Chapter 1 – Embracing Destiny: A Tale of New Beginnings
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         "Yup, definitely the siscon from that anime", exclaimed Rudra or more accurately Sirzechs, the heir to the Noble Archduke house of the Gremory Lineage as he was looking at the mirror. Piercing red hair with a chiseled jaw line and blue eyes that would have been definitely considered rare in his previously life. In all honesty, it was a face he had seen since last 12 years of his life. While growing up, he had heard countless compliments about his good looks, but he never really let them sink in. It was only after these memories from his past life resurfaced that he realized those compliments had been absolutely true. Of course it was a privilege that was likely given to every reincarnator. After all, if you weren't handsome, what was even the point of reincarnating? 


        Just as he was having random thoughts, he remembered the reason why he had previously fainted and the reason for this sudden influx  of memories. While practicing a very powerful spell, his magic power went out of control which resulted in a magic backflow and an explosion. Luckily nothing life threatening, but the head-splitting headache was definitely something he could do without. 

        " This headache though. Oh god...........Yikes!!!! Shit that hurt a lot more than before! Oh God.. FUCK!!!!!! Ok got it ,got it. So praying to god is forbidden, got it. Okay lets breathe and calm the fuck down. "

         " Hmmmmmmmm. So of all things,  if I'm not wrong.....Haaahhhhh........ "fucking High School DxD of all fucking things"

         " FUCKKKKKING HELL DAMN ITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!  Okay breathe and let me remember all the things I can manage:  

  1. 72 Demon clans of Ars Goetia
  2. Sacred gears
  3. Perverted high schooler whose head is filled with nothing but boobs
  4. Kuoh City
  5. Gods and demons who can pretty much end the civilization
  6. Trihexa. I dont really know about this one though. Just that this one was a last boss dragon or something
  7. Me and Sera were both huge siscons. With how solemn she looks right now, I really don't fucking believe it "

         " Shit! That's really not a lot to go on. The only reason why I even recognize myself from the anime is because she liked Sirzechs face and kept it as her wallpaper for a month and due to those references to the 72 Nobles of Ars Goetia which I remember due to my slight interest in demonology after watching conjuring"

         " Unfortunately the only thing I remember about is that I was a Satan but even that was foreshadowed because I was a siscon whose sister was the female lead. Also I'm getting calm like wierdly fast. Its probably cause I don't really have an identity crisis beacuse I know for a fact that I am Rudra who died when he was 19 and now I am Sirzechs who is 12. So basically I'm both. Plus all those lessons about being a noble are instinctively helping. The panic set in purely because of the sudden influx of memories of time as Rudra but I guess I am not panicking anymore because something like that was already my reality since last 12 years."


         " But still......... Siscon really........... Huh I guess she will be born after a  few years cause I was all adult looking."

         " Wait, wait, wait... The human calendar if I'm not wrong is currently in the Mid 15th century. Pretty sure Charles VI summoned a servant from the Gremory bloodline to win the Hundred Years War 2 years ago. So there's 500 years before canon, if I even know what the events of canon are in the first place. I guess the upside of not knowing the plot is that I don't really need to care about whether my actions mess with the storyline."

         " Wait, wait, wait. Right! Grafiya Lucifuge, my wife with maid fetish. Not anymore I guess. I never really liked that weird hairstyle plus maids really aren't my thing. But how the fuck did that even happen. I know for a fact from my studies that Rizeveim doesn't want the seat of Satan and the other 3 descendants are pretty weak, so without Rizeveim to claim the seat, the other 3 original descendents while hold the seat of Satan, don't have the corresponding authority. Plus the House Gremory is under House Bael who are opponents of Rizevan Lucifer for contesting for the seat of 4th Satan and so by extension against House Lucifuge House which is one of the 6 houses of Lucifer."

