A Head of House Duty
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Hilgar Ars was watching his students. He had taken them outside for today's lesson. The first years this time were surprisingly few in total but he wasn’t complaining, It was nice to only have four students.

He had his own camera with him, partly to show better examples and partly just to get a few shots in.

Ars smiled at his muggleborn student, the only one this year. She was kneeling on the floor and he hoped she would be able to escape Van Droombeeld, the etiquette teacher.

He could already see the dirt stains on Sinclairs knees after all.

Not really proper… but… he had to admit he had never been better, especially if it was about getting a proper shot.

It was adorable how she had her tongue stuck out slightly in concentration, aiming to photograph one of the fairies in the rosefield before her.

Ars lifted his own camera, finding the perfect angle to photograph the child.

He waved the picture around, smiling at it… he would take them to develop them properly in the second half of the lesson. It wasn’t difficult to get the photographs to move and he was certain she would be happy about it.

He slowly made his steps over to her “Sinclair? Move a bit to the left you will catch the lightning better.”

He sat down himself, legs crossed and watched her hastily move and the fairy flying away.

He chuckled “You should practise more patience. For the perfect shot you have to wait. being calm and patient isn’t just a virtue.. it has advantages as well.”

She nodded, slightly disappointed at not having been able to take the picture.

He extended his own photograph towards her, showing her crouching in concentration and the little fairy lurking through between the flowers. “You’re sending your pictures home, correct? I figured your family would appreciate seeing you as well instead of just the palace.”

Her eyes widened “Thank you, professeur! It looks amazing!”

he chuckled “Well there is a reason why I was allowed to teach this class after all. I wanted to talk to you anyway. Interested in a bit of company while you find your motives?”


“I try to talk with all of my first years in regular instances. I’m just lucky to have you in my class, which saves me the trip… so… Sinclair, how are you doing? It has been three weeks, think you’re already finding your place in Beauxbatons? Your hesitance was quite noteworthy.”

She fiddled with her camera “I… I still miss my brother.”


“I… I like it here? I mean… magic is hard but… I’m making progress and textile is fun and photography too and Fleur is nice and Professor Guillory always gives me praises when I dance with Fleur and I’m making progress in duelling. Professeur Beaudry said that I might actually be able to hold my first minor duell next month with another first year and… it’s fun… just… I miss my brother.”

He hummed “I can understand that, it’s harsh to be separated from your family but you see them next week. I already got the answer from your parents who have accepted to come to the Soiree. You'll See them soon but…. school life is treating you well otherwise?”

She nodded, almost hesitantly.

“I’m glad. I was thinking of letting you join the nonverbal extracurricular this week? It’s quite early but you have a few spells down now. It might be a bit intimidating as the club is only open for fifth years but with your wand we all deemed it appropriate. It’s going to be quite tasking but I’m certain we can at least get the basics down with you this year and a few of your beginner spells.  I would set the goal that we aim for five spells this year.”

She glanced at him “But… I already know seven spells…”

“Nonverbal magic is difficult, takes great practice and is something for advanced mages. I will be more than just impressed if you manage five in this year. You’re a first year after all. This is magic that actually goes beyond you but with such a noisy wand we decided it’s better to help you get over that disadvantage, even if it will be difficult.”

She was still fiddling with her camera “Professeur?”

“Yes, Sinclair?”

“Do you think the other students will be mad when I’m there and can’t do anything?”

“No, Beauxbatons has a strict no bullying policy and we enforce it harshly. It doesn’t do well with our values. I think you should be more ready to become a bit of the mascot of the club. You’re by far the youngest after all. I’m certain they will all be delighted when you manage it for the first time.”

She nodded, still doubting but… Ars was confident. Sinclair was definitely one of the more adorable first years. He had even heard the gossip going around. Delacour and Sinclair were often together and even with Delacours Veela heritage she didn’t push Sinclair into the shadows. Sure, Delacour had an otherworldly grace but Sinclair had more than just good genes. They gave off completely different Auras though.

Honestly, he had even heard how some of the Pappilonlisse students had been too intimidated to approach the two girls because of it. He was certain though that his older students wouldn’t have this hesitance. Maybe he should give them a pep talk beforehand. It wouldn’t do to have these two girls isolated. He could understand the hesitance about Delacour, especially as the girl seemed to already keep her own distance but Sinclair would do well to have a few more social contacts, especially with her constantly missing her family. It would be a nice distraction.

he smiled down at the girl before gesturing towards the rose-arch next to them, pointing at the small spirit that was sleeping on top of it “Looks like a good move, doesn’t it?”

She perked up “Professeur? From where should I shoot?”

He hummed, considering it “Try to get closer, see the bush on your right? I think it would catch the atmosphere quite perfectly and remember; Don’t be hasty. If you want that money shot you have to practise patience.”

he smiled as he watched her crawl closer to it.

He really was glad Van Droombeeld wasn’t close, she would have an aneurism at seeing this display. Maybe he should talk to Dansk so that she would teach the first years to make stain repellent clothes quicker. It Seemed appropriate with Sinclair, especially when her whole skirt started to get covered with the mudd she was sitting in.

Ars sighed, still amused though. He just hoped SInclair would make it to her room before the etiquette teacher saw her… he himself would probably get an earful as well as he hadn’t reprimanded her.