Chapter 2: “The Family Business”
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Chapter 2: “The Family Business”


            It was a warm October morning when they finally left the hospital, the mid-morning sun bringing unusual warmth.  Michael and Sam worked their way through the old town of Storm Rock, passing shops and dwellings.  Sam could almost taste a certain crispness to the air whenever they passed through the shadows sometimes cast, a reminder that winter was fast approaching. 


The occasional car or truck drove by, nearly silent in their magically augmented performance, ferrying goods and passengers alike.  A quite literal quiet testament to mankind’s capacity for restoration.


“Remind me again why we couldn’t have rode with Dad?”  Sam whined.  Their pace hadn’t started fast by any stretch, and now she was only getting slower.  The curious gazes from passersby made her feel uncomfortable.  A couple even felt lecherous in nature.  In addition, Sam felt fatigue like she hadn’t since the first time Dad took him and Michael out on their first outing.  This coma weakness is really annoying.


“Dr.Dracia said you should walk home, as you need to rebuild your strength.  Look, we’re not far now anyways, there’s our street.”  Michael pointed down the road they were on with a light sigh as they came to a stop.  Sam grabbed his arm and leaned against him for support before following his gesture.  She was surprised to see how far they’d come; she’d been somewhat distracted by how tired her muscles felt and hadn’t realized. 


Up ahead of them about 50 meters was the intersection of Ruth and Mist street, each named after a local family.  Their father and his brother worked hard to clear and maintain the roads that connected the settlements around, in addition they also ran a small but reputable shop where they rebuilt and repaired vehicles.  Between these two investments in the community the township decided to name the street after the family.  The Ruth street was named similarly.  In fact, most streets in their town were named after important people who helped to re-establish society as they enjoyed it now.


Sam collected her thoughts with a sigh.  “Alright, I don’t think I can do the rest on my own though, so… do you mind..?”


“Yeah, I got you.”  he said with a kind smile, surprisingly lacking any hint of trickery or teasing.  Michael then offered his arm for a better grip and Sam took it.  A chilly breeze blew through her hair, tossing a few white locks around as her light blue dress twisted around, hugging her curves briefly.  One of Sam’s ears flitted as the wind caressed them before they returned to their neutral position. 


There wasn’t a hole in the dress for her tail, as her mom hadn’t been a beast-kin like she now was, and so she could feel her tail brushing against her legs as they walked.  It was a somewhat reassuring feeling, her tail was surprisingly soft and warm, but it seemed to have a mind of its own.  She could exercise control of it when she wanted to, but without active attention it behaved much like how one breathed, swaying about to maintain her balance.


Sam hoped nobody would recognize them as they walked, she wouldn’t admit it out loud but that was the main reason she wished they’d rode with dad.  She was especially worried about meeting Sarah, but she knew she would eventually.


That morning had started off rocky.  Her dad and brother had showed up with some of their mom’s old clothes from when she was young, thinking they were helping.  Sam wasn’t ready to accept everything yet – to her it was only two days ago that he was loading a gun and setting off into the woods with his father.  And now he was having a period and they wanted him to wear a dress. 


It was somewhat understandable though, she thought to herself.  They did have an entire month to come to grips with this.  Though I wish they were more understanding of how hard this is on me.   I feel like I’ve only just opened this pandora’s box.


Even the nurse had been somewhat more understanding, offering to help and explain when she recognized the look of confusion upon handing Sam a box of tampons last night.


Sam wished she could wear her usual garb of jeans and a flannel, much like how Michael was dressed now.  But the best middle ground they could settle on was a pair of sneakers.  The finishing argument was that they simply didn’t have any other clothes that would fit her for now, she simply had to bear it.  Besides it doesn’t exactly feel horrible wearing a dress I suppose… 


Heels on the other hand, too soon.  Way too soon.  Plus, it’s freaking October!


As they walked further along the street Sam and Michael looked around, taking in the sight of their neighborhood in October.  There was activity wherever one looked, if you knew where to look.  Smoke rose from chimneys as people warmed their homes, most places having outfitted their living spaces with wood burning or magical heating.  Newer families and homes relied on the rebuilt electrical grid, which was plugged into the existing grid.  The difference being that each settlement was responsible for their own power production. 


