Chapter 4 ‘There is no place to run👍’
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What does it mean to run? Something that seems so simple. The activity of moving fast on foot was not strange to humans. Most creatures are capable of this action and thought nothing about it, but for Ignavus, running was his lifeline. It embodied his lifelong struggles. It symbolised what he believed was his freedom. Heck, he had spent most of his life running. Be it from hunger, from thugs that tried to mug him on the street, or something intangible as failure, He always ran. For the longest time, he held the belief that he could outrun anything. He was convinced he would make it so as long as he kept moving.

But now, it felt like nothing could save him. He always thought of himself as a runner, but to call what he was currently doing running would not suffice. He wasn't running.

He was fleeing.

Fear had consumed his rational mind. It was an ugly beast, stripping away any semblance of intellectual thought and leaving behind the primal mind, which contained thoughts of survival alone. His muscles burned. His vision was swimming. His ears only caught the sound of his rapidly beating heart. His mouth tasted of blood, and his nose had caught the filthy scent of cooper. 

He couldn't stop. How could he? To stop would simply mean death. So, he pushed his body. Putting it through abuse it had never seen before. 

He was low on energy. He was low on mana. But still, he insisted, despite what was becoming more obvious by the second.

He didn't know where he was when he came back to his senses. The landscape had changed dramatically from the white, dry desert since he started his mad dash. A forest surrounded him, and he was knee deep in a creek.

"My, you have run so far. Are you that eager to get away from sweet, little, old me, dear?" (???)

A lovely voice spoke in a strange whisper that appeared to reach him.

'It really followed me all the way here...'

Ignavus slowly turned, water splashing around his feet. On the opposite side of the creek stood a large figure that looked about 500cm tall. It was wrapped around in some sort of intricately decorated golden silk that seemed to flow, despite there being no strong breeze. Its lizard-like tail bounced back and forth with obvious amusement. He decided to try the diplomatic approach once more. Eyes closed, mouth smiling, arms hanging loosely at his sides, and torso bowed at a 90-degree angle, he spoke.

"Oh, great Golden Queen! On behalf of the U.F.A. as a lieutenant colonel. I would like to invite you to a diplomatic relations meeting." (I)

Ignavus shot quick glances around, trying to formulate a plan of escape. By the way this Yalery was acting, it clearly didn't want to idly chat.

"Why would I? I already have what I am looking for.” (G.Q.)

She shot him a rather creepy smile.

'I can try cloaking us after you shot off another distraction spell' (??)

'Not possible. I am completely dry

Suddenly, the queen made a frown.

"Why have you allowed such an ugly creature to pollute your soul?" (G.Q)

The queen suddenly appeared in front of him.

He was too slow to react.

Her hand stretched out and plunged into his chest before quickly withdrawing.

In her clutched hand, a faint white light could be seen.

"What... what have you done?" (I) 

With the strength of his limbs finally leaving him, he began to slowly collapse into the water.

"I don't remember permitting you to have these little pets, young lady." (G.Q)

' What the hell did she just call me?' (I)

His last thoughts were cut short as her tail raised itself and came crashing down upon him.



<Golden Queen>

Her eyes immediately landed on a man surrounded by soldiers. He was large for a human, standing about 200 cm tall, and cladded head to toe in sliver armour. The air was thick with his mana as he let it flow freely. A passive threat. His men followed suit of their leaders’ actions.

"Please state your business for walking these lands.” (I)

The smile that was already occupying her face grew.

"I have come to fetch you, of course. My soldiers reported a rather unique being hanging around these parts." (G.Q)

His expression hardened.

"I am afraid I won't be able to accompany you." (I)

'She reeks of fear. It's cute the way she is trying to act all tough and grown. It makes me want to properly discipline her. She shouldn't be giving so much backtalk to her mother already. A small lesson in obedience should suffice for now. How about I take away her little playthings here?'

The world was dyed in a golden light for a brief second. Blinding all who witnessed it.

When the world returned to normal, about half the soldiers were lying dead.

"Do you really want me to keep going, or are you going to come willingly?" (I)

The remaining soldiers quickly sprang into action, charging the queen. 

"STOP!!" (I)

"I will go." (I)

A bewildered look appeared on the soldier who had managed to get the closest to the queen.

"Lieutenant, lead the soldiers back home. We stand no chance with an enemy such as this." (I)

"But sir! We can't-"(W)

"Lieutenant, please." (I)


"As you ordered, sir.” (W)

'Does she really think such a trick would work on me? Weaving such awful magic right in front of me?'

The queen stood still as the soldiers slowly left.

It was her and her daughter now. 

They stood opposite each other.

"Shall we get going?" (I)

Instead of answering, the queen flew past the illusion and after her daughter, who was trying to circle back and rejoin her army.

'Looks like I will have to roughen her up a bit before bringing her in'