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Hello NtWH enjoyers!

First off, I gotta apologize. I'm sorry for abruptly stopping when I did. I know it probably doesn't matter to most anymore given how long it's been, but It's always been on my mind how bad it was to abruptly stop.

To keep it short and simple:

A few days ago, I went back and read chapters 18-20, and on a whim, I decided to edit them to fix some of the issues I had even months after they were written. These edits wouldn't change the rest of the story, but at least make it better in my opinion. These edits aren't public, yet, but I like them. Anyway, that spur-of-the-moment decision ended up in my thinking about NtWH a lot more. Where could I go? What to do next? There are so many directions I can take the story. 

Even after a few months, I always drift back to NtWH and what I could do to it. I don't know what I was on to think my story was so bad. I read it again, and I liked it. I don't think it's anything groundbreaking, but it was enjoyable to me.

Honestly, NtWH isn't as inadequate as I thought it was. I realized that my problems can only be fixed with more experience, and I really liked writing and thinking about Naya's journey.

My problems can be fixed easily with story direction, and I think I finally found it.

Although my fear of negativity is still there, I can't let that stop me from continuing a story I realized I still enjoyed.

Though it's been months, and I don't know how much interest is still here, I hope you guys enjoy it.

Currently writing some drafts in my free time, and I should be able to continue it soon.