In the streets ahead there were some children who hadn’t been present in the busier portion of the town.


As the duo drew closer, the three children stopped playing and gathered around with smiles on their faces.  Two boys dressed in simple blue jeans and brown jackets with blond hair stepped forward, leaving their blond-haired sister a step behind.  Sam recognized them as the Hunter’s children, Nathan, Tara, and Garret.


“Hi Mr. Mist!”  Two boys greeted in near unison before they looked at each other and laughed, while a younger girl watched with an amused expression before pouncing. “Jinx! Haha now you guys can’t talk until someone says your names!”

Michael smiled while Sam watched on, afraid of being recognized so soon.


“Very funny guys, hello to you too, Nathan and Garret.  I see you guys are getting along with your sister much better these days.”


The twins grinned at Michael's quick intervention.


“Hey! No fair!” But Garret was quick on his feet, chiming in at the same time.

“No Fair! Jinx!  Now you can’t talk, HA!”  Garret cried out triumphantly, his plot successful. 


Sam giggled, choosing to ignore how cute it sounded, and before she could stop herself, “Tara, they really have you figured out.  Gotta keep them on their toes!”


Tara beamed up at Sam, giving her a toothy smile.  “Wow, you’re really pretty Ms., but how do you know my name?”


Sam kicked herself, unsure how to respond.  Before the moment could get awkward, Michael stepped in, clearing his throat.


“This is Sam, he had an accident and was in the hospital, remember?  We would appreciate it if you guys would be kind to her as she figures things out again.”  He said with a smile, while pulling Sam forward gently.  “Same Sammie you guys always knew just with cute ears and a fluffy tail now, huh guys.”


 Sam blushed in embarrassment, but before she could protest she was immediately drowned in the innocent concern of children. 


“Sammie! Is that why we haven’t seen you?”  Tara said as she plastered herself around Sam’s waist in a hug.  Immediately after joined by her twin brothers.


“Are you okay?  A month is a long time, it must have been serious huh?”


“We’re sorry we didn’t recognize you!”  Nathan and Garret looked happy and sad respectively, while Tara looked about as relieved as a kid could probably get.   


Almost immediately Sam’s main fears were assuaged.  She had been worried about being ridiculed by her friends and family, and while they might only be kids it still meant a lot that they were so ready to accept her.  It might not always be that way, but at least here it was.


Sam smiled and patted Tara’s head.  “Yes, that’s why I haven’t been around lately.  A month is a long time and I’m sorry if I made you worried.  But to me it was like I took a short nap, and its not like I was in any pain.” 


Suddenly a new sensation assaulted from her tail, sending light waves of pleasure up Sam’s spine.


“Oh wow!  Your tail is so soft Sammie!”  With no regards to personal space, Nathan’s grasper limbs were soon joined by Garret’s and Tara’s as their interest quickly shifted.  Soon there was a small chorus praising the qualities of Sam's new appendage.


“G-Guys please, that’s enough.”  Sam stuttered out in a meek voice.  Almost overwhelmed by the sensations of being petted, it wasn’t a sexual kind of pleasure, but it still felt very good.


Michael laughed lightly at the scene, as Sam's blush only deepened.


“Awww!” They complained together, pouting up at her, but still relenting in their assault.  “Can we feel your ears at least before you go? Pweeease?” Tara begged with puppy-dog-eyes.


“Yeah, Pleaeaaase!” Garret added after noticing Sam’s resolve crumbling.


“Uhh.  Okay fine.”  Pulling on Michael’s arm for support, who had been silent through this except to laugh, Sam crouched low enough so that the kids could feel her ears.  “But be quick though okay, I’m really tired after the walk home.”



“Oh wow I think these are softer than your tail, Sammie.”

“Yeah I have to agree Sam, your ears are really soft,” Michael said.


Sam slapped Michael’s hand away and bolted upright, her porcelain face now scarlet, and teetered for a moment before using his arm to balance herself again.  “Brah.  Not cool.”  She said, sending a half-glare up at him.  Tara and the rest giggled as they all started to move down the street.


As they reached the intersection the Hunter trio turned into their yard and waved their goodbyes after grabbing her tail once or twice more.


“Bye Sammie, bye Michael, see you later!”


Sam waved back before she turned and with the help of Michael walked away at a measured pace.  “Thanks.” Sam said somewhat shyly.


