Chapter 3: My Day At Mansion
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In the vast expanse of the training grounds, Prince Zet fervently immersed himself in the art of hand-to-hand combat. His fists moved with a rhythmic intensity, a whirlwind of skillful strikes and graceful maneuvers that echoed the essence of a disciplined warrior. Each jab and pivot, executed with a lightning-fast precision, showcased the dedication and relentless practice that had shaped him. Beads of sweat adorned his brow, testament to the effort he poured into mastering the martial arts.

With unyielding determination, he pushed beyond his known limits, embracing the challenge of refining his physical prowess. Zet embodied the knight he aspired to be, sculpting his body and spirit in the crucible of the training ground. The air was alive with the echo of his dedication—a chorus of breaths, grunts, and the rhythmic thuds against the training dummies—as he crafted himself into the epitome of martial grace and strength.

Captain Aurelius, an observant mentor, acknowledged Zet's progress. "You've made remarkable improvements, Master Zet," he commended.

Zet, catching his breath and feeling the energy surging through him, replied with humility and determination, "Thank you, Captain Aurelius. This is just the beginning."

Acknowledging the efforts of those around him, Zet called upon Violet and Eleanor, who had been vigilantly watching over his training. Eleanor, with a warm smile, offered a towel to help Zet wipe away the perspiration that adorned his face.

"Thank you both for waiting," Zet expressed his gratitude.

Captain Aurelius then reminded Zet of the importance of post-training meditation, especially before their journey to town. Zet settled into a meditative posture, finding his center amidst the tranquil surroundings. As he connected with the energy around the mansion, a sensation washed over him—the magical particles, the subtle currents of power that flowed through the very essence of this mystical realm.

Zet said, "I can sense everything around me, Captain Aurelius."

Captain Aurelius, however, could sense a power far greater than his own emanating from Zet. It was so potent that one might think Zet had already mastered the third stage.

"You've truly achieved the power of the first stage," Captain Aurelius remarked. "You've reached this level far earlier than anyone could have anticipated."

Zet beamed with happiness, "Really? I'm so thrilled to have finally attained this level."

Captain Aurelius, while acknowledging Zet's excitement, advised caution, "Don't be overly excited. The first stage primarily amplifies your ability to sense the power of others and detect individuals within a certain radius. The actual magical abilities will come later."

Realizing the importance of restraint, Zet nodded in agreement. He now possessed a strength that was a hundred times greater than before, and learning to control it was paramount.

Eleanor beamed at Zet and said, "I am so happy for you, my lord."

Violet followed, asking, "What would you like to wear, my lord?"

Zet considered for a moment and then replied, "Choose something that suits me well for the market."

Violet nodded, "Very well. And..."

Zet's curiosity was piqued, "And?"

Violet grinned, "Congratulations on reaching Stage One."

A smile spread across Zet's face, "Thank you, Violet."

Violet and Eleanor, eager to help, guided him to the dressing room and began to carefully pick out a stylish outfit. As they made their choices, Zet couldn't help but notice the elegance of the attire they were selecting. It gave him a moment's pause, and he hesitated.

Violet, sensing his hesitation, quickly reassured him, "My lord, this outfit suits you wonderfully. You'll look quite impressive." 

Zet donned a tailored tunic in rich, earthy tones, the fabric both breathable and loose, allowing freedom of movement as he navigated the lively crowd of the marketplace. A finely embroidered vest adorned his form, adding a touch of refinement and reflecting his noble heritage. His trousers, made of sturdy, dark fabric, provided durability and ease of motion, complemented by well-crafted leather boots suitable for both comfort and traversing the diverse terrain of the bustling market. A thin, patterned scarf draped loosely around his neck, offering protection against the elements while adding a touch of flair to his ensemble. With a leather belt securing a small pouch for essentials and another for coins, he truly looked the part—a vision of regal heritage coupled with adaptability to the lively surroundings.

Awhile back ago:- 

Zet asked, "How do I look?"