        "  Is this one of those enemies turned lover cliché scenario. Anime world logic I guess. I mean why the heck would you even marry the daughter of an enemy house otherwise. "

         " Okay, my train of thoughts is again going the wrong way.  "

        Sirzechs stopped his monologue as he once again thought about the status of the Underworld. Currently the situation of Demon Realm was very subtle and it was just waiting for a spark to completely ignite and devolve into becoming a raging firestorm. The  underworld under the rule of the original 4 Great Satans followed the hierarchy of  :

  1. Satan House Lucifer 
  2. Satan Houses Leviathan, Beelzebub and Asmodeus
  3. 6 Houses of Lucifuge
  4. Kings
  5. Princes
  6. Dukes
  7. Princes
  8. Marquises
  9. Earl
  10. Knight 
  11. President

         Then came "The Great War" which unfolded 2 millennia ago and persisted for 7 centuries, involving Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. People died and the current nobility titles were no longer relevant as only 32 of the original 72 houses were left. While in reality around members of around 60 houses were left, the remaining families other than the 32 either didn't have the pure house bloodline or only had the branch families left. Thus, with some of the elders who were the survivors of the Great War and the houses that possessed Ultimate class devils, a semblance of a ruling class was formed with nobility being empty titles and more emphasis on the strongest member of the house. 

        Initially, devils had six Transcendents (Rizveim Van Lucifer and Yurihan Bael), over a thousand Ultimate Devils, and countless High-Class Devils. However, after The Great War, the vitality of the devils was so greatly damaged that only 1 Transcendent (Rizveim Van Lucifer) and  less than 100 Ultimate Devils were alive.

        After more than a millennium had passed, another Devil Transcended to become a Super Devil (Zekram Bael) and the number of Ultimate Devils gradually recovered, nearing a total of three hundred. Yet, even this resurgence was concentrated within the upper echelons of the top ten houses, which commanded nearly 60% of the Ultimate Devils. Meanwhile, the other twenty-two houses shared the remaining 40%, illustrating the imbalanced distribution of power. The foundation built over fifty millennia had suffered profound damage during a war that raged for seven centuries.

        With a heavy sigh, he tore his gaze from the mirror and turned towards his room's window. The sun was setting over the horizon, casting an ethereal glow that bathed the room in a warm, orange hue. As the first stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, previously Rudra but now Sirzechs couldn't help but wonder about the path he was now embarking upon.

        "Rudra or Sirzechs... Who am I really?" he muttered to himself, the question lingering in the air like an unanswered riddle. While he felt he was both Sirzechs and Rudra, at the same time he felt he was neither. Logically he knew Rudra died but inwardly he still considered himself a reincarnated person. So paradoxically at his core he felt he was Rudra who was wearing a shell of Sirzechs yet he knew for a fact that the previous 12 years of living as Sirzechs were also him.

       " It doesn't really matter anymore. Does it? I'll just live.. This body is mine , this soul is mine. I am Rudra but I know I am Sirzechs. I also feel like I am not Rudra though and I am definitely not Sirzechs anymore. I am just me, I guess. ", he finished his monologuing with a grin as felt the cold air brushing past his face.

       With a sense of wonder, he allowed his gaze to linger on the breathtaking panorama that lay beyond the windowpane. The cityscape stretched beneath him, a symphony of lights and colors that painted the night with a vibrant palette. 

        The river, a ribbon of silver moonlight, cut a sinuous path through the heart of the city. Its tranquil surface shimmered under the glow of the moon, mirroring the enchantment of the city's lights. On its banks, bridges adorned with intricate designs spanned the water, connecting the various districts like veins coursing with vitality.

        Laughter and music danced on the breeze, carried from bustling squares and lively streets. Street vendors and stalls lined the avenues, offering tantalizing aromas of exotic cuisines that mingled with the cool night air. Groups of people moved through the labyrinthine alleyways, their silhouettes animated with life as they celebrated under the starlit sky.

        In the distance, a grand plaza emerged, adorned with a majestic fountain that seemed to come alive in the night. Water sparkled as it leaped and cascaded, capturing the vibrant colors of the surrounding lights and casting a spellbinding display. Couples strolled hand in hand, their smiles reflecting the joy of the moment, while children chased after playful fireflies, their giggles punctuating the symphony of the city.

        It was a scene of harmonious chaos, an intricate tapestry of humanity and nature, woven together under the watchful eyes of the moon and stars. As Sirzechs absorbed the breathtaking sight, a newfound sense of awe filled him, as if he was witnessing the world anew.


 " It begins here doesn't it. " , he thought with a smile







       " HEHE."

       " Fuck, that was so chunni, I'm never doing that again", he started laughing after saying that as he started walking towards the door of his bedroom to explore this new world.