First Act; Muggle to Witch – Age 11; A Letter
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Act 1; Muggle to Witch

Rosene was yawning as she climbed onto her seat at the breakfast table, where Ren was already sitting, wide awake and munching on his pastry, obviously having succeeded in stealing a sip of espresso from his fathers abandoned cup.

Sen herself just pulled her mug with cocoa towards her.

Giorgia Sinclair just smiled at her children before she pushed Sens' plate closer to her “Stellina, eat your breakfast.”

The small child just yawned again as she, still tired, lifted her cup, waving at her father when he came back inside the kitchen, a stack of letters in his hands.

Francesco leaned down to place a kiss on both of his kids head before taking his seat next to his wife, organizing through the letters before he paused “Oh… Sen? You got a letter.”

“A letter?”

“Yes, cara.” he gently pushed it towards her.

The child rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before she took the heavy letter up, her eyes glancing over the coat of arms, two golden wands who emitted three stars on each site, before she ripped it open.


Dear mademoiselle Sinclair,


We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. 

At 11 am today one of our teachers will visit you to answer all of your questions and inform you about our prestigious institute.

A list of all of the necessary books and equipment is included and we await your arrival at the fourth of september 


Yours sincerely,

Olympe Maxime



First year students will require:


  • 2 Sets of light blue travel uniforms
  • 3 Sets of light blue school uniforms
  • 1 fancy blue hat for daily wear
  • 1 winter cloak ( dark blue with good fastenings)
  • 1 pair of protective gloves
  • A bell dress/ robe


Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags.

Course Books

All students should have a copy of each of the following books. Please note that all of the books should be in French or English. 


  • "The Standard Book of Spells Year 1" by Miranda Goshawk CHARMS
  • "Magical Drafts and Potions" by Arsenius Jigger POTIONS
  • "One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi" by Phyllida Spore HERBOLOGY
  • "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" by Newt Scammander CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES
  • "A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" by Emeric Switch TRANSFIGURATION
  • "Dark Forces: A Guide To Self Protection" by Quentin Tremble DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS
  • "Magical Theory" by Adalbert Waffling
  • "The Stunning Universe: A Guide to the Astronomy" by Elliot Vince ASTRONOMY
  • " Manners for Beginners" by Elaine Soulvier ETIQUETTE
  • " How to: DRAMA" by Nicolette Leroux DRAMA


Other Equipment


  • 1 wand
  • 1 cauldron
  • 1 set of crystal phials
  • 1 telescope
  • 1 set of brass scales
  • Little backpack
  • Students may bring a cat, a pygmy puff, an owl, a rat, a toad, a horse or a bunny. Please note that students may only bring 2 animals.
  • a sports bag
  • 2 big suitcases
  • 1 small suitcase



There are no Course books for the classes you choose.



She hadn’t applied to become a magician.  Why would she? Doing weird little tricks was more of her brother's thing than hers.

“Mamma?” she spoke up.

“Yes, Stellina?”

“I got invited to a school.”

“A school?”

“Yes, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.”

Giorgia glanced at her husband “I… am quite uncertain what this means.”

Ren had leaned over, placing his head on his sister's shoulder “Sounds like a scam.”

Sen nodded “But… they said a teacher will come at 11am today.”

Francesco cleared his throat “Well… then we will meet them. If it’s a prank we can determine it then.”

Sen blew her cheeks up “I don’t want to go either way.”

“Why is that?”

“Ren got no letter. I don’t want to go anywhere without him.”

The father smiled as he ruffled his daughter's hair under protest “Figured.”


At exactly 11 am the bell rang and Giorgia opened it to have a middle aged italian woman in front of her.

“Hello, may I introduce myself? I’m Proffesseur Emma Marino from Beauxbaton.”

“Oh… we figured it was a prank.”

“We hear that often. May I step inside?”


The brown haired witch smiled as she followed inside and got led to the living room, taking a seat on the couch opposite from Sen and Ren who had both read a book together before her arrival.

Marino's smile widened a bit more, turning even kinder “Signorina? I am Emma Marino your future potion professeur.”

Rosene tilted her head “I didn't apply to become a magician.”

“We are aware. This isn’t about that. I have to inform you that you are a witch.”

“A witch?”

“Indeed, before I start my explanation I would like to prove my statement.” and with that she pulled out her wand, turning the book the children had laid down into a dove and letting numerous of the living room appliances levitate.

The whole family was staring with wide eyes at the display, awe on their faces and Ren's hand darted out to snatch the dove and examine it, just to be completely shocked that it was actually real.

Rosene stared in wonder at the teacher “How did you do that?”

“Magic and you will be able to learn this too.”

“But… how?”

“You were born a witch in a muggle family. We call this a muggleborn witch. Muggles are non magical humans.

It’s why we invited you to our school. You need to learn to control your powers. Sinclair… have you ever made things happen that were unexplainable?”

Giorgia eyes widened “Oh… Sen turned her dress green once. She really hated the pink it had before.”

Emma nodded “This is what we call accidental magic. It’s why the need arises to teach young mages. As she is born into a muggle family she doesn’t have the possibility to be homeschooled, besides hiring a home tutor which would be quite expensive. While there are other schools that accept international students. Beauxbaton has already accepted you and would be the most logical choice. Smaller schools exist but Beauxbatons is far superior. We are quite exclusive as well and don’t just accept anyone. Your daughter has picked our interest though.

We are located in the Pyrenees mountains in France and are the closest major school for you. We were founded in 1290 and have brought quite an assortment of impressive well rounded mages up till this day.”