Eleanor couldn't hide her admiration, saying, "You look as impressive as ever."

Violet chimed in, "You look good in that attire."

Encouraged by their words, Zet affirmed, "I am trusting you two then." He was now ready to venture into the market.

Captain Aurelius inquired, "Are you ready, Master Zet?"

Zet replied, "Yes. How do I look, Captain Aurelius?"

The Captain chuckled, responding, "Just like before, but now you have good clothes."

Zet grinned, saying, "Let's go."

As Zet departed from the mansion, the two maids remained in his room, watching him leave in a carriage. Violet broke the silence, asking Eleanor, "What do you think?"

EleanorEleanor was lost in thought for a moment before realizing the question, "Huh, are you talking to me?"

Violet reassured, "Is there anyone else in the room?"

Eleanor admitted, "No, it's just that you rarely talk to anyone."

VioletViolet reflected, "I guess so. But don't you think Young Master is too kind and good? I mean, at first, I felt it was strange."

Eleanor pondered, "That's true, what we are doing, right? The will of a maid is her master. We have to do as the master says. For us, masters are gods whom we serve."

Violet, with a more cautious perspective, replied, "You are too simple-minded. Think as a fellow commoner and consider the masters we've served. We are just random people they've met. They order us around as if we never existed, and you wouldn't know when you might get yourself killed."

Eleanor, however, held a different outlook. "You view the world differently than I do. When I was a child, I was raised to serve my lord. I was taught to serve my lord to the best of my ability, and that's what I'll continue to do. Today is a beautiful day."

Violet couldn't help but question, "Don't you ever wish you could have been born as a noble or royal?"

Eleanor shook her head. "Why would I wish for that? It couldn't be true. I've accepted my life as a maid, and I'll fulfill my duties and live in a way that makes me happy. Besides, if my child becomes a maid as well, it's just the way things are. Everyone has their role to play. The king does his job to maintain rules and laws, and I do mine to provide for my master's needs. After all, our young lord, Zet, turns out to be a good person."

Violet nodded in agreement, a hint of reflection in her eyes. "That's true. Sometimes, everything is not as terrible as it seems. Although my previous lord abused me and used me as a target for his anger, I've suffered a lot. I was constantly punished whenever my previous lord was in a bad mood."

The bustling market sprawled before Prince Zet, a vibrant tapestry of color, sound, and scent that dazzled the senses. Stalls adorned with exotic fabrics, aromatic spices, and intricate trinkets beckoned to the passersby, their vibrant displays a feast for the eyes. The air was a heady mix of fragrances, from the rich scent of spices to the delicate perfume of blooming flowers.

Amidst this lively scene, a symphony of voices filled the air as merchants passionately touted their wares, creating a melodic cacophony that echoed through the market's stone walls. Laughter, haggling, and the rhythmic beat of bartering were the backdrop to this bustling spectacle, a testament to the vitality of life in this vibrant hub of commerce and culture.

People from all walks of life traversed the labyrinthine alleys, their expressions a blend of curiosity and enthusiasm as they explored the myriad offerings of the market. It was a microcosm of life's abundance and variety, a place where the world came together in a kaleidoscope of diversity.

Prince Zet stood amidst this sensory explosion, captivated by the lively panorama before him. It was a sight unlike any he had seen before, and he couldn't help but be impressed by the market's grandeur.

However, in the midst of his fascination, Zet found himself separated from Captain Aurelius, the bustling crowd having swallowed him up. Zet began to search for his mentor, weaving through the throngs of people.

Soon, he spotted a nobleman riding on horseback, a rare sight in such a public setting. The common folk around him bowed their heads, avoiding his gaze, a clear display of deference. Intrigued, Zet approached the nobleman.

Just as he did, Captain Aurelius emerged, swiftly guiding Zet away from the noble and the watchful eyes of the crowd. With a hint of exasperation, Captain Aurelius remarked, "Are you Zoro? Always getting lost."

Zet sheepishly admitted, "I'm sorry, I can't seem to keep myself together."

