Long Overdue
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Both Rosene and Victoire had gotten an espresso at this point. The young witch was trying to get acquainted with Dino while Rosene had just leaned back in her chair, a relaxed posture and more focused on her coffee than anything going around her, her rat having curled down on her shoulder.

Her twin was seated across from her, quiet as well.

They hadn’t spoken after their initial greeting but the hitman seemed to watch her avidly, almost as if he wanted to say something but biting his tongue instead.

It was uncomfortable, more than just that and Rosene really was almost hoping for a call in from her Boss. She would prefer a mission immensely to this, maybe even an actual stay at St. Mungos. even her colleagues making fun of her for it would be better than this, quite significantly actually. 

She wasn't just watched by her brother but by the whole room. their gazes switching between the twins back and forth. Trying to grasp the concept of them being siblings, trying to focus on the similarities but at the same time getting taken back by the clear differences. 

Fon cleared his throat “So… Reborn’s last name is Lovegood then?”

The hitman shook his head “no.”

Rosene sat her cup down “I took the name of my spouse.”

“How long have you been married?”

“17 years.” she answered, a soft smile sneaking up on her lips.

Colonnello whistled “Impressive. I mean from knowing Reborn I would have never assumed that anyone related to him would settle down like that. Must be going well then?”

“My brother and I aren’t the same person. We might be twins but that’s that. But you’re correct about something else; lu is the love of my life. I proposed after five months and never regretted it.”

The rain smiled slightly before he paused “And reborn didn’t come to your wedding?”

The hitman pulled his fedora down. “I didn't.”

“You really didn’t? Disagreed with her partner then? Couldn’t deal with your sister getting handed to someone you deemed unworthy?”

“Never met her spouse.”

Fon raised his eyebrow “I wouldn’t have expected that from you.”

“You didn’t expect me to have a twin either.”

“because you didn’t talk about her… so what happened?”

“None of your business.”

Rosene stayed quiet though. it wasn’t her issue, far from it. Those were his friends and after this whole thing was over she would probably never see them again.

Her brother and her relationship wasn’t good… it had been once. They had once been two halves of a whole but… things changed, drastically. 

She might have been involved with him right now as he needed her and she was aware that it was just for this… but… he was still her twin, as bad as the differences had been… as much as the riff between them had grown more and more… she hadn’t been able to deny him this favor. No matter what had been and she wasn't that petty, never had been.

the door opened again, interrupting the tension and the witch  couldn't stop her smile forming at the sight of the newcomer.

Luna was once again wearing one of her fluttery dresses, barefoot as so often and her hair braided with all kinds of odd trinkets, the matching pearl like necklace dangling off from her, reaching her hip.

The servant next to her just gave her a completely flabbergasted look.

Rosene pushed herself up “You didn’t have to come.”

“Silly, naturally I had to. Such a massive wrackspurt infestation is quite fascinating."

She had a slight bounce in her steps as she made her way towards Reborn “Really bad infestation.” She dug around in the pocket her dress had, to pull a butterbeer cork out, only to stare at it for a second before she stuck her hand in again to take a whole handful out, extending them to Renato “You need them.”

Rosene could barely contain her laughter at Reborns flabbergasted look, her own feet carrying her around the table “Not sure if corks can still help him.”

“It’s never too late.” Luna confidently answered, lifting her arms to wrap them around Rosenes neck as soon as the witch pulled her in her arms.

“Maybe.” Rosene smiled before she leaned down to kiss her wife,

only to get interrupted when Iemitsu spoke up “was clear that the freak is a faggot.”

Rosene froze in her movement, slowly lifting her head to stare at him, eyes narrowed and the smile completely gone “I dare you to repeat that.”


Rosene didn’t even bother with her wand, her hand darting upwards and at once the sky flew against the wall, “Don’t make me get serious. It won’t end well for you.”

Reborn had stood up himself, a dark aura engulfing him “Out. Now. Before I breach my contract.”

His subordinate was already at the CEDEF head side, pulling the stunned man out of the room.

The room was completely silent, Rosene still had one of her arms on Luna's waist, glaring in the room and daring anyone to say anything else.

Colonnnello leaned back, an impressed look on his face “I have no clue how you did that but… goddamn I see the relation now. Was clear that Reborns sister had to have a bit of skill.”

Fon actually smiled “So Reborn? Did you put her in shape?”

The hitman shook his head “No, I didn’t.”

“really? Then did she try to keep up with you?”

The hitman pulled his fedora down “Far from it. The other way around.”

Lal almost dropped her mug “Excuse me?”

The hitman took a deep breath “Rosene… always overshadowed me.”

Rosene swallowed hard “Renato… it was never like that.”

“No… no, it was. I… Rosane…” he sighed again before he fully turned towards her, taking his Fedora off “I have been surrounded by quite a bit of Japanese culture in the last few years… and I think this fits the situation best.”

And slowly the hitman bowed down “Rosene… no… Sen.. I…. I want to apologize. I made mistakes. I should have never blamed you for any of it. I shouldn’t have been jealous. I shouldn’t have let it get the best of me. I am sorry. I should not have let it put a riff between us. it should have never gotten that bad. I was immature. I was stupid and I was a fool.

I made many mistakes and while I know it’s too late and I can’t undo the past… I am still sorry. I am unbelievably sorry for everything,”

Sen could only swallow hard at the sight, her hand brushing against the necklace Luna was wearing, trying to figure out what to say or how to react.

How… how had it even come to this?