Book 1 – Chapter 8
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So that's 8 chapters. There's about 7-8 more of this book, they will be published over the next 2 days. I can't give you all of my "hard" work in one sitting, can I?

The reaction of the student body has calmed down over the past month. Neither me nor Rosalie wanted to keep our new relationship secret, as we were basically glued to one another, always in some form of physical contact. 

If it were any other gay couple, they’d probably get a lot of issues, but after the Queen B display from the both of us the first day, nobody has said anything out of fear.

“After you.” Rosalie smirks at me as she holds open the door to my Jag. I kiss her in thanks as I get in. I quickly lost the ability to drive when I’m with Rosalie, as she commandeered my vehicles, not giving me any chance to refute.

“By the way.” I break out of my thoughts as I look at her. “There’s a thunderstorm tonight, we’re playing baseball, I would love for you to join us.”

I find myself freezing, something Rosalie notices. “What’s wrong, darling?” I love when she calls me darling. Eh, not the time.

“Is Isabella coming?” I ask, making her quirk a curious eyebrow. “Yes, Edward is inviting her, why?” She replies, making me curse under my breath.

“Remember how I said this world was a book in my life?” She nods.

“The thing is that the story isn’t pleasant. It ends up fine, but there’s a lot of close calls.”

“Okay?” I can tell she’s impatient, so I squeeze her tigh to make her relax. My Rosalie is not known for standing on the sidelines, she’s a woman of action.

“Tonight is one of the plot points. Three nomads.” She gives me a questioning gaze. “Yes, the ones that have killed a few people already. They will interrupt the game, wanting to join, which will have the tracker smell Isabella, setting off a hunt.”

“So we kill them.”

I shake my head. “We can’t. I can’t. For the next couple of years, a cosmic entity, you might as well call it fate, will dictate a lot of the situations that will arise. While we have complete freedom of choice, any action taken due to my foreknowledge will have repercussions. I can make small changes, but any major alteration will come back to bite me in the ass.”

I can tell she’s not happy. Rosalie hates the thought of someone controlling her life.

“Hey.” She looks at me. “I know you care about your family. I will make sure nothing permanent happens. The only canonical ending here is that Isabella has a broken leg, and the tracker bites her.” I can tell that was the wrong thing to say, as Rosalie’s eyes darken. “Love. She isn’t turned. Edward makes the choice to suck the venom out. She’ll have a scar, but she’ll stay human.” No matter how much I’m going to be furious at the boy for taking away Isabella’s choice.

“Rosalie, look at me.” Her eyes meet mine, and I stare into them. “The next couple of years might have events that need to happen, but there are no losses that affect your family, nobody you care about dies.” Except Irina, but I’m going to stop that from happening, as that is the end of the story, and I will make my move.

“Okay.” She sighs, and I let out a relieved breath, smiling at her.

“Thank you for trusting me.”


Arriving at the Cullen mansion, we’re greeted by Esme as we enter.

“There’s my little angel.” She coos, and I snort, no matter how many times she says it. It’s somewhat of an inside joke, as only Rosalie and Esme know the truth.

Entering the living room, I automatically steer myself towards Rosalie, who’s sitting in her favourite armchair. Making myself comfortable in her lap, as her arms wrap around me, something that’s almost instinctive to us now, I relax my head on her chest. The 10 centimetres or so she has on me makes me fit just right into her.

“So, ready for some baseball, Isabella?” I smirk at her, making the human sigh.

“You too? What is it with supernaturals and sports?” I snort. “There’s not a lot of hobbies you can have besides sports, Bambi.” She rolls her eyes at my nickname, but I can tell she doesn’t mind by the small smile.

“Getting any closer to figuring out what I am?” I ask her, and her eyes lock on mine as she smirks, making me blink. “Oh I’m fairly certain I know.”

I snake my head around to look at Rosalie, but she shakes her head, apparently not having known Isabella’s figured it out.

“How?” Her smirk grows wider. “Esme.” I slap my forehead, of course. She no doubt paid attention to our little greetings.

“Well?” I inquire, curious if she’s correct, but I’m fairly certain she is.

She looks around at the curious vampires that have gathered in the room.

“I can’t wait for winter. Making snow figures in the morning is really fun.” She says cryptically, making me snort.

“Wait what? What does that mean?” Emmett asks, and I realise every member of the family is now gathered in the living room.

Esme begins to laugh, and I can feel Rosalie shaking underneath me, no doubt trying to hold back her own laughter.

“Harr harr. Isabella’s being witty.” I wink at the human, making her grin at me. Now that she’s in on it she’s going to have fun teasing the Cullens, I can tell.