Chapter Seventeen: Beffuddlement
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Blegh. I've been fighting this chapter for a whole week and I'm only capable of getting this much out. Next weeks will be much bigger, to make it up to y'all.

"I'm going to need more information than just a name and no context." Aizen spoke, furrowing his brow. "I'm starting to think you're just pulling-" 

"The Hogyoku rejects you, Aizen."

Aizen falls silent, his mind racing with what this sentence means. He's told no one his plan, not even Tōsen or Gin. For this random sword to say such, it startles him. 

"You evolve into a higher being successfully, twice in the battle against Ichigo Kurosaki, but his powers were such that you grow afraid. You doubt yourself and thus, the Hogyoku rejects you. "

'Not that the knowledge will do you any good'. Kane thinks, 'Rukia is my subordinate, and we were in the academy together. This means that Ichigo Kurosaki's birth is a hundred and sixty years from now. I plan to outgrow you in the meantime.'

Aizen has since fallen quiet, his hand curling around his chin in thought. There's a lot to unpack for him in this explanation, and by the time he looks up to continue speaking to the possessed shinigami, Aisuri is walking out of the door, scratching the back of her head in bewilderment, as she only remembered walking into the captain's office. 

As Aizen watches her go, He makes it a point to keep an eye on her. Her rise to power was far too abnormal, far too fast. Something else was at work here, and Aizen suspected it had everything to do with the sword that knew the future. 

Back with Aisuri and Kane, the Shinigami was badgering the katana about what happened, to no avail. Kane knew that the less people that knew about him knowing the future the better. Aizen was a gamble. Arguably the smartest of all individuals in the BleachVerse, it was playing with fire to try and play him, but... Kane needed to get stronger. A sense of urgency filled his mind, with the likes of Aizen, Ywach, and more lurking around, not to mention Kane's own interference in Aizen's plans, who knows what the man'll do now. 

Kane actually can't wait to see what he does. After gaining the knowledge of Bleach's story, Kane had grown to like Aizen as an antagonist. What he would do after learning his plan was a semi-success made the man grin with giddiness. 

Aisuri gave up trying to get answers from her sword and sighed as she sat in her office, taking Kaatei from her belt and unsheathing it and beginning the process of Tameshigiri. 

While his sword form was being cleaned and cared for, Kane was focused on the kido spell he was given. As only a vice-captain level existence, Aisuri and himself could do well in the sands of Hueco Mundo. The Menos Forest would work well, too, but if Gillians start to swarm them, they'd be in trouble. Still, the normal level Hollows are there too, and ripe for the picking. 

All that was left was to use Aizen's Garganta Spell and get to slaughtering.