Chapter 4: Evade
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(On The Hub...)

"Aghh! Why are there so many of them!?"

"I've got the hero's help, so what do we do now?"

*Scratches his head* "Uhm... We're going to take them somewhere else"

*Ting, Ting, Ting1These are Nico's Nextbots ping noises when you manage to do bhops continuously* "Like where?"

"MPS city"

"Return to Sender?"


*Speaks in Mario noises* "LET'S A GO" *Proceeds to do Mario N64 backwards bhop super fast*

"Hold on, let me spawn a portal real quick"

*Screams towards Aizawa* "Try making a trimp for me! A good decent-sized big rock is enough!"

Aizawa and the others quickly set up a rock like he requested facing upwards 120 degrees. Then, Hopper bbhop2Backwards Bunny Hop towards the trimp they made. The heroes go to a safe radius from the nextbots.

"Good one!"

Using the trimp, he reaches 120 km/h speed in a quick time and goes up high 10-30 meters above land.

The nextbots follow him from below, chasing him down mindlessly. Some of them crushed on building walls, but they quickly chased him down again.

They were calm earlier, but now it looks like they're faster and much more aggressive. They're angry.

"AW HELL NAH, NOT THE BLOOD MOON3A playable event in Nico's Nextbots. All of the nextbots will be enraged, much faster, and much more aggressive"

"Jide!? Are you done yet!?"

"Hold on..."

"Tell me you're close!"

"And... It's in front of you"

"Wait, wha-"

A portal suddenly appears in front of him, Hopper and the nextbots all go inside the portal.


Hopper said that while hopping away from them.

They all went to the portal, and now they're on nn_dock4One of Nico's Nextbots maps, go check out the fandom for details .

There are also other nextbots, Roblox characters, and... Wait, we're in the middle of an arcade match. Double nextbots, great.

"Jide, we're in NN. Now please take me out!"

"Calm down dumbo, it's a little difficult to recalibrate coordinates"

"Sure sure, just work on it fast! You know Munci5Angry Munci, a popular nextbot known to be one of the fastest nextbot created is insane already!"

*Chuckles* "Glad it wasn't Sad6A popular nextbot known to be one of the fastest nextbot, much faster than Munci. He's so fast that he sometimes glitched out of the bounds"

"You want me dead!?"

*Speaks in french (Spy TF2) accent* "Yes. More likely wants to see you tortured"

"I swear, i'm gonna do asymmetrical in front of you!"

"Like that would happen"

Another portal appears on one side of the map. Hopper quickly bhop towards the portal and gone, along with the portal.


*Panting* *Gulp gulp gulp* "Ahh"

J: "So someone interrupted the defusing process"
H: "Yup" *Proceed to take another bottle of water*
J: "What shirt color does they have?"
H: "You don't need to ask that" *Gulp gulp gulp*
J: "Why?"
H: "Ahh" *Wipes his mouth* "It was only for a slight moment, but i'm sure as hell it was them"
J: "Who is it?"
H: "Amanda, precisely the MPS society"



Jide seems unsurprised.


*Surprised a bit* "Why bruh?"

"Like you expect him to be the one that intervenes"

"That bit*h owes me a thousand dollars, of course i expected her"

*Does Elon Musk face meme* "Lol"

*Spawns a 50. Cal Barretta and points it to his face* *Click Clang* "You saying something?"

"That might be some genie's around here, ahahaha" *Smiles nervously ad laughs nervously*

*Sigh* "Whatever* *Puts his gun down* "Go tell Cardinal about this"

"Oh?" *Startled* "Why don't we tell Nolff about this?"

*Lays down on the couch* "Go ahead and tell him then, he won't like it"

"Let me proof that real quick" *Lefts the room t-posing style and stop motion style*

*Troll Face smug* "He do be kinda dead later" 


(Author here. So... I've got writer's block for a long time for this story. I decided to write a chapter again, because i feel like i gotta make another chapter for this story, because i started this. Alright, see ya)