Francesco blinked “I… in france. I… I might understand the need but… we live in italy.”

“Yes, Beauxbaton is a boarding school. we offer an all year package but during christmas you are naturally permitted to travel home.”

Sens' eyes widened “No.”

Emma blinked “Excuse me?”

“I don’t want to go.”

“I understand it’s quite harsh to move into a boarding school but… I promise you you will like it there. Beauxbaton is wonderful, a beautiful chateau surrounded by majestic gardens and fountains. We pride ourselves in the ambience and our stellar staff. 

You will be way too busy studying magic to even get homesick… and you can always write letters. ”

“No… I… but… what is with Ren?”

“Your brother?”


“He’s a muggle.”


“He can’t attend. I understand it can be quite harsh but… you are a witch. You belong to the magical world.”

Sne swallowed hard at that statement, especially as she felt how the grip her brother had on her hand tightened.

But the older witch didn’t get thrown off by that, instead starting her explanations.

“Without further ado I would like to introduce Beauxbatons to you. We are the premiere school in western europe. Back in the day Beauxbatons was a haven for tests and artifacts recovered from muggle Europe, which made Beauxbatons a travel spot for important research, where cultural aspects from all of Europe were highlighted and present.

During the Renaissance our Academy decided to bring the arts into our curriculum. Which brought our success story in the matter that we pride ourselves in shaping up the most talented and well rounded witches and wizards in europe.

Since the mid-eighteenth century we have been notorious for our dueling prowess and the arts but also for our collective fashion and etiquette. We are envied for this by every other magical school.

Currently we have 154 Students enrolled and we teach our students naturally the wizarding core subjects which would be; Care of Magical creatures, Charms, Divination for third years, flying, herbology, history of magic, potions, transfiguration, astronomy and defense against the dark arts.

Special for just our academy we added drama and etiquette as another two core subjects which you won’t have at any other magical school.

But not just that. Our students will be able to choose another core concentration out of any of these écoles; Culinary Arts, Humanities-Library Arts, Performance Arts and Studio Arts.

In your third year you will be required to pick one of our four écoles and one of the programs in it to focus on.

Naturally we don’t just have an amazing curriculum but our grounds are exquisite as well. The Beaucbatons Chateau has three wings which hold compartmentalized areas of the student life; dining hall, reception parlor, classrooms, dormitories, studio spaces and the dueling block.

Our dining hall is especially a sight to behold.

Our palace grounds are well taken care of by fairies and sprites. Most noteworthy are our lake and our world famous gardens, another reason why we are envied by other magic schools.

Naturally that isn't all. We offer more than just a few extracurriculars like dueling, fencing, quidditch, horseback riding, social arts and honorary society.

Which brings us to our Communaté. Our three social clubs students can join where they get even more involved with society. A close knit chosen club who organizes even more activities together. Even our arrival dates are parted as students who are part of the cummunaté arrive earlier than our regular students. We have Charlemagne, Orange and Renault.

But you will learn about them and their events while at school.

All in all through our high achieving academics, numerous artistic opportunities, discipline and grace we can proudly say that we dominate the magical world with our highly desirable, well-rounded graduates.”

Giorgia actually blinked “This… this is a lot. I.. I have to say I’m not sure this fits our Rosene very well.”

“It will be a brilliant choice for your daughter. She can focus on her passions all while being nurtured and taught all the grace one could wish for.”

Sen crossed her arms, still not really willing to go.

Florence folded his hands as he leaned forwards “Well… It’s just our Sen is not much of a refined kid if I’m honest.. I’m not really sure she will thrive.”

“She will undoubtedly do so. I can just tell by looking at her that she has immense talent and while it’s quite uncommon that anyone switches schools but you are always free to take your kid out of our school if we don’t meet your expectations. We want to make sure that families can be well assured of the progress of their children. We hold multiple events a year just for the sake of reassuring the parents and including them. 

We have a fashion week every spring and an End-of-Year Fête occurs in June where we showcase all of our students' accomplishments throughout the year. While this alone is already more inclusion of families than other wizarding schools we have decided to go above and beyond with our monthly Soirees, which are held for students and their families. 

As you are a muggle family we would obviously organize traveling for you and you can join every last one if you would like too. Again our Communatés runs their own events, many of them inclusive to families as well. Beauxbatons takes pride in our students and their progress, we don’t shy away from being open and transparent.”

Giorgia lit up “That actually sounds wonderful… I… she would be so far away. I wouldn’t know how I would deal with not seeing Sen for months and Ren wouldn’t have to be away from his sister for so long. You say Beauxbaton is the only school that offers so much inclusion?”

“Yes, we are. Hogwarts, which is England's school, has not one event over the year where parents are invited. Durmstrang has only one. If you are worried about missing your daughter, Beauxbatons is the perfect choice.”

Florence leaned forwards “May I ask how the year will look then?”

“Obviously. On the fourth of September our general admittance happens where Sinclair would arrive. The next day our classes start and keep going until the 18th of october, where all saints begins. Class resumes on the 25th and our December holiday starts on the 20th and ends on the 3th of january.  Midterms get held on the 17th of january. and winter holidays on the 14th of february until the 28th. Fashion week is held from the 6th-11th of march and spring break is between the 11th april to the 25th. The end of year showcase is on the 17th of june and summer recess begins on the 20th.”

The father nodded “So… in accordance to that there will be monthly meetings?”

“Exactly. In all honesty many of our students prefer to spend their breaks at the chateau to stay on top of their studying, especially as they already see their families so often but nothing says your daughter can't come home at every opportunity.”