Chapter 4
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First blood and First snow

“Ugh” I groaned as I woke up from my sleep, as I lay there with my eyes open I saw the upper bunk above me, I was reminded of Eric. Eric had been my roommate and had left the orphanage after receiving the blessing of Helia for the Holy city to become a priest.

Blessings of gods are rare, not as rare as skills but rare none the less. About 1 in every 1000 has one, but even among them the blessing of Luneria is the rarer still.

Looking out the window and seeing it not even being daybreak yet I went to the bathroom.

*splash* looking at the mirror I saw a young boy with pitch black hair and blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light looking me. ‘Not bad, if I do say so myself, at least 7 if not a 7.5’ heading back to my room, I thought that now would be the perfect time to see if there were any changes in my skill.

Thinking back to my baptism I remembered being excited for having both a skill and a blessing. Skills and blessings both awaken at the age of twelve, while skills awaken naturally; the blessing requires a baptism which is done on a child’s 12th birthday. Before the baptism I had checked if I had a skill in the ceremonial/preaching hall by using an appraisal crystal, ‘that appraisal crystal was apparently made by the collaboration between the tower and the church.,

Clearing my thoughts I headed to a small wooden desk in the corner of the room and sat in the chair next to it. Whispering “soul book” in front of me a very thin shabby book appeared. ‘Its appearance hasn’t changed; let’s look on the inside on the inside for any changes’. But much to my disappointment the inside still remain the same. The only thing that was written on the inside was Blessing of Luneria and 15 pages worth of text explaining the grammar and sentence structure of Dragon words in a language which I didn’t know the words but could still somehow read. Seeing it remain unchanged I felt disappointed ’god damn it this stupid book has been the same ever since I got it’. Feeling frustrated I slammed the book close.

As I slammed down the book it felt slightly different from before, ‘Huh, is it just me or is the book thicker’. Observing this fact I checked the book again and indeed it was thicker while earlier it had only those 15 pages and 7 blank pages, now the number of blank pages went from 7 to 20.

‘Well there are certainly changes but minor ones or maybe they are major ones. Maybe it could be possible to use it in some way now.’ thinking about that I started experimenting with my skill.’

3 weeks later.

Over the last five weeks I had been going about my day in the usual manner except adding to trying to figure out how the soul book worked, and the result I figured out absolutely nothing. My best guess is that the number of pages is an indicator of the strength of soul (after all it is a {soul book}), but it is probably wrong.

On other note this year’s winter is especially cold, Wellrest is located in a region of the empire where there is a long spring time short summers and an almost non-excitant autumn and a slightly cold winter. But this year’s winter is really cold I mean the temperature has been dropping steadily for last 3 weeks, making this year one of the coldest years in all my time in Wellrest.

After another day of requests I was heading home from the guild when I happened upon Henry getting beaten up by a gang of boys ranging from 11-15, now Henry is a big kid about 163 cm at 13 he can handle himself but being ganged up on by these 12 kids he couldn’t fight back, furthermore to the side was Jill who was being held by a girl that looked to be part of the gang.

‘What have they gotten themselves into now’ “Hey Fuckers! leave those 2 alone and go to your whore of a mother, if you know what’s best for you.” (Alfred)

At those words one of 3 older kids  turned towards me while saying to his posse “I’ll handle this” and began charging at me, seeing him dash towards me I planted my feet to gain decent footing and waited, when he was within reach he punched at me with his right hand but I shifted my body to the right, dodging the punch as well as redistributing my weight, getting me in the perfect place for a counter. I had him just where I wanted him.

Hitting someone with force requires efficient kinetic chains in the body to build up momentum and force, by redistributing my weight and entering his inside I had put him in a position where his only good move would be to grapple me, but I was not going to give him the chance. I gave the bastard an open-handed uppercut (because improper punching form can lead to a fracture so the palm strike was the definitely the safer method), causing the dude to literally go flying a feet or 2 in the air rendering him unconscious as he fell and collapsed a few feet in front of me in front of me.

Seeing one of their leaders unconscious another 4 kids (3x12year olds and 1 15 year old) came at me, the 1st one did a front kick to which I caught his leg and then slammed my palm at his knee causing it to bend in the wrong direction and then I using my right leg I gave him a side kick at the other knee causing it to bend the wrong way as well, causing him to scream madly as he fell.

While that happened the other 2 boys grabbed a hold of both of my arms as the 15 year old hit me in the back of the head and then started to choke me by putting me in a headlock.

At this time feeling the situation become more desperate I mumbled under my breath “ḀḎṑṈḮ(POWER)”. As soon I said those words an enormous amount of strength appear in my body using that I flung those 2 bitches of my arms and grabbed the  son of a whore that was choking  me and threw him at his little bitches who were now watching him getting his ass beat, about 15 or so meters away causing the little bitch pack to tumble and fall.

As I started walking towards the bastards, the only remaining alpha bitch ran away seeing me come to knock some sense into him. With the leader gone the rest of the morons followed suit, leaving behind the big turd who was unconscious and small turd who screaming his balls off.

Ignoring them I went to Henry and Jill knelt down beside him and used a healing miracle on him.’ Its times like these that make want a different blessing’. While Luneria’s blessing could heal, it was much more of an overtime effect rather than an instantaneous one leading much to be desired in case of an emergency such as now.

After casting heal on Henry I looked over at Jill and then at the surroundings to see about 6-7 people watching the commotion, among whom I spotted Harold who was coming towards us holding a bag of groceries.

“Jill here hold this.” Said Harold as he went to the formerly screaming and now sobbing brat and prayed softly “Great Sia giver of life, help this wayward child to share your grace” as a soft blue light formed on his hand which coalesced into a drop which dripped on to the brat covering him in a blue light after which he stopped sobbing and fell asleep.

“What happened?” (Harold)

“I don’t know a girl just started pulling my hair and when Henry asked her to stop suddenly those boys came started beating Henry.” (Jill)

Hearing her words seemed to give him some idea of what happened after which he said “I’ll handle it.” Glancing at me Harold asked me and Jill to take Henry to Mr Dolson so he could be treated.

Taking Henry to the church, Mr Dolson asked us to put him in his room after which he put his hand on his chest as a white light emerged from his hand. “Return to your rooms both of you

In my room I aimlessly gazed outside as snow started falling, looking at the snow made me think about the fight as well as my healing miracle. I looked at the back of hand where there was letters written in an unknown script glowing reminiscent of moon light ‘hope Henry is all right’. ‘ thinking back to miracles the light that comes out when I use miracles is pale silvery belonging to Luneria , while Harold is blue because he serves Sia the goddess of the ocean, I wonder which god Mr Dolson serves for his miracles to be white.’ That’s the kind of stuff I thought as I gazed at the falling snow.

Later after dinner  from which Henry was absent from I happened to see Harold enter the church with blood dripping from his hands, when he saw me, he stated “it’s done.” and went upstairs to Mr Dolson’s office.

The next day

At the adventure’s guild I happened to overhear this

“Did ya know that bastard Ronny got both his arms broken yesterday” (adventure 1)

“That Ronny that’s always fighting with Dolson that Ronny” (adventure 2)

“Yeah that one” (adventure 1)

“Sorry to interrupt but is the Dolson you are refereeing to the priest of war Dolson” (adventure 3)

“Yeah it’s the same one” (adventure 1)

Later when I inquired I found out that Mr Dolson used to be a former b rank adventurer and paladin serving the god of war Ontos.
