Chapter 4 – A Navigator
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"Well I suppose you'll kill me now. "

Lyssa spoke her chilling words without a break in her voice . As if it was always a possibility and now she was simply coming face to face with it . 

Seconds ticked by. 


"Nah, I'm good. " I said finally. 

 "I still have to meet your boss too" I muttered, "got that whole oath thing , wait ... I know, " I snapped my fingers and  gestured toward the ship beneath us.  " You can be Minion number one," I declared, my words resonating with authority, "listen up, former captain, it's time to unburden yourself from your duty and join my crew."

She sat there for a while.  Her gaze, unyielding, seemed to pierce the very heavens. After a prolonged stare, her head finally turned, slowly, then was cradled in her hands as if trying to ease the ache within.

Amidst the cosmic mysteries that shrouded her planet, the biggest had to be why power was always gifted to utter buffons. 

"I am no one's minion," she finally voiced, her tone resolute. "But if you're offering me the position of a crewman..."

A sense of purpose seemed to surge within her as she continued, "And if you're offering me the position of quartermaster of this vessel..."

"Sounds good to me," I concluded, a spark of anticipation igniting within me.

"Quartermaster," I echoed, my mind swirling with newfound titles and responsibilities. I paused, it dawning on me I had no idea what a quartermaster was

"It sounded important though," I admitted, a hint of uncertainty lacing my words, "So I'll declare this: Peeps is my quartermaster, no two ways about it. The vice-captain, the go-to person, that's Peeps. You can't go wrong with him; you can only go wrong without him."

A pause hung in the air, the gravity of my words sinking in. 

"But you can be my navigator. " 

Her expression contorted with a mix of confusion and curiosity. 


"Yep," I responded definitively, fist sinking into hand in confirmation of the thought. "You're navigating me to you're old boss , it's basically destined to be. Yes , you are now Lysa, the navigator of Fleet Leviathans first ship."

"A fleet? " she said curiously , "how many ships do you want? "

"I was thinking about that actually. " I put my hand on my chin in thought. " I'm thinking, I want as many ships as my body was long. " I laughed. " If the gods want to take my body I'll just replace it with something equally big. 

Wait till they see this. "

Lysa's face curved into a smile as she smelt adventure brim on her horizon. " 

From the clutches of a warlords fleet to the navigator of an ancient leviathans. She supposed she could live with this. 

And so a deal was struck.