Captain Aurelius, with a note of sternness, reminded him, "You are now a high-ranking individual. Maintain your status."

Zet nodded, understanding the gravity of his newfound position in this world of nobility and commoners.

Captain Aurelius observed the bustling activity in the market and remarked to Zet, "It looks like many noblemen from all corners of the realm have gathered here."

Intrigued, Zet inquired, "What's causing all this commotion?"

"The academy is about to commence its term," Captain Aurelius explained. "Numerous nobles have flocked here to meet with the principal, who is quite renowned. She has a long history with the academy, having been a teacher during my time as a student. What's fascinating is that she was a scholar, someone unable to wield magic. Yet, she graduated as a magic user, which is a rare feat. I have great respect for her as an elder."

This tidbit of information piqued Zet's curiosity. He wondered what this accomplished individual looked like, having achieved such an extraordinary feat.

Breaking from his reverie, Captain Aurelius said, "We should head back to the mansion now."

"Did you manage to buy what I needed?" Zet inquired.

"Yes," Captain Aurelius affirmed, having ensured the necessary purchases were made.

Zet found himself once again in the imposing presence of King Henry, seated in the regal office. Politeness and respect dripped from his words as he inquired, "Father, did you call for me?"

King Henry's gaze was measured as he responded, "Yes, please, have a seat." Zet complied, perching himself on the ornate chair, his curiosity evident. "Is there something you wish to discuss, Father?"

King Henry nodded gravely. "Indeed, there is. As you are well aware, you are on the verge of revealing yourself to the world. There are crucial matters you need to be acquainted with."

Leaning in, Zet listened intently, prompting King Henry to continue. "This world, Zet, is unique in that it comprises a single continent. It may seem unbalanced due to its vastness, but an enigmatic force known as 'god power' maintains equilibrium across the land. Without this power, our world would have fallen into chaos, given the presence of individuals possessing extraordinary abilities."

Curiosity piqued, Zet inquired, "Just how powerful are these individuals?"

King Henry's eyes reflected the gravity of the situation as he answered, "Powerful enough to wield incredible influence, capable of unfathomable feats. Yet, where there is light, there is also darkness. Some individuals require no reason to sow destruction."

The king continued, delving deeper into the world's intricacies. "Among these formidable individuals, there exist the 'Four Pillars'—the epitome of power. They are your ultimate objective, Zet."

Perplexed, Zet sought clarification. "What do you mean by 'my objective'?"

King Henry's voice carried a somber weight as he elucidated, "These four individuals are exceptionally potent, unmatched by anyone of this generation. One of the Pillars is renowned as the most skilled assassin alive. Lyanna Shadowheart, the queen of the Infernalis world, stands among them. The devoted Blastflare is another, and the fourth, known as the 'strongest pillar,' remains shrouded in mystery."

Realization dawned upon Zet as he contemplated the magnitude of his undertaking. "I must surpass them?"

King Henry's eyes held a flicker of pride as Zet questioned, "Are they stronger than you, Father?"

With a hint of humility, King Henry responded, "I have never engaged in combat with them, but if I were to hazard a guess, I believe I would emerge victorious."

This assertion intrigued Zet, who pressed further, "Then why do you speak of surpassing them? I should aim to surpass you, Father."

King Henry's voice carried the wisdom of generations as he clarified, "I am not of this generation, my son. The goal I set before you pertains to the present era."

Eager to understand more about the world he was about to face, Zet inquired about the history of their realm. King Henry began to unravel the tapestry of the past, sharing tales of valor and conquest. "Let me tell you of the first King, who vanquished the Demon Lord, a chapter shrouded in mystery. It was his triumph that preserved our world."

The narrative continued with an even grander legend, one that resonated through the ages. "There existed a Seventh King, hailed as the strongest. His power was of such magnitude that other worlds trembled at the mere thought. The Second, Third, and Fourth worlds attempted to conquer and obliterate ours, Solara Prime. The conflict amassed thousands of S-rank and A-rank individuals, as As well billions of normal soldiers. Yet, the Seventh King of Solara Prime quelled them single-handedly in an instant, extinguishing their lives with a wave of his hand. It was a demonstration of power so unfathomable that it forever altered the course of history and —payment of a quintillion in gold to Solara Prime after that battle".