“For what?  I know you’re strong, but this has got to be the craziest thing we’ve seen.  Either of us.  I’m here for you, okay?  So, no need to thank me – I know you’d do the same.”


Sam Smiled again as they walked.  Soon, a two-story brick building came into view with large letters on the front, spelling “Misty Bridges and Roads, Cars and Trucks” at its front was a large lot, mostly empty save for a few trucks they used as service vans.  Aside from the front entrance on the left side of the building, there were three garage doors spaced evenly along the front, and one was open.  Dad told her this place used to be a fire station, but now it served as their home and place of business.


On either side of the building flanked smaller residential houses, occupied by their close neighbors.  Sam’s eyes lingered on the house to the right, it housed a small family by the name of Ducal.  More importantly to Sam, however, was the 20-something odd year-old girl in the front yard.  She was sitting on the front stoop reading in a chair, but when she noticed Sam and Michael, she stopped reading and stood, wringing her hands.  Sam's breath caught in her throat.


Sarah had red hair and green eyes; she wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world but that never mattered to Sam.  They were childhood sweethearts, she was quite literally the girl next door, and up until now things were perfect. 


Sam couldn’t help but think about how Sarah wasn’t there when she woke up, she never asked her dad or brother if Sarah had visited – she was too afraid to know.  Sam knew, or thought she knew, that Sarah was straight since they’d only ever dated one another – and Sam also knew that their father wouldn’t have kept something like this from Sarah.  She had a right to know.


Michael seemed oblivious to Sarah’s presence as they crossed the street into the front lot, but Sam couldn’t take her eyes off Sarah.  She looked excited and sad at the same time, something that pulled on her heartstrings.  Sam felt sure her face said the same.  She wanted to call out to her but was afraid, and before she could work up the courage the garage swallowed up her view, blocking their sight.


Michael tugged Sam inside gently, leading her towards the doors in the back.


“You okay Sammie?” he asked as they made their way around a car in the process of conversion.  Its engine compartment was empty; to be replaced with their new contraption. 


The new engine would plug into the existing transmission, and translate magical force into electrical and mechanical energy by spinning a heavy flywheel.  The speed could be adjusted to mimic engine rpm, and by integrating a series of magnets into the ring they could harness electrical energy for the vehicle.  This was similar to how the town produced electricity as a whole.


“Yeah.  I saw Sarah outside… and she saw me too.  I’m nervous honestly, we were going to start a family but now we can’t, can we?  It’s probably over and I’m just in denial, but I can’t stop feeling hopeful that she wants to figure things out too.  I mean, I’m still the same person inside.”


Michael paused, appraising Sam briefly before abruptly embracing her, pressing her wet face into his chest.  When did I start crying?  Stupid fucking period.


It didn’t take long for Sam to recompose herself.  “Feeling a little better?  I can’t say I know how you feel exactly, but I can sympathize with you.  You and Sarah have been together for a long time and if that ended over this then that really does suck.”  He squeezed her a little tighter for a moment.  “But that’s okay too in a sense.  You both get to figure out a brand-new future in that case, right?  But I wouldn’t write it off just yet.”  He stroked her hair reassuringly, copping a feel of Sam’s ears in the process, much to her ire.  “You won’t know until you know, and there’s no sense worrying about it until then.  C’mon let’s get you to your room, you weren’t lying earlier, you really do look exhausted.” 


And Sam felt it.  The walk home took more out of her than she thought.  So much so that the walk upstairs to her room felt like a blur.  It took her a few moments to register Michael’s words after he helped her take off her shoes and tucked her into bed, too tired to care about changing into sleepwear or really pay attention to her surroundings.  Sam’s eyes struggled to stay open as soon as her head rested on her pillow, warmed by the familiar comfort of home.  


“Get some rest, I’ll wake you up when Dad gets home later with dinner.  He went out to get your favorite as a surprise.”


“I love you, Sammie.  Dad and I really missed you.”


Sam smiled up at her brother for what felt like the hundredth time today.  He was usually playful, teasing, and sometimes even mean, but never when She or Dad needed help or support.  He usually showed his affection with his actions as they always came easily to him, and to hear him say this out loud showed just how much he had been holding in.


“I love you too big brother.”