to deal with her.

Along with the General, I noticed another walking at his side. My eyes flowed across his body as I took in his uniform, it was the chest of medals that took my attention. It was the gold leaf near his lipel that told me his rank, then my eyes drifted to his name tag and I almost lost it. Standing before me was an asian american Major Payne, like got'damn.

Keeping my laughter inside, I walked over towards the two and held out my hand for the General. Before he took my hand, they both removed their hats and tucked it under an arm before returning my gesture of respect.

I shook one hand then the other before dropping them and turning towards the General. "Is this the Pilot you would want for the Zaku 2?"

The General smiled at me even though his hand idley went over to give the goodest boy some scratches, "Yes, Major Payne is known for this unorthodox thinking and flexibility. I do think that he will adapt real well and the ultimate fit for what we are looking for."

I chuckled at that, "What do you think Major, you the one we looking for?"

Major Payne looked from the General to myself, his face was set in a stern expression, but I could see the interest dancing in those eyes of his. "Not sure what a Zaku 2 is, but I'm more than willing to do what needs to be done for my country."

The General snorted at that while I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, you can leave the political shit at the door, but lets get you fitted and we can see how ready you really are."

"Alright, you heard the kid, lets get this show on the road." General Hackett stated with a clap of the hands.

With that said, we found ourselves in the armored hangar inside the Pokemon world dimensional pocket. The hanger was massive with eight bays on both sides even though only a few of them even had Gundams. On the right side were my Striker unit, my Megatron, and Optimus Prime units because, of course, I would make myself a couple.

On the left side, standing nice and tall, were three Zaku Type 2 units waiting for their pilots. Fortunately or unfortunately only 1 will be in operation today, The General wasn't very happy to discover that the operation was run by skin-tight plug suits. Then again, with the way he was eyeing the units I had a feeling he might say to hell with propriety and just suit up anyway.

Shifting my attention, I watched as Major Payne went through a few motions with his arms and legs. The man even went down in a squat to check his rage of motion. I said nothing, of course, because only certain operators would even know to check something like that. The average person would just grab their junk and do leg rotations, not check the limits of their bend and stoop.

"How are you feeling?" I asked while holding out a helm.

Major Payne blinked as he stopped his check, twisted one way then the other. "Pretty good, actually, It's snug but not in the worse spots, and it's not bunching anywhere which is good."

In reply, I gave him a nod while he took the helm. "Yeah, when I designed it I wanted to make sure it didn't give swamp junk so I included a shorts template around the lower region and a t-shirt for the upper body. Along with other things, now as we explain before you suit up, the neutral lattice will pick up your motions and neurons firing and translate that into movement with the Zaku. The helm will do the same with the visual aspect of things along with an all-purpose general thought to data signals. And yes, it's one way." I stated with a motion towards the helm.

The Major looked at the helm that I offered; then I watched as he braced himself before accepting it. Turning away, I let him get settled with the crew while I went for my own mecha unit, Megatron. It was a quick and easy trip for me to get to the other side of the hanger before stepping into the Gundam's chest cavity and into the wireframe harness.

My endo sym armor activated swiftly as the coating combined with my body suit. Along the main points of my body neural plugs appeared allowing the wireframe to hook into my suit. I then stepped away from the frame. One massive fiber-optic cable followed behind me as it flowed down my back and just hung in the air.

There wasn't much space so when I stepped forward, I stepped into the feet clamps of the control harness. Then with a mental command, Megatron came to life, with the helm in place over my head. I smiled as the helm gave me a full panoramic view of the world, the HUD was overlaid on top of that, but my attention was currently on my hands as my fingers flexed.

As I tested my range of motion, the thrum of the cockpit fell away as the noise cancelation of the helm settled in. In the lower-left corner of my vision, I noticed the sync rate increase along with the bar showing my full shields. I pushed another mental command outwards and the sound of the releasing cables of the mecha cradle sang to my ears.

Walking forward, I tested the balance, rotation range and a few other things before running a weapons check. While the safeties were on, I popped the headcannon lasers, dual plasma blades, shoulder rockets, and even Megatrons classic fusion cannon.

The hanger bay doors opened at the far end of the bay for me. I took one step, then a second before jumping into the air. Before I could even land, my mecha was already transforming into an insane Cybertronian battle tank. The triple feed booster on the back flared to life and I was peeling out of the armor bay at high speeds rapidly shooting beyond sixty mile per hour.

Major Payne was going to get his trial by fire, so I hope he brought his A-game.

Undisclosed Location: Brockton Bay

"Squeals! Where you at… SQUEALS!"

Lound clomping steps rang through the warehouse garage as the person kept on yelling, "SQUEALS!

More sounds of stomping was followed by a foul looking man in stained clothing, cracked teeth and needle marks along his brown skinned arms. He was a foul man, as the smell of old, mildew and unwashed body odor drifted about his person. The smell that came from him was of such terrible proportions that not even the rats, and flies wanted to be around him.

As he stomp through the garage, he noticed one of his mooks sleeping, with a scowl on his face. The man held a finger to his nose, blew out a fat snot blob before stomping over and kicking the guy awake. "Get up you , where the fuck is Squeals?"

The guy he kicked graoned and moaned, with a tch, he ignored him and kept walking around the warehouse garage. He found his Squealer eventually, she was underneath one of the trucks doing something he didn't care about.

His face set into a frown as he stomped over and gave the thing she was lying on a few kicks.

"Get out here Squeals, don't you hear me calling you." He spoke with a scowl on his face.

Squealer, the one he was looking for and had finally found came from underneath the monster of a truck with face protection partially on her face. In her hand was a torch with fire still very much active, the other hand was covered by thick gloves which she used to deactivate the flaming torch.

"WHAT! What!" The name Squealer questions as she looks around. "Who da, what you want Skiddy?"

"We gonna steal dis," He said while pulling out some pictures from his pocket. "Dem fuckers over dere got dis flying shit, and I want it. Make me a big gun."

"What?! How dah hell we gonna get one of those?" Squealer asked as she snatched the photo from his hand.

"We're gonna take it," Skiddy said as he leaned down. "Those fucking cunt munchers think they can just fly around and do any kinda shit they want. We gonna steal one, so make Me! A BIG! FUCKING GUN!"

Author Note's :: So I guess the next few chapters someone is about to kick the hornets nest that in the hospital.

Alright, just gonna say sorry for the late release. I'm just dealing with real-world stuff, finished a project final while also starting up another class without even a break in between them. There is a ton of other stuff but it is what it is, thats life.