King Henry emphasized the impact of this event, stating, "After that cataclysmic battle, the Seventh King forged a treaty. Violating this treaty incurred a staggering debt to the responsible for the war."

Zet's admiration for the Seventh King was evident as he expressed, "He was truly a remarkable individual."

King Henry humbly shared his own position, saying, "I am the 13th king and the third strongest, The previous king I defeated was the third strongest. Now that I have defeated him, he ranks fourth."

As Prince Zet returned to his room, he was welcomed by the familiar faces of his loyal maids, Violet and Eleanor. Their warm greetings filled the air, and Eleanor inquired, "How was your day, my lord? Should I bring you your food?"

Zet, clearly fatigued, nodded and replied, "Yes, I am exhausted."

Violet, with her usual efficiency, began to assist Zet with undressing, a task that had always carried a hint of embarrassment for him. "You seem different today, Violet. Has something happened?" Zet inquired.

Violet, ever dutiful, assured him, "Nothing at all, my lord."

With the night approaching, Violet selected a comfortable night dress for Zet and helped him put it on. Zet remarked on the occasional discomfort he felt during these intimate moments, to which Violet responded with a resigned tone, "That can't be helped. We are ordered to do everything for you, my Lord."

Turning his thoughts to the upcoming day, Zet pondered, "Do you think I can make friends tomorrow?"

Violet, radiating optimism, replied, "I believe you can make friends, my lord."

Eleanor, meanwhile, arrived with Zet's dinner, and he began to eat. Concerned for their well-being, Zet asked, "How long have you both been here?"

Eleanor explained, "Since the moment you left the mansion, my lord."

Zet, noticing that they hadn't eaten yet, expressed his concern, saying, "You two haven't eaten, have you?"

Eleanor replied, "Without you eating, how can we eat, my lord?"

Violet added, "I will eat as soon as you have eaten, my lord."

Appreciating their dedication, Zet finished his meal and retired to his bed. As he settled in, Violet wished him a good night, and Eleanor assured him they would be back in the morning. They reminded him to ring the bell if he needed anything. This bell, a magical item, had a limited range, making it useful only within approximately 120 meters and ensuring that Zet's requests would be heard only by those he had in mind.

As Zet awoke, he found both Violet and Eleanor in his room, each attending to their duties. Violet sat in a chair, while Eleanor, with her ever-present gentle demeanor, looked out into the morning light. Eleanor, noticing Zet stirring, greeted him with a warm "Good morning. How was your dream, My Lord?"

Zet replied a trace of playfulness in his tone, "Please, cut out the 'My Lord' at last. It's rather annoying to hear."

Apologetically, Eleanor bowed and said, "I am sorry, my—" She caught herself and corrected, "I'm sorry. It's a habit."

Zet reassured her, "No need to be sorry. I understand. It must be a habit, but you don't need to say that again."

Violet informed him, "Your attire is not ready yet. You are requested to wear these instead."

Zet inquired, "By whom?"

"By me. I chose this personally, as it looks perfect for your first day," Violet answered. She helped Zet into the chosen attire, a simple yet well-fitted tunic in a muted shade resembling the dawn sky. Paired with comfortable trousers of a similar tone, the outfit struck a balance between modesty and sophistication. A light jacket adorned with subtle patterns added a touch of regality without being ostentatious. Zet's choice of leather shoes was stylish yet understated, completing the ensemble.

Eleanor chimed in, "That looks good on you."

Violet concurred, saying, "Yes, you look exceptionally good today."

Zet expressed his gratitude, "Thank you both for helping me dress up."

As the morning progressed, Violet and Eleanor reminded Zet about breakfast. He eagerly acknowledged, "Yes, please."