Chapter seven: Follow me to destruction
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The day of the squad selection ceremony arrived, and the atmosphere in the Soul Society was charged with excitement. Soul reapers from all corners had gathered at the designated grounds, anticipation palpable in the air. Aisuri stood among them, her heart racing as she waited for her turn to step forward and declare her choice.

As the ceremony progressed, each soul reaper stepped forward, their choices echoing through the crowd. Aisuri watched with a mixture of hope and determination, her friends by her side. Kenneth, Sonya, and Homura were equally invested in the outcome of this moment.

Finally, Aisuri's name was called, and she stepped onto the platform, facing the crowd and the representatives of the Gotei 13. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her voice rang out clearly as she spoke.

"I, Aisuri Ketsueki, wish to be taken into squad 10, 1, 5, or 6."

A murmur of curiosity and interest rippled through the crowd. Aisuri's choice was bold, and it showed her audacity. She was ready to prove herself worthy of the squad the System had in mind for her.

Aisuri's friends exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and support. Homura's gaze held a touch of worry, while Kenneth's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. Sonya's neutral expression gave nothing away, but Aisuri knew her friend would always be by her side.

As the ceremony continued, Aisuri descended from the platform, her heart still pounding. Her choice was made, and she knew that the path ahead would be challenging. She was ready to face whatever trials awaited her, to prove herself worthy of squad 6.

Days turned into weeks as Aisuri continued her training, pushing herself to new heights. Her friends trained alongside her, their bonds growing stronger with each passing day. The whispers of the upcoming squad assignments filled the air, and Aisuri's heart was a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Then, the day arrived. The announcements were made, and Aisuri's friends received their assignments. Kenneth was assigned to one squad, Sonya to another, and Homura to a specialized squad.

Finally, it was Aisuri's turn. Her heart raced as she listened to the announcement, the anticipation almost unbearable. Then, her fate was revealed.

"Aisuri Ketsueki, you have been selected to join squad 6."

Aisuri's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. She had been chosen to serve in the very squad she had declared a desire to join. The universe seemed to be aligning with her bold choice.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but Aisuri was determined to make the most of it. As she walked toward the Squad 6 headquarters, her friends by her side, she knew that her path was uniquely her own. Squad 6 represented her aspirations, her dreams, and her determination to reach new heights.

The doors to the headquarters opened, and Aisuri stepped inside. Her journey had begun, and she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, empowered by her friends' support and her unbreakable spirit.