End of B1 – Chapter 15
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The doorbell wakes me, and I groggily open up my eyes, my addled mind taking in the state of my bedroom, looking as if it was a battlefield.

Groaning I close my eyes, pulling the arm around my midsection closer, and hugging it. A content purr emanates from the woman behind me, stretching before pulling my backside into her front.

“Someone’s at the door, darling.” She whispers, and I can hear the smirk on her face.

“Then go open it, I’m sleeping.” She chuckles at my retort.

“I don’t have any clothes darling, an eager angel ripped them apart, but if you want me to greet whoever is at the door naked, I can do that.” I growl at her statement, possessiveness welling up inside me.

Groaning as I get out of bed, I slip on a robe before padding downstairs, opening the door to be met with a hyperactive pixie.


“Good morning Lilith! Did you have a good night? Who am I kidding, of course you did!” She jumps up and down. “Hi Rose!” She says as she peeks around my shoulder, but I know Rosalie is still in the bedroom.

My mind catches up, and I remember I didn’t do anything but slip on a robe, which means my appearance can only be described as ‘thourougly fucked’. I find myself grinning at the memories of Rosalie taking me against every surface of the bedroom. Her punishment was so wicked, but oh so good.

The pixie reaches out a hand, and I blink before noticing there’s a bag hanging off it. “Here, I saw Rose was in need of some clothes.” She turns to glare at me. “Since her tailored suit was destroyed.” I feel no remorse for the destruction of said clothing.

I grab the bag from Alice, before closing the door. A “Rude!” emanates from the other side, but I ignore the little demon, padding back up to my bedroom.

Halting at the door, I take in the vision before me.

Rosalie leaning against my half destroyed headboard, the covers pooled at the bottom of her feet. Sunlight coming from my window hitting her naked body, making it glow as if she was a star.

I find myself licking my lips. “Now that the disturbance has been dealt with. I find myself hungry.” My voice is seductive, and I stalk across the room before crawling on all fours across the bed, finding my prey and catching her lips in a bruising kiss.

“What a coincidence.” Her breath tickles my ear as she whispers. “So am I.”


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Staring intensely at Rosalie’s profile, I find her incredibly attractive as she’s driving a car. The surroundings blur past us due to the high speed, but I have eyes for nothing but my vampire.

“I love you.” No grand gesture, no heat of the moment, not in the throes of passion. I simply said what’s on my mind.

Rosalie looks at me through the corner of her eyes, a fond smile on her lips. “Love you too, angel.”

I place my hand on top of hers, as she turns her palm upright, entwining our fingers.

My other hand strokes the top of my left breath, just above my heart, right where Rosalie marked me.

I didn’t know I would have an urge to mark her, but I suppose that’s due to my demonic, or fallen, side. I am glad she has my mark on her. Nobody will ever see it but me due to the location, but my smell clings to her, just as hers to mine.

I don’t have any venom like a vampire does, but there is some form of essence inside my mark, a piece of me always a part of my Rosalie.

“What are we doing this summer?” I ask, making the blonde quirk an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you know?”

I chuckle at her response. “Nope, I know nothing about the summers. Honestly I barely know the timeline at all, but the summers were never described. One event each of Isabella’s school years, nothing less, nothing more, ish.” I smirk, and Rosalie rolls her eyes, she’s not a fan of the human, which I can understand.

Isabella is a problem and a blessing. I’m not sure if she and Edward are actually mates, but she is a security risk. As long as she’s human, or alive as a human, she is a threat to the Cullens. If the Volturi were to gain knowledge of her, Caius could easily send a few guards to kill her. If Aro were to gain knowledge of her powers, they would start plotting early, and potentially still end up in deaths. 

Rosalie knows this. She also knows Isabella has an unhealthy and frankly weird relationship with Jacob. Isabella has some form of feelings for the wolf. If they are romantic I don’t think we’ll ever know, as long as Edward is somewhat in the picture. I think they are, and that she’s just playing pretend.

“You know, I have a love-hate relationship with my own feelings regarding the girl. On her own, she’s fiercely independent, snarky, witty, sarcastic and incredibly observant. She’s loyal to a fault to those she trusts.” Rosalie snorts, and I slap her thigh for interrupting me. “Despite this. She has such a warped view on love. It’s not even old fashioned, it’s just warped. Her mother is nothing like what a mother should be, and Isabella has never known love. She’s a romantic at heart, and longs for the epics of the stories she reads. Her only view of a romantic relationship is from books, and by the books she prefers, it’s not weird she has such a warped view of love. Love triangles, forbidden love, controlling love, she knows nothing but conflict, she thrives on it, she hates the mundanity of life, but she doesn’t even know it. She could never settle down, start a family. It’s what she’s taught to do by society, but her mind would never rest, never gain true happiness.”

Rosalie hums, and I know she’s chewing on the words I’m telling her, processing it, getting another side to the story.

“I have no clue as to why she is important, or if she even is. The beings above want her to follow a path, but once she reaches the end of it, what then? What if I were to set her on fire at the end of the story, at the crossroads, what would happen to me? To you? To this world. Would it simply stop? Would the day continue as if nothing happened. I wish I knew the answers to these questions, but until I do, I can only let events unfold as they should.”

Stroking Rosalie’s thumb, I shift my eyes to look outside. “Know this, Rosalie, my tiger, my vampiress. I may follow along, like a spectator. I will never stand on the sidelines when it comes to you. I carry your mark, as you carry mine. You will forever be my partner, my equal. I will tear this world apart for you, burn it to the ashes as I stand atop a hill of corpses.”

I thought she was the dramatic one.

Rosalie reaches over to kiss my cheek. “I know.” Is all she says, but the words mean so much more. She knows I’ll forever be her partner, her equal. She knows I would burn the world for her, just as she would for me. She knows she cares about her family, but she would do everything for me. I hope she never has to chose, as I know it would sadden her, no matter what she says, I know she loves them.

This is the end of Book 1, and the "introduction". I hope I've somewhat laid the foundations for the story to come. Book 2 is in the works, and I'll probably split it into 2 halves due to the amount of events happening canonically, so once Cour 1 is written I'll be posting that.