Book 1 – Chapter 1
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Soooo I'm...back? Sort of. I've never stopped writing, I have probably around 50 different series tucked away on my google drive. My main issue is motivation and time. I have been writing probably 500k words the past few months, but all in different series and none of them are completed. I've realized I need to complete a story before I publish it, as I tend to write about 100k, then not touch it for 4-5 months.

So this story is completely breakin that rule, sort of. I'm doing this story into "books" sort of following the twilight books. So far 18 chapters are done, but the entirety of "book 1" is complete, and will be uploaded. I'll upload chapters as the following books are done, but I'll be posting the entirety of book 1 now. Oh and the story is inside 'author' notes to get rid of the pesky scraping bots.



This…is not my bedroom.

Looking around I can’t, well, see anything. There’s no light, no textures, it’s like I’m the darkest room in existence, which also happens to be completely devoid of sound.

“You’re a lot calmer than I thought you’d be.” I blink at the sudden voice, and well, sudden appearance. I haven’t moved my line of sight, yet suddenly Katie McGrath’s doppel ganger is standing in front of me.

“Is that who I am? I usually take the appearance that you would find most calming.”

Huh, I assume she? Has done this a few times. Oh, she nods. I don’t want to assume, but come on. Can’t remember my death? Check. ‘Woke’ up in a void? Check. Beautiful woman that can read my mind? Check.

The woman chuckles along to my thoughts. Yep, I’m getting isekai’d. Is this the usual some number of wishes and then what world I want? I tilt my head as I ask the non-verbal question.

“Close, the world is decided, but you won’t be disappointed. For once there’s a certain task that has to be accomplished, unlike most of the stories you’ve read.”

Huh, I mean some stories do have objectives, but they’re usually hella vague. Okay, hit me.


I blink yet again. See Twilight is interesting, because it’s not the world I would have picked. Honestly that world is so, bland, that it honestly sounds kinda boring. Although, depending on the freedom I’ll have there I could just, fix it?

“I was kind of hoping you would.” She, I’m just going to call her Katie, smiles at me. Huh, that’s, kinda neat?

“So, you’ll have three wishes. They are somewhat limitless, in that there’s no limit on creativity, but there is some form of power ceiling.

I see, I see. Honestly that’s fine. Sure I’d like to be strong, Twilight is kind of a shitty world, but the limits might make my life more interesting, as I’m obviously going to be immortal.

Wishes, wishes. Hmm. Oh, hmm yes that’s a good one. Hmm, Oh! Yes. Then.

“Are you sure you wish to do that?” Katie asks, and I tilt my head as she smiles at me. Hm, no she’s right, Aizawa’s quirk to render any ability useless could quickly become boring. Oh! Yes, that’s better.

“I’m glad you decided on the latter, as the first one would have been annoying to balance. Evil Pieces would be a nightmare.” Balance? Katie nods. “Indeed, as I said, you’re somewhat limitless, but that does not apply to the denizens of Twilight.” Ah, I see.

“I have to ask, are you sure about your form of immortality? It’ll hurt.” Yeah, having a completely invulnerable body would throw off my sense of danger and risk, while I won’t die with immortality, not invulnerability, I can still feel the pain if I were to do something incredibly stupid.

Okay, so, what objective do you want fulfilled?

She snickers at me, making me quirk an eyebrow. “It’s fitting that you fashioned your physiology on Lucifer Morningstar, as I want you to see Twilight to its end as you know it, and then, shall we say rule the underworld.” She smirks, and I facepalm at the pun.

“So you want me to let the plot unfold, and then what? Usurp the Volturi and become the sole Queen at the battle that never actually happens?”

Katie nods. “More or less. You can change the plot somewhat, but the main plot points need to happen.” She shrugs her shoulders. “It’s something of a rule, any world has to allow its fate to play out. You technically have the freedom to kill Isabella or the Cullens, but fate would find some way to punish you and correct its course. Hence why some adjustments are fine, but not a complete change.”

Interesting, I have no clue as to why it works like that, and I’m not really going to bother understanding it. I do wonder if I’ll be stuck in that world forever though?

“Mmm not really. I wouldn’t normally explain this so soon, but oh well. You have to remain there for an undefined period, it could be a couple of centuries or a couple of millennia, after that you can take some time off, a vacation if you will. Sightsee other worlds or universes, though you’ll be somewhat stuck as a deity of sorts in your new world for the foreseeable future.”

Huh, sounds like I’d be somewhat immortal even without my choices, oh well, vacation after some time sounds good.

Katie quirks an eyebrow. “You’re an odd one, aren’t you.” Her tone is fond, so I know she’s not making fun of me.

“Are you sure about your appearance? You could be an exact copy you know.”

Shaking my head I sigh. No, despite wanting to basically be Katie McGrath’s twin or doppel ganger, it would feel a bit weird. No, looking like her little sister is better, similar enough to have the same general appearance, yet different enough to not be mistaken for a twin.

“Oh, I’ll leave a gift for you at your arrival, you should notice it fairly soon.”

Gift? Huh, I like Katie. Will I see you again?

Chuckling, she smiles fondly at me. “Eventually, but it will be quite a while.”

I see, until then.

“Indeed, until